Tarotscopes for December 2016 for Simply Tarot are written by Patricia, using The Tarot House Deck.
Season’s Greetings to you all!
I think most people will be aiming to ensure that fun celebrations, and a fair bit of indulgence, are a top priority this year, and I am no exception. And I think New Year’s Eve will be welcomed with open arms by everybody!

December tends to be a reflective month, going over events of the past year, and there will be plenty to look at along with the shocks that we’ve had ………..but we also have a whole month to get through ahead of us, and hence, you might find these Tarotscopes helpful.
I have to let you know that The Tarot House Deck is currently on Offer at just £16.00 pp&p if you would like to buy it now ~ because you might want to take advantage of my lowering the price for Christmas ~ a little bit of extra help from us!
I would love you to join me on our Facebook page, if you haven’t done so already, where I offer a little help on reading tarot cards, show how to interpret readings through blogs, and keep you up to date with current news ~ click here to like it ~ and make sure you get to know when the Tarotscopes are out!
Oh and your shares are SO helpful! Last month our Tarotscopes got 149 shares!!! It would be wonderful if you could help me reach 150 this month? Your support is what keeps me going! xx
But wherever you are this is for you………………
……………..Your Tarotscope for December! Have a wonderful time! 🙂 x
Four of Cups, The Moon, The World, The Devil

Your love life might not be inspiring you much this month, but, with the Major Arcana cards appearing in the rest of the reading, the chances are there might be some interesting developments, and hopefully for the better!
The Four of Cups indicates that whatever the romantic situation in your life, you have reached a plateau and are losing enthusiasm for it, you might even be feeling pretty bored. It may be that, if you are single, you could well be feeling that you have had enough of being on your own. Whichever it is, The Moon indicates that you are in a shadowy area and you are not able to see some of the aspects of what is making you feel this way. Your instincts could be telling you that there is a lot more, out of life, that you could be achieving, but because the situation is not crystal clear it is not easy to see how this can happen. The World card suggests that there is a whole lot of wonderful things waiting for you out there, and could be there for the taking, so what is holding you back?
How do you feel about yourself right now, The Devil card is asking. Perhaps you feel chained to your current life and there is no way out of it? Perhaps you don’t feel worthy of deserving something better? The overall feel of these cards, however, suggest that major changes are afoot or are ready to be grasped as soon as you are ready. Maybe it is time to consider what is important to you right now and to shake of all those thoughts and conditions that are constraining you.
As this year closes down, it might be time to start making resolutions for the coming year to ensure that you make the most of it and what/who you want in your life. Free your mind, shake off your shackles and aim to soar high……..this is the only way to reach the stars!
Four of Wands, Ace of Swords, The Star, Six of Cups

December will show you how all your hard work, and effort, is, at last, starting to pay off, and you will start seeing signs of this improvement/success in terms of what you have been working on (Four of Wands). This is an important milestone for you, because you recently may have been feeling like you have been getting nowhere fast. Added to this, the Ace of Swords indicates that a change in attitude, or approach, to the way you have done things before might have a really beneficial affect on your projects. Using your mind in a logical, clinical way whilst working on your projects are more likely to produce the solutions needed to get moving onward and upward, you must put your emotions on the backburner in order to make the most of your abilities and talents. The Star might suggest that you find the work tedious, even pointless, and at times you feel like giving up, but you musn’t – because everything you do, believe it or not, is having an impact and nothing is ever wasted. Keep doing what you are doing and keep your eyes fixed on the good times ahead, because they will come. Believe that it won’t be long, that you are determined to see things through, and there will come a time when you understand why it was so important to perservere.
The Six of Cups, furthermore, might well indicate possibilities of repair within a relationship (not necessarily romantic) because with this new attitude of mind, and clarity of thinking about the whys and wherefores of what went wrong before, there is truly the possibility that previous issues can be overcome and a much richer relationship can be achieved.
Knight of Pentacles, Queen of Swords, The Hermit, The Devil

