Hello Everyone! As the veil thins between the physical and spiritual worlds at this time of year, I thought I would just pull four tarot cards and allow any interpretations to come in a psychic form for these Tarotscopes. I don’t consider myself to be very psychic as a norm, but in the spirit […]
Tarotscopes for October 2018
Well here we are again! What is it that you are hoping to get from these Tarotscopes for October? I hope I’ve got it right this month. I felt, whilst I was pondering on how to approach them, a need for specific guidance rather than a general reading, so we have four cards with […]
Tarotscopes for August 2018
Tarotscopes are written by Patricia using Simply Tarot’s own tarot deck The Tarot House Deck Hello to You! I hope that August’s tarotscopes will give you a heads up for the coming month and will help you navigate life in the best way possible. I lit a violet candle (available from our other website Magickal […]
Tarotscopes for July 2018
Tarotscopes for July have been written by Patricia using The Tarot House Deck. Hello! We’ve been having lovely summer weather where we are, and it really does lift the spirits! Things are really quite depressing in the world in some respects, however, and for many, I think, the month of June has been quite hard […]