Short meaning: A highly logical and intelligent, mature man who can be rather dismissive of emotion. He is clever and incisive, able to get straight to the heart of a problem, and find the right solution. You can’t be too sensitive around this person, their words can hurt but are often the truth.
In-depth meaning: The Subject may be dealing with a rather impressive, intelligent man. His intelligence and experience give him the power to do and say the right things at the right time, but, he is a head-rules-the-heart kind of guy, and can lack honest and sincere involvement with those around him. He has many good traits though and he can be kind and helpful.
He is always just slightly detached from a situation, or relationship, and he’ll refuse to get in over his head. He’ll do what he perceives is the right thing to do, rather than what he wants to do, because he fears losing control or making mistakes. Not to protect himself from hurt like the Queen of Swords does, but purely on an egotistical level. His intellectual abilities are of the utmost importance to him and, thus, they define him as a person. He can become uneasy in romantic situations and dismissive of sentimentality.
Notes on the image: The King is holding his most valuable possession – his Sword (intellect); he is seated and keeps the Sword close to him, with his hands crossed over each other on the top; this stance indicates he has the ability to keep his feelings and actions well under control. Nor does he give things away easily. The expression on his face is quite severe as if he is listening intently and considering the options of dealing with a challenge. The curtain is three quarters drawn so as not to cover the shield, which represents his being always alert and ready for action should it be required.