Here are my Tips on Time in Tarot:
Can tarot cards be accurate about time scales, and how?
As always, there are many differing opinions, and guidelines, used by tarot readers, including some that say we shouldn’t even attempt to put time limits on readings, because people and events are, so easily, subject to change.
Consider this – there are different ways to ask questions regarding time – there’s a general approach ‘When will I get married?’ ‘Will I get married before I am 35?’ – can the cards accurately answer such a question? Probably not.
In my opinion, the cards cannot really answer a long-term question because our actions and attitudes are likely to change over such a period of time, and that will alter an outcome.
However, if we ask more manageable, and direct, questions ‘Will I get a promotion in the next month?’ or ‘Am I going to be moving in with my partner in the next six months?’ these are questions on a time scale that the cards could probably handle. I have always had clear answers if the time scale is reasonable within the question, but the longer the period of time the flakier the answer is likely to be.
When doing a general reading or answering a question which does not ask for timings, I usually work with it being effective for a period of 4-6 months – again, attitudes, events, even ourselves are subject to energy waves that come and go, so there may be a little ‘give’ around those timings.
So when reading tarot cards, or having a tarot reading for yourself, it is necessary to be very direct with your question and only ask questions about timing within the very near future.
Love and Light
Patricia x