Tarotscopes for January 2017 from Simply Tarot!! A very Happy New Year to you all!
Starting a New Year is always refreshing. It brings optimism and a renewed vigour to get things right ‘this time’! And there is nothing better than Tarot Cards/Readings to give you that extra insight into getting it right as you start another month. That’s why these tarotscopes are gaining such interest and popularity. Whilst reading them at the beginning of the month helps you to be aware of what might occur, and how to tackle particular scenarios, it is always interesting to follow up by reading them at the end of the month to check out whether you were able to guide the outcome you desired. If you would like to read through December’s you can click here.
This month’s tarotscope is loosely based on a pyramid. The three base cards are made up of 1 Situation, 2 Influences, and 3 Action Required, with the Outcome card placed on top.
This spread was inspired by two things: my recent experience of connecting myself continuously, from the base here on earth, with the Collective Unconscious from which we can gain help, knowledge and support in the Universe above, and around, us. I imagine myself as one of the two base points, and the other base point being the encounters of life/people I interact with, with the top point being the access to the Collective Unconscious/Universe to which I turn. I have found it an incredible source of help the more I have connected with the energies available, usually on a daily basis, and, keeping in contact with the Universe has strengthened my ability to recognise the signs and opportunities which are regularly given to me ~ not just for me, but those I care about too. You would be surprised how quickly you can become much more ‘aware’ of the synchonicities in your life than you ever have been before, if you give it a go. Eventually you will feel like the Universe is holding your hand. The second thing was, and a surprising synchronicity for me, a Christmas gift of a beautiful red Carnelian crystal pyramid which (pardon the pun) seemed to cystallise my thoughts about the above, and which you can see in each Tarotscope picture. There isn’t time to go into the very interesting depths of the intrisic values of the triangle or pyramid here, but I am sure you can find out if you wish to.
If you would like to find out more about me, or Simply Tarot, why not join us on Facebook and become part of our lovely community?
Without further ado, I give you my readings on your star sign ~ with a little help from the Energies ~ and a gentle request to share this work with your friends and family, please.
Love and Light
Patricia x

Base line: Knight of Cups (Situation) Four of Wands (Influences) Five of Cups (Action Required)
Top line: Ace of Cups (Outcome)
Looking for love? Looking for Fulfilment? Or looking for Happiness?
The Knight of Cups suggests that you are on a quest for someone, or something, to bring some sparkle into your life. It doesn’t have to be a person, it could easily be anything that makes you feel complete, anything that makes you feel that what you do is recognised, and appreciated, or even something that makes you find your giggle again, or a feeling of stability and security. YOU know what it is that you need, so, the first step is to recognise, and prioritise, your goal. Acknowledge to yourself and the Universe that this (insert your own desire) is what you want. Until you recognise, and declare what it is you need, you will wander aimlessly, because you don’t know where you are supposed to be heading.
The Four of Wands in the Influences position suggests that you are more than able to succeed once you put your mind to this. It is a positive card which indicates early signs of achievement. But this card is also likely to represent the need for YOU to be your own cheerleader. Instead of looking to others for validation make sure you are the one to oversee this quest and the one to give yourself a pat on the back at every stage of the way. You are the one who should be providing your needs ~ making sure you are fed and looked after, making sure you are looking and feeling good. When you put effort into yourself you will shine, and be giving optimum input into your quest.
The Five of Cups indicates disappointment in the Action Required position. This card would indicate, to me, that you might tend to be a little more pessimistic, rather than an optimist. With a little change of attitude and learning to appreciate yourself, what you do, and how you do it, (be more accepting and understanding of your mistakes – they are learning processes) you are likely to bring more positivity into your life. Try and look more to the upside of experiences rather than the downside, this will help you move forward rather than backward.
Notice how, in the Outcome position, we have a Cups card ~ just as in the Situation card? The Ace of Cups suggests the start of new happiness ~ which suggests that if you take the above guidance regarding your quest, you are likely to be heading exactly where you want, and achieving your heart-felt desire. The success of your future is in your own hands.
An aspect of your star sign is having a vibrant, ground-breaking energy; make sure you apply it to your own endeavours.

