I know I have written about this before but I feel it is important to share with sinusitis sufferers how I managed to cure this horrible affliction with natural products.
For nearly six years I had sinusitis, which I think I developed from dust inhalation whilst packing for a move one year and, although it is not life-threatening, it is still a horrible, uncomfortable and embarrassing condition.
The symptoms I had were:
Very painful headaches around the eyes (every morning) which started about an hour after getting up. Sometimes the headaches were so severe that it made my vision blurry and I could hardly think.
I had so much mucus in my nose and throat that I had to constantly carry a large handkerchief. I had no sense of smell. I had a serious cough.
I was deaf in both ears for about six months, deaf in one ear about 4 times for months on end, and always felt on the verge of deafness especially if I got a cold.
If I wanted to read, I would find my eyes watering and then I would start coughing and the mucus would start again. I was pretty embarrassed to go out, actually, especially to restaurants!
I also reacted very badly to dust, and the vapours and fumes of cleaning sprays and liquids, as well as perfume and deodorant sprays, which clearly indicated I had formed an allergic reaction to these things which I had never had a problem with before. It was all extremely hard-going and I thought I would just have to put up and shut up for the rest of my life.
Anyone who has this condition will understand how debilitating this can be on a daily basis.
Of course I went to the doctors and got the nasal sprays and various treatments on repeat prescription. I also tried inhaling steam with essential oils and I used the Neti sinus cleaning pot with salt water for months. I tried drinking Cider vinegar and various other natural remedies which gave periodic relief but the condition never cleared.
Here is what I found really worked for me:
Every morning – the first drink of the day – I drink warm water with half a lemon squeezed into it and a teaspoon of Manuka honey which is active 15+. Yes, the honey is expensive but a jar lasts about a month and as far as I am concerned is worth every penny.
My sinusitis has cleared up totally, along with all the symptoms and I hardly react to dust and fumes any more, which I think shows that this daily drink has also helped my allergies dwindle.
I have been having this drink every morning for seven months without missing a day – the first signs that the sinusitis was clearing was about 6 weeks after I started doing it. I think that it may have cleared quicker if I had taken the drink two or three times a day, so that is worth considering for anyone wanting faster results – although I would not take more than three teaspoons of the honey a day.
I seriously hope this can help other sufferers – and I would be interested to hear whether it works for anyone else, so feel free to contact me if it does. And don’t forget to pass this on to anyone you know who has this trouble – or even people who have allergies (it may well help all sorts of things); with such natural products it is unlikely to create any health problems – of course, if you are already on medication it might be best to check with your doctor (I am not a medic).
But I wish you the best of luck and I seriously hope doing this can help you as much as it did me.
Love and Light
Further to this blog, I have since found that not only are my allergies really very much better, but I have seen a significant improvement in my Varicose veins…….I had no idea this would happen. I have been taking the drink daily for just under 18 months now.