Welcome to the Tarotscopes for February, written by Patricia using The Tarot House Deck. Hello! Once again it’s time to get a look at what might lie ahead in the coming month. Scroll down to find your genuine tarot reading based on your star/zodiac sign, and do feel free to comment – it gets a […]
Got the January Blues?
You may have heard of the January Blues, but have you ever experienced them? Just a few days into the new year, despite our resolutions, and the celebration of a new start, the darkest days of the year can hit very hard and make us feel like we’re prisoners of our own lives. Hitting the […]
Tarotscopes for January 2019
Welcome 2019! And welcome to the January Tarotscopes! It would be fantastic to enter a New Year with a clean slate, a blank page, and to start from scratch, but life isn’t like that. I end the year something like this (including the wine, and I wish I looked like her) ……… and start the […]
Tarotscopes for December 2018
The Tarotscopes for December 2018 are written by Patricia at Simply Tarot using The Tarot House Deck. Hello! Well, we’ve reached the final month of 2018. What a year it has been! It’s a bit hard for me to take off my bah-humbug hat and don a merry and bright one, I must admit. It […]