Tarotscopes for November 2017 are written by Patricia House – our tarot deck designer and tarot reader.
Hi there!
I was really tempted to call these tarotscopes the Cheer Me Up tarotscopes this month. I did a blog earlier in this month called Cheer me up, tarot! which went down well and is worth a read if you want to know whether the tarot could, in fact, do that. As we head towards the dark of winter I felt, instinctively, that many of you out there might wish me to do a similar reading for you, and so that is the theme of the ‘Scopes for the coming month of November.
These ‘cheer me up’ tarotscopes are read from a purely positive aspect regardless of which card comes out. I really enjoy reading the cards this way, and it allows me to pull different aspects out of a card which can prove to be really insightful, and, more importantly, there really are times when we just need to be reassured we’re on the right track, or get a pat on the back as a ‘well done!’, and off we go again.
There are three questions, one for each of the cards chosen at random (these are displayed below beside the tarotscope pictures) which just give the readings a bit of direction.
If you enjoy reading these tarotscopes, do comment and let me know – or share them out to your friends and family – because, you know……..they are filled with love and written with the hope in my heart that you are all safe and well.
Please do join us and our lovely community on Facebook and please click the ‘like’ button to help you see our regular posts and updates.
Wishing you a cheerful November ……
Patricia x
Card 1 : The Focus for the month: The Emperor
Card 2: What do I need to know?: King of Wands
Card 3: What can I look forward to?: Seven of Wands
You will be feeling strong and determined in the coming month, and you will have the ability to stand firm against things that don’t suit your taste, and yet retain the dignity required of a leader and a royal. The Emperor suggests that you will be looked upon with admiration, regardless of how difficult the task, because you’ll have the royal touch – so it would be wise to make the most of it!
Alongside The Emperor, the King of Wands is another all-powerful royal. He would suggest you look for some big new ideas to bring fun, light and excitement into your life. Creating a sense of adventure and excitement will kickstart a whole new approach to your life and what goes on within it. It might just start with moving the furniture around, to considering decorating, or even moving to a new home, or perhaps you’ll start organising the best end of year celebrations ever. Just start planning something whilst the drive and enthusiasm is around, these opportunities should be grabbed with both hands.
You’ll need to make a positive first move to get the ball rolling, so that you don’t miss out on that initial spurt and lose the motivation; so if you can’t physically do something yet, at least make list of what you want to do and start from there. You won’t want to miss out on the fun by prevaricating and not achieving anything at all – make the most of the energies whilst they’re around you and see what they bring.
Card 1 : The Focus for the month: Two of Cups
Card 2: What do I need to know?: Six of Cups
Card 3: What can I look forward to?: Seven of Swords
This month could see a lovely relationship developing into something worthwhile, and you will feel loved and appreciated. Relationships, do not flourish unless they are nurtured and, if you want this relationship to prosper, then don’t forget to put some effort into it. If you water a plant with the bare minimum it will survive, but without enough water it will not bloom, or produce what it is capable of. This relationship could bring much needed equality and balance into your life, so don’t take it for granted.
Remember to look forward, not back; do not make comparisons with relationships that have gone before, but appreciate what you have right now. Don’t be afraid to be ambitious in your hopes, and expect the best. The Six of Cups is a card of possibilities despite past difficulties. Keep your eyes on the wondrous new road ahead in this relationship.
The coming month will allow you to be honest with yourself without the recriminations. It doesn’t matter any more who did or said what, or why. This time around, you will find it easier to be yourself, truthful and full of expectation for the honesty to be reciprocated. The truth will not trip you up, on the contrary it will take you to safer ground and allow you to move forward in confidence and love. You don’t need those tangled webs that were once weaved – they just complicated things – keep it simple, honest and true.
Card 1 : The Focus for the month: Four of Wands
Card 2: What do I need to know?: Ten of Swords
Card 3: What can I look forward to?: Two of Pentacles
The focus for the coming month will be on any particular project, or idea, that you have put into place. This could be a change in residence, a business idea, plans for a holiday, or anything of this nature. All the seeds have been sown and now is the time to start seeing some real results of your endeavours. Furthermore, this new phase is showing signs of having rock solid foundations for you to build on and that is good news.
The other good news is that the cycle of recent events is nearing completion, and the start of a new one is at hand. The Ten of Swords would indicate there have been difficulties, or painful, situations which have had to be endured, but they’ll be over soon. These difficulties, you will understand, will have been necessary for you to appreciate what lies ahead because times will be very much easier, and much more comfortable, in comparison to your recent circumstances. Your patience will be rewarded.
You will be entering a period of growth for you and your partner/loved one(s), with the promise of a lovely new material life/home life ahead (Two of Pentacles). This is an exciting start for you, with the chance to grow your home life to exactly the measure and form you want it to take, it is like getting a new exercise book at school – this time you won’t mess it up, because you know how being careful makes for a prettier picture.
Card 1 : The Focus for the month: The Tower
Card 2: What do I need to know?: Ace of Swords
Card 3: What can I look forward to?: The Lovers
This month will take you to a totally different place, one which is vastly different to the one you are used to. A change is as good as a rest, it is said, so this is a great opportunity to get out of the mundanity of everyday slog and try something new. It might be a bit uncomfortable at first but it won’t be long before you adjust, and it will be exactly what you need to pull you out of the doldrums!
