Welcome to the Yuletide Tarotscopes!
I wanted to kick off the Season’s festivities by giving you a warm, fuzzy feeling, so………..
❤️ You are all ADORABLE! ❤️

May you all have a joyful, peaceful and loving December! See you next year! 😀
Patricia x

This December, pay close attention to your emotional needs – a time of reflection, and learning to understand your own needs, is what is needed for you to flourish. Sometimes we can carry a love-inflicted pain with us as we head into a new future, but this is not helpful since that pain can unfairly influence our decisions with regard to new love(s) according to the Page of Cups. It might be time to ‘settle’ the outstanding issues around past emotional pain. This doesn’t mean to repress it, or ignore it, but to actually acknowledge it, try to see in what way that experience can help you….and then file it away in your mind/heart as a task completed. Start afresh with a clean emotional slate so that you can bask in the true love that you may already have near you, or may find yourself attracting soon.
The next card may be referencing you directly (especially if you take the advice of the Page of Cups), though it may be someone around you, but there is likely to be something really worth celebrating in the month ahead. The Three of Cups usually represents some lovely news such as an engagement, a wedding, the conception or birth of a baby – it should be some joyous news, or occasion, with regard to love or relationships. Whatever this is, it should bring an extra sparkle to an already sparkly month! Enjoy!
Regardless of the time of year, and wanting peace to all men/women, you may still find yourself confronted with a possible conflict – according to the Five of Swords – however, the choice is yours as to whether you embrace this conflict, or just to walk away from it (this Five would advise you to walk away). Even though you could easily win the argument you should consider whether it is worth the loss of your time, emotions and energy, and the sensible approach would be to understand that it really is not worth it. Put it behind you and forget about it so you can enjoy the festivities around you.
Towards the end of the month you may need to stay clear-headed and logical. The King of Swords is a character that makes all his decisions in a well thought out and reasoned manner – he does not let his emotions cloud his judgement and you may have to use this approach yourself. It may be that this card represents someone around you who could give you some decent advice – it would be well worth listening to. The King of Swords does not soften his advice and can sometimes deliver the truth fairly harshly – his advice is still valid so don’t take things personally. What he has to tell you is likely to be very useful in the future.

The Eight of Cups could represent missing someone particularly with regard to the festive season in December. It may be a person that you have physically lost, or someone that just can’t be with you right now for one reason or another. The advice of this card is to try to not let this emotional pain hold you back, or down, because there are good things coming your way and it would be a shame to miss out on the fun. Try to face the month ‘full on’ and understand that, whilst you can’t change the situation itself, you can change your attitude to life, and if you do you’ll be surprised at just how joyful you can feel.
The Ace of Wands heralds the first energies of a new adventure/venture brewing! This could be a project, home move, physical journey somewhere, or just a lucrative new hobby grabbing your attention. If something strikes you as interesting, then look into it as there’s a good chance you can nurture it into a project that could have a lot of potential. The more effort you put into it, the greater the chance this venture will succeed. As with any new opportunities, the energy could just dwindle away if you ignore it, so keep alert.
The King of Wands card following the Ace of Wands seems to endorse that this new venture could really build into something worthwhile because this King is ultra successful in all of his undertakings – it is likely he has appeared to assure you that you can develop this new idea. He wants you to believe in your own abilities and skills and, in fact, knows you can learn more, and gain experience easily, if you put your mind to it. He wants you to be confident in everything you do, because when you are he knows you can achieve so many wonderful things. Believe in yourself and your abilities.
We have another Wands card encouraging you to proceed with your new project. The Eight of Wands is about hurdles and obstacles that have previously hindered your progression, finally being removed. Once they are gone you are likely to find yourself in a very creative phase which you might even find a bit tiring! Even though there may seem a myriad of things you need to tackle, you will find this has been a hugely productive month and well worth all the energy and all the effort!

