Scroll down to find your Tarotscope for the coming month of November. It is based on your star sign and a four card Tarot Reading.
The interesting thing about this Tarotscope is that it takes its lead from what happened last month and asks questions about the month ahead with this in mind, so do take a look and why not share with your friends and family…..oh, and if you find it helpful please comment 😀
These readings are done by Patricia with our own Tarot House Deck, take a look at why we think it is very special
2 How you are feeling right now.
3 Successes in the month of November.
4 What to focus on in November.
1 Eight of Wands 2 Two of Pentacles 3 Page of Swords 4 The Magician
It seems that you have made significant strides into making the changes that were required last month, and have let those around you who care for you much more into your life. You have allowed yourself to let go of the purse strings a little to open yourself to new adventures and opportunities. The people around you and the projects you are working on, are showing you how you have opened yourself to love, and enjoyment, by shaking off those old attitudes! Well done!
You are feeling much more appreciated in your relationships both at home and at work. These relationships need additional attention if they are to grow but you are now able to understand the importance of giving, as well as receiving, in them. This is a massive achievement and you are feeling the benefits.
You will be seeing the beneficial effects of listening carefully, and watching your own words, this coming month and how doing so will make life so much easier. By recognising that words can often be misinterpreted, many an argument, or disagreement, will be avoided.
What you need to focus on in November is looking for signs of new opportunities coming your way, or going in a different direction than you have been. They won’t be obvious signs so, be aware of your feelings, instincts and recurring themes, or desires to try things that are new. The important thing to remember is you have all the necessary skills to give it a go.
2 How you are feeling right now.
3 Successes in the month of November.
4 What to focus on in November.
1 Four of Wands 2 Three of Pentacles 3 Nine of Pentacles 4 Nine of Cups
There were changes in your life last month which have had an ongoing affect, whilst there was some good news, you felt that you were unable to understand why your life had changed from the way you knew it, and how you expected it would go. The good news is that you have achieved the transition of this change and have set some wonderful foundations to build on, so well done. There are signs from the cards of a wonderful new enjoyable era for you, because of your efforts.
You are enjoying evidence of a tangible milestone in your material or financial situation, now, whatever you are working on right now looks set to be able to flourish into something greater if the same amount of effort is put into this project.
Your financial or material situation looks set to be excellent this month too! This may be financial payment for all your hard work, or payment in kind, for your input in the past. Congratulations!
Your relationships should be the main focus for November. Things are going very well for you, but it is still important to nourish these relationships to ensure lasting enjoyment and commitment. Enjoy your wonderful month ahead!
2 How you are feeling right now.
3 Successes in the month of November.
4 What to focus on in November.
1 Eight of Swords 2 Ten of Swords 3 Wheel of Fortune 4 The Hermit
It seems as though the issue making you feel trapped and unhappy last month is still influencing your life. Avoiding dealing with situations, or making the decisions which will bring you out of this self-imposed prison, will only make it more difficult in the future. This is something that will not go away until you take responsibility for making the necessary changes.
You are feeling hurt and pretty disappointed about a current situation in your life which you cannot change the impact of. This will indeed be painful for you, but the truth is that, no matter how difficult it is, this opens up a new, happier time for you which is something that is very much needed.
Good fortune is about to come your way. This has been long awaited, and looked forward to, so make the most of this wonderful opportunity. You have worked so hard for little comeback but it now looks like there are exciting times ahead this November!
You will need to focus on yourself this coming month. You need time to heal, to achieve some clarity on how and where you are heading and time to reflect on what you would like to do. Make November the month for YOU and set the tone of a new way of life.
2 How you are feeling right now.
3 Successes in the month of November.
4 What to focus on in November.
1 The Moon 2 Seven of Wands 3 Three of Pentacles 4 Two of Wands
The Moon speaks of things not being very clear at the moment, but it can also mean this is a time when you need to trust your intuition with regard to current situations. If things feel they have not really moved on from last month’s relationship problems, then you will need to trust your intuition and look for signs to guide you. The recent super moons and shifts mean changes are coming, but perhaps not just yet.
Your enthusiasm has waned for something you thought was a good idea at one time, so you are feeling a little demotivated and tired at the moment. If you can’t change the situation it will be important to change your attitude to it so that you don’t feel drained.
You will be happy with your financial or material standing in November as there will be a manifestation of security and stability for you. This might be a little bonus or financial gift…….make it work for you when you get it.
Any journey, or project, that is planned is set to go well, make sure all the arrangements are sorted properly. It is clear that there is something new afoot that will inspire your passion this coming month, so enjoy and put all your efforts into making it a success.