All you need to do to make this work well for you is to engage a new way of looking at your circumstances. Try to see it with the eyes of someone who would be very grateful for the opportunity you have at hand – another person would give anything to be doing what is being offered to you. By using this different approach you will gain so much from this experience, instead of, perhaps, considering it a chore.
The outcome of this new adventure? You might find yourself tempted to stay, which might be a huge decision to make on your behalf. Whilst the decision might be hard in some respects, and it might not please some people, it really is amazing to be in a situation where you can choose to change your lifestyle. This is a positive thing and you should always live by the choices which are right for your life…….not anybody else’s.
Card 1 : The Focus for the month: Ace of Wands
Card 2: What do I need to know?: Six of Wands
Card 3: What can I look forward to?: Ace of Cups
A new adventure is on the cards for you this November, it is the start of something new, whether it is in terms of a home, holiday or business. There is always a lot of energy around the Aces and it makes sense to put it to good use, to ensure the best outcome. This idea, or project, might barely have taken any form yet, so keep your eyes peeled for the signs of its growth and be ready to act, this thing is ready to rock and you need to be ready, too.
There is every chance that what ever you have been recently working on will be showing signs of real success. The Six of Wands is a very positive card and indicates that whatever you have started, will shortly be showing signs of stability and productivity, this is great news.
The Ace of Cups is a strong indicator that you might start a new relationship this coming month and it is always a wonderful time full of happiness and excitement. It is not often that someone appears in your life that you feel really drawn to. If this is not on a romantic level, it is likely to be someone who can help you out on a material or financial front, so keep your eyes peeled.
Card 1 : The Focus for the month: The Hanged Man
Card 2: What do I need to know?: Nine of Cups
Card 3: What can I look forward to?: Wheel of Fortune
A period of time might be spent feeling unable to get on with life in the normal way, come November. If you find yourself stuck in a rut, there is no point in struggling against it, and it would be best to relax into, and submit yourself to, the situation. This way you will gain much more insight and knowledge about what is needed in your life. This situation has arisen for a purpose, you just need to find out why……the best chance of finding out is by being relaxed and to watch and listen carefully.
It would seem that if you immerse yourself fully into your surrounding relationships, there will be much to be gained and enjoyed, and furthermore, this is likely to cement a really solid, and loving home life. There are not many better cards to get than the Nine of Cups with regards to relationships, and it is a truly positive representation of those that you love and those that love you. Enjoy.
November will also bring a change in your fortune for the better. The Wheel of Fortune indicates a time when opportunities become available to make your life a whole lot better. Make sure you grab any opportunities which come on offer to you because these are likely to take you to the top – and that is most definitely where you want to be!
Card 1 : The Focus for the month: King of Wands
Card 2: What do I need to know?: Four of Swords
Card 3: What can I look forward to?: Two of Swords
The emphasis on the coming month of November, will be to master a particular project/matter which is of some importance to you. You may be required to bring together a plan to get this project put into place to ensure its success. This card would indicate that you have all the enthusiasm, drive and expertise to pull it off to perfection. It will be worth every ounce of effort though.
You will need to relax and recuperate, though, since it would seem you feel like you’ve been through a tough time. Rest when you can, in whichever way you can, because this is every bit as important as making sure all the plans and work that needs to be done are underway. There is only so much you can do at any one time, and you need to acknowledge to yourself that your well-being is every bit as important as the tasks that are tugging at your brain.
The Two of Swords indicates that you will be able to find the balance needed between fighting for the things you need to get done and your own spiritual/physical needs. This takes mental alacrity and force of will, but you know the balance between hard work with rest and fun, is exactly what the doctor ordered. The ego insists that we be all things to all people, to seek approval at all times, and this is what we are conditioned to do. The person that balances head with heart, takes other aspects into account and recognises that to nurture the body/mind and spirit through rest and recuperation (or just having some fun) is just as important. This is something you can do.
Card 1 : The Focus for the month: King of Cups
Card 2: What do I need to know?: Knight of Swords
Card 3: What can I look forward to?: Two of Pentacles
The coming month of November could see you considering entering a relationship. You might find that you are, in fact, a bit reluctant to get involved – probably as a result of a fear of being inflicted with pain, a hangover from previous relationships. This is quite understandable, although it would also seem that perhaps now is the right time – the King card representing maturity in love – because of the stage you are at. With regard to what you need to know, the Knight of Swords would suggest taking some time before giving away too much, or getting too involved, too soon. He would indicate that rushing into something without knowing facts or information about them would not be sensible but at the same time you can view it as an exciting adventure. All you need to do for your own protection is to guard yourself carefully until you are absolutely sure that this is what you want. The outcome card suggests, then, that this relationship has much to offer over and above the emotional connection. The Two of Pentacles represents a successful bonding with lots of potential to improve all aspects of your home life and income, and not just love. Of course it’s early stages, but there is plenty of time to let this relationship blossom and bloom. Don’t rush it, but do thoroughly enjoy it, it has much to offer!!
