As we head into the month of July, and being half way through the year, you might want to check on the yearly tarotscopes I wrote in January to see how things have been shaping up for you, I had a look at mine recently as it was pretty near the mark.
With this month’s tarotscopes, I wondered whether you might find it fun to look at the card images before you read my interpretation as an exercise, and see if you get a sense of what they are saying – especially if you are learning (or thinking of learning) tarot? And it would be great if you could comment with your own thoughts 🙂
I felt the need to use a three card spread, generally used for Past, Present and Future, in which I infused the thoughts (in consecutive position order) of 1 About you, 2 What to do and 3 Outcome to give it some layering. I looked at the three cards together to get the overall feeling of the reading but there were times when it was important to focus on individual cards too, because of specific information coming through them.
As I am writing these Tarotscopes I am also being guided to give you specific words, for the month of July, for you to hold onto (like a mantra), I will add them at the end of each ‘Scope.
Whatever is happening, enjoy and love life.
Patricia x

Past: Strength Present: The Hermit Future: The Hierophant
Overall, Aries, the coming month is likely to address some of the issues you are facing. It seems that you have had to summon great strength of character just recently, and keep emotional reactions at bay, in order to make sure you weren’t overreacting to something unnecessarily. This can cause a depletion in your normal vim and vigour, causing you to feel either exhausted or wanting to avoid further confrontation because it is too draining for you.
The Hermit suggests that you really do need to find somewhere quiet, or a little ‘you’ time, to replenish your energy and drive. It will also give you time to consider the events that have happened, and to examine whether you have approached things in the best way and, if not, to make sure you make note of how, next time, you can be more certain of tackling them in a much better and rewarding way for you. During this time of seclusion and thought, try to find your own ‘light’ (that which makes you feel good and what you feel is your ‘truth’ to live by), what beliefs will make you feel confident enough to speak out when necessary. Finding your own light will help you to live your life in most fulfilled way.
If you can take time to do this, you may well find a new way of looking at things. A different perspective on why things happen. You may even discover that you need to search for a belief, which validates the way you feel deep down – do some research or talk to someone you admire about what they believe in, how they make sense of the world. July is likely to be a month of great growth for you, but you must allow yourself the time, and the quiet, in which to find that which will make you strong and happy. Mantra: Search for your Truth

Past: Nine of Pentacles Present: The Sun Future: The Chariot
The cards are giving me a sense of joy and movement for you in July, the chance to go on to greater heights from the situation you are already in.
You have reached a comfortable stage in life in terms of your material home and the assets around you. You have worked hard to achieve this and you must be feeling incredibly proud of yourself, it seems this is now established and you have a fair amount of security. When we have achieved good things it is important to stop to appreciate the good times, to savour them and to enjoy the glory of them. Furthermore, it seems like this wonderful time is set to continue, and whilst you are on this creative and successful trajectory, it is worth turning your hand and mind to those things you have always wanted to do. What is it you want to achieve next? This is a time of opportunity, and ability, and it is important you make good use of The Sun shining benignly on you, so it is a good time to be outward-looking, rather than keeping the status quo.
By opening yourself up to moving onward, and upward, you are likely to be given opportunities to expand and grow, maybe taking you out of your comfort zone and you may be faced with difficult choices. It will be important that you keep clear headed so that you can decide which is the best path to follow. You need to cut out the things that you honestly feel won’t work for you, and focus on the things that are realistic and feasible. Once you have made that decision you will need to grab hold of the reins with a tight grip to avoid being pulled in directions that will not help you and to continue on your chosen road, come what may. The important thing is to know where you are heading and why. Mantra: Success