2 How you are feeling right now.
3 Successes in the month of November.
4 What to focus on in November.
1 Wheel of Fortune 2 The Chariot 3 Six of Pentacles 4 Judgement
The Wheel of Fortune has taken a hand in improving your current situation since last month, it is likely that things are beginning to make sense to you, and you are beginning to understand what it is that you need live, and love, life to the full. Things are set to improve on all fronts. This Major Arcana card represents the efforts you are putting in to your relationships, and how that effort is creating positive influences, so well done!
It is likely that you feel things are running away with you right now and you might be struggling to keep on track. All you need to do is make decisions on how you are going to deal with things and stick to them; keep firm hold of the reins so that you know in which direction you are heading, and that you stay in control of events. Don’t let issues pull you this way and that.
November will bring you proof that you are doing well in a material or financial way! Congratulations! Make sure that, whilst enjoying your success, you make that money work for you in your work and home life.
The focus should be on your behaviours this coming month of November. Other people will judge us, rightly or wrongly, whether we like it or not. But there is control in judging our own behaviours, good or bad, and making the changes necessary to become a better person. Our behaviours do have an impact – it is for you to examine yours and making sure that impact is a good one.
2 How you are feeling right now.
3 Successes in the month of November.
4 What to focus on in November.
1 Eight of Cups 2 Queen of Cups 3 Strength 4 Three of Pentacles
It looks as though the relationship you were struggling with last month is now likely to be over. This is such a sad and difficult time for you, although the end of a relationship will always bring opportunities for the chance for another one that will work better for you.
You would really like to be feeling good about yourself, and attractive to others. Before you move onto another relationship you need to spend some time on yourself. Pamper yourself and drink plenty of water. Make sure you know exactly what you want from your next relationship and don’t settle for anything less. You must fully love yourself if you want to find the right one for you.
Strength and kindness will bring your key successes in November. Your strength will enable you to handle the transition from sadness and this will likely bring the solutions you need and want. Make sure it is a gentle and understanding strength, rather than a pushy and angry one, if you wish to feel comfortable about the ways things are developing for you.
You will need focus on putting the effort into whatever it is that you are working on right now, to bring it to fruition, your objective should be to make sure you get something tangible out of your efforts in November. The signs are good for progress in this but it, still needs work and effort.
1 Progress from last month.
2 How you are feeling right now.
3 Successes in the month of November.
4 What to focus on in November.
1 Five of Cups 2 The Devil 3 The Hermit 4 Eight of Wands
The Five of Cups indicates that there is some upset around a particular relationship, it might even be referring to your relationship with yourself; following on from last month it is likely you still feel pushed and pulled in too many directions and this is having an adverse effect on you. It is down to you to organise your life so that you are not too overburdened.
You are feeling a bit ashamed of yourself right now, maybe you feel unfit, unattractive or just unhealthy, or perhaps it is because you don’t think you are functioning as well as you should. The Devil card might be indicating that you feel it is time to give up a habit that is bad for you, The Devil represents the things you do that you don’t like doing, he does not have control over you – you can free yourself from these thoughts and feelings.
Your success in the coming month will be finding somewhere that is good for you. A place where you can relax and reflect on life. This will also be the opportunity to spend time on yourself to make yourself feel better or to find a lifestyle that really helps with your personal commitments and lifestyle desires.
You will be full of creativity and enthusiasm in November for an endeavour or project which you are really excited about, make sure you use your skills, and that all the efforts put in, bring maximum results for the success of this project. You will reach the stage/place you have wanted, and worked hard for, a long time. Enjoy!
2 How you are feeling right now.
3 Successes in the month of November.
4 What to focus on in November.
1 The Lovers 2 The Wheel of Fortune 3 Page of Wands 4 The Magician
The Lovers indicates that, following last month, a major change, or decision, has occurred in a key relationship or you may still have to make a choice, and this event is having a major impact on you. When making decisions about relationships it is important to make sure you are doing the right thing for you, but to mitigate any damage, it is necessary to deal with the situation, and the people in it, with kindness and considerate honesty.
You are wanting big changes in your fortune right now and hope that things will improve – The Wheel of Fortune indicates that it might happen in November – so keep expecting the best and maybe you will get the best!
You may be offered a new job, the chance to travel or have shot at something you have wanted to do. The Page represents not rushing into it full of naivety, but to consider things carefully before making any commitments. However, it could well be a good proposition.
When this offer comes along it might not be clear to you what you need to do or should do. Remember to use all the skills you have acquired over the years to research what you will need, plan carefully what you need to put into place and leave nothing to chance. Look out for signs, repetition of themes – colours, numbers, names etc – which might help you search in the right places before you make any commitments. However, The Magician also heralds a new direction for you…….exciting times ahead!
2 How you are feeling right now.
3 Successes in the month of November.
4 What to focus on in November.
1 The Moon 2 Four of Wands 3 Eight of Cups 4 The High Priestess
Although things might have started to improve, or change, following on from last month’s lack of enthusiasm for key relationships and life in general, it is still not clear which is the right path for you to take. This is a time to trust your instincts and your intuition, but just be aware that all facts have not been brought to light yet. When the time is right it will become a lot clearer as to where you are heading.
