Welcome to the Tarotscopes for April 2019
Scroll down to find you star/zodiac sign and read what the tarot cards advise to the get the most out the coming month.
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The tarot cards used in these are from The Tarot House Deck which is available to BUY HERE
Best wishes for a happy April!
Patricia x

Five of Cups, The Chariot, The Hanged Man, Queen of Wands
If you feel a bit despairing about a relationship at the moment (Five of Cups), then take a step back and look at your situation. It could be that you are very much immersed in a negative mindset just now, with regard to the relationship, and it might just need a small adjustment of attitude to get things back on track. The relationship is by no means lost at this stage, but it does need real effort to see how your way of thinking is adding to the issues. The Chariot beside the Five of Cups could be suggesting that there is no real direction for the relationship, at least in terms of the way you feel, so maybe there needs to be a firmer commitment, rather than being pushed and pulled as the whim dictates. There is no doubt that there is the ability to take some control over the destiny of this relationship, if you wish it to succeed.
At the same time you might, according to The Hanged Man, be required to submit yourself to the situation. Perhaps you have been in denial about whether this relationship could work for you, and maybe you’ve been unwilling to surrender fully to your feelings, which could be part of the problem. The Hanged Man usually advises to not ‘fight against’ a situation.
The Queen of Wands suggests that you have it all to play for, and you are more than capable of making this relationship work, but it won’t fall into your lap. This Queen advises that you can really work at this and make it a success, because this is who the Queen of Wands represents – a person who can make it work through effort, skill and passion.

The Hermit, The Chariot, The Emperor, The World
At times it is necessary to find some space, peace and quiet to rediscover what our aims were/are, and what we truly need to make us happy – this is when The Hermit appears in a reading. He suggests digging deep within ourselves to rediscover our original purpose, or to decide on future goals.
Having rediscovered, or formulated new, goals, The Chariot’s advice would be to make a decision about which is the best way for you, and to commit to that road. For good or bad. The point being that if your are pushed and pulled away from your direction, you won’t achieve anything at all.
The Emperor also emphasises the need to be directed and commited. The Emperor is an authoritative person, he had determination, drive and purpose. He needs to be firm yet not aggressive, independent yet approachable, and trustworthy too. But if his territory is threatened he becomes a formidable foe – therefore, it is likely you will need to fight to stay on your chosen path.
The World card indicates that, once you do this, all the things you have dreamt of achieving are likely to happen. The World suggests a lot of success and validation coming your way this coming month – so stay strong with your eyes on the prize.

Three of Pentacles, The Fool, Judgement, Justice
On an investment or financial front, the Three of Pentacles suggests that there will be indications of success, and that either now or in the future this project will bring in some money. Whatever this is, the project is still in its infancy and will need work and effort but the signs are that it will grow into something more substantial.
The Fool indicates the start of a new journey, which means that whatever is dawning for you should be looked at carefully so you can avoid making the same mistakes you made in the past. This is a new opportunity for you to make the most of. Keep your wits about you and don’t just leave things to chance.
You could find yourself being ‘judged’ either by other people or perhaps by yourself internally. Whatever your actions or behaviours have been in the past will now be in the spotlight. So if you have done things with open and honest intent, it will be clear for everyone to see.
This card is closely followed by the card ‘Justice’, which also brings closure to a situation which has been going on for some time – generally when Justice appears in a reading, a final outcome is decided in which the receiver is vindicated for their actions and, again, it will be clear for all to see – in other words ‘Justice will be served’. This, hopefully, will end a particularly difficult patch for you, but the result will be such that you will be seen to have been ‘right’ all along.

Two of Pentacles, Judgement, Seven of Swords, Ace of Pentacles
Financial offers might be available to you if you need them right now. The Two of Pentacles indicates some sort of financial partnership or working arrangement that can help you with a current difficulty. Whether it is an offer of money, or help on a practical/physical level, make the most of it because these opportunities rarely occur. Money can make money if you use it wisely, and of course it can be frittered away with ease, you need to make the right choices around this opportunity.
Judgement suggests that your recent behaviours will be in the spotlight for all to see. If your actions have always been with the best of intentions then others will see this quite clearly, and, as a result, this could open doors for you, metaphorically speaking. Whilst this is good news, just be aware that the Seven of Swords suggests you keep your eyes open, and your wits about you, because there might be some manipulation at work around you. Whether this is someone trying to get ‘something for nothing’ out of you, or whether it is just someone telling a white lie, you need to be on the alert for it – and make sure is does not have any real impact on you.
The Ace of Pentacles suggests that there could well be a new opportunity/job or financial situation opening up for you in the coming month. Again, make the most of this opportunity – nothing comes without effort, passion and determination, so if you are going to make it work for you, you will need all of these qualities right from the get-go.

Ace of Wands, Page of Cups, The High Priestess, Two of Wands
The Ace of Wands might be suggesting that you are seeking something ‘new’ to engage you in April. You might be feeling a bit bored with the current situation, and feel like you are ready to go onto a new adventure. There is certainly a lot of desire and enthusiasm flowing through your veins. The Page of Cups next to this card suggests that a period of reflection might bring some insight into your own needs right now and might give you some inkling as to what direction this adventure lies.
At the same time, The Hight Priestess suggests that new developments, in terms of your beliefs or attitudes, could be unfolding in the background – in other words a new destiny could be calling to you soon, but not until everything is as fully aligned as it need to be. It might not be the best time to make any major decisions about your future this month, since there is a lot that will come out at a later date when the time is right.
The Two of Wands advises that there is an idea or a project which could use your attention right now – one that has possibilities, and the solutions to current problems, so it might make sense, as you go into April, to sit down first and examine all that is happening around you. Something should jump out at you that is worth developing or embracing, because it has the capacity to work well for you.

The Emperor, The Empress, Temperance, Queen of Cups
The Emperor and The Empress appearing in a reading could indicate that, either, two influential people could have an impact on your life this month (perhaps parents, or a similar pair of authoritative people), or you are going to need to embrace both the dominance of a Patriarch and a Matriarch to deal with a current situation. Therefore, in April, you might find yourself having to act in a firm but fair way (The Emperor) whilst using your nurturing abilities (The Empress) with regard to a given situation (either way, you’ll need to watch your temper a little). The card Temperance suggests that some sort of balance is required right now – that there is a need to embrace equals and opposites to bring about a solution to a situation.
Temperance, along with the Queen of Cups, suggest it could be love, compassion and tenderness is what is needed most right now. It might be that a softer rather than a hard approach, or more emotional than logical attitude, could be the answer to a particular problem.
Whatever the situation is – it might be relationship issues, or a problem at work or possibly just even trying to decide what you want to do next – it seems clear from the cards that it is not the time to just paying attention to what your head is saying to you – you need to trust what your heart is telling you too.

King of Pentacles, Four of Pentacles, Four of Swords, Nine of Pentacles
The King of Pentacles would certainly indicate that being able to provide the home comforts is not a problem. This card represents mastery over your financial situation and being able to command everything that you need to feel comfortable and secure in life. Yet there still seems to be some doubt about the future in terms of finances for you. The Four of Pentacles suggests that you feel you might be taking a risk with something to do with money, whether it is going for a