Past: Ten of Cups Present: Page of Swords Future: King of Pentacles
There is a sense, from these cards, that you care tremendously about people around you and how they are affected by the attitudes of others; it may be that you are an empath and you wish people throughout the world could just get along happily, in peace and love. It might be that you are hearing things that are making you unhappy, but unless you hear or see something with your own ears and eyes, you must take some of what you hear with a pinch of salt.
Clearly happy relationships have been a large part of your recent past, but with the Page of Swords appearing in the Present position, things may not have been running as smoothly as they have been. You may not be getting a true version of the truth, because it is based on hearsay, or has been misinterpreted somewhere along the way. It may be helpful to wait for the truth to ‘out’ before getting embroiled in things you find upsetting, which will help your own stability and good health. Try not to get drawn into other peoples’ issues, because their problems are being sent to them for a higher purpose. That is not to say that you should not do anything if you categorically know someone is being hurt, but you cannot be all things to all people, you cannot carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.
It is important that you are clear in yourself about what the ‘truth’ is and be ready to act on it as, and when, you can. The King of Pentacles in the future/outcome position, suggests that the month of July will bring you into a place of ‘knowing and understanding’, because this is a person who is a great judge of situations, who knows exactly when to act and when not to. The three cards together say to me, don’t worry – all will be well. Mantra: Trust

Past: Justice Presento: Knight of Swords Future: Seven of Cups
The cards, even just by looking at them, really give out the sense that you are feeling, or have been, very concerned about something, and you honestly feel you should do something about it. And it very much feels it is to do with people or relationships.
Justice clearly indicates there is something you want to be ‘put right’ and she represents issues being brought to a ‘just’ and satisfactory conclusion. This is what you have been seeking, just recently, and it is something you desire strongly. The Knight of Swords in the Present position could represent your feeling the need to jump on your charger and sort it out yourself. To some extent you can seek ways to make things right, in any way that you think is appropriate, but it is really important to make certain that you are well informed, and sure of your facts, before you go charging in on your steed with your sword held aloft. Sometimes we are wrought with emotion or hurt and the desire to ‘sort things out’, but the Knight of Swords tends to act first then think later, and because of this he can sometimes come a cropper. If there is something you, personally, can do about this situation, and you are sure of your facts, then by all means stand your ground.
By doing what you can to rectify the situation, the Seven of Cups indicates there may choices to be made about links to the people involved in this scenario, even some who you thought were on your wavelength, and you may have to decide on who you want to keep in your life, and who you don’t. It may be a tough call, but if you feel there are people who are not positively contributing to your life, and you still feel strongly about fighting this cause, then you may have to make that call. Mantra: Be Informed

Past: Queen of Pentacles Present: Nine of Pentacles Future: Nine of Swords
The cards for July, overall, seem to say that although things are actually going really well, you are still capable of beating yourself up mentally about the things you do, or have done.
Your present situation in a material, and home, sense is very secure and you are able to provide for yourself and those around you with ease. You are also in a good place in terms of your emotions and family ties. You have reached a stage where you are becoming very able to treat those around you with care and generosity. What you have is established and is set to continue, providing you focus your attention on the important issues, and make sure that attention to detail is applied. You are very close to your goal, and really this is the time for you to be enjoying the fruits of your labour, and the people you have around you.
If you find yourself wandering down the path of insecurity and worry, it is up to you to find your way back to the well worn, and well lit, road you have been recently following. The mind can play tricks on us, if we allow it to, and although things can get overwhelming, it is important to stop and try to decide whether this is a case of an overactive imagination, or the reality. Don’t get consumed with worries that may not actually have any importance, or look back on times of sorrow, because these have been overcome. Keep your eyes focused on where you want to go, be positive and don’t allow yourself to be dictated to by unnecessary and destructive thoughts. Mantra: Stay Positive

