You may feel that you on a treadmill heading nowhere **sigh**. It happens to us all, and if you feel like this right now, all it takes is a bit of acknowledgement that it is all worthwhile for you to keep trundling. Here’s that acknowledgement from the tarot cards today.

First card up is the Four of Wands……..hurrah! This is confirmation that you are not on a hiding to nothing, but you are, in fact, setting a really steady foundation beneath your feet! Yes it’s hard work, but if you just take five minutes to examine where you were a few months ago, you could probably find at least ONE thing that has improved and you can consider it as a sign that you are on the right treadmill. So take 5, right now, and have a think.
Second card up, The Wheel of Fortune, is on the spin………where will it stop? Let’s just say that The Wheel will bring a change of fortune ~ usually for the better, if you have been down on your uppers ~ so that’s good news, just keep on doing what you are doing and embrace any changes that come out of the blue. Again, take 5 to have a look at what’s around you now and again, so you don’t miss these opportunities.
The Knight of Pentacles has also appeared to tell you that your efforts will definitely pay off! Slow and steady, dotting the i(s) and crossing the t(s) is what will bring the successes you are looking for. Hard work and paying attention to detail is the key, but this guy knows it works, so take heed. And take 5 to check you have been doing things correctly – it’s worth while.
Ok, 5 and 5 and 5 is 15. Take 15 minutes to congratulate yourself, nourish yourself and you’ll find your pace more steady and confident when you step back on.
If you don’t feel you are acknowledged for your efforts by the people around you, consider yourself patted on the back by the Universe and keep up the good work.
Keep on rolling, you’re worth it!!
Patricia x
Great blog & was so accurate for how I was feeling today. Thank you so much Simply Tarot. You’re doing a great job x
Awww thank you for leaving your comment Valdine! It is so nice to know that I am really helping out in my own small way 🙂 Now get back to the treadmill!!! Ha ha ha 😀
Great reading, Patricia! It resonates with me a lot and reminds me to take a break to recharge my batteries. Let’s hope the Wheel is moving in the right direction 🙂
Thank you Christiane! And I say Amen to The Wheel stopping at the best place for all of us! Thanks for your comment <3