Hi!! Here are the monthly Tarotscopes from Simpy Tarot for April 2016!
This month I have used a spread called ‘Two Steps to the Gate’ which is designed to help you identify what steps to take to open the gate to the next phase of your life.
I really would love to hear from you regarding these Tarotscopes and whether you appreciate them each month, and although you can’t possibly know whether they are accurate for you YET, you might be able to leave a comment on this blog about how your last Tarotscopes shaped up for you? It would be so good to hear whether they are hitting the mark.
Oh and if you like the tarot deck I use, you can get it here
Anyway, read on and I hope you have the happiest Spring ever!
Love and Light
Patricia x
The Two Steps to the Gate spread is read from bottom card upwards to reveal what steps you need to take to open the next phase of your life.
Step One – Your core need: The Magician
Step Two – What you need to do: Knight of Wands
What you can expect if action is taken in Step Two: Nine of Wands, Ace of Cups, The Moon
Step One: The Magician in your core need would suggest that you need a different direction in your life. Perhaps things have been the same for too long and things are stagnating a bit. It is likely that you need to consider making some changes to shake things up somewhat. This is a Major Arcana card so it is quite a significant need for you, right now, and this card is indicating that you have all the necessary skills to take this new road, and now is the time.
Step Two: In order to get things moving it might be an idea to emulate the Knight of Wands. The Wands suit is all about ambition, drive and determination for new adventures and projects; there is no doubt that the Knight would be keen and very ready to start looking for his new quest. He would search for it with unwavering enthusiasm and would certainly not be able to sit around waiting for things to happen, so this card would indicate that you need to get up and make the effort to look into what you can do to make your life a little more exciting. If you are ready to look and to bring on these changes, you can expect the following to happen:
Just as you feel that nothing of great impact has happened during April, and you feel like giving up on your quest for change, you must keep going because it appears that, with determination, and continuing to try to seek your different direction, you are likely to meet someone who will impact your life either on a romantic level or a work level. Whatever this new relationship is in respect of, you can look forward to your life stepping up to the next level. The Moon card suggests that it is not quite clear in which way this relationship is going to be important, but since this tarotscope covers only the month of April, perhaps the outcome is likely to be clearer in May, however you will get little signs or strong feelings that these things are beginning to happen.
So maybe it’s time to get on your charger and start your quest for a new beginning as soon as possible.
The Two Steps to the Gate spread is read from bottom card upwards to reveal what steps you need to take to open the next phase of your life.
Step One – Your core need: Nine of Swords
Step Two – What you need to do: Five of Cups
What you can expect if action is taken in Step Two: Ten of Cups, Six of Wands, Eight of Cups
Step One: Recognising that your mindset is not the most positive at the moment is something that will be of benefit. Whether you feel guilty, or are suffering with grief, or just living in fear of something you think might happen, are constant thoughts could be stifling you. You could even be punishing yourself for something that has happened that you perceive to be your fault. Getting yourself into a more positive mindset is something which will unlock the gate to your future and that is your current need.
Step Two: It is likely that feeling this way is blocking your ability to bring your relationships to a better place, so the Five of Cups is prompting you to make efforts to stop focusing purely on the negatives, and the hurt, but to make a real effort to focus your thoughts on the positives, to start healing the hurts of the past and proactively work to bringing your relationships into a more loving and happy place. If you can do this you can expect the following to happen:
The Ten of Cups is a truly positive card representing complete happiness and commitment in a relationship, and this would suggest that your efforts will undoubtedly pay off, in terms of the ones you love. In addition, your new positive mindset is likely to prompt success in other areas, such as any projects, or any endeavours you undertake, too. And although the Eight of Cups might not look positive in this reading I think it is here to indicate that by dwelling on the dark side is not the way to live your life, but to always remember to keep up the positive attitude if you want the continuing success in every aspect of your life.
The Two Steps to the Gate spread is read from bottom card upwards to reveal what steps you need to take to open the next phase of your life.
