I love Spring, and as I sit here with my coffee, writing the Tarotscopes for April 2017, the sun is gently pushing through the light cloud and the garden is beginning to grow. I feel optimistic. I feel things are on the move. The New Moon in Aries probably contributes to this feeling of optimism, and the power of this New Moon is almost palpable. The ‘ground breaking’ Aries energy means we can push for what we want this month, and, so I feel that this month’s tarotscope could be more focused on ‘how’ we are going to achieve what each of us desires for our lives. It is a really good time to ‘set’ our intentions.
The tarot cards in this month’s tarotscopes will guide us on how to attract, in abundance, the things we desire. I have chosen the position titles of Good Health for the first card, Love for the second, Finances for the third and Happiness for the fourth. The idea being that the cards will help us to focus on what we need to ‘do’ in order to attract abundance in those areas. We need to proactively think, and work, towards what we want, rather than to sit back and expect it to fall in our lap. The cards can indicate the areas in which we might be blocking our own progress, or encourage us to embrace the power of our ground-breaking push.
It is crucial to truly believe in your own power, to have the confidence that what you ask for will manifest, this is called faith. If you set an intent for something, then make sure you do it completely and utterly, full of expectation of success, not with misgiving or doubt.
So, I hope April’s tarotscope will help you to start working immediately to attract all the wonderful things you feel you deserve……….and yes, you do deserve them, the first step is to believe that……now read on…..
Scroll down to find your tarotscope based on your star sign, do let me know if they help, and please spread the love by sharing them with your friends and family.
Have a fabulous April!
Patricia x
How to attract abundance in:
Good Health – The Moon
Love – Six of Swords
Finances – Page of Swords
Happiness – The Empress
There may be two aspects of The Moon coming up in this tarotscope with regard to attracting Good Health. The first may be that you are not clear within yourself with regard to your health. Clarity of mind will help you attract the good health you desire and you will need to be more definite about your mind-set. Unless something needs checking out by the doctor (which is the best thing to do because it stops the worry), you should focus on simply saying ‘ I am healthy’. Keep it short and pithy. ‘I am feeling good’. This will engender a positive attitude and that will attract positive well-being. The second aspect might be that you are, perhaps, dwelling ‘on the dark side’. This means that you could be focused on all the little aches and pains, or just plain worrying that you are going to get, or believing you have, something horrendous. If you have no hard evidence of something being wrong with you and/or you have been checked out by the doctor, you should now stop worrying about everything and be clear in stating your intention that ‘I am well’. This is different to thinking ‘I wish I was well’ or ‘I don’t want to be ill’ – these statements are not clearly directing what you want. Be very clear in your intention. Refuse to allow yourself to wallow in doubt about things that you can’t see clearly.
With regard to Love, the Six of Swords, suggests you might just be settling with the status quo, that, either consciously or subconsciously, you think that this is all you deserve. Your first step, then would be to state categorically that you do deserve more, and what’s more, you intend to get it. Kick start the change by making yourself feel good – treat yourself or start strutting your funky stuff!
In Finances, you might have been listening to the wrong advice, or misinterpreting what has been said to you (Page of Swords). Again, if you want your income to improve, you need to do research of your own, try applying for that job you think you won’t get, or make the difference to your budget that you feel will work best. Don’t always rely on other peoples’ advice, beliefs or suggestions – they are not you. If you never believe in yourself, or learn to make your own decisions, you are unlikely to take the necessary new steps to improving your situation. Start listening to your own inner voice.
The Empress would suggest that you take charge of the way you handle yourself and your life. The Empress believes she knows what is right and has the confidence to make sure it happens – she has control. This card suggests that you are more than capable of bringing into your life that which will make you happy. Be comfortable in yourself, be confident in your dealings, make the decision ‘I am happy’ and keep that thought with you at all times, very soon you will see that you are.
How to attract abundance in:
Good Health – Ten of Pentacles
Love – The Sun
Finances – Seven of Wands
Happiness – Page of Cups
The Ten of Pentacles suggests that, with regard to good health you already have a strong attitude towards it. This should really empower you to use the same method in other areas in your life. But, also, this tarot card suggests that, the more effort you put into the ‘vine’ of your life, the more fruit it produces, so even though you may feel pretty good at the moment, with an extra push of setting the thought process around ‘I am very well and strong’ might just bring results that will amaze you.