Card 1 : The Focus for the month: The Magician
Card 2: What do I need to know?: King of Wands
Card 3: What can I look forward to?: Seven of Swords
November is the month to be considering heading down a different road, taking a different direction. The Magician appears at a crossroads in your life, when you are given the opportunity to take a new route. This can be very exciting and rewarding but sometimes we are afraid because we don’t actually know we are heading. We can never see the full outcome of anything we do until we complete the task, most of what we do is in good faith that it will all work out. The Magician assures you that you have every skill to maximise the opportunities this road offers…you just need to be confident in our own judgement. The King of Wands would suggest that you have a level of maturity that should seal the success of this new undertaking, providing your passion and enthusiasm ensures you make the most of it. You certainly know what you want, and are prepared to go out and get it, so this card reiterates that you should trust your abilities to explore new territory! In addition, now might be the time for some truth and honesty (the Seven of Swords). The white lies that have been part of your life should now cease. Whilst, at times, little dishonesties can be justified if they were to protect some people, or situations, but there comes a time when only truth gives you the stability you need. Life can get very complicated when every word, every action, has to be watched because of an untruth lurking in the background. It’s time to believe that honesty is the best policy. Then you can get on with the life you long to live.
Card 1 : The Focus for the month: The Chariot
Card 2: What do I need to know?: Queen of Wands
Card 3: What can I look forward to?: Ten of Pentacles
So, if you are fed up by being pulled and pushed from one direction to another, or you are being dragged down a road you just don’t want to traverse, it’s time to take the advice of The Chariot tarot card. Perhaps, somehow, you have found yourself out of control, to some extent, of the vehicle of your life. There is only one thing you can do and that is to decide which way you want to head, make the decision and stick to it with all your might. It is all too easy to get dragged into something which becomes hugely distracting, but only you can bring this back under control. It is time to get to grips with what you want. You may find that although there are some things you just can’t dump peremptorily, you can easily make the decision to take on those tasks you are most interested in and see them through with the capabilities you have (Queen of Wands), and to be mature enough to offload those things that you know you really don’t want to, or have to, deal with. It’s not that you can’t do them – it’s a choice thing – you can successfully complete any task you’re given. That’s not the issue. It’s a question of whether you need to. By not getting bogged down and choosing the straight and obstacle-free road, you will find the rewards are great (Ten of Pentacles). You are on the cusp of really improving your income and material status. Make sure you don’t get stuck in a rut, in a place you don’t want to be, and miss out on your just rewards, because they are not far out of your sight.
Card 1 : The Focus for the month: Six of Pentacles
Card 2: What do I need to know?: Four of Swords
Card 3: What can I look forward to?: Eight of Wands
Hopefully, you will be restored to having faith in humankind again! November should bring an unexpected gift, or bonus, of something which will greatly help your current situation. This is great news which, if you use it wisely, could really set you up for the future. The Six of Pentacles card would indicate you are already substantially on your way to success, but making use of any extra help is clearly the key to growing your venture, because there is still a way to go. It is also important that you recognise you need time for yourself after a difficult period which has stretched your mental strength too far (Four of Swords). To take care of one’s body and mind is just as important as striving to gain material stability. Recognise that you need some downtime, and some fun, as this will fuel your energy levels, and give you the drive to work hard at the appropriate time. Give yourself a little treat every now and then, and give your mind a rest. If you do, you will soon find yourself in an enviable position with regard to your project. The Eight of Wands represents signs of real success, plus an influx of creativity and passion for what you are involved in. You will be wanting to work hard and you’ll be highly productive – but that will be the result of the balance between work and resting. You can doboth you know! Looks like you are set for a remarkable and exciting month of November!
Card 1 : The Focus for the month: The Emperor
Card 2: What do I need to know?: Nine of Cups
Card 3: What can I look forward to?: Page of Pentacles
Who’s the Boss? You will be in November. You’ll be ruling the roost like a pro. All the abilities a great ruler needs, such as strength, discernment, mercy and understanding will be flowing through you this coming month. If you wish to make some changes to your current situation, then this is the time to do it. However, a good ruler will lead not through aggression, but assertiveness, not with bullying but with confidence and a firm hand – and with that comes respect. The Emperor knows when and how to be firm when needed, but is approachable and dependable to those who rely on him. These skills will help you achieve what it is you are striving for. Nurturing close relationships will also bring about amazing results. Regardless of whether the relationships are romantic or not, the Nine of Cups represents a wonderful reciprocation of feelings and love between you and the people around you. You will be aware by now that this only comes when the right amount of effort is put into to the relationships that are important to you, so keep that up and you’ll be richly rewarded! With this ‘strong and determined’ you, and seeing the resulting affects, you might feel ready to do some studying, to either take you to the next level of work, or to attach a qualification to the work you have already been doing. It’s never too late to learn, or to reach for something that will make you feel more confident, and which might provide the key to you opening some exciting new doors! You’ll be surprised at the ease with which you’ll do it!
End of Tarotscopes.
Thank you!
You’re so welcome Hilaria x