Base line: Page of Cups (Situation) Five of Swords (Influences) The Chariot (Action Required)
Top line: The Star (Outcome)
The Page of Cups might suggest that you feel you need someone new in your life, or maybe that you are entering a period of insecurity about yourself and love/relationships in general. You may be feeling confused about your own desires, and not able to define why you are not as happy as you should be. You are looking into yourself as the root cause of this, perhaps, and it might be that you are not finding the answers there. Clearly you want to be loved and to be happy, that is all.
The Five of Swords in the Influences position might be giving us a clue. Confrontations and conflicts can arise at any time with anyone. Sometimes they are justified and sometimes they are not, but this card is likely to be indicating that you are pretty concerned about peoples’ attitudes towards you. This is likely to be causing hurt and possibly anger. Is it possible that you are taking too much to heart? Does it really matter what some people may think of you? This card represents situations where you can easily find cause to fight your corner, but it would also suggest that, sometimes, the battle is not worth the casualties. In other words, you may need to let some of these conflicts go. Forget them, there are surely some people who will never see things the way you do, and you will never win them over. Allow them to make their own mistakes, but make sure you are in control of the way you want to live your life.
The card, The Chariot, backs this up. This card suggests you make a decision about where you want to go. To grab hold of the reins and get on the road that is your life. Do not let other people push or pull you in different directions. You must steer your Chariot in the direction you want to take. If that means leaving people or opinions, even disputes, behind you, then you will be serving yourself well. Keep focused on your own road and do not give thought to those who would delay you with their petty squabbles/attitudes.
Once you are able to choose the battles which need fighting, and are able to ignore the ones that don’t, you will find there is renewed hope and happiness in your heart. You will understand that your own input, your own worth, is shaping the future for youself ~ no-one else ~ and this will give you the strength to carry on and bring those things you desire into your life.
Key aspects of your star sign are nurturing and enjoying the beautiful things in life. Perhaps it is time to make sure you apply this to yourself and not be distracted by other people making demands on you.

Base line: The Tower (Situation) Justice (Influences) Eight of Pentacles (Action Required)
Top line: The Sun (Outcome)
You feel that something close to you may be on the verge of collapse (The Tower) or you might find there is a fundamental change in something, that you thought was quite solid and secure, which comes as quite a shock. Sometimes we are afraid of change, especially if we are pretty happy with the way they are. But some things do have to change to make way for something much, much better and brighter. Whatever it is, that is about change or disappear, in truth, was not as secure as you thought. The foundations were weak and it would never have endured over time.
The Justice card in the Influences position, would indicate that it is time for you to receive the justice you deserve. The Scales are about to be balanced, and what you have so heavily invested in is likely to pay off for you, in kind. This should be a good thing if you have spent your time well and invested in the people, and the home you have provided. It may well be time to move on to something on a higher level. If you have been involved in a legal wrangle, this should be sorted out soon.
In the Action Required position, we have the Eight of Pentacles, which suggests that pursuing and learning a new skill or interest might well bring excellent financial abundance. It is important to build on our knowledge and abilities in order to make the most of any opportunities which might arise. So if you notice that there is something you need to brush up on, or find out about, don’t prevaricate ~ because this door is well worth opening.
It would seem then, that if you are prepared to keep working at your skills and putting effort into your life, and the people around you, The Sun will shine on you! This is one of the most positive cards in a tarot deck ~ and represents total happiness, fulfiment, gratitude and joy. And it is yours for the taking.
Key aspects of your star sign are intelligence and fact finding, which endorses the need to learn more, as stated in this tarotscope. Utilise your abilities to the utmost.

