Cheer me up, tarot! I’m feeling blue.
Is it possible? Well, let’s do this properly and not just grab a few cards out of the deck and ask ‘what’s gonna be good today?’ In fact, sometimes pulling a few cards can be downright depressing, and the more you do it the worse it can get. But that’s because the cards need direction from you – they’ll pick up all sorts of underlying issues if you aren’t much more specific.
So…….let’s get prepared:

Choose the tarot deck you want to work with. What else have you got? Crystals, candles, little ornaments, Reiki power symbols, dragons? I went through my own crystals, carefully choosing which of them appealed to me colour-wise and which appealed to my intuition. I have a sweet angel wing bowl which I chose to place them in. I spread a tarot cloth and sit the bowl in the centre. Then I stare at it.

I’m connecting with the Universe, and the Divine Source of All Power and Creation. I want the energies to heal me and make me feel good.
I say “I lay myself humbly down before You and the energies of the Universe. I feel sad (you could choose ‘hurt’ ‘unwell’ ‘trapped’ ‘guilty’) and so I open my mind, body and soul to the healing and help you can give me. I want to be cheered up. Thank you.”
Just looking at this bowl of cystals gives me a sense of happiness – it’s pleasing to my eye. I can see the space around the bowl and I’m beginning to see where I want the tarot cards, but first……….I need more colour, I need more ‘pretty’ before I am ready for the cards to come out.
I have some flower tea lights that my sister bought me, all different colours and flower shapes. I choose three, and, as I am thinking and forming this picture with these tools, I feel really peaceful. This is a weird analogy but it’s a bit like putting cucumber on tired eyes….a balm. The tealights look so pretty and they create a satisfying triangle – This is me at the base and all the pulls and tugs of life and the tip is the Universe and The Divine Source of all Power. They also represent my Mind, Body and Soul. So that is what the tarot cards will tell me about. There will be three cards on the left about me, from the top my Mind, my Body, My Soul. Then three cards on the right, showing what others see in me, Mind, Body and Soul.
But don’t forget I want cheering up. I don’t want these cards to be telling me what I need to do to get better at doing this, that, or the other! I want the cards to give me a pat on the back and tell me “Well done!”
I should make sure then, that I view the cards with a purely positive perspective, they will tell me (I hope) that I’m doing well in a sort of cosmic ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ way.
I’m pleasantly surprised. The cards are interesting and the whole set up is pretty as a picture! I’m enjoying faffing with the camera and taking photos as I go along. I’m feeling and enjoying the colours, and am loving the way the spread is looking, so, I’m not that miserable anymore, and I haven’t even read the cards yet. Let’s go:

About me: Mind: (The Sun) You are the sunshine, you are loving, thankful, optimistic, and lovely (Awww thank you!) Your mind is a pleasant place to be. Keep it that way and don’t go down dark alleyways. Stick to the light – it is where you belong. Body: (Nine of Cups) You are the kingpin in so many relationships – successful ones at that! You are really loved and really loving. Know that the effort you put in is what makes this happen. Be proud. Soul: (Two of Swords) Your Soul is as strong as your Ego. It’s a good balance. Intuition with discernment. You’re equally a being of light and a grounded earth person. You will not take things to extremes because each holds the other to account.
I’m pleased with this. After all, I’m only blue because I’ve done my back in slightly, and tired because there was quite a lot of childcare for my grandchildren needed last week. Generally I bask in the sunshine of my mind!!! Yay! I know this to be true – I am an optimist 😀
Hang on though, how do I come across to other people around me?
Mind: Queen of Cups. You are much admired, you’re approachable and easy to connect with. You make people happy. You’re beautiful (oooohhhhh). Body: The Devil. You face your demons and don’t allow yourself to be chained to unnecessary darkness. You are an example of how to be strong, finding ways to overcome things that would bring other people down. Soul: Six of Swords. You appear to be able to traverse difficult times with patience, and have the ability to see things through no matter how tough. You would be good to have at one’s side.
I feel good about this. But has this cheered me up? Well, I don’t feel like a magic wand has erased all my woes.
I get up and make myself my afternoon coffee (mmmmm). I check my emails, my Etsy shop and website stats. I have a message on Etsy telling me my latest purchaser LOVES her new tarot deck and so does her husband – she’s going to write a review soon. I smile. That’s good news. I see someone has liked my Facebook page. I smile again. I’ve written this blog – I’ve got some work done and I’ve really enjoyed doing it. Yes, I’ve cheered up. Is it a coincidence? Well, you make up your own mind. I know what my Mind, Body and Soul think.
Patricia x
What a lovely , positive post putting a great spin on feeling sad & turning it around . Hope you’re feeling good about yourself as you certainly make those around you feel good with your positive energy . What a lovely blog post to read on s miserable & full afternoon . Thank you xxxx
Well it is certainly good to know that at least two people were cheered up through the tarot today!! That’s great news. Thank you so much for letting me know, Valdine…….your comment has made me very happy indeed!! Big virtual {{{hugs}}} xx