Tarotscopes for April 2018 are written by Patricia at Simply Tarot.
Hello there!
Are you ready for April? I certainly am.
It seems to have been an extraordinarily long winter and it is so lovely to see the buds on trees and shrubs growing daily. The lengthening days are also a balm to the soul, I really miss the light during the winter so I am feeling much happier.
As I approach the end of each month, I start to watch out for inspiration/intuition on how to approach the tarotscopes. This month I felt I needed to do a three card Past, Present and Future reading for each star sign, I felt we needed, perhaps, to take stock and look at where we were, where we are now and where we are heading. I hope they resonate with you.
Please do share with your family and friends.
Are you aware there is a completely free ‘Card of the Day’ interactive page here at Simply Tarot? It’s one of our most visited pages now, and it seems that the punchy daily messages they come with are helpful. Click Here to have a go.
And please do visit our sister-site Magickal Quest if you are looking for lovely gifts imbibed with Reiki energy.
Here’s wishing you a wonderful April!
Patricia x

Past: Eight of Wands Present: Ace of Wands Future: Three of Wands
All Wands suit cards for you this month Aries. Something seems to be keeping you busy!
The Eight of Wands in the past suggests that you have been through a very creative period when you have been full of passion and enthusiasm for your project at hand. It’s possible you’ve found it quite hard work and yet enjoyable. This card would indicate that all your hard work is very definitely contributing to the success of this project and that it has gained credibility and stability with every effort you made.
In the Present time we find the Ace of Wands which suggests that your work on the project mentioned above may have produced another idea for a new project. The Ace suggests there is a lot of energy around this new idea – whether its a business idea, something that catches your interest such as a hobby, it could be the desire to find a new home or simply that you’ve decided to take a journey of some kind. You will find that you will now be consumed with and thinking/researching how to make it work right now. It’s an exciting time!
Whatever this idea or project is, the Three of Wands indicates that providing you do research well and put time and effort into growing it, there will be early signs of success coming in the near future – hopefully by the end of April! The amount of success will depend on the amount of work you put into this, so don’t take your foot of the accelerator just yet.

Past: Queen of Pentacles Present: Page of Pentacles Future: Page of Cups
The Queen of Pentacles in the Past position suggests that you have been fairly comfortable, in recent times, in terms of your material situation. She indicates a position where you are able to provide for everyone you love with the good things in life. She would also indicate that you have reached a pretty good situation in terms of your work/income and that your finances are in good order.
In the Present situation the Page of Pentacles has appeared which suggests that there is still a way to go in terms of your material capability – in other words – there is more income to be had, when you are ready. However, it is likely that you will need to do some learning/training to take you to the next level. The Page, however, can shirk his normal duties in order to seek the information he desires, so you should note that any educational activities should perhaps top up what you do currently, not replace them completely.
Another Page, the Page of Cups has appeared in the Future position. He would suggest that in the near future you would do well to reflect on your emotional self. Of course it is lovely to have all your practical and financial needs covered, but it is equally important to allow your emotions to play a part in your life. This could either mean that you might be being a bit negligent of your own emotional needs, or that those around you might be needing some affection/attention from you. As the saying goes “All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.” So don’t forget to balance out your life with a bit of love and affection.

Past: Four of Swords Present: The High Priestess Future: The Moon
The recent Past might have seen you needing some rest and respite from recent traumas. If you haven’t allowed yourself some ‘time out’ from your difficult dealings, it will be important to do so. Stress is a very debilitating emotion which can really take its toll on your health. No matter what the problem has been make sure, straight away, that you give yourself a couple of days of rest. If you are going to make the best of the coming month you need to ground and centre yourself. Pamper yourself and try not to dwell on the dark side.
The High Priestess in the Present position suggest that your destiny is unfolding and developing in the background. It will not be totally apparent in which way, just yet, but there is something within you that is forming. It could be something on a spiritual level, it might be something you have never tried out before and you might find you start viewing your life in a different way. To help out this development you might want to look for signs, and allow yourself time to experience/feel your intuition as this might help you recognise which way to go. Keeping a journal of these signs and feelings might be a good idea.
With regard to the near future, The Moon suggests that there may be a period of time – perhaps toward the end of the month – when you will not be very sure of events happening around you. This is because things are hidden from you at this time. Be sure to not make any major decisions, then, as you will not have all the information you need at hand. You might find April a time of frustration, things can’t really move quickly because the time is not right. However, it is a good time to focus on your intuition and developing your own magical energies. It might be that this is what you need right now.

Past: The Chariot Present: Death Future: The Sun
I can see you eyeing the Death card! Don’t let it distract you.
Firstly, let’s deal with the recent Past. In this position we have The Chariot. This card would represent a challenging time when you have had to rein in your feelings about events around you. You will have had to channel your energies to focus on the road down which you wanted to travel. You may have been pulled and pushed about in many different ways if you hadn’t. It has certainly been a time when you haven’t always felt in control. Hopefully, this period of challenge has ended and you are happily moving in the direction you wish to.
In the Present position we have the Death card. It is likely that you feel you have lost something essential to you right now. You feel bereft and there is little you can do about it, and therein lies the pain. However, whatever it is you have lost, or had taken away, you are still having to get up each day and face it. It may be hard for you right now. You may feel that things will never be the same again. You may be right – however, that doesn’t mean that you will never be happy again. Things being ‘different’ aren’t necessarily ‘wrong’. It’s like changing a job, or throwing away a favourite set of clothes; you find comfort in the familiar because it makes you comfortable, but you might like the next one so much more, and, indeed might be better than you can imagine!
And the near Future seems to hold exactly this, as we find a lovely tarot card in this position. After a period of darkness and gloom for you, dear Cancerian, here comes The Sun! You can shout Hurrah! You are more than ready for this. You will soon be entering a time when everything seems to go right, when everything, and everybody, makes you happy. This is a time for you to make excellent progress so make sure you focus on the things you desire the most and put your best efforts in. You will have a lot to appreciate and a lot to feel grateful for, and it’s very much deserved! Enjoy!

Past: Eight of Wands Present: Seven of Cups Future: Six of Cups
You may have experienced some success in the recent Past in terms of tasks you’ve been working on, whether that is at work, as a hobby, or perhaps even journeys you have undertaken. It would seem that the effort put in has indeed worked some good results. This project would seem to be showing signs of stability and a level of success. It probably took quite a lot of enthusiasm, and creativity, to make it happen.
In the Present position, the Seven of Cups, suggests that your current relationship(s) are proving a little difficult and things might ‘be up in the air’ in terms of how you see it/them moving forward. You will have to make some sort of decision about how to tackle the issue. The good news is that there may be several options you can choose from in terms of how to get this sorted. As always, with relationships, whilst it is important to consider your own needs (of course) it is just as important to treat everyone else involved with due consideration and care when it comes to making your decision, because of the impact it will have on them.
The Six of Cups in the near Future suggests that there may be a little regret heading your way in terms of a previous relationship (I guess that depends on the decisions you are making now). Suddenly you are thinking of how it used to be, and, even more, of how great it was. Be sure that those rose-tinted glasses are not obscuring the issues that caused the end of that relationship. On the other hand, it is always possible to give it another go if you have both developed enough emotionally.

Past: Judgement Present: Knight of Wands Future: Queen of Cups
The recent Past might have had you looking at your own actions, or behaviours, as a result of a set of circumstances, or you may have felt that others have been judging your actions. The Judgement card appears when we are subjected to judgement by others, or by ourselves. It is a time to stop and think whether our actions have be the right ones or, at least, whether they were done with the best of intentions. You may have felt proud of the way you behaved, or you might have been asked whether you could have done things better. Either way you might now realise that the way we act does have an impact on others and we need to be aware of this in every endeavour.
The Present position reveals the Knight of Wands. This card begs the question ‘Are you really fully engaged in the task you are handling right now?’ Is it just a short lived interest? You might be tasked with something that you are not fully interested in, or it might be that your attitude to it might not be a fully mature one. Whatever it is you are dealing with (a project, a house move, a journey or an actual job) should really have your full attention and commitment right now. A half hearted attitude will not be very likely to bear fruit.
For the near Future, the Queen of Cups indicates you may be the centre of attention and considered attractive and loveable by all around you. This is something you should embrace, as it is rare to get the chance to revel in your beauty. If this is not something which is happening for you, then take some time to pamper yourself, treat yourself, and to embrace what you are, to awaken the Queen of Cups within you. You might be being asked to prepare yourself for some true love and affection.

Past: Nine of Pentacles Present: King of Cups Future: Ten of Swords
In the recent Past, Libra, it would seem that you’ve enjoyed quite a substantial financial situation which has allowed you to command the things you’ve desired for yourself, and your loved ones, on a material basis. It would seem that you are in a pretty good and stable situation which has come about from your hard work, so well done! Hopefully this means that you are unlikely to be worried about your finances at this time.
In terms of the Present, the King of Cups makes an appearance and this suggests that now is the time to put all your efforts into your current relationships, romantic or otherwise. The King is a card which is likely to indicate that you already know what needs to be done, and how. You are a great communicator when it comes to love and relationships, but the King will give you a gentle nudge about being able to talk the talk but not walking the walk. So whilst you know it’s time to focus on love and your loved ones, you need to make sure they know that you care, and that will only come about through your actions not by words. The two last cards combined might indicate a need to find the work/life balance.
You may be faced with a difficult situation (Ten of Swords), possibly a difficult decision, which may cause you some heartache, later in the month. This could be a long-standing issue which has bothered you considerably, and one which has caused you pain for a while, anyway. Whatever the outcome of this situation, whether it is brought to a head by you, or someone else, you are wise enough to know why this has happened and what the benefits to you will be, and the outcome should be all the more palatable for that. Remember that as one door closes another will open.

Past: Four of Pentacles Present: Eight of Cups Future: Knight of Wands
The recent Past has shown, through the Four of Pentacles, that there has been a question over taking a financial risk. Whilst it is good to be careful with money, sometimes if we avoid taking a chance on something we could be missing out on further financial gains. Sometimes we might choose to hang on to what we have just to keep safe. So the question is whether the risk was taken or not? Could it be that the result of that decision has had a result in terms of the Present? Did either taking the risk, or deciding not to, have a knock-on effect on the people around you?
The Eight of Cups in the Present indicates a breakdown of a relationship, or a loss of hope in terms of emotions, so it is possible that the Past situation may have affected the current state of your emotions. Whether it is the loss of a relationship, or the loss of hope emotionally, the result is the same – feeling sad, scared and alone. This will be temporary. Our natural strength and survival instincts will take us from one day to the next, whether we want to face the day or not. What you can do is focus on healing your hurts. You may feel you have made a mistake which has resulted in this seemingly wrong outcome…..we all make mistakes, so please forgive yourself. If this has affected you to through the loss of a relationship, then maybe that wasn’t the sort of relationship you needed. You don’t need people that will punish you to that extent.
For the Future, the Knight of Wands has appeared. Perhaps he suggests a new adventure is around the corner, and in a short time you will see it. Perhaps the Eight of Cups has prepared the ground for you to turn to different pastures, and perhaps The Knight of Wands heralds the return of excitement, enthusiasm and passion for life, if not a new and wiser You, so hang on in there. There is so much more to come.

Past: Nine of Cups Present: Ten of Swords Future: The Hierophant
The Nine of Cups in the recent Past suggests that things in terms of relationships and emotions have been very good. Maybe that ‘balm for the soul’ helped you realise that the ups and downs of life come and go, and these are times when you feel that all the effort is worth while. A period of happiness and contentment, when you are full of love for those around you, and feel the love returned, may have given you an insight in to what is truly important to you.
In the Present, you may find that, according to the Ten of Swords, you find yourself in a sad situation where you feel bereft of something. It might be that you are missing someone you loved, or turned to when you needed them. Of course it is painful, but, as always, we are tasked with having to face each day as it comes. The Ten cards indicate the end of a cycle, so it could mean that a situation which is/has been causing you pain is coming to an end, and perhaps that is a good thing in the long run. Perhaps you can get yourself ready for the next and new phase of your life, which is full of hope and promise.
The Hierophant is revealed for the Future. This could mean that you would benefit from seeking advice from someone who is very learned in their subject. It could be in terms of how you wish to proceed in your new way of life, someone to guide you through the maze if you are confused, or someone who can help you to choose a new system of ‘belief’ in terms of spirituality or religion. It will be important for you to realise that although you will get good advice from this person, don’t just accept that everything they say is absolute truth, do your own research and make your own decisions through being informed, and seeking truth from trusted sources.

Past: Nine of Wands Present: Queen of Pentacles Future: Temperance
In the recent Past the Nine of Wands suggests that you managed to get through an exhausting time, during which you may have felt very close to giving up. Thankfully you didn’t. By digging deep into your own resources and with full determination, you made it through. It will have been a testing time, but by now you should be beginning to feel the sense of achievement that comes with hard work, passion and determination, so well done. Whatever it was that pushed you to the limit found that you were stronger than ‘it’.
For the Present, the Queen of Pentacles represents a period of stability and security in terms of your work and your home life. The Queen represents having the goods, and resources, to be able to ensure that those you love will be happy and contented, and that it is you that has provided it. You should feel very competent and confident, in aspects of your material life, over the next week or two.
In terms of the Future, you may find that you need to balance out your attitude to work and home by making sure that you allow your heart to have a little more say. It is likely that your logicality and precise way of looking at things might just be a little too harsh on some occasions. Whilst being practical and sensible is a great asset in many ways, there are times when people just need to have a soothing ‘There, there’ from you, or a cuddle, to see them through their difficulties. Or it could be that you need to give a little of your love to yourself. Sometimes you can lose sight of your own needs, and it is undoubtedly a good thing to stop from time to time and take a look back to see how far you have come, give yourself a pat on the back and treat yourself before moving onwards.

Past: Knight of Swords Present: Nine of Cups Future: Temperance
In the recent Past, you may have realised that perhaps you had charged into situations a little too eagerly without fully considering the consequences, or having all of the necessary information at the time. Perhaps your perception of events had been a little too logical and practical, and now it doesn’t sit with you quite the same way. Nor does it matter, because we do what we do at any given time based on what we know, it’s only afterward, with the wisdom of hindsight, do we realise we could have dealt with something in a better way. The good news is, these experiences teach us to be more careful next time.
The Nine of Cups in the Present time, paints a very different picture. Now you may be looking at your life with huge contentment in terms of the people you have in your life. You are now at a stage where the relationships in your life are no longer in the early stages, but have developed into strong and stable bonds and this makes you very happy. Your home life will be giving you great joy and this card indicates that there is great love in your life.
For the Future, Temperance indicates that you should make sure that you stop from time to time to see how far you have come and what you have achieved. Taking this time out from the everyday humdrum chaos of life allows you to consider carefully how you can balance out your mental alacrity and ability, with a healthy dose of intuition and love. By doing this your dealings with situations, people, and events may just be less challenging, and very much more palatable. It would seem that the coming month of April could well find you on a much more even keel, and that your equilibrium is much improved.

Past: The High Priestess Present: Seven of Swords Future: Knight of Cups
The High Priestess in the near Past position might indicate that you recently felt that things were on the change for you in some way, possibly in a spiritual way, but certainly a change to something you have always accepted as the norm. It might not be clear just yet in which way this will affect your future, but you are aware that you have more choices for your future than you did previously. Keep watching out for signs/messages that might clarify this a bit more for you.
In the Present position, the Seven of Swords is revealed. This card represents manipulation or deceit in some way. This deceit might have its roots in good intentions (a white lie maybe) but it is something you should look out for. It might not be someone else who is the source, it might be you who has decided to perhaps not tell the full truth for some reason. In either case, look beyond the action. If it is someone else then their motives might be forgiven. If it is you, you will need to decide whether it is justified to use deceit in this case for your own ends. It might be more beneficial to be honest, indeed life might be a little less complicated for you if you are.
In the Future the Knight of Cups might represent a new love in your life. Any new suitors should spend time proving to you that it is indeed love they feel for you, before you give them your all. If it is a just a flight of fancy then by all means have some fun, but remember that to not commit fully will save some pain to someone at some point in the future. This card might just be saying to you that you need some fun and company – maybe not even on a romantic level. Just take your time to enjoy some attention and comradeship, in whichever form it is, because a boost for your ego, and your heart, might be just what you need.
End of tarotscopes.
I hope you enjoyed reading your tarotscope for this coming month, and, more importantly I hope they are of some help. Do feel free to leave a comment.
The tarot deck used for these tarotscopes is The Tarot House Deck.
Simply Tarot
Hi I joined your simply study group yesterday and just read the April cards for Pisces. Wow ! The cards reflect my April experience to the last chapter. Looking forward to reading the May cards now….
Excellent on both counts George 🙂 Thank you!
Weird! I’m a Piscean and before reading the tarotscopes I did a card of the day, what did I get? Seven of swords!!
Thanks for your input. I wonder whether you did find out about a little deceit? 🙂