Base line: Knight of Cups (Situation) Six of Pentacles (Influences) Four of Swords (Action Required)
Top line: Queen of Wands (Outcome)
Relationships mean a lot to you right now, and you may be searching for some new heights of romance, and maybe a little excitement, just as the Knight of Cups seems to constantly do. He is in love with love and might seem a real catch. He is a little idealistic about love, though, and whilst a dreamy and handsome lover sounds wonderful, it wouldn’t be long before you were longing for some decisiveness and be ready to box his ears. In other words, you may be irritated by what you currently have but, in reality, no relationship is perfect, and your expectations may be a little high.
However, it is likely that you will get a lovely surprise in the coming month which will revive your faith in your relationship (Six of Pentacles), and give you the validation that you need. Love is a two way street, though, and in order to ensure this happiness continues, it will be important for you to also invest by giving your partner some assurances too. Nurture in relationships should come from both sides and is the key to happiness.
In the Action Required position, the Four of Swords has appeared. This card suggests that you have been through a bit of a bad time and you feel somewhat traumatised. You must rest and give yourself (and include your partner) a period of pampering………..get yourself some healing treats ~ massages, crytal therapy, tarot or angel readings and such like ~ or simply take yourself off for a romantic meal. You need nurturing too if you want to improve the standard of your love/home life.
If you do this, you might discover an interesting facet about yourself ~ how you have developed into a person with many different skills and abilities ~ the Queen of Wands is able to turn her hand to anything and do it really well. This suggests that you will enter a time of fun, creativity which is truly enjoyable! Have fun!
Key aspects of your star sign (the Crab) mean you might often want to retreat into your shell to stay secure and happy, but other aspects of your sign means you are capable of being reassuring and encouraging. Sharing your skills is much more likely to bring security and happiness.

Base line: Five of Pentacles (Situation) Three of Pentacles (Influences) King of Pentacles (Action Required)
Top line: The Hierophant (Outcome)
In the coming month of January you may find you have some fears about your financial situation (Five of Pentacles). You may be worried any loss that might occur will have a huge effect on you ~ this is because you associate all your worth, on every level, with that which will have disappeared. The truth is, that is not the case. Any financial loss, should be just that. Putting it simply, it is only money. You have not lost your self-worth, your abilities, those that love and depend on you…….and nor should you lose your pride. There is much more within your life with regard to happiness than a certain amount of money.
In the Influences position we have the Three of Pentacles appear, which suggests that maybe your fear of losing money is because a brand new opportunity has appeared, and you fear that this new opportunity, if taken up, might obliterate what you have already built. Perhaps you’ll feel it is not secure enough for you to happily take the risk……… but this card indicates that this new offer might well be a winner ~ providing, of course, the hard work and effort that is needed is put into it. The Three of Pentacles is not actually a ‘choice to be made’ card, it is more of a worthwhile bonus card.
In the Action Required position, we have the King of Pentacles. This could well represent you, in that, you should trust your abilities to make a success of this new opportunity. The King has mastered the skill of money-making and is more than capable of securing wealth and stability for himself, and his family. This card indicates that you have all the abilities and skills to make this new venture work.
Should you take this opportunity and make a success of it, you are likely to find yourself in a new place of authority and knowledge. The Hierophant is a very wise and well educated mentor, he knows how to seek the knowledge he needs and is assured and assuring. He could be indicating success in your field. On the other hand he could represent someone coming to your aid who really knows what he is doing ~ a wise man you would be wise to listen to ~ who could help you reach levels you thought you would never achieve.
Your star sign’s key aspects (the Lion) clearly would be strength and confidence. As in the tarotscope it may be worthwhile utilising these particular attributes to enhance your success. Believe in yourself.