The Sun in attracting abundance to the Love position, again suggests that things may already be going well for you. But you don’t have to ‘settle’ for what is good – you can aim to making your love life amazing, fantastic, wonderful – any of those things. If your relationship is already in that sphere, then this card would prompt you to make clear your gratitude for this blessing, and in doing so it should strengthen the bond – this way you will be unlikely to take it for granted and miss out on it blossoming further. For those without a love – this card should prompt you to recognise your own beauty and to celebrate it – the love you express to, and for, yourself will open the doors to your Soulmate who is just waiting for you to awaken.
So, it might be that in terms of finances, you feel you will never get want you want, or need. Indeed you have totally lost your motivation/mojo with regard to improvement in this field. It won’t help your situation to be passive, you need to kickstart the process of getting some money. Don’t put restrictions on your lifestyle, and begin thinking ‘I am wealthy’, ‘I will get the income I want’, but you will also need to show you mean it – start looking for work or better paid jobs, and don’t convince yourself you won’t get them. Have the confidence to try different things – can you paint, or make crafts, you could sell part time? Just make one little effort – keep the positive thoughts in your mind and this will open your to chances of making money.
We have the Page of Cups appearing in the Happiness position. This card can represent self-awareness, and the need to reflect on who you are. Look in the mirror and tell yourself ‘ I deserve to happy’, ‘I am happy!’. From today, keep saying it, keep believing it and you will very quickly see how your attitude to life changes, and how the happiness will flow. Even if something sad may happen, occasionally, keeping that thought in your mind will ensure that it doesn’t impact anywhere near as much as it would currently, and you’ll keep your basic belief that life is good. Watch the happiness grow the more you believe that you are.
How to attract abundance in:
Good Health – Knight of Pentacles
Love – Five of Cups
Finances – Six of Swords
Happiness – Five of Swords
For Good Health, the Knight of Pentacles might suggest that you need to start really paying attention to your own needs. It is easy to work the whole day without giving your body the fuel it needs, skipping breakfast or lunch, or both. By not fuelling your body, you are putting a lot of stress on it – especially if you work physically hard or have fast-paced/stress-filled days. The Knight undertakes all his duties paying attention to the finer detail – that is why he succeeds. This card would suggest that by looking after yourself, you will ensure the Universe will honour your own belief that you are worthy, and treat you with the same respect. Therefore, for good health, it is important you consider yourself worthy of looking after. Nurture your body and you will see the results.
The Five of Cups, undoubtedly, reflects the attitude to your love-life whether it exists, or not. This card suggests that your thoughts tend to err on the negative side (at least just lately) rather than the positive. This attitude can clearly muddy the waters in terms of what you want from the love in your life. A change in attitude to one of ‘I deserve the best love’ or ‘I am worthy of great love’ should bring about a huge change in terms of attracting a new lover, or energising the relationship you are already in. Bring back the sassy in your walk…… and your talk……….and watch out for the love light in your Soulmates eyes.
With regard to Finances, you might tend to be a little passive (Six of Swords). You’re just going with the flow, with little ambition to change, or improve, your situation. And that is fine if you are happy with the status quo, but if not, it might be time to light the fire of passion. Think tall in terms of money, imagine there are no limits to what you are entitled to…..imagine being rich, think of all the things you will be able to do when it actually manifests. However, energy works with energy and unless you are proactive there will be no resulting reaction – so put more effort into what it is that brings money to you, your job, your business or maybe even the budget you work with if you can’t work. Pushing through this stagnation, and believing in succeeding, are the only ways to kickstart this process.
A lot of people feel that happiness is an ethereal thing that just arrives like a comfort blanket which settles on us from the Heavens, but we have to earn it. We are often told we shouldn’t rock the boat, or cause trouble, when we are angry about a situation, or with a person. Whilst this does make sense sometimes, other times we don’t get the ‘closure’ we need to move on, and this can cause bitterness. The Five of Swords advises us to choose which battles to fight. So, it may be that there are a couple of issues that are holding you back from complete happiness. If something is still bothering you, which you haven’t been able to lay to rest, maybe it is time to get things off your chest, or if you have to wait to confront the issue – get your facts in order and pigeon hole them ready for when you need them – but don’t dwell on them until you can deal with it properly. By side-lining these niggling upsets, you can focus on the happiness you want so much. Live for the Day, Today, Everyday, as this is not a rehearsal. Resolve to sort things when you can, but seek the loveliness of life in the meantime. Make this your mantra ‘I am happy’ and your heart will soon sing it out too.
