New journey, strong impulse, careless abandon |

A Crossroads, direction needed, skills yet to be utilised |

A dominant female, nurturing and mothering, boundaries, fear of change |

A dominant male, power struggles, drive and determination |

Destiny taking a hand, the unknown or unexpected coming to the fore |

An interest in learning and being taught, a desire to understand |

Difficult decisions, ethics to consider, emotional times |

Momentum is growing and you’re gaining pace. Toward what destination? |

System and process, seeking recognition for outcomes |

An emotional situation, a balancing act, takes time and commitment |

Demanding times, assertive behaviour may be overstepping the mark |

A lone wolf, contemplation, facing some external limitation |

What goes up must come down and vice versa, seize the day! |

A sacrifice made, little point in fighting back, suspense and setback |

Letting go, accepting change, looking forward |

Potential addictions, destructive tendencies and feelings of shame |

External forces that rock your foundation. It’s how you handle it that counts. |

Always hope, the light at the end of the tunnel, wishes and dreams |

Not everything is clear, something remains hidden. Confusion and uncertainty |

Heartfelt happiness and general cheer, gratitude for successful outcomes |

Credit where credit’s due (or not), accountability, assuming responsibility |

Fulfillment, gain, achievement of something worked for or deserveds |