You feel you have reached a good stage in a particular project, or endeavour, and you are pleased with the result. This is a result of your hard work so well done! Take stock of how far you have come so you can truly appreciate the value of what you have achieved and continue to make this work for you. It is a validation of your abilities to make thing work.
Whilst you feel the loss of a key relationship, the truth is, this loss will bring an opportunity for a bright new start in life. It is always sad losing someone you have been close to, but it is time to move on to the next chapter in your life, which should bring some respite for your soul.
The High Priestess has appeared to represent what you need to focus on in November. She represents unseen things coming to the fore, she indicates new things happening and a recognising of talents you might be unaware of, so make sure to follow through any creative or spiritual urges you may get, as these might help you to recognise just what it is you want from your life.
2 How you are feeling right now.
3 Successes in the month of November.
4 What to focus on in November.
1 The Lovers 2 Five of Wands 3 Eight of Swords 4 Seven of Wands
Following on from a rather emotional October in various ways, it seems that there has been some headway into making choices with regard to the relationships in your life, and, judging by the Wands which have come out, work too. A feeling for the need for balance comes with this card, as it looks like you may have been feeling pulled from different directions. You don’t need to make all or nothing decisions, there are ways to compromise to make everyone, especially yourself, feel happy.
You are feeling like you are restricted, or hindered, in terms of work right now; it seems you are desperate to move on to better and more productive stages. What you have already achieved is established and enduring, and often projects can just enter a ‘go slow’ mode before things pick up. Continue with the way you work and view this slow period as an important time for cementing the foundations of your work.
By sorting out a difficult situation between you and other people, you will be released from a persistent issue which continues to bother you. You may be worried about hurting one or the other’s feelings by making this choice, but when you do, the fall out will not be as bad as you think it is going to be. By making this choice you will release yourself from incessant fretting and be able move on.
In November you will need to actually decide what to focus on, in your work, to ensure that things don’t run away with you and cause confusion. In other words juggling too many balls in the air distracts you from doing what you do really well. You will need to decide which things must have your full attention and really make them work.
2 How you are feeling right now.
3 Successes in the month of November.
4 What to focus on in November.
1 Ace of Wands 2 Eight of Wands 3 Ten of Wands 4 Knight of Cups
It seems that you are stepping from one new level, with regard to work, to another, following October’s Tarotscope, and this indicates that you are progressing at speed with passion, fire and creativity. This of course is truly exciting, although you may feel to some extent that things are running away with you. The Ace indicates, however, that you have all the energy, ambition and vigour needed to take these massive learning curves well in your stride, well done!
Because you have been achieving at every level of work you reach, you feel much more secure and capable which is represented by the Eight of Wands, because this card portrays the passion, knowledge and energy levels you have within you, right now, to maximise your input. It is good that you believe in yourself and you should realise that your confidence is a result of the outstanding results you have achieved.
Your successes in November, however, will be in not taking on unnecessary tasks which might push you slightly too far, so remember to be realistic about what you can honestly cope with; if you don’t overburden yourself, your ability will bring you the success you desire.
With all the work around you and the feeling of achievement it brings, you should remember to focus on your personal relationships, to make sure they also make you feel wanted, valued and secure, but also ensure that your companions feel they are as important to you as your work.
2 How you are feeling right now.
3 Successes in the month of November.
4 What to focus on in November.
1 Five of Pentacles 2 Page of Wands 3 Six of Cups 4 King of Swords
After a rather difficult emotional October, you are moving more towards the material, financial aspects of your life. It may be that you are now facing a worry about your income or job and you are feeling somewhat insecure. It is better to start getting to grips with the situation rather than worrying about it, because worrying will sap your self-confidence. This is a new start for you, if you can pull things together positively and work to improving your situation, your confidence and abilities will get you through any difficult phases.
You feel you are ready to get stuck into a new project, job or endeavour. It is good to be enthusiastic but make sure you are not trying to run before you can walk. Take time to reflect on what did, and didn’t, work for you in the past so that you don’t fall into the same traps you have been in before.
You may be looking at a past relationship through ‘rose-coloured spectacles’ and imagining how great it was. The Six of Cups might indicate there is hope in a revival of this partnership but you must really take time to reflect on the past and decide whether the two of you can really make it work this time, before making any rash decisions. Any successes you achieve this month will be through careful thought and consideration, but the possibility of a relationship is there.
You will need to get your mindset absolutely right in November. It has been an emotional time for you. But there comes a point when you have to use your head, rather than your heart, in some situations. The King of Swords is successful because of the thought he puts into everything he does and he does not take emotional risks. To make sure you avoid any of the pitfalls of the same old patterns, keep your intellect, and emotions, fully balanced and use the right one at the right time.
Thank you so much! 🙂