How to attract abundance in:
Good Health – King of Cups
Love – The Fool
Finances – Knight of Wands
Happiness – Ten of Wands
The King of Cups in this reading suggests to me, that in your head you know exactly what will make you feel good, and healthy, but something within is stopping you from taking that knowledge and applying it to your own situation. Don’t be afraid to try things that will make you feel good and to relax into your own well-being – whether that might be taking something to treat a problem that you feel might help, or something which will help you relax, or even a placebo. Your body is your own, you can make your own choices, and it doesn’t have to be a long-term solution. This is about making the choices you want, and a happy mind/body brings its own benefits.
The Fool appearing in the Love position might indicate the need to look at, or approach, current relationships in a new way to open the possibility of enhancing your love life. Think back to the days when the relationship was new and what is was that made you happy and why, and make the effort to get that back. If you are not in a relationship you may need to tell the Universe that you are ready for a new relationship, and you can’t wait for things to get going. In other words changing your mind-set to one of excitement and adventure might bring the results you seek.
With regard to finances, the Knight of Wands might be suggesting a search for something different to your current situation. It might be worth trying your hand at a craft you might enjoy, or maybe move into work slightly different to that which you are currently employed in. This card suggests you might be in a bit of a rut, that you are bored and that you should be looking for a new adventure, which might also bring improvements to you on a financial front. This card, perhaps, is saying ‘Don’t be afraid to explore new possibilities’ – a Knight is never daunted.
It would seem that part of the blockage to complete happiness might be that you are overburdened, or pushed and pulled in different directions, which takes away some of your ability to do the things you want to. Don’t forget that you have a life too. It may be that to feel happier you may have to be a bit tougher, and remove some of the things that are stifling you right now to make room for the freedom to enjoy what you need – that might plain and simply be the desire to have time to relax and unwind. Only you can control how you expend your time and energy.
How to attract abundance in:
Good Health – Knight of Wands
Love – Page of Swords
Finances – Ace of Cups
Happiness – Seven of Swords
With regard to the good health you desire, the Knight of Wands might be suggesting an inability to ‘settle’ into your own well-being. Perhaps your thoughts are flitting from one crisis to another, instead of allowing yourself to relax into the belief that you are perfectly well, and you do not have to constantly be on the alert for the next thing to alarm you. Perhaps if you can tell yourself that you are absolutely fine (assuming there is nothing major causing health issues), and that you just want to get on with the enjoyment of life, your good health will much improve.
The Page of Swords appearing in the Love position might indicate that you are not hearing the truth about a relationship, that something is being misheard, or misrepresented, which is stifling the situation. Don’t go on hearsay. If you think there is a problem then speak to the person/people involved and clear up the situation. People beyond this relationship have their own agenda, and may not have got the facts straight, or might even be twisting the truth because it serves their own purpose.
It would seem, if you wish to improve your financial situation, there is a personal relationship which needs to be nurtured (Ace of Cups). The human touch is going to be important if you wish things to be better. There are certain things we can’t do without involving someone else who can help, by going it alone you might be hindering the progress you want to make, so watch out for a key person who you can work with in tandem to open new possibilities.
In terms of your complete happiness, dishonesty, either on your behalf or by somebody else, is having some influence. As mentioned earlier, the people around you all have their own agendas they are working to, but they might be scuppering your happiness in the process. You might need to suss out what individual peoples’ motives are in order for you to understand what their influence on you is, and how that is affecting your lifestyle. This may be something you need to tackle in order for you to move on. The Seven cards in a tarot deck are mostly about choices. You may need to make a choice as to who is good for you and who isn’t. There is no point in allowing people to push you one way or another, if it isn’t actually what you want, or feel good about, but getting it sorted is firmly in your own hands.
How to attract abundance in:
Good Health – Queen of Swords
Love – The Chariot
Finances – The Hanged Man
Happiness – The Magician
The Queen of Swords in the Good Health position indicates that perhaps your attitude to your health might be already in a good place, in that, you are in command of your own needs, and you are more than capable of providing the necessaries. On the other hand, it might also suggest that you might benefit, somewhat, by following your instincts and pampering yourself on an emotional level. In other words the old ‘a little bit of what you fancy does you good’ adage might just add some balance to your lifestyle and leave you feeling a whole lot better.
