Hi! Today is the first day in a while that I have been able to give some proper time to tarot work, so, since the Simply Tarot Tarotscopes are pretty popular I thought I would do a mini one for you today.
I’ll just take this chance to ask you to like our Facebook page if you haven’t already. Have a great day!
Seven of Cups

You may be faced with a few viable options around a relationship today, and it may be time to choose which one to go with. Only you know what you can commit to, and see through to completion, so make sure you think long and hard about what is the most realistic and pertinent solution for you. Try not to be influenced too much by others.
Four of Wands

Congratulations! You will see confimation that something you have been working on has taken shape, and really is beginning to flourish now. Take time out to appreciate your success, recognise it is through your own hard work, then get back to bringing your project to the next level. Well done.
The Hermit

A day on which you may get the opportunity for some ‘you’ time. You might want to spend it on finding your ‘light’ which will help you on your road to discovery and achievement. Meditate or muse on your needs – don’t let yourself get distracted from the opportunity to have a good think about where you are heading.
Ace of Pentacles

The energies today are around an idea, or opportunity, which might well make some extra cash for you in the future. Take note of any signs you are given which could improve your income, or your standard of living, sometimes we miss the chances we are given, so it is up to you to keep your eyes peeled and make use of it.
Two of Swords

If an issue, which you have been avoiding, crops up today you might need to take a deep breath and really try to sort it out. This thing will keep coming back and the longer you leave it might mean further, and unnecessary, complications. Better the devil you know, than the devil you don’t.
Eight of Swords

You may be faced with a decision today which you just don’t feel like making. To some extent, you are partly responsible for it coming to a head and, therefore, it is something which you must face up to and help to sort out. It will be less complicated to deal with now than if you leave till a future date.
Eight of Cups

Not every problem in a relationship can be resolved easily and if you feel an issue has gone beyond the pale, it might be time for you to let go. It might be painful, but you cannot carry on dealing with hurt in this way. It’s time to head for more pleasant times.
Queen of Swords

Get your mind in gear, today, and try to get some clarity into a situation. This is a time for logic and facts to take precedence over assumptions, because this is the only way to achieve what you want. You must do your research into the truth of a matter, to be able to understand clearly what it is you have been asked to do.
King of Cups

You, or someone around you, may be stifled by past experiences with regard to opening up to a new relationship. Having experiences of love and the pain that can sometimes ensue, could be putting a barrier in front of a perfectly wonderful relationship. Don’t miss out on being loved because you are afraid to try again.

The truth will out and justice will be served in terms of an issue in your life. The scales are weighing your input and will show how much honesty and integrity you have put into this, surely this will bring some salve to your feelings, now that you have been proven to be right. Or should it not come out well, it is a time to learn how our input can affect our future.
Ace of Wands

Today will bring the start of a new journey, or project, which could take you to different places/experiences. In order to make a success of it you must be driven, enthusiastic and passionate about it, and the more hard work you put into it the better, but don’t forget to enjoy the journey too.
Three of Wands

Congratulations! Today will bring you validation of success in something you have been working on! Your project is now clearly showing signs of growth and stability. Keep up the good work so that you can go from strength to strength. Well done!
End of Tarotscopes.
Patricia x
Cards used are from The Tarot House Deck
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