The best way to approach anything this coming month is with care and attention to detail (the Knight of Pentacles). It will pay to be methodical, and even pedantic, because this card represents the characteristic of being attentive almost to the point of boredom. However, assuming that you do keep an eye on all the tiny details, and have all the correct information to hand, the Queen of Swords indicates you will develop a very high standard of clarity in whatever you are dealing with. This Queen is astute and alert and makes sure she is prepared with all the necessary and relevant information she needs to deal with any issue accordingly, and do it well. So can you.
The Hermit suggests, however, the need to dig deep within your own psyche as to what your own values are, what core beliefs and morals you should live by, as well as stand by, because other people will follow your lead, or, indeed, test your metal. The Devil suggests that you should shake off any limiting thoughts or conditions that are holding you back from what you feel you should be able to do for the sake of convention or the belief you have ‘no right’ to do what you want. The truth is, no-one should be holding you back or telling you what you cannot do. You are clearly being asked to take a stance which you totally believe in, and feel confident enough to stand by, and by doing this you will have all the answers ready for when you are challenged. This is easily within your capability.
Four of Wands, Judgement, Queen of Cups, Page of Pentacles

There will be signs of success this month with regard to something you have undertaken or are currently working on. The Four of Wands is a card of early recognition of things beginning to take shape in the way you have been hoping for. This indicates, also, that you are still in the first stages of your undertaking and you may have been feeling there is little to show for all your effort, but you will soon see signs that things are beginning to form. The Judgement card represents a time where you are asked to judge your own actions, or someone else will be making judgements about you. You have nothing to fear if you have been honest and true right down the line. On the other hand you might be tasked with making a judgement, yourself, in a given situation. If this is the case, you will need to have confidence in yourself, and what you believe in (Queen of Cups). This Queen knows exactly what her talents are and uses them to her own advantage, and she can even be callous when it comes to protecting the ones she loves. It will be important to be confident and sure in how you feel, what you think and consider to be true, if you are tasked with this face to face, and you should be able to back up your reasons why you feel and act the way you do.
The Page of Pentacles might represent the desire to learn about something new, or to approach something in a new way, which, previously, you thought you had well and truly sussed out. As always, if something occurs or catches your interest, but you are unsure about it, the best way is to inform yourself is to research the answers or find the relevant information, this will give you the steady platform you will need stand on.
Death, The Moon, Ten of Pentacles, Queen of Swords

Death would indicate that something has been lost that was dear to you. This is a harsh occurance to overcome, and you may feel helpless, but there is one thing that Death can never catch up with, or destroy, and that is the rising sun. Death does not go over the same ground time and again, once his job is done he moves onwards. This means that if you are suffering from a recent loss you should not look back, but look forward to the rising sun, a new day and a new part of your life, because what’s gone cannot be taken from you again. Things are really not clear to you right now (The Moon), you cannot see the purpose or reason for all of this, but life has a way of putting challenges in our way in order to get the best out of us ultimately. When the time is right, all will become clear as to you why you have been dealt this blow. And it will become clear to you that happiness in your home life can once more be achieved (Ten of Pentacles) and it might not be that far off.
The Queen of Swords indicates an influence in your life who has a big impact on you, and someone you should pay heed to, because this person is alert, shrewd and ready for challenges. However, this card might represent the kind of person it would be good for you to emulate, right now, in order to help you move forward. It may possibly indicate that you need to examine and adopt the femine side of your psyche, if you are of masculine orientation. Whichever it is, the skills this Queen possesses stand her in very good stead for getting what she desires.
The Tower, King of Swords, Seven of Swords, Three of Swords

My overall view of these cards for you, Virgo, is that your belief in what was right and true has been shaken to the core. Your foundations are rocked (The Tower). This does not seem to be in respect of a personal relationship, but in a more general way. These cards suggest you trusted the integrity of authority (King of Swords) and you now see dishonesty where you thought there was truth (Seven of Swords) and this has been a bitter blow (Three of Swords). You may feel heartbroken. But what to do?
The Tower collapsing to its foundations means that the only thing to do is to rebuild on a stronger, and more enduring, foundations. You will find that a door is opening to the begetting of wisdom……….. understanding that not all that glitters, in the world, is gold. The Swords cards in this reading also represent the need for clarity of mind, seeking the truth, and being able to understand the working of things. What has shaken you to the core will educate you in ways you would never have believed before. Now you will no longer take what you are told as the truth, but you will find ways to ensure you are not duped again, and this is a good thing. The next phase, if you feel helpless, is to examine whether you can be an instrument of change, yourself. Or maybe that you are able to research more in the future so that you are more aware of who is manipulating you and, through this, get an element of control back. The King of Swords is in your reading………that means you can master this.
Six of Swords, King of Wands, King of Pentacles, The Hermit