We start with Temperance, a card which could be indicating that the balance in your life might be more ‘head’ over ‘heart’ at the moment and a little adjustment is needed. Being practical rather than playful, thoughtful rather than joyful, could be taking some of the fun out of your relationships and leaving your loved ones feeling they’re being taken for granted. Temperance advises us to stop – and pour some love into the situation. It can be so easy to lose sight of what’s important in our life, and if we take time to examine what is truly important to us, we can see how we might have lost our way a little. So, as you step into December, stop – and pour a little love into the mix.
The Two of Cups seems to endorse this. This Two represents the ‘next’ step in a particular relationship taking it to the next level so, whether it is a new relationship in your life, or one you have been in for a while, the sentiment is the same – the relationship could be deepening but needs some nurturing. This card is about committing yourself wholeheartedly to this relationship and, if it is to succeed, this is what you really must do.
Strangely the next card, the Five of Cups, indicates some sort of strain in a relationship and, as above, whether this is a new relationship or a steady one, the message from this card is the same. The Five of Cups represents a phase in a relationship which feels difficult – however, the advice it brings to you is to look for the positive aspects rather than the negative ones if you want things to improve. By doing this you are likely to alter the energies of this phase and move forward in a happier and more loving way. As relationships mature, and deepen, we need to make the necessary adjustments to keep in step with our partners. This how strong relationships evolve into something spectacular over time and all will have had these occasional little difficult times.
The final card in this reading is one of success. The Three of Wands is a celebratory card which ‘pats you on the back’ for all the effort you have put into an endeavour, project or situation. Whilst it is still early days, providing you continue to apply yourself fully to this endeavour, the coming month will bring strong signs that you are on the right path and doing the right things – which is great news. This project, whatever it is, is really growing in potential and looking eminently feasible! Well done!

Whilst, initially, the Two of Swords suggests that some sort of conflict needs addressing this coming month, it would seem that the general focus for the month is likely to be on your emotions, or relationships, in the main.
If there is an issue which is bothering you, the Two of Swords suggests that tackling it now is likely to be the best option. You might find it will not be as difficult as you expect, to sort this out right now, and avoiding it could only make it worse. So, be brave, and try and get it out of your hair before all the festive fun begins.
The Knight of Cups is likely to represent a young adult in your life – it may be a sibling, a new love interest, or a current partnership (which involves someone who might be lacking a bit of maturity) needing something from you. This card is could be suggesting that there could be a lot of fun in December with this person……..and to enjoy your time with them. In terms of romantic relationships, it is probably best to not treat it as a ‘serious’ just yet, since this Knight tends to be a bit of a dreamer and is always searching for the ‘perfect’ love. You can still have a wonderful time, and see what evolves – perhaps this Knight will mature somewhat over the coming weeks, and turn into a prince! In other words just enjoy the fun for the time being!
On an emotional level you might feel you need some sort of recognition or attention. There are two ways of addressing this need – one is to demand it, and one is to quietly prove your worth by your calm demeanour. The Strength card is about feelings, or emotions, that are strong, and how your outward behaviour can, and will, impact the response you get. Instead of being pushy and demanding this card advises a gentle and steady approach to getting what you want. If you demand and push for the attention you will likely be viewed as ‘high maintenance’. Being pleasant, engaging and communicative about your feelings is the best way to achieve your goal. A shortened version of this is ‘Pride comes before a Fall’. Humility will work better for you.
We can all carry past pain from a romantic relationship with us into a new one. It can make us wary and doubtful, and, whilst you might feel you are ready for a new relationship, carrying this pain with you could be the very thing that’s blocking your way. The Page of Cups is a card which asks us to reflect on ourselves – to recognise we’ve been hurt, to accept this and acknowledge the lessons learned, but we then need to file that pain away to clear the way for new and innocent love. Put this pain in its place. Move forward with a clean heart, and soul, and you’ll find yourself attracting like-minded energy. Be confident and be the ‘shining light’ that your future partner is looking for.

Whilst it looks as though big changes could be on the way, this is likely to be a necessary ‘reset’ for what you need going forward.
The Tower represents some sort of change to your current situation. This often comes from a completely unexpected force and might leave you reeling somewhat. But this is just the initial reaction. In reality this change is often a blessing in disguise – especially if you embrace it with the expectation of better things to come. This really is a reset and the chance to do things differently – to build a new reality to your own design and with new safeguards in place having learned from your past mistakes. Whatever comes next you can make it foolproof and sturdy enough to withstand other such onslaughts in the future.
In terms of relationships, we have two ‘Cups’ cards in this reading. The first is the Page of Cups which is a card coming with the advice to reflect on what you really need in your life, going forward. This card is about recognising lingering pain from a previous relationship which could be stopping you from really embracing a new one. This card advises you to recognise the hurt, to accept it and to file it away, so that you can be ready for a new love to come into your life. You may feel that you are ready for a new love, but this pain could really be blocking the right energies that need to reach you. Let this pain go and wipe the slate clean – you’ll find this clears the path for you to find what you need. The second ‘Cups’ card is the Five of Cups. This card endorses that some of the pent up feelings/pain you might be carrying with you is having an impact. This card would suggest that your ‘belief’ in true love might be stuggling. It is about a mindset which could be affecting your relationship…………..but one that absolutely can be changed. It is possible that you are focusing on (or expecting) negative aspects of the relationship and you could be almost encouraging this energy. If you focus on all the positives this relationship can bring to your table, you’ll find yourself in a much better frame of mind and attracting the right kind of energy.
Trying to find your way through difficulties, you may also find yourself searching for a new way to approach life in general – perhaps asking yourself ‘why do certain things happen?’. ‘How can I make things better?’. Perhaps your old ‘beliefs’, or old solutions, don’t fit the bill anymore, or don’t work and you need something to change. The Ace of Swords is a card which highlights the energy around new aspects/attitudes forming in your mind and it could be that you need to look at life from a different perspective. Perhaps you might need to take a more pragmatic, and logical approach, to everything, and not allow your emotions to cloud your judgement as much. Perhaps you just need to chill and not analyse everything to the last full stop. Keep an open mind to new ideas and suggestions from those that love you, after all they are the people you can trust the most.

