It is really quite an experience writing Tarotscopes each month.
I thought it might be interesting to give you an insight into what it takes to create our monthly Tarotscopes. They appear on the page with cute little pictures all annotated with the star sign name, sparkles and the reading for each sign and it looks straightforward enough. The truth is it is very hard work.
Firstly I have to get into the zone and create my Reading space with a cloth, sometimes a candle and my crystals. I need to have my trusty Nikon camera (an investment necessary for working online!) to hand to take a photograph of each star sign’s spread – which then needs up-loading and naming so I don’t get confused with which picture goes with which reading.
I have to reduce each of the twelve spread pictures to a decent size for uploading to the site and crop individually to make the most of the picture. I use a great site called Picmonkey to edit each one. It is on Picmonkey that I add the text to each picture and the sparkles, and I have to make sure I get the right one because each picture is similar. I have to remember sizes and fonts that I have been using for each of the twelve pictures, so they all have the same format – oh and I certainly have to remember to save to the picture on my computer, or do it all again! Been there, done that. I have to keep my wits about me because each picture looks similar but of course they all contain different cards. There is a routine I follow which helps with the consistency of getting it done correctly.
Then I have to read the cards, of course, for the twelve signs, and make sure that it makes some sort of sense. This month I have taken a different approach which will bring some continuity into the reading for our audience and I am really excited about it! 😀 I hope it works.
All the pictures and the text then have to be put onto a admin post page on our website, again making sure that they all have a similar and nice looking format, I re-read each one making little adjustments until I feel they read the right way, and look good.
All in all, it is a time consuming, intense effort which takes a lot of concentration and paying attention to detail. And, even with no distractions it can take a full day, give or take a few hours either way.
There are days however, when there are little ones around (they live with us at the moment) – like today – so, when my five year old grandson shouted “Grammy, would you like to see my dinosaur?”, I reply ” Of course I would”! And it was very good too! 😀
Patricia x
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