Despite issues that may be causing you some concern or conflict, you feel that you are able to deal with them in a calm, almost serene, manner (Six of Swords). This doesn’t mean that you are happy to let these concerns continue, but you feel that perhaps the time is not right, just now, to take them in hand. You are more than able to deal with these issues, when you are ready, as the Kings of Wands and Pentacles indicate. You have all the skills and ability you need, you just don’t have the energy or inclination to sort them out just yet.
The Hermit, however, represents the need to take some you time to have a serious think about the meaning behind what you do everyday and why, what the purpose for all this effort really is. There are times in life when we are questioned and challenged about what we believe and what our core values are. We rarely get time to sit and think about our personal perspective on life. But it is important that you do in December.
The Kings of Wands and Pentacles show that you have the capability to undertake any task and do it well, but The Hermit indicates the importance of finding the truth of what you believe spiritually, ethically and/or morally. You need time to look into your own depths to find out what you feel your core purpose in life is, beyond the everyday needs of work and home duties. What is your spiritual belief? Do you have one? Could you tell someone, your family, what your core ethics, and morals are, and why? Do you feel strongly enough to defend them? To find that light within you, the meaning of life for you, will help you to be the beacon for those around you, those that look to you for inspiration, those that want you to give them hope that there is much more beyond earning money, going to work, or keeping your home in order, at least at this moment in time.
Ten of Swords, Ace of Wands, Temperance, King of Pentacles

The Ten of Swords indicates you may have reached the conclusion of a knotty conflict. It may be referring to a relationship but it is more likely to be the end of something that has caused you unhappiness in recent times, maybe at work or in your own business, and that’s a good thing, right? When something is over, finished, it makes headway for something new and this is backed up by the card the Ace of Wands. A new project, journey, hobby, endeavour or business is about to come your way. Of course, in setting off on this new endeavour you will be armed with the knowledge of what you did wrong previously, as well as what you did right, and this gives you the best opportunity to get it perfect this time.
Temperance makes an appearance in this reading which suggests that the biggest change you can bring to this new venture is a more human and loving touch. Maybe, last time you approached things in a very logical and analytical manner which didn’t suit. Maybe you let your head rule more than your heart. Given this new opportunity, perhaps, if you can bring a bit more love and understanding to the table, the outcome might be better. Indeed, the King of Pentacles beside Temperance suggests just that. If you balance the approach between head and heart, be kind and understanding when necessary, be open to listening and being generous, then the King of Pentacles suggests rewards beyond your expectations, that may not be too far off into the distant future. That’s great news!
Justice, Page of Cups, Knight of Pentacles, Eight of Swords

If you have been searching for justice for all that you have done, then you may well find it in December. This will be the time when all your efforts are likely to start paying off (Justice). Sometimes this card can indicate the conclusion of a legal wrangle which you have been involved in, and in which you should be vindicated if you have acted with truth and honesty. In other words, justice will be served, one way or another, and that depends on the way your behaviours have affected others. This card is followed by the Page of Cups which suggests a desire for a new relationship……..but you might not actually be ready at this moment in time. This is a good time to reflect on whether you really want a new relationship, but more importantly, it is the time to reflect on the real YOU, and what kind of person would be good for you. Until you love yourself, and all your warts, you are unlikely to find a mate. You are lovely and loveable, you must believe that with all of your heart, so that others will see it in your eyes, and fall in love with your soul.
But if you can tackle that within the next month, the Knight of Pentacles could represent someone who could be a help-mate, someone who can take some of the work off your shoulders. The problem is that they might not be the fiery lover you expect. The devotion the Knight of Pentacles can bring is through thorough attention to detail, almost to pedantic levels, which you might find boring, but this lover is dependable and very trustworthy. You may find that this person puts you into a position where you have to face a decision which you don’t want to make (Eight of Swords). Putting off this decision is likely to make the situation much worse in the long run. But don’t forget that this Knight also has what it takes to fight for you, so maybe it’s worth it?
Seven of Swords, King of Wands, Strength, The Moon

