Short meaning: You have a lot going on in key relationships when the Seven of Cups appears. You’re likely to have a number of different options or ways to move forward. The Seven of Cups also hints that you’ll soon need to commit to just one of these options – think carefully, choose wisely!
In-depth meaning: The Subject’s love life may be a bit ‘up in the air’ at the moment. It might be that the relationship doesn’t seem satisfying enough to the Subject and they need to think carefully about what they need. The mood of this card is not negative, though, so there is clearly food for thought about which is the best way forward. The Subject needs to start working out what is, and isn’t, attractive, feasible or realistic for them within this relationship.
The Subject should be considering the right course of action to take in order to make things right, or to get the relationship to move forwards if this is what they want to do. It is important for them to consider their own needs but they should always show respect and consideration to those involved.
Notes on the image: This image represents an influence which is affecting the current relationship. Although the water is choppy and there is a wind blowing (this portrays the influence), there are still many leaves on the tree and the Cups seem to be held securely. This indicates the need to consider what influences are affecting the relationship, and to make a decision how to tackle the issue before things come under too much stress.