I asked the Tarot cards what they wanted to tell me today, What the World needs now……….. I felt that I needed to know what, if anything specific, we humans should focus on to make this world a better place for us all to exist in. These cards came out: The Two of Pentacles and Temperance. […]
Weaknesses and strengths found in The Tower tarot card
Weaknesses and strengths found in The Tower tarot card seems a bit of a dichotomy. How can weakness and strength be shown at the same time? You can see from the picture of the card that The Tower has been/is being struck by lightening. Firstly, The Tower represents you, your life, your job, your projects or your relationships; […]
Tarotscopes for February 2016
Tarotscopes for February 2016 Well Hi! Nice to see you here ready for the up-and-coming month of Love. Valentines Day is something that meant more to me when I was young, and it was SO important that my boyfriend/husband remembered it………….After 37 years of marriage it really doesn’t seem so important to me, because our years […]
Your Tarotscope for 2016
Happy New Year from Simply Tarot!! We all start the New Year by focusing on what we are going to try and change to make our lives more healthy and meaningful, by way of New Year Resolutions. We get fired up and determined, and the energy is running high. Sometimes we set ourselves goals that […]