Step One – Your core need: Strength
Step Two – What you need to do: Six of Cups
What you can expect if action is taken in Step Two: Ten of Pentacles, Eight of Swords, Temperance
Step One: The card Strength in this position is likely to be prompting you to be careful of being a bit too proud at the moment. It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking we are right all the time, and sometimes we have to recognise that everything is not ‘all about me’. This card is perhaps suggesting be able to stand back and check just exactly how (or even whether) we should be handling certain situations. There are times we do need to stand firm and times when we should be careful about interfering, or being too arrogant or bullish in a situation. So the need this month of April is to be aware and careful about how, and what, you get involved in.
Step Two: The Six of Cups in this position, in this spread, would suggest that relationship matters are going to need looking at in April, and it is a card which represents nostalgia or looking at the past through rose tinted spectacles. So, as with the Strength card in Step One, this card is likely to be advising clarity in the way of looking at, or dealing with, relationships – romantic and otherwise – so that you don’t get into a situation where you are out of your depth, or could put you in a difficult position. Keep a clear head with respect to your relationships and the people around you. If you can, then you might be able to expect the following:
Complete and wonderful success in your home life; the Ten of Pentacles indicates an enduring and established lifestyle with the income you need to support all that you consider important. This is a lovely card which suggest enjoying everything about your life and the family around you. There will still be difficult decisions to make (well it wouldn’t be life without them) but avoiding any important decisions will only cause unnecessary complications, so facing them squarely will mitigate the fallout. Temperance suggests that it is just as important to balance your decision-making with kindness, consideration and love for all concerned, and not just logical thinking. So allow yourself to go with your gut instinct a little more in April.
The Two Steps to the Gate spread is read from bottom card upwards to reveal what steps you need to take to open the next phase of your life.
Step One – Your core need: The King of Cups
Step Two – What you need to do: The King of Wands
What you can expect if action is taken in Step Two: Seven of Wands, The King of Swords, the Eight of Cups
Step One: The King of Cups is very experienced in the ways of love, and can talk very knowledgeably about it, however he is very reluctant to give his heart away again and will avoid committing to a relationship. It may be that your need is open your heart to the joys of love once more. Perhaps it is a long time since you were able to really relax into a loving relationship but that it could be something that your really need right now.
Step Two: It is strange that another King has turned up in the ‘What to do’ position but here we have the King of Wands. Both Kings indicate the ‘mastering’ of a situation, so the King of Wands would represent drive, ambition and enthusiasm – perhaps indicating that it is down to you to take the lead, to get the ball rolling again, to inspire more fun and affection in your relationship. This is perhaps about taking charge of the situation rather than waiting to see what, or if, anything is going to change. If you can, then you might expect the following to happen:
You might find it difficult at first to keep the momentum going in this revival of affection and love, and you may feel there is no point in making the effort (Seven of Wands) but another King – the King of Swords – is likely to be suggesting that all the efforts are a little too logical and cerebral, and this may, in fact, have an adverse effect on your efforts; so it would seem that to approach this new way of galvanising your relationships is not really going to bring the success you were hoping for. This would suggest, then, that relationships cannot really survive on a logical, intellectual approach, and it may be that you need to allow your emotions to really surface, and that you have to take the chance of opening up emotionally, in order for your relationships to flourish.
The Two Steps to the Gate spread is read from bottom card upwards to reveal what steps you need to take to open the next phase of your life.
Step One – Your core need: Nine of Wands
Step Two – What you need to do: Queen of Cups
What you can expect if action is taken in Step Two: The Chariot, Death, Knight of Swords
Step One: Don’t give up on what is important to you right now. The Nine of Wands represents the hard slog of getting to where you are and the feeling of running out of steam as you are approaching the finishing line. It is important for you to keep going as you are nearly at the point of success. You need to keep on the road you started on and recognise that the end is almost in sight.
