Today brings us a full moon, a harvest moon, a very impressive moon, and many people believe this is a good time to release some old ways of doing things and embracing new starts.
So, I thought it would be a good idea to do a mini tarot reading for today with the moon as the focus for the reading.

After focusing on The Moon tarot card from The Tarot House Deck, and asking “What does the Moon want to tell us?” I pulled three further cards (however, another card jumped out of the deck which clearly needed to be heard, so there are four).
Here is a picture of the cards for the reading

The card that jumped out is the Six of Swords, but the actual three I pulled are Ten of Pentacles, the King of Wands and Ten of Wands. It is interesting that two ‘ten’ cards were pulled as these cards represent the culmination of situations, endings, completion, so, it seems that the cards are, indeed, validating that today/tonight is the right time to bring old ways, old worries to an end and make a new start in the way we handle our lives. It may be that we do not have to make the conscious decision to do this ourselves, but that this new cycle will bring us where we need to be eventually. However, if we consciously acknowledge that this is the time we open ourselves to ending old cycles we may be able to speed up the arrival of the bright new future we are all searching for.
As to reading the cards themselves, to me they say: If we are looking for success in our financial situation, a great level of comfort and ease in our physical homes, and enjoying our families and loved ones (Ten of Pentacles), then we must learn to master how we approach each task we are faced with (King of Wands). We must do this with passion and enthusiasm, we must search for the solutions that bring this success and not expect it to land at our feet without effort. We must work to achieve our desires.
We must also not let ourselves get overburdened, and fraught with tiredness, we must work diligently but allow time for ourselves to take rest and nourishment so we are able to forge on (Ten of Wands). Although we might be starting anew in our attitudes and outlook, the Tens indicate that we are actually almost there right now, it is imortant to salvage what we can from our experiences so far, and utilise them in the future to avoid making the same mistakes. In other words we are to sort through our ‘baggage’ – we need to throw away the items we really don’t need, or won’t use, and keep the essentials……….this way we are less burdened and we will reach our destination far quicker and, much less exhausted!
We must also learn to cease trying to change everyone and everything in the world we don’t agree with, we cannot change the world single handedly, but we must learn to not fret over some of the sadness we come across and stay serene, calm and dignified when faced with things that make us unhappy (Six of Swords). We must ensure we have clarity within ourselves about the changes we can make but learn to put some things away that we just cannot deal with right now.
This is undoubtedly a message of love, mainly about loving ourselves first, but also those that care about us and depend on us. This is also about calmly living our lives, facing our difficulties and distresses with dignity in order to maximise what we can achieve. We will achieve so much more for ourselves, and those we love, by working for, and believing that, we are all worthy of what we desire. We must do what we are capable of doing, but to not push ourselves too far; we are not to ignore our own needs in this life – we are as precious, and worthy of all that is good, just as much as anyone else living in this world. And tonight the Moon will be ready to listen to our needs and wants, ready to take away some of the things we don’t need anymore………tomorrow we can reach for the Stars.
Patricia x
Ya know this is really the first time i e really ever paid attention to whats happened i my life …. The reason why is of three reasons ……. DIVORCE after 24 yrs ILLNESS that took 5 yrs of my life to fight to be here on earth AND… BROKEN HEART 8 yrs on LOVE RELATIONSHIP out of all 3 of these situations the last one was the worst it destroyed me … Heres why cause when i make a promise i never make one i cant keep well my partner made me promise forever and i said i cant dont that and he said PROMISE …..So i did and i kept my promise but he didnt …. You know what i learned if your going to make a promise you should expect for that person to too…. but i didnt ask him to promise me cause i thought he was because he was asking me …… Well dont take things for granted and nothing last forever …. But what i learned is because inworked so hard on that 8 yrs of making it right with some mistakes that when he left Little did he or i knowthat we changed each others lives and grew together that it was a major change that is still a process of growing little did he know that he couldnt walk away and stay away but i decided to keep this growing spurt going and made him stay away and learn the process of hurting and growing again and its still going on but what im trying to say be careful of thinking that you can just walk away without paying attention to what comes next cause youd be suprise what does. …. I guess hou can say its a blessing in a disguise….. Let old ways dies and create new ones …… Still a wofk in progress but its big progress and were both learning again and hopefully the right way …… 30 yrs ago this was my life now well see …..
Thank you so much for sharing with us Sheilynn. I am glad that you feel you are worth so much more than just being picked up and dropped, this is how you can protect yourself from continuous hurt. You did drop the old way, and knew what you wanted for your future – you opened your heart to a new way. Your ex-partner seems to be working hard to get you back and is prepared to give you time, which is a real sign of respect for you. I sincerely hope you make it through together, and I send you blessings. Patricia x