The Chariot in the Love position, suggests that you might be in a situation that is pulling you in different directions and this is something that might be causing a little angst in your love life. If things are getting a little strained, it would seem you might have make a decision that will help get some control back into your life, it might mean a compromise of some sort, perhaps on the money side of things, or time-wise, but at least you will feel more like you can manage better, and this might just smooth the rocky road of love.
In terms of finances you might be having to wait a time before you can start to benefit through income again, the best thing to do is submit to the situation and not fret over what you are missing out on, or losing. This will only be a temporary setback, but railing against it and complaining, might turn it into a nightmare. Focus on what you want in the long term to keep the energy moving towards where you want to be financially, and you will get there.
Happiness is unquantifiable in some ways because everyone is different, but The Magician in the Happiness position, for you, suggests that you have everything you need at hand, or more likely within you, to make you happy. But perhaps you can’t see it. It is not necessarily ‘something out there’ that you need, but the need to nurture feelings of gratitude, and appreciation, of what you already have – life is never perfect, but appreciating the good things in your life is the foundation of happiness. By maintaining this thought process you will quickly see how much there is to be happy about.
How to attract abundance in:
Good Health – Seven of Wands
Love – The Hierophant
Finances – King of Swords
Happiness – The Fool
With regard to attracting Good Health, the Seven of Wands would indicate that you have lost motivation and enthusiasm. You are probably not nurturing yourself properly – hence you might be struggling. For you to attract Good Health you should acknowledge that you are not paying enough attention to your bodily needs, and be determined to change this. The easiest thing to do, at least, is to make sure you are eating breakfast, lunch and dinner to give yourself the fuel you need; in turn this will energise you, and give you the strength to pay the attention to other any further issues. Don’t forget how important you are to other people.
The Hierophant in the Love position would indicate the need to get some strong beliefs (morals, ethics or rules, if you like) established in your relationships, perhaps this card indicates that you are not sure where you are heading or why. For love to grow, it might be necessary to find a common ground that works for you both. Working in tandem is easier than pulling in different directions which can cause strain. This card might also indicate the need to talk to people you trust, or admire, for helpful tips. By taking these steps, your focus on improving your relationship will attract the necessary energies which will enhance it and encourage it to blossom.
It might be, according to the King of Swords in the Finance position, that there are not too many issues bothering you in terms of income in which case you are already in a good place; however, this card, if you are struggling, indicates the need to get complete control and understanding of money management, to improve your situation, or you may need to undertake some training or learn how to use your money wisely. In order to attract more money this card indicates that being absolutely clear in your mind about how much you need, as well as pursuing ways of increasing your abilities to earn money, will open the gates to a more free flowing stream of income.
The Fool, I feel, would be representing a new attitude of naivety and fun that might be needed to bring joy and happiness back into your life. The responsibilities and grind of everyday life can stultify us, and block our progress. Try letting your inner-child out to play, look for joy, and the funny things in life, rather than focusing just on your duties and responsibilities. It is up to you to choose the balance between work and fun. This will release energies that will attract more of the same to you and lighten up your life.
How to attract abundance in:
Good Health – The Hermit
Love – The Lovers
Finances – Ace of Pentacles
Happiness – Page of Pentacles
This month you may need to find a quiet place, just as The Hermit shuns the world, and reflect on your needs both physically and spiritually. Find that bright light that shines within you, and when you take time to focus on how precious you are, you will be directing the energies to helping that light shine brighter. Start your quest for good health deep within, open yourself to the Divine energies and state (or write down) positive affirmations about your strength and determination to be well.
The Lovers appearing in the Love position would indicate that you need to make some serious decisions about your love life. In order to bring the love you need in your life, it seems you must make a choice. Only you will know what is the right one for you, but until you break the cycle you are currently in, things just cannot move on. Whilst decisions can be scary, and the road ahead unknown, choices should be honest, caring and considerate, not only to those involved, but to yourself, too. You deserve the love you desire. If you are not in a relationship, perhaps it is time to decide whether you want to be, or not – but once that decision is made, open your heart to the energies of the Universe – offering your own abundant love – which should then return it in kind.
