Short meaning: A period of good fortune and reward. You are enjoying life and feeling optimistic about the future. There is happiness and harmony in your relationships and ventures, and undertakings are likely to succeed. The Sun shines a light on everything you do. A very good sign.
In-depth meaning: The Sun is the most positive Tarot card and indicates fruitful outcomes accompanied by joy and happiness. Here, the Subject is at a happy point; their needs are being met, they’re clear about what they want and have an optimistic attitude toward achieving their goal. Cards such as The Sun and The World are the points in life we all strive and aspire to, they’re the positive outcome cards we all want to see. They depict the times when we can enjoy the fruits of our labours and feel proud of ourselves for what we have done and achieved. It is really important to take some time to stop and appreciate the moment, the place, the people, the love.
Likewise, the Subject should take note of the lessons learned in Strength which is to not let ambition and success go to their head or dictate who they are or how they behave. They should remember to strike a balance between enjoying the moment, understanding their own value, and not getting carried away with the hype around them right now.
Notes on the image: The Sun comes and dispels all darkness and doubt by shining its light everywhere and by prevailing over the stars and moon for now. The Sun gives life; we simply cannot survive without it. The couple and the baby in this picture have a lot to be thankful for and they are acknowledging The Sun for the bounty it gives them.
A time for the Subject to feel happy and grateful for what they have, recognising all the wonderful things in their lives. A time when they can be happy with their lot. It is important to remember to appreciate and show gratitude for all these things.