Base line: King of Cups (Situation) Knight of Pentacles (Influences) Five of Cups (Action Required)
Top line: Eight of Pentacles (Outcome)
You may be feeling that you know all about love, there is nothing new you can be taught. The experiences you have encountered have indeed made you wise and, yet, you may feel reluctant to engage in love again, since you fear the pain of loss or hurt. Could it be that their is a chance of a relationship on offer? Or is it more that you repress the yearning for a partner because you do not believe you can ever trust anyone again? The chances are that you are reluctant to give your heart away again and this might be the struggle you are faced with in January.
In the Influences position we have the Knight of Pentacles card. This card could be suggesting that there is, indeed, someone on the horizon who may be a potential suitor. If, in the past, you have been disappointed in love by those who were passionate and adventurous then this new person might just be completely different to what you have experienced. The Knight of Pentacles indicates someone who might not be hugely exciting but someone who is diligent, caring and puts effort into everything he undertakes. This person is likely to be trustworthy and supportive, as well as attentive.
In the Action Required position, the Five of Cups appears, indicating your disappointments weigh heavily on your heart. This card suggests that by taking a much more positive view of relationships, focusing on the things that work well for you, rather than on how they don’t reach your expectations, might just help a relationship succeed. That by learning from past mistakes and recognising what you truly need, right now, rather than how you ‘think’ a relationship should be, might well help.
Should you change your perceptions of what a lover or relationship should be, the Eight of Pentacles in the Outcome position indicates excellent rewards with regard to your home-life, lifestyle and general happiness. Could it be that the Knight of Pentacles is indeed the right person for you, after all?
It is not surprising that the key aspects/aspiration for your star sign (the Virgin) are purity and perfection. But others are precision, and the ability to analyse things ~ use these to know what is truly right for you, right now, not to just seek perfection only.

Base line: Four of Swords (Situation) Justice (Influences) Page of Cups (Action Required)
Top line: Five of Pentacles (Outcome)
January will see you in a phase where you feel you have just come through a period of trauma which has left you exhausted and in need of rest and healing. This could be the result of difficulties within a relationship or even just your lifestyle in general. What matters is that you recognise that you have been stretched and you need some help to recover and bring your strength back.
In the Influences position the Justice card indicates you are about to enter a period of time when ‘justice’ will be served. All the hard work you have put in should be repaid in full. You will be recognised for all your hard work and effort and, at last, you will reap your just rewards. This card could also indicate the resolution of legal wrangles, or contracts, which will certainly help you move onwards and upwards. So something might occur which could offer you a change in your circumstances but which might also cause you to wonder which is the best next step to take.
The Page of Cups in the Action Required position suggests that you should reflect on your own needs, and the desire for happiness and love. This card suggests a certain immaturity in your expectations with regard to relationships and life, and there is a necessity to start with yourself with regards to what you want out of life and love. What is more important for you ~ money, possessions, or relationships? Would you be happy with your own company with regards to what your goal is? Are you happy with yourself and the way you behave? If you love yourself then your light will shine out to everyone around you. Maybe it is time for some changes in your goals and amibitions. Maybe it is time to decide what is the most important thing for you now.
This may bring you to a bit of a conundrum. The Five of Pentacles suggests worry about finances in which your life is wrapped around. You may feel unable to make the necessary changes because you fear the loss of your current material situation, and possibly status. But a change from the current status quo does not mean that you would lose your zest for life, your family, the love around you, the time you need to enjoy your life and those you love. The only thing you stand to lose is a certain amount of money in return for something better. But without risk there is unlikely to be any gain. This is what you are asked to consider for yourself and your family.
Perhaps bearing in mind your Libran key aspects are balance (the Scales), maybe your goal should be to find a happy balance of security and harmony.

Base line: Eight of Wands (Situation) Page of Cups (Influences) Knight of Wands (Action Required)
Top line: Ace of Pentacles (Outcome)
January will be bringing a much needed month of renewed passion, creativity and enthusiasm (Eight of Wands). This card generally follows a period of difficulty, a time of obstacles and hurdles which have required effort and to some extent pain or worry. This coming month, then, should mean that things are on the move for you once more. It will be a month of hard work but it should also mean a hugely produtive time for you too!
Obstacles and hurdles are sent to test our mettle and help us to gain experience and knowledge which will serve us well in the future. But unless we look within ourselves to ensure that we are taking notice of our experiences, we might not make the best use of this knowledge. The Page of Cups in the Influences position suggest taking a little time of reflection to look at how these things are empowering you. The Page represents a certain immaturity in getting the most out of life because he remains too naive and idealistic. Take a look at your ‘self’ ~ are you learning, growing, understanding how you affect your own and others’ lives? It is time to make sure you are developing into a beautiful and reasoning person?
Actions Required are represented by the Knight of Wands. This Knight is always looking for the next adventure, seeking the next damsel in distress, the next Holy Grail. He suggests that whilst it is easy to ‘make do’, you now have reached a certain point where there is much to be gained by setting off on your charger for the next conquest. This card ~ coupled with the first, the Eight of Wands ~ indicate that there is much treasure to be found, metaphorically speaking, by focusing on what you can achieve through your work or activities. They are saying ‘Go get it!’.
The outcome, by adopting this attitude, is a surge of energy for a new and exciting financial endeavour which holds great promise (Ace of Pentacles). If you were ever ready to start making a success of yourself, the time is now. All is set for you to do well if you turn on the ‘can do’ button.
Your star sign endorses this with its key aspects, which are a fixed intensity of action, and the ability to master challenges.