In terms of finances, the Ace of Pentacles would indicate that a fresh opportunity could come your way. For the energies to bring more money to you, you must honestly embrace and be open to taking chances that are offered you. Of course, you cannot be reckless and take unnecessary risks, but by researching detail, and perhaps enhancing your own knowledge and ability, you may well find yourself on a road to better income if you run with it, so keep your eyes and mind open to new opportunities.
The Page of Pentacles in the Happiness position might indicate that a bit of learning, a course of some sort, or even just taking some time to find out something you are interested in, might help in your quest to find complete happiness. It may be that you are stagnating a little and this is blocking your progress; knowledge is power and even one small step in this direction might just be what you need to start believing you deserve more, or even the best. This will certainly bring about a change in attitude and open your self to the happiness you seek.
How to attract abundance in:
Good Health – The Sun
Love – The Fool
Finances – King of Swords
Happiness – Knight of Swords
In order to attract good health to yourself, The Sun tarot card suggests that you focus more on gratitude for that which you have and a positive approach to your life and your body. It is easy to focus on the different aches and pains, and the tiredness after hard work, but it might be that to celebrate your ability to function, regardless of the aches, is what you should be focusing on. In this way, the mind-set changes from doom to bloom should make you feel much lighter and brighter. Keep yourself in the sunshine (figuratively speaking) and your health will undoubtedly improve.
The Fool in the Love position could indicate a naivety regarding love, or perhaps a lack of progress in your current relationships. If you are not in one at the moment, then this card might be suggesting you are ready for one. In either case, taking a fresh look at your present situation and focusing on how you want things to change in order to feel better is probably what this card is indicating. So, take a little time to ask yourself exactly what you would really like to happen and tell the Universe that you are ready for a new adventure, and believe that you will be sent what you need.
In the Finances position, the King of Swords would indicate that actually, you are mastering your budget, you have the ability to achieve the next step up when necessary, which helps your income stream. For those that are struggling, however, this card would indicate the need to get a good understanding of money matters, which will be the foundation for building success in terms of money. This will come once you grasp the principles of money management and the Universe will respond in kind.
For abundance in Happiness, the Knight of Swords might be suggesting that you might benefit from some abandonment and freedom from rules and regulations, and to set yourself free. Even if it just one small thing, from time to time, that takes you out of the routine, or against what is the ‘right’ thing to do – it will make you laugh and help you realise that you don’t have to be tied to responsibilities day in and day out – enjoy!!!
How to attract abundance in:
Good Health – The Magician
Love – Seven of Wands
Finances – Eight of Cups
Happiness – The Emperor
You might need to allow yourself to use your gut instinct in terms of your health right now. In other words, The Magician indicates you have all the abilities you need to ensure that you will do what is right for your body. Sometimes we can get drawn into being told what we should, or shouldn’t do, in the quest for good health, but it might be that you are focused more on the fear of the ‘what ifs’, rather than your own intimate knowledge of what your body needs. This card could be asking you to trust your own instincts, as to what is right for you, and this could help you be much more confident about your health choices.
The Seven of Wands in the Love position would indicate that there is some waning of enthusiasm or motivation in your love-life. Therefore, the best thing you can do to bring about the love again, is to revisit the reasons why you wanted to be with this person in the first place. This should re-ignite the passion. If you are not in a relationship, this card would be advising you to ‘not give up’. If you want a love in your life, giving up won’t achieve it, you need to get out and find your mojo again. Your Soulmate might just be round the corner.
You might be in a little despair about your finances right now (Eight of Cups), and just don’t think they will ever improve. Take a step back, see what needs eliminating from your to-do list and remove what isn’t working. Leave mistakes in the past and do not allow them to cloud your mind. You probably feel emotionally drained and disappointed, but the best way to make this right and attract a better income is to pick yourself up and look determinedly at the road ahead. Tell the Universe what you need, and tell it that you’re on the road to pick it up and you are a short distance away. Positivity and determination will bring the necessary rewards. Don’t look back, keep your eyes on the prize.