Past: Six of Pentacles Present: Knight of Swords Future: Justice
The three cards together suggest that, because things are beginning to go well on a material front, you are ready to sort out an issue that you have feel you have been treated unfairly in, and you have the desire to get the whole thing sorted out as soon as you can.
It would seem that you have recently been given a boost in your material situation, or the job you are doing, is reaching a level that you are extremely pleased with, and there may even be signs of greater success. You are likely to be feeling justifiably pleased with yourself, and feeling grateful for generosity and support around you. All the signs are saying you are doing very well, and you are on the right track.
You might currently be feeling that something needs sorting out now, though, and you are ready to go galloping in on your white charger, to sort things out. You may feel ready to do battle, but it is important to take stock and make sure you have all your facts right. Also, you are desperate to get things moving quickly, but it actually makes more sense to take things a little steadier – this way you are not likely to be unseated by an ambush. Make sure you have all the necessary information you need, that you are in the right mental frame of mind, and that this battle really is worth fighting for, before you go wading in, because if you are not fully equipped, you might just scupper your chances of succeeding. However, if you are sure of your facts, and you are confident you can withstand the opposition, the Justice card indicates you will get the outcome you desire, but only if you tend to this matter in an informed and competent way. Mantra: Less Haste

Past: Queen of Swords Present: King of Cups Future: Ten of Cups
These three cards, taken together, could indicate, balance in relationships: female and male (in both partners) – yin and yang – head and heart – couples and successful relationships, for the coming month of July.
We have a Queen and King card in the Past and Present, Swords and Cups suits, representing head and heart, and the balance between both in relationships which are successful. Sometimes the head can rule, and sometimes the heart can bring in too much emotion into situations, and finding the balance can be tough. The fact that these two cards followed by the Ten of Cups indicate that things are set to bode very well in relationships in July. In fact the Ten is a really celebratory card and it is wonderful that it has come out in this Tarotscope. The Ten of Cups represents endurance, security and an established commitment between two people, it is an extremely positive and congratulatory card.
It seems the balance is already there in your relationship, and all that is required is for you to maintain that balance, steady communication, and understanding between you, and all will be well. Enjoy what seems to be a lovely and loving month ahead. Mantra: Balance

Past: Eight of Swords Present: Five of Pentacles Future: The High Priestess
These three cards indicate that there are issues in your life which are not only difficult to deal with, but cast some fear around you of losing your financial stability; on the other hand it seems that things are coming to the fore which might have a significant affect on the situation.
Perhaps you have recently become aware of a problem that needs addressing, or there is a decision that you are avoiding, for fear of what might happen. You feel your financial security is bound up in this situation and it is likely you are avoiding sorting it out because of this. A problem will not necessarily go away because you are avoiding it, and it might be worth noting that the situation could get worse by doing so. Sometimes, despite the fear of having to start all over again, it is necessary to believe that your needs, your health, and happiness, should be considered too. Whilst things may be hard to tackle, and decisions which rock your world are scary, it is important that you understand you, personally, may suffer more in the long term, if this situation isn’t dealt with, and whether this is something you can cope with.
The High Priestess also indicates that things are happening in the background in terms of your own beliefs, and suggests that these developments within you might herald changes for you. Listen to your intuition which might be heightened now, and try to understand that you are worthy of better things, look out for signs which may help you in this situation before tackling them head on. Mantra: Believe you are worthy of Happiness

Past: Eight of Swords Present: The Lovers Future: Four of Pentacles
Decisions seem to be at the root of the situation with our dear Sagittarius friends, in July, particularly on the relationship front. These cards indicate a fear of taking any risks which might upset the apple cart and being plunged into a future of the unknown.
The Eight of Swords represents avoiding a decision, but The Lovers card indicates the likelihood of having to choose one way or another with regard to relationships. It seems to be black and white in that respect; but as always, in life, there are many layers of choice, and ways of dealing with situations that might be worth considering as an alternative. Let us take The Lovers card for instance; the inherent meaning is about having to choose between a current partner and something/someone else; but another option could be communication – making it known about your needs/wants might open possibilities which can give you a sense of control in your life. If you don’t wish to lose the security you have in your home/homelife, or even the partner you are with, it is always possible to come to amicable terms, within that relationship, as to what it is you are happy to accept and what you are not. This card could even mean that feelings could be rekindled by encouraging open and honest discussion, with a bit of nurturing, between you, rather by remaining in a stalemate position.
The Four of Pentacles reiterates your fear of coming away from the security you feel you have, so it is clear that – even if you really are unhappy with your current situation – you would rather stay. If that is the case then it is worth considering finding a compromise by which you feel you have some say in your own needs and freedom.
Perhaps now would be a good time to decide to make it known that it’s not so much a case of ‘should I stay or should I go’ but possibly ‘I am happy do this, but I am not prepared to do that’. After all, this is your life we are talking about. Mantra: My needs are just as important