Base line: the Magician (Situation) Seven of Pentacles(Influences) Justice(Action Required)
Top line: King of Swords (Outcome)
So, January will bring you to a crossroads. There is a chance you must choose a different path to the one you are treading now, but The Magician does not advise which is the best path to take. He does, however, tell you that you needn’t be afraid of the unknown, because he knows you have all the skills required to traverse it successfully. This is a new era and you must keep your wits about you, as you choose which way to go.
In the Influences position, we have the Seven of Pentacles card, which suggests, also, that this crossroads may include a decision about your work/income. Whilst this can be scary, you need to look within yourself, and through all your past experiences, to help you make the decision which makes the most sense to you ~ the one you know you can handle, and the one you are in NO doubt you can make work. So, there are some big changes/chances coming up which you will be tasked with.
In the Action Required position, the card Justice has appeared. This is quite a helpful card, and a significant card which outweighs the Seven of Pentacles. Justice indicates that the efforts you have put in over the years are about to be repaid. So whilst you are required to make decisions which are life changing, the harvest of your sowing is ripe and ready to yield. This is not so much to do with money as such, but more an abundance of the lifestyle you would like. You must be ready to accept what Justice is offering, regardless of the changes it brings. Trust yourself and your ability to succeed, everything you have worked for is about to bloom, though it is hard to see the full outcome just yet.
Keeping your head will certainly result in making the most of this new phase (King of Swords), you will need to be clever, informed, logical and intelligent about any situation which arises. In doing so, you will master the situation at hand and become lord and master of your own situation. You will be able to make the rules of your own life.
Bear in mind that the key aspects of your star sign (the Archer) are being willing and wishing for all to be right. As you face the target ~ aim for the bulls eye.

Base line: Four of Swords (Situation) Page of Cups (Influences) Knight of Swords (Action Required)
Top line: The Hanged Man (Outcome)
Events in the recent past might have been somewhat traumatic for you, but now is the time for you to rest and start the healing process (Four of Swords). The trauma could have been related to a romantic relationship, a material hardship or possibly an illness that you have had to cope with. Whatever the issue was, it has taken its toll on you and you must find a way to recover from it. The Swords suit represents mental agility, clarity and understanding ~ that is why the first step of the healing process is to confront the issue and try to understand why this happened and how you can deal with the consequences.
The Page of Cups, in the Influences position, may guide the way. In some respects, this is a new start for you. You may be feeling inadequate, or unsure about yourself, and yet your desire is to get going again as soon as you can. It will be good to take at least a short time reflecting on what has happened, how this trauma made you feel and why. By sifting through the issue, you can choose what to let go, what to fix, and take note of the experiences that will help you in future situations, so that you can justify how you feel.
The Knight of Swords in the Action Required position, might be suggesting that you should be prepared to defend yourself should the problem surface again, but this time make sure you are fully armed with the right information, and it would be good to have a plan of how you might handle any contentious situations. It is not time to go directly into battle ~ it is time for getting a strategy together, to find out where you stand, what your strengths and weaknesses are and what you would want to achieve from a confrontation.
This is why The Hanged Man appears in the Outcome position. This is a significant card which suggests submission to the situation at least for this month. This is not a time for fighting , struggling, or action, as none of these will help at all. Take this month to be clear in your head about the rights and wrongs of the situation. Submit to remembering the key aspects of what hurt you and why, because, if you are challenged in the future you will have the precise information ready on the tip of your tongue, and furthermore you will be able to deliver it calmly so that it will have the impact you desire.
A key aspect of your star sign (The Goat) is being ‘sure footed’ ~ plan your responses to challenges with irrefutable examples and information, this is how you can tread safely and securely.