Step Two: In order to do this you may need to adopt a more loving attitude to yourself, treat yourself well, make sure you nurture your needs – food and water – and to relax when you can. You also need to be more confident in your emotions, because that is really what will help you overcome any last hurdles or obstacles – the Queen of Cups attracts love and attention without effort, she embraces the qualities she has been given and uses them to her advantage. If you embrace what makes you feel good, you will be able to finish the journey and if you are able to take this approach you may be able to expect the following to happen:
The Chariot would indicate that you may feel more able to grasp the reins of your life and choose the direction you now wish to go, you will be more able to make the decisions you wish to make, and get to the point where you feel you are firmly in control of your life. The Death card, in this context, in this spread, would suggest a whole new way of life, very different to what you have experienced before. The Knight of Swords also indicates a new adventure and the excitement of new experiences, but he would also be suggesting to not go charging into situations without the necessary knowledge and understanding, so keep your wits about you too, in April.
The Two Steps to the Gate spread is read from bottom card upwards to reveal what steps you need to take to open the next phase of your life.
Step One – Your core need: The Star
Step Two – What you need to do: Six of Swords
What you can expect if action is taken in Step Two: Page of Wands, The Fool, Nine of Wands
Step One: If things are tough for you right now then your core need is Hope. Despite things being difficult for you, or that you think your efforts come to nothing, they actually do and there is a purpose to it. It is important for you to understand that, by keeping your eye on the light of the Star, and to keep hope in your heart, things will get better very soon. Hope is not necessarily something that comes naturally to everyone, so you may need to start opening your heart to this emotion because it will stand you in good stead.
Step Two: The key to being able to manage this difficult time, and to bring hope into your life, is to recognise that things will change, that instead of fighting and railing against circumstances, remaining calm and serene will help you see that this situation is trying to tell/teach you something. To be serene is to not allow anger and frustration to blind you with negativity, but to help you to be open to experiences which can bring you to your next level of existence. If you can do this you may be able to expect this to happen:
Both the Page of Wands and The Fool indicate new starts. It is likely that you will hear something that will herald some changes at last – by allowing yourself to be serene, and hopeful, you will be opening yourself, and making yourself ready, for things to start moving. You may get the signs of this new start in April, but it might not be crystal clear, so don’t allow yourself to give up in the meantime, patience will get you to where you need to be. Although, small signs of change might be seen in April, it could well be later before you will feel their full impact, so don’t give up.
The Two Steps to the Gate spread is read from bottom card upwards to reveal what steps you need to take to open the next phase of your life.
Step One – Your core need: Seven of Swords
Step Two – What you need to do: Seven of Wands
What you can expect if action is taken in Step Two: The Fool, Eight of Swords, Queen of Swords
Step One: The Seven of Swords in this position, in this spread, would suggest that, this coming month, it might be best for you to not listen too much to what other people think you should be doing. You are the architect of your own life and instinctively you probably know best, but other people might be jostling you off your road because they feel they are, or should be, involved. You need to be able to recognise when other people are trying to make you feel inadequate by some of their behaviours.
Step Two: Despite feeling tired and losing enthusiasm for something you are involved in this coming month, if you can shake off this lack of drive, and get back to basics to rediscover what you found exciting in the beginning, this might just rejuvenate your feelings and enthusiasm once again. Try not to focus on how complicated it has all got, but just revisit your initial objective, and how you felt about it, and this should set you back on track again. If you can do this you can expect the following to happen:
A new aspect of your life opening up for you or the beginning of a new phase (The Fool) should help reignite your excitement and optimism. You might also find yourself in a bit of a quandary, and you may have to make a decision which you will find quite hard, but it will be best to tackle it up front rather than let it fester, because, then, you can focus on what you need to do (Eight of Swords). Once that decision is made, and the situation is tackled, you will have mastered another skill, that of being dignified under stress, having high expectations from those around you and the use of an excellent intelligent mind (The Queen of Swords). Just be wary of letting your head always rule your heart, the real skill is balancing the two.
