In-depth meaning: The Subject has taken on more than they can chew and they’re feeling overloaded. At the culmination of the Wands journey, there should be a lot to celebrate about – something has been established – but the subject can’t see this because it is too much of a burden. Despite the success of having achieved what they set out to do, something now needs to ‘give’; and, moving forward, the Subject needs to weigh up what they take on, against their capacity to actually do it.
The Subject may also feel overwhelmed by someone else’s troubles and upset; they may be feeling, in some way, responsible for it, or that they should, but are unable, to assist. The Subject may want to help but they are too involved to see clearly what needs to be done. This card may nudge them to stand back a little in order to observe the situation objectively in order to find a way to help.
Notes on the image: Despite the toppling Wands the structure is still standing and has the capacity to stay erect, indicating success in the basic undertaking. However, the Wand that has fallen onto the fire represents the inability to keep things under control and the possibility it could all go wrong. Providing measures can be taken to bring the structure back into alignment, it can be saved.