We can’t command Happiness to come into our life, we have to engender it. Maybe, the gentle touch is needed here, maybe a quiet and steady, but firm, attestation that you deserve to be happy, that you are happy, will bring about the happiness you seek. This card would also suggest, I think, that you do actually have so much to be happy about, that focusing on gratitude and appreciation for what you do have is key. You can’t see the wood for the trees. Look around for the little comforts around you and smile to yourself, this will encourage happiness to flow and blossom.
How to attract abundance in:
Good Health – Nine of Wands
Love – The Devil
Finances – Seven of Cups
Happiness – Eight of Wands
The Nine of Wands in the Good Health position indicates that you are worn out and ready to give up. In fact, the nine is very near to the completion of the cycle, so don’t give up just now. Naturally, the last thing we do, when we are exhausted, is to put effort into our own good health, but in order to attract Good Health it is the single most important thing to do. You need some time to look after yourself. If you show to the Universe that you consider yourself valued enough, and deserving enough, of some rest and recuperation, you are validating and endorsing your right to good health. By physically showing some respect for your health the Universal energies will respond in kind and you will benefit from taking that one important step.
In the Love position The Devil has appeared which undoubtedly reveals that your mindset, in terms of your relationships, is one of shame and self blame. You must clear your head of this immediately. At worst you may have made some not-so-great decisions, but you should not be allowing yourself to be shackled to the past in this way. Focus only on what is good for you right now, and that starts with self love, and the belief that you deserve better, and certainly tell yourself you have not done anything wrong. Throw this Devil out, and make space for an angel.
Clearly, key relationships are getting in the way of progress financially. Recognising this and making a realistic decision you can sustain, and work with (according to the Seven of Cups), will help open the gates of abundance in terms of finances. This could be difficult for you to deal with personally, but first and foremost, you must consider your own happiness whilst making major decisions. Sometimes it can help to pass the problem over to the Universe to sort out, strong in the belief that it will provide a solution, before having to make such definitive decisions, and you can try putting a time line on it, before you take any drastic action.
The Eight of Wands in the Happiness position suggests that very shortly you will be rewarded with success and creative productivity in abundance. Focusing on the successes you have had, and your undoubted ability to achieve, is more likely to bring happiness to you, so keep your eyes on the prize for now, and hang in there, because what you desire is possibly about to manifest.
How to attract abundance in:
Good Health – The Chariot
Love – Ace of Cups
Finances – Seven of Wands
Happiness – Seven of Cups
The Chariot poses the question of whether you are being pushed and pulled by various factions regarding your health, and you are not sure what to believe. Rather than be pulled about, and not progress one way or another, it is likely to benefit if you decide (at least for the moment) to follow one set of thought and not be dragged into confusion. This way, your purpose, and your road, should be better navigated. In other words, make a decision as to what you want to do about the way you feel. Stick to that for a while, and it is likely that you will feel better for it.
In the Love position, the Ace of Cups has appeared which might indicate the desire for a new love – possibly that a relationship is about to start. If you are in a relationship which is not fulfilling your needs, then you may need to take a new approach to it, or revisit why you wanted to be with this person in the first place. In order to attract love into your life, this card perhaps would indicate that a) you should love and respect yourself first and b) your mantra should be ‘I want to be loved’. Open your heart and mind to a beautiful relationship, and don’t be afraid of what you are asking for.
The Seven of Wands in the Finance position would indicate a loss of enthusiasm, or belief, that you will ever have the money you need. This stagnation and despondency will be stifling you because your despondency will be attracting the same energy. This means you will need to break the cycle by changing your mind-set totally, and start believing that you deserve to have money, that you deserve lovely things in your life, and if you proactively do even just one small thing like taking a training course, or considering other jobs, maybe even re-working your personal budget, then you are likely to enter a better and more positive cycle.
With regard to your Happiness, there are key relationships which are posing a blockage, which is represented by the card the Seven of Cups. Clearly it is not easy to just rid yourself of unhealthy relationships, romantic ones or otherwise, but the key factor about this is that the relationship(s) in question are stopping your progress. Only you will know who has, and in what aspect, this influence on you. Your task may be to remove yourself from it if you can……..if not, you might need to overcome whatever influence they have on you, so you can free yourself to be happy. Keep telling yourself that you are important too, that you need to be free to move on with your life, that you deserve to be happy.
End of Tarotscopes
If you would like to buy the tarot deck I have used CLICK HERE – It comes with a fabulous brocade bag and is imbued with Reiki Harmony energy.
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