The Celtic Cross Tarot spread is probably the most recognisable, and widely used Tarot spread of them all.
The Celtic Cross Tarot spread can produce a simple or detailed reading. If the cards are given basic, short interpretations and each card is read on its own it will give a short, overview style reading. Analysing the cards collaboratively and in the context of their unique positions, will help develop the reading further.
The guidance provided below will hopefully help Readers to be more specific with their interpretations of the Celtic Cross Tarot spread, and to provide a really meaningful reading to the Subject.
1: Situation
The card in this position should draw the Reader to the heart of the matter, the central situation. It won’t reveal all the different aspects thereof but provides the focal point of the reading. A Reader should use this card as the basis for the rest of the reading and refer back when interpreting the cards around it.
2: Conflict
Here, the chosen card will show where conflict is generated in the situation referred to in the first card. In our experience, this card can help to clarify any uncertainty in the first card drawn. It appears that people are more easily able to recognise areas of conflict as opposed to the general situation at hand. So, if there has been difficulty interpreting the first card, try backtracking to see if the Subject is now able identify with its meaning.
3: Mind
Remember that the thoughts of any person are based on their interpretation of a situation rather than fact. It is prudent to investigate where the meaning of this card differs to cards in positions that show what is actually happening. These would be the Situation, Conflict and Now positions. This can give the Reader the ability to put the Subject’s mind at ease or, conversely, to advise them to think more carefully about the consequences of their actions.
For example if the 9 of Swords appeared in the Mind position, but other cards are positive, it is likely that the Subject is worrying too much about something that really isn’t as bad as it they fear it will be.
4: Driver
This position shows us how the Subject has arrived at the place they are. It shows what influences or events have motivated the Subject and, maybe, why the person is behaving the way they are.
This card is crucial to unlocking the reading and being able to understand what has motivated the Subject. For example, a bad or sad event may have led them onto a path of self destruction and just being able to help them understand and accept this could be the key to them moving on. Likewise, if it shows enthusiasm for an endeavour it can remind the Subject why they embarked on the pursuit in the first place, giving them fresh energy to carry on.
5: Past
This position will highlight people, situations or influences from the past that still have an affect on the Subject. For example, if the Subject was hurt significantly in their last relationship it is likely that they will fear getting hurt in the same way again and this may prevent them from entering into a new one. The card in this position may also be trying to show the Subject that they have learned a lesson in their past that will be of use to them now.
6: Future
Future events depicted by the Tarot are always subject to change by the Subject. If their thoughts, attitudes and behaviour changes as a result of the insight provided in the reading, future events will change accordingly. As it stands, this card will provide a snap shot of how this situation will develop in the near future if everything continues in the same vein, and those key things that will come to bear influence shortly. Readers would benefit from assessing the Past and Future together to see how the Subject has moved forward or not.
7: Now
This is a ‘current’ card and focuses on the Subject and their attitudes and approach, rather than the actual situation. Assessing this card against the Situation, Conflict and Drive positions can help a Reader give a Subject evidence. This card will show the true inner emotions, feelings and attitude of the Subject. It will highlight whether or not the Subject is happy, if they feel that they have or have not achieved something.
If other ‘current’ cards are showing a very positive situation but this card were say the 10 of Wands, it would show that the Subject feels trapped or oppressed despite the good things happening around them. Together the Reader and the Subject need to work out what this is and how it can be resolved.
8: Others
Whilst we shouldn’t allow other people’s criticisms or negativity to hinder us, it doesn’t mean that their feelings and opinions should be ignored. It is always good to seek comment, advice and guidance, but it is for the Subject to filter all the information and form the final decision or stance. Look at this card to see the Subject’s environment and what the people around them think about the current situation. Can this help them see things from a different perspective?
9: Hopes
This will show the Reader what the Subject would like to happen and/or what they fear will happen. The Reader should analyse whether hopes or fears are inflated to know how this relates to the Subject. This is an important card because if you read it against the Driver and Situation cards you can start to understand whether the Subject is following a road that will lead them to where they want to be. Understanding the Subject’s hopes and fears is a key part of understanding their overall objective.
If the reading shows that the Subject’s situation isn’t meeting their needs, or if the Subject appears to have be out of touch with their objective, it could be beneficial to try a Chakra reading. This is with a view to helping the Subject find themself again. Once they have achieved that, they will be more able to deal with external situations and people; working towards a goal that will fulfil their own wants and needs as well as those around them.
10: Outcome
This is the natural follow on, or outcome for the Subject. It is really important to know that the outcome is based on what is happening ‘now’. If the Subject continues to deal with their situation in the same way, it is where they are likely to end up. If a different approach is taken then the future is likely to differ accordingly. This should be a point of motivation for most people.
A lot of people seeking Tarot readings do so to find out what is ahead of them. An integral part of the reading is that the Subject should realise they have the ability to alter the course of events and shouldn’t always be taking a passive role in their life. Likewise, the importance of past and present experiences should all be thought about carefully. There are lessons from the past that will help now, and the present is the only opportunity to change or embrace the approaching future.
Try this Celtic Cross Tarot spread out now
We hope you’ve found our guidance on reading a Celtic Cross Tarot spread useful. If you’ve got any feedback, please feel free to share it with us by email to