Base line: Judgement (Situation) The Lovers (Influences) Queen of Wands (Action Required)
Top line: Strength (Outcome)
The time has come for actions to be held to account and if you have worked hard, been honest and caring in your dealings, then you have nothing to fear (Judgement). From time to time our life is dealt rewards for our behaviour and we are faced with the truth being reflected in what we receive in return. If you can honestly say that all you have done was with good heart, and intention, then you should receive that back in your favour. If not, then this event should make you aware and ready for the next time.
The Lovers card appears in the Influences position, which suggests that some choices/decisions are going to have to made about relationships, or it might be that your partner will have some influence on what will, or will not, happen regarding certain situations in your life. You need to be aware of their own motivation with regard to their influence on you, to ensure you are choosing your own path wisely and fairly.
In the Action Required position, we have the Queen of Wands card. This suggests that you will need to summon up all your skills, abilities and experiences to get the best from this situation. You will need to be creative, mature, particular, driven and passionate because this is how the Queen of Wands succeeds in everything she does. The fact that she has appeared suggests that you can too ~ providing you follow her example.
Hopefully, taking all this into account you will find that you are in a very strong position (Strength) but take care that you don’t confuse confidence with Pride, assertion with aggression or strength with bullying, because whilst it is likely this month will bring success, it would be a shame to blow it all out of the water because you are using the wrong attitude ~ there is great strength in humility.
Remember that, although your star sign’s key aspects are that you are caring, and love the truth, your sign, also, is revolutionary and probing, which some people might find hard to take.

Base line: Six of Swords (Situation) Judgement (Influences) The Moon (Action Required)
Top line: Six of Pentacles (Outcome)
Experience and knowledge may have enabled you to ‘go with the flow’ with current situations, though you may not be perfectly happy with the the things that are happening in January, according to the Six of Swords. You seem to be able to tolerate the situation, whatever it is, and manage it in a calm and serene manner, which is all very well, but it is not an ideal situation for you. In fact you might be feeling downright uncomfortable.
However, your patience will be rewarded, as the Judgement card appears in the Influences position. This means that the truth will out about your behaviours ~ those in doubt about you will see you exonerated, which will be your reward for your patience and integrity with regard to this situation. Or, it might be that the truth will out about the protagonist(s) who are causing this difficult situation. Either way, your patience must endure until it is time for Judgement to bring things into the light.
In the Action Required position, we have The Moon card appear. In this position, it suggests that there are things afoot that are not known to you. But more specifically this card might be suggesting that you trust your instincts/intuition ~ perhaps to probe into the dark corners to find some truth yourself. Certainly, it would be suggesting that you do not take things at face value ~ make your own enquiries before making any decisions.
As all this plays out and you keep your head as suggested above, the Six of Pentacles indicates you will be richly rewarded and your faith in people, and life in general, will be restored. Furthermore, you will be much further on, in your journey, than you could have hoped to be, at this stage.
Key aspects of your star sign point to your empathic and responsive nature. The support you give to others will stand you in good stead when the rewards are doled out.
End of Tarotscopes.
If you like the tarot cards used in these tarotscopes you can buy them HERE
Don’t forget to share!! Thank you!
Loved the reading. Thanks so much. I noticed that the Page of cups and the Justice card have come up in quite a few readings. This month could be about our lives coming into balance generally, or from a higher perspective it could be our souls and particularly our karma from past lives getting sorted out and coming into balance to make way for higher knowledge. Its interesting that the general energy of Jan is so elevated. Again , thanks a lot for this lovely reading.
You are so welcome, Anita and thank you for your comment. It is a very interesting observation you make, I had noticed it too and I think you are right in that this year is likely to be a seminal one for many of us! I hope you go from strength to strength yourself this year! Sending love to you and yours. Patricia x