Short meaning: The Six of Wands shows a significant achievement on your part. Success that is recognised and endorsed by others, even those that may have previously doubted you and your choices. A very happy, pleasing time for you. Well done!
In-depth meaning: The achievements referred to here, in the Six of Wands, are more accomplished than those referred to in the Three. Not only has the Subject managed to succeed, they also know that they chose the right path and they are right where they want to be. The Subject should have boundless confidence in their abilities and a real sense of pride.
There will still be a lot of movement and progression around the Subject. This is not a time to stand still and there may be a plan and/or an option or desire to travel. They now know for sure that they can see things through, work hard, and survive when things get tough. This is the card of adventures and quests and the Subject is a willing participant. There’s not much that can hold them back at this point.
Notes on the image: As you can see, the Wands have now started to form another level of the structure which indicates real signs of success – The Wands are all aligned and straight which indicates that things are going well. A real achievement!