The Two Steps to the Gate spread is read from bottom card upwards to reveal what steps you need to take to open the next phase of your life.
Step One – Your core need: The Hierophant
Step Two – What you need to do: Ten of Wands
What you can expect if action is taken in Step Two: Queen of Swords, Ace of Wands, The Tower
Step One: The Hierophant in this position would suggest that you are in need of some advice, or you need to talk to someone who will help you get over what ever is causing you concern the month of April. It is not always possible to be clear headed about our problems and communication opens the path to healing, so it is important to open up to whoever you think is able to help you in this situation.
Step Two: The Ten of Wands represents being over-burdened, and the need to relinquish some of the responsibilities that you bear. It is very important that you only take on the tasks that are high priority in order to take the pressure of yourself. You will be surprised that by speaking to someone about your issues, and allowing people to help you by taking on some of your tasks, will enable you to start taking control of your life once again instead of being overrun by all that you feel you have to deal with alone. If you can do this you may be able to expect this to happen:
You are likely to discover how much more able you are to understand about managing the stresses in life, and dealing with the issues at hand on a much more intellectual, rather than a physical level. The Queen of Swords has mastered keeping her emotions at bay in order to make the best use of the time she has. She is able to have high expectations of those around her whom she can trust to help, and is ready and able to deal with any issues that surface. The Ace of Wands indicates a new and exciting adventure, or a new way of approaching things that could make your life much easier to manage, as well as enabling you to have fun doing them, and The Tower, in this spread, would indicate that you have the ability to do things differently this time, which will put you in the position of building a life style which will be much more stable and enduring in the future.
The Two Steps to the Gate spread is read from bottom card upwards to reveal what steps you need to take to open the next phase of your life.
Step One – Your core need: Nine of Wands
Step Two – What you need to do: Temperance
What you can expect if action is taken in Step Two: Ten of Pentacles, Nine of Swords, The High Priestess
Step One: Don’t give up now. Although you have worked long and hard to get where you are, and you are so tired and exhausted, you really are nearing completion of this cycle. Your current need is to stay focused on what you need to do to finish the journey, by not doing so you will just prolong the situation. So, recognise that the effort you have put in has not gone to waste and maintain your efforts for a little longer.
Step Two: At this stage Temperance is advising some balance, pouring a little more love into the situation rather than pure intellect or logical thought. Balancing your situation will bring harmony and understanding into the mix, which will help to bring peace and serenity and the ability to see clearly what needs to be done next. If you can do this you may be able to expect:
A very rewarding home life, filled with everything you need to make you feel secure and happy, a feeling of where you want to be, and doing the things you want to do. Although you find yourself in this happy frame, something may make you feel a little guilty, or you may feel that you don’t deserve it for some reason, but these feelings are more your own mindset rather than the reality, so make sure you enjoy your home life to the utmost without punishing yourself. The High Priestess would suggest something will be coming to light very soon, some enlightenment for you on a personal level, but it is unlikely to be very clear during the month of April. However, it seems that things are beginning to unfold behind the scenes.
The Two Steps to the Gate spread is read from bottom card upwards to reveal what steps you need to take to open the next phase of your life.
Step One – Your core need: Three of Cups
Step Two – What you need to do: The Wheel of Fortune
What you can expect if action is taken in Step Two: King of Wands, Two of Pentacles, Four of Wands
Step One: Your core need this month is to celebrate the relationships in your life, to appreciate all the joy and happiness your loved ones bring to your door, and to just enjoy all the interactions with the people in your life. It seems that this must be the specific focus for April, as it appears to be the key to open the gate to the next phase in your life.
