Tarotscope for the week of April 11th -17th 2016 Hi!! Happy Monday. I had some time today and very much felt the need to do a weekly Tarotscope for you. I don’t know if this is something I can do every week, but we shall see. Shares very much welcomed <3 <3 Just scroll down […]
Two Steps to the Gate Tarot Spread
Two Steps to the Gate Tarot Spread is a new spread developed by me at Simply Tarot. Sometimes we can feel helpless in a certain situation and we are itching to get things going. This spread is to help you unlock the next phase of anything that you feel is not proceeding very quickly; it […]
when Mummy can’t kiss it better and make it go away
We all seem to get to a time in life when Mummy can’t kiss it better and make it go away, so we can go off playing happily again; we are left alone in the playground of life, unhappy and scared of who, or what, has hurt us. The ego – which is our survival instinct – […]
Can using tarot cards be counter-productive?
So!! You’ve got a friend to go out clubbing with, and you’re desperate for a boy/girlfriend, this is a rare chance to get out and meet someone. After a couple of vodkas, and as you wait for the taxi to arrive, you get your tarot cards out and ask……. “Will I meet the love of my life […]