The coming month looks set to be a significant and enjoyable one for you.
We start with Judgement. This card is about being under the spotlight – in some way. This means that your behaviours could be under scrutiny (perhaps by people at work, for example) and the outcome of this scrutiny might have an impact on your life somehow. So, during the first couple of weeks in December perhaps it would be wise to be very careful how you deal with the people around you; take the chance to showcase your talents modestly because your impression on others could impact their ‘decision’ about you. You’ll want to be noticed in a good light rather than a bad one.
The Six of Wands suggests that you will see signs of success around a project you are working on at the moment. This is great news and should motivate you to keep working on it, and, by continuing to put your utmost effort into it, you should see this project go from strength to strength! These signs will give you the validation you need – not least because those who doubted you (initially) will now see just how capable you are! Well done!
The Queen of Cups represents someone who people are attracted to, and can love, easily. This Queen does not have to work hard to be so attractive, it comes with her total acceptance of herself and the way she feels and acts. Perhaps this card has appeared in this reading because you might need a little confidence boost – the Queen would absolutely be advising you to be yourself, and to believe in yourself. She may have appeared, though, to advise you to spend some time on yourself – to treat or pamper yourself in some way – because it may be that the Queen of Cups within you needs some encouragement to emerge once again.
Finally, The Sun card is a lovely card to get in a reading. This card represents a nurturing energy shining on you the whole of the month ahead. With this amazing energy around you things should go your way very easily – it would be a really good time to tackle tricky issues that are outstanding as they are likely to be sorted in the best possible way for you. You should feel happy, grateful and contented with everything you have, which suggests the festivities of the coming month should be hugely enjoyable! Savour every moment!

The Page of Pentacles, appearing first in this reading, suggests that you may be looking for some sort of funding for a project/endeavour – it may be work related or just a project to do with travel or home – in either case you are likely to have to prove that your efforts will be worth ‘backing’. This Page tends to dodge his duty though because he is interested in so many things, and so perhaps you need to give this project some individual attention. However, this card could just be suggesting that you do some additional learning or research to build on your skill set to help you attain higher levels of income.
The Moon is an interesting card which could be referencing a situation you feel is really important at the moment. Whether this is to do with your work, home life or relationship, only you will know. The message with this card is that, at the moment, something is not clear for you to see – there may be more information that needs to come out before you can make any real decisions on the matter, so you’ll need to be patient for now. Eventually, when the time is right, all the information you need will come to you. It might be a good time to listen to your intuition for now and to pay attention to ‘gut’ feelings about things to help you in the meantime.
The King of Swords is likely to represent someone in your life who doesn’t ‘flower’ up their words – plain speaking might offend you at times, but if you don’t take it personally you will find that the advice is probably sound in itself. However, this card might be pointing to a clever, logical person available to you who can help you find solutions to issues you could, currently, be struggling with – make use of their help whilst they are available.
The final card, the Ace of Pentacles suggests that a new financial opportunity might come your way. At the moment it might be the flicker of an idea, or an offer of some sort, that needs a lot of attention before it can be viable. Pay attention to anything that grabs your interest – it might be the possibility of a new job, starting a business or perhaps a hobby that could bring more income to you. Whatever you find yourself drawn to, do some research into it. With a little bit of nurturing it could be this new financial opportunity has the potential to bring you good things.

