The reason ‘Why I don’t sell on ebay or Amazon’ is because………….it costs time, effort, money and class. Yes, class.
I know I could put my tarot deck on these sites (I have the know-how) and indeed was tempted enough to get it on Amazon when things were going a bit slow. But I took it off after days. I just don’t like the look! I don’t like the way there is always a slashed through price, as if nothing is really worth the original retail price . I don’t like the money they take for a fee. And I don’t like the way so many people can be rude in the reviews. Yet I know people love these sites, and I use them myself to be honest, but to me it feels like a huge soul-less warehouse and not the spell-binding shop full of curios and alluring gifts which is where my deck belongs.
Yes, I am probably a snob and I have probably lost out financially, but I feel I have retained the dignity of The Tarot House Deck.
I needed to write this blog to let you know how difficult it is to sell your own product without the backing and trust engendered by the ‘big’ guys. But I am doing all right. I have sold a lot of decks, and sent them all over the world, but I haven’t sold enough ……..yet.
My website Simply Tarot has taken some time to start ranking on Google, but it’s getting there, now. It has also taken time to show people that I am truly trustworthy, and many of you can vouch for that, I know now too. Reviews of my deck have built up nicely, and my customers are all polite and kind which is important to me. But hey, we all need help from our friends along the way.
The best sidekick I have had throughout this time has been, where I have probably sold most of my decks at a fraction of the cost of the other sites. I am so grateful to have found this site – it is quick and easy to set up a shop and it didn’t take long to get noticed and make sales. I did sell quite a lot at the Mind, Body and Soul fair in London in the first year I set up, but that cost well over £1,000 and I just couldn’t keep doing that – even though I loved it to bits!

I now need to get more sales through my website, though. And that’s where I need your help……..if you know of someone who is interested in, or loves tarot, do tell them about Simply Tarot and The Tarot House Deck; do tell them there is lots of free tarot information on our website to learn from, and please do tell them that I am a genuine person.
And I am going to let the world know now, in this blog, that I have the best followers and friends in the virtual world!! Thanks guys! I love you…..
Patricia xx
Well done for refusing to list on Ebay and Amazon, Patricia! It can be hard to resist that temptation, when you are eager to promote and sell your deck, but these places are indeed soulless and “cheap”, and they don’t reflect the magickal nature of your product. For that you need your own website that reflects your personality. Especially Ebay listings can do more harm than good. On the other hand, I’ve always felt Etsy was different, and I’m thinking of starting to sell a few things there. It’s great to hear you had a positive experience on Etsy 🙂
Thank you Christiane! Yes there is a fantastic and very appreciative audience on Etsy and their SEO ranks high too, so there is a lot of custom. I hope you do give it a try – I will pop over when you do 😀 xxx