If there has been dishonesty at work in your life (Seven of Swords), it is important to face it and tackle it, if you can see where it originates from. Nobody should really be able to take you for a fool, and there is nothing that angers you more. But the big question is how do you deal with it?
One way is to bide your time and not jump to conclusions, patience can be very rewarding. However, you feel you might feel able to tackle it head on, and probe and push the truth out. The King of Wands and the Strength cards suggests a little of both. The King is both passionate and adventurous, but perhaps he is a little gung-ho and could go too far, too soon. The Strength card might help to put this in perspective. You have the strength to knock this situation into a cocked hat, if you wanted to, but is that going to bring the result you desire? You might get what you want out of the situation, but not the reason behind what happened; keeping your anger and frustration at bay will help you to winkle out each and every reason for the deception, and channeling your anger will allow you to see the truth as it is and it will give you the edge. These cards suggest, to me, that you need to push and probe, all the while protesting innocence; be wily, use guile, and the chances are you will master this situation……….but you can afford to be merciful, you will feel better for being graceful when you emerge as the victor.
The Moon suggests that there is more to the situation than you can see, so whatever the outcome of this situation it will be important to not make any significant, or long term, decisions before you see the end game, you could easily lose out on all your good work and have it thrown back in your face. Play your cards close to your chest.
Queen of Pentacles, Queen of Cups, Six of Pentacles, King of Wands

Is there anything you can’t do? The only suit missing in this reading is Swords. But that is not what this reading wants to talk to you about. These cards want to indicate to you that you are reaching a time in your life in which you are really taking control of your home life, your emotional situation, and the endeavours you undertake.
It is time to sit back and say, ‘I can provide for myself and those I love’ (Queen of Pentacles), it is also time to say ‘I am happy with who, and what, I am’ (Queen of Cups). The important thing, now, is to live your life bringing the qualities of the Queens into your life ~ regally, mercifully, competently, and confidently, because that is what a good Queen would do. You are happy with the status quo, for the time being, but you are not finished.
The Six of Pentacles suggests that there are further rewards to be had as a result of all your hard work (and it is not the conclusion! There is a way to go yet!) and you are about to receive help in a way that restores your faith in humankind. Use this financial bonus wisely (but who am I to advise you?), you know how to make the most of your resources.
Your massive achievement in proving you are a person of substance, never mind emotional intelligence, will stand you in good stead for the commencement of the next level……….mastering the King attributes in a tarot deck. It is clear that you are mature, clever and nurturing, and you can turn your hand to many things, but the King of Wands hands you a challenge. What can he do that you can’t?
Seven of Pentacles, The Hermit, The Magician, Page of Cups

December may bring you a decision on a financial level that poses a real problem for you (Seven of Pentacles) but I think the clues to the decision may be in the other cards. The key aspect of the Seven of Pentacles is that it is important to think things through very carefully. You have a lot to lose. But then you have a lot to gain should you decide to go with this opportunity.
The Hermit suggests that, with regard to this decision, you need to take some time to find out what it is you really desire. Are you happy with the status quo? Does it define who you really are? Are there hidden depths that you are capable of? The Magician answers this question………you have all the skills and capabilities to achieve success on any new road you take, any new opportunities you take up. It won’t be easy because The Magician does not give you any clues as to which of the roads ahead is the right one to take; what he does tell you is that you are capable of making this journey. The solutions lie within yourself.
The Page of Cups suggests that you do not have confidence in yourself. The Hermit and the Page of Cups are reflective cards and they would advise that you take some time to dig deep into your psyche to find out what it is that you are seeking, whether you really believe in yourself, whether you know where you are heading, and whether you think your desires are worth fighting for. If you love yourself enough, you will take the opportunities that come your way and work hard to make them succeed. You are the best coach for your own wellbeing…..only you know what your true desires are, and what goals you need to aim for. Don’t let anybody else decide what is right for you. Discover your inner hero and go get what you want!
End of Tarotscopes
Wishing you a Merry Christmas, or whichever seasonal celebration is yours, and let’s bring lots of love and happiness to one another this December.
Love and Light,
Patricia xx
If you love the deck I have used, you can Buy It Here
This is my first time on your site. I have found it very interesting, informative and inspiring. Thank you and best wishes for the future.
Thank you, so much, Cheryl! Feedback is always so welcome – especially encouraging feedback. Thanks for taking the time to comment and we wish you a very happy and loving Christmas, Patricia x
I love reading your tarotscopes- they make you really think about your life, relationships, dreams and aspirations!
Please can I buy a tarot deck from you as a Christmas present for someone? X
How lovely of you to let me know you like these tarotscopes. And comments like yours help me so much!! Yes you can easily buy a deck from our shop ~ just click on this link 🙂 x http://simplytarot.wpengine.com/shop/tarot-deck/ Have a very merry Christmas!! And watch out for the yearly forecast for 2017 due out the end of December. Love Patricia x