I took this photograph this morning.
At my age (57) many beautiful skies have come and gone. The sky this morning caught my eye and I grabbed my camera because I needed to capture it, I have lots of images of morning and evening skies (and moons and flowers……) and I see many similar pictures on the various social media sites I am on. But this picture blew me away.
Once it was downloaded it appeared as a beautiful watercolour with soft gentle strokes merging together the gorgeous colours, enough in itself to please, I would say.
The blues, lilacs and golds give it a spirituality that makes my soul sing.
Then I could see a landscape – islands, in gold crested water, running into each other deep into the picture; on the land a red lake almost like a lava run caught my eye, and then a strange mountain, or is it a ruined castle, tilts slightly, but standing still and strong like a beacon. The seascape merges into a mystical sky which tells a story of power and gentleness all in one……….
Just one picture of the sky this morning took me into a fantasy world full of beauty and mystery. And I thought of our world and how beautiful, and clever, it really is. How Mother Nature tries so hard to please us with beautiful sights, sounds and smells, and often we don’t notice the inspirational things around us, that we can enjoy for free.
I just had to share.
‘Paying it forward’ is a trending saying. It’s about being proactive in helping people for the sake of it, to prompt happiness and love in those around us, to lift spirits and raise the vibrations of love in our World and humanity, without being asked. I hope this beautiful sky will warm your heart and please your eye, it’s my way of smiling at you and saying “Good morning! Have a wonderful day!”.
Patricia xx
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