Step Two: The Wheel of Fortune is a card which advises that things come and go, that all is cyclical. That opportunities come and go, and it would seem, in this position in this spread, that you may be presented with some wonderful opportunities that are yours for the taking. Being a Major Arcana card it is likely theses are significant chances that will have a huge impact your life, so grab them with both hands and make the most of them. If you do, you may be able to expect the following to happen:
The King of Wands would indicate a mastering of any project that you are undertaking, and you are more than ready to succeed in all that you do for yourself and your family, you are already taking things forward in a confident and determined way. In addition, it seems, there is likely to be an offer of a partnership, or some help on the financial front, which will also help considerably, and if you do make the most of all that is on offer, using the abilities you have now gained, then the Four of Wands indicates that you will be moving onto the next level of achievement with ease, building upon what you have already started, and your hard work really starting to pay off. Enjoy!
The Two Steps to the Gate spread is read from bottom card upwards to reveal what steps you need to take to open the next phase of your life.
Step One – Your core need: Eight of Pentacles
Step Two – What you need to do: Temperance
What you can expect if action is taken in Step Two: Queen of Swords, The Fool, The Lovers
Step One: The Eight of Pentacles in this position suggests that your core need, this April, is to consider in which area you are best to develop, or increase, your knowledge or skill-set. It should come to light this month what this area is, but doing what is necessary to increase your abilities, in this field, will yield rich rewards for you.
Step Two: The Major Arcana Temperance card is indicating that for things to work for you, you will need to find some time to stop, and think carefully, in order to focus on what it is you actually need to do. This card suggest bringing more heart and love into a situation rather than intellect and, possibly, to consider slowing things down a little in order to be able to do what you do way more effectively. See how the angel in the card hovers to focus on pouring from cup to cup without spilling a drop. If you can do this then you may be able to expect the following to happen:
Mastering the ability to control emotion and intellect to suit the occasion, to be in command and ready for each situation with dignity and assurance, to be seen to be in control of your situation – inspiring respect and trust in those around you (The Queen of Swords). The Fool and The Lovers cards suggests new starts, and choices around what is best for your relationships, at home and at work, and these decisions will have a major impact on your life. In these positions, and in this spread, these cards have a positive feeling to them so the future looks bright and exciting.
The Two Steps to the Gate spread is read from bottom card upwards to reveal what steps you need to take to open the next phase of your life.
Step One – Your core need: The Sun
Step Two – What you need to do: The Chariot
What you can expect if action is taken in Step Two: The Emperor, The Fool, Ten of Pentacles
Step One: Your core need in April is happiness in all that you do, with the people that you care about around you, and to enjoy life and love to the full. This Major Arcana card indicates the importance of your desire for a happy and loving family, and lifestyle, and as it is such a positive card it suggests that it is not really that far out of your reach.
Step Two: The Chariot, another Major Arcana card, strongly indicates that you need to make some decisions and grab hold of the reins of your life. Perhaps you have had enough of indecision, or allowing other people to call the shots. You are the only person who can make the decision to gain control over the things you desire out of life, and the direction you want your life to go in. If you are able to grab those reins and start directing The Chariot of your life down the road you want to go down, then you may be able to expect the following to happen:
Either a partner coming into your life who is strong, protective and authoritative who can help make things happen for you; or you will finally be in control of your own life (The Emperor) and will have the strength and the know-how to make it work. This card would indicate that you have successfully gained command of your own domain, either in your own right or with the help of someone who also has your vision, close to their heart. The Fool card indicates a new and exciting journey, leaving the past behind and starting anew, and the Ten of Pentacles represents success in establishing a very happy, secure home life with the necessary income to keep everything running exactly as you wish. Enjoy!
End of Tarotscopes
Written by Patricia at Simply Tarot using The Tarot House Deck
My partner and I stumbled oѵer here from a different website and thought I may
as well cҺeck things out. I like what I see so i am just following you.
Look forward to going over your weЬ рage for a second time.
Thank you so much! 🙂
Ohhhhh… lots to look forward to this month and the reading really resonates with regards to the core need. Thank you Patricia! Happy April! xxx
Happy April, Lisa! So glad it meant something – I really did enjoy doing it <3 Love and happiness to you and yours xx 😀