In-depth meaning: The Subject is struggling to retain their passionate attachment to someone, or something they are working on, in their life. There could be a number of reasons why – they may be lacking support, or they have become disillusioned and unexcited about the future and its possibilities.
The Subject really needs to think this through; a decision has to be taken regarding this issue – should they come away from this relationship/situation? Or should they make a real effort to change their attitude and inject some enthusiasm back into it?
They should not ignore it, however, because it will create additional problems and, as a result, they will become more detached than ever. Instead they need to focus on finding a way to restore their appetite for the situation, or come away from it, in order to drive things forward.
Notes on the image: There is some sort of an influence affecting the structure of the Wands in the image. The whole thing is under pressure and looks like it could fall. The flames are also blown towards it, which poses another threat. Whatever influence is causing this pressure needs to be looked at, and managed, or eliminated, if the structure is to be saved.