Past: King of Swords Present: The Magician Future: King of Cups
These three cards are really quite high level cards and indicate the mastery over head and heart and the ability to use all the skills that are readily available to you, but The Magician represent a riddle – what is missing?
Intellectually, it seems you know exactly what you want and how to go about it, the King of Swords appears to tell us this, but is it enough? The King of Swords is extremely competent but can sometimes lack sensivity. The Magician might be suggesting a slightly new way of doing things if you wish to make the most of all the opportunities you are given, but he also suggests that you have everything you need to hand, it is just a question of honing those skills to maximise them. Whilst the King of Cups might indicate it is possibly something to do with relationships that needs looking at, he also represents a certain mastery over your ability in the heart area, too. He is very knowledgeable about relationships and love, but he tends to shy away of embracing true emotional contact.
It is likely that these cards suggests there needs to be a bit of balance, perhaps; see The Magician balancing the items in the image – and the two Kings either side of this card? Perhaps they imply that your head has ruled your heart mostly in the past, and this coming month might be an opportunity to see how things work when you allow your heart to have its say too – would this take you on a bright new path? Only you will be able to find this out. Mantra: Balance

Past: Four of Wands Present: Strength Future: The Hierophant
These three cards, overall, give me a sense of rising up beyond previous spheres of life and looking for a belief in something that really takes you to a place of understanding the whys, and wherefores, of the things that happen in life. You might even call it a ‘coping mechanism’.
It is clear from the cards too, that you are reaching a level of success in terms of things you take in hand to manage, your fire and passion helps the growth of what you turn your hands to, but the Strength card suggests you are finding it difficult to manage in the implementation of this. It may be that you feel some anger and frustration in the things you are dealing with, and that it is hard work channelling such passion into your work without showing anger or pride? This can be draining and debilitating for you, and might hinder your work, even though you may feel you are succeeding in controlling these feelings.
The Hierophant suggests that you are looking for, or need, something to help you understand why certain things happen, why you feel so strongly about them, and a way to handle them without you going crazy in the meantime. Maybe it is time to talk to someone you trust that might help you find a way to park your angst some where it can’t affect you as much, or to find something which will help put things into perspective so you are able to leave some things that cause you distress. Mantra: Search for Emotional Relief

Past: Queen of Pentacles Present: The Chariot Future: Three of Cups
I feel from these cards that things are going very well for you, and that you are now ready for the next phase of your life, and if you follow the call to make some changes, it seems that you will achieve something that is well worth celebrating.
The Queen of Pentacles suggests that you are pretty happy with your current home/material situation and that you have pretty much all you need right now. You have a happy home, you are content with what you have, and you have worked hard to achieve it. You are more than capable of making things work for you, so you are not worrying about your future, on a financial level, anymore. The Chariot suggests that you may now be called to take a new path, or consider a change in direction, from the one you are currently on. Sometimes decision making, especially when you are feeling contented with the status quo, can be difficult. But by taking a firm grip on the reins of your life, you can head for an even brighter future. The Three of Cups is a very celebratory card, in terms of relationships, so it could be that you may start considering taking a romantic relationship to the next level, or possibly considering extending your family. Whatever this celebration is, it is likely to happen simply and solely because you have decided the time is right, and the signs are very good indeed. Congratulations. Mantra: I have more to give
End of Tarotscopes.
Cards used are from The Tarot House Deck, which you can BUY HERE All images and meanings available from www.simplytarot.com
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