If you are waiting to hear about a decision or ruling on something, maybe even a legal situation, the Justice card suggests that it could come through this month. If this is not the case for you, then it could simply be that you could be ‘validated’ for something you have done recently, or you might be seen to have been ‘right’ about a particular situation. Usually, Justice appears when something happens which vindicates the way you have behaved, or the approach you used with regard to a particular issue was the absolutely right one – this should take some weight off your shoulders and help your confidence levels.
You may find, in December, that your way of thinking may take a different turn. The Ace of Swords can herald the start of a change in your attitude or approach to life – the way you have previously tackled situations might not sit as well with you as they used to. You may start to question everything, including your own interpretations, going forward. You might just find yourself resorting to logic, and practical thinking, rather than making decisions based on your feelings alone. – this new approach might unsettle people who know you well and get them wondering what is going on. You may have to communicate clearly to them what you are feeling so they can understand this change in you and avoid unecessary conflict.
The Queen of Cups could represent someone in your life who you admire greatly – this person is likely to be very much at ease with herself and will exude confidence. It may be that this person would make a very good role model for you and you would benefit in some way by emulating her talents. It might be that this Queen has appeared just to remind you to give yourself some time to treat/pamper yourself so that your own inner Queen of Cups can emerge once again – perhaps she been pushed under the weight of the humdrum way of life that has overwhelmed you. It would be fun if she emerged for the festivities this coming month should bring!
She might have a bit of a battle with the Knight of Swords for dominance though. This Knight can be reactive, and problematic, since he tends to charge into a situation without knowing what it is about – and often come out of it looking foolish. He acts first and thinks second. Perhaps their underlying combined message is to take things slowly and to weigh up situations in a calm and serene manner. But it is more likely that their message is to find a happy balance between head and heart.

The Five of Cups is likely to be representing your mindset as you enter the month of December. In terms of relationships, you might be on a bit of a ‘downer’ about them – you might be looking at all the negatives around your relationship(s) and this could be making you feel upset. The message with this card is that focusing more on all the ‘negatives’ is bound to make you feel down. Try looking for, and finding, all the ‘positives’, instead, that they bring to your table, and you’ll soon find yourself feeling better – it’s amazing what a change in perspective and attitude can do!
The Eight of Pentacles suggests that, in terms of money and home life you are in a very good position. This card also indicates that there is potential, in some way, to improve your income through improving your experience, or skill set. A bit of hands-on learning, or a short course in something, could really enhance your opportunities to earn more – and in doing so, you could be heading for more financial independence!
If you do this, you may well find yourself having to consider an option which puts your regular income under a spotlight (for instance changing your job, or your hours) and you might feel nervous about making these changes (Seven of Pentacles). This card suggests you take stock of your priorities, and examine your past experiences, to decide whether this is something you can feasibly do – and the chances are, with a bit of tweaking, this route could take you much closer to a better financial situation.
These two Pentacles cards are followed by a third – the Page of Pentacles – which seems to endorse that your financial situation will not only be the main focus in the coming month, but also that some solutions to your issues do need to be put into place. The Page of Pentacles can sometimes represent the need for funding, or support, for any option which you think will improve your finances, but it can also represent the need for further knowledge, or hands-on experience, to enhance your prospects. The overall message is that, for things to change for the better, you may need to take some steps yourself in order to get the energy flowing with regard to your aims and goals – and that is down to you.
But read on, because Sagittarius is the Birthday star sign, and you get an extra ‘birthday’ card!
Your extra card is………

The Knight of Wands!
The Knight of Wands is a lovely card to get – it is full of hope and expectation. This is because this Knight is always searching for something new – something better and more exciting. He may have appeared to encourage you do the same – to jump on your horse and go in search of a fabulous new adventure. He gets bored very easily, and isn’t content to just put up and shut up. He is intrepid and full of vigour, he is brave and courageous. He tends to be a loner because he doesn’t stay in one place for too long, but he is more than happy in his own company. Perhaps the birthday message for you is to search for something that YOU want – find something to do which YOU enjoy – this coming month. Perhaps, for once you can be a little selfish and focus on your own needs. Maybe, this year, you won’t feel the need to conform, and you’ll decide to be a bit rebellious and do something different (even if that means just staying at home in your pyjamas for a whole day!) Whatever you do for YOU, have the BEST time and an amazingly Happy Birthday!

Being careful with money is clearly a good thing, but keeping yourself in the same financial situation because it feels safe might not be the best thing to do at times (Four of Pentacles). Whilst it is good to be cautious with money, sometimes, when opportunities come along, it is also good to consider giving them a go. This card is about sometimes taking a chance – because it might be one of those opportunities which could revolutionise your income and could be well worth your consideration. Don’t dismiss any offers/chances without due attention, you could miss something amazing.
It is interesting that The Magician appears next to this card since he represents a crossroads for you at which you must decide which direction to take. The Magician cannot tell you which way to go, but he does know that, whichever route you take, you will do well. He has appeared to tell you that you have all the necessary skills to make a success of this next journey – that you have an inner ‘magic’ that is unique to you and that he wants you to trust in it. He knows you can do well, and he believes in you.
The Five of Pentacles is a reminder that whatever happens along this road you will be able to adapt and manage anything along the way. If your financial expectations, and needs, are set low then things are likely to work out better than you thought. You will only ‘fail’ if your expectations are too high, and you put too much value on material possessions. If material possessions are all that matter to you then you take away the ‘freedom’ to do what YOU want and could actually prevent you finding something which you enjoy whilst earning your living. At some point during the coming month this is something you might have to ponder on.
The Two of Wands is a card which suggests that a new project you have undertaken has managed to blossom to the next level; this project might now have real potential for success – of course it is necessary to continue to give it the same attention/effort, that you have given it to date, if you want it to really grow. Give yourself a pat on the back but keep working at it! This project can, possibly, provide solutions to some issues you have been struggling with, so it is very much worth progressing for several reasons.

It is one thing looking back at actions, behaviours, mistakes and bad decisions for the use of lessons learned, but it is another to get in the mindset that you feel grief and guilt to the point where you feel you should be punished for such behaviour. This can be a very destructive mindset which needs to be thrown off as soon as your thoughts take a downturn. The Nine of Swords is a card which suggests these thought patterns are possible at the beginning of the coming month, but the second message from this card is that the REALITY of your life is really not as bad as you think it is. Make a determined effort to look at the positives in your life and look at how far you have come, there may have been mistakes but no doubt there were many successes too. Everyone makes mistakes – some people just find it easier to forgive their mistakes – you can learn to do the same.
It may help that, very soon, you should get some sort of validation for all your efforts. The Justice card appears when it is likely that a decision, or ruling, has been made in your favour. It might just be that, in some way, everyone around you will be aware that the actions you have taken (in a particular situation) were the right ones. Justice suggests that you will be validated/vindicated in some way, and this will take a great weight off your shoulders and enable you to really enjoy the festivities of the coming month! This is great news.
In terms of financial security, the Ten of Pentacles is one of the most positive cards you can get in a reading, and it suggests that you may well be in an established, and secure, place with regard to your income and home life. Like the Ten of Cups, the Ten of Pentacles is a real feel-good lucky/positive card, too, which suggests this coming month could well be a delight in many different ways! Enjoy!
The Two of Pentacles also suggests that even more good things could come your way – this could be in the form of a partnership, a loan or a gift which could potentially sort you out on a financial level. Whatever form this boost takes, use it wisely because money can make money. If you invest this help sensibly it could set the foundations for an excellent financial future! All in all, despite your earlier worries, these are very encouraging cards throughout December!

The first bit of advice from the cards is from the Nine of Wands. This card recognises that you may be tired and overwhelmed with all you need to do. You may feel like just ‘giving up’. However, the real message from this card is that, if you can summon up the last dregs of energy, you CAN make it to the finish. You are SO close to completing this phase of your journey and, with it, will come the reward of accomplishment and achievement with regard to everything you been working on, so just keep at it for a little bit longer and, certainly, do not give up just now.
The Seven of Pentacles would represent a decision you might need to take around a financial situation. It may be related to work, or a new job, it could be related to your home/lifestyle position. The message from this card is to reset your expectations to help you come to the right decision. If you tie too much value and worth to lifestyle and possessions you may feel you will fail, but if you are more concerned with your own emotional wellbeing, rather than possessions, you will not experience any failure. This card is about knowing what you can manage with, and what you can do without, and will help you make up your mind.
Following this card of ‘decisions’, the Four of Wands appears, which seems to indicate that if you do venture into a new job, or promotion, that it could, actually, go really well (providing you put all the effort into it that it needs). It is likely your dedication, and hard work, will start to pay off very quickly and you should be able to take a short break before forging ahead in the new year. Well done!
The Four of Swords is a card which suggests you really do need the time to rest, recover and recuperate! You may get the opportunity to do this in December, but the message from this card is that it IS very important to rest – perhaps it will be wiser to forgo some of the festivities in order to do this – you don’t need to hibernate, obviously, but this card reinforces the need for you to give yourself a break, and perhaps allow yourself a treat or two, because, yes, you really do deserve it! Enjoy.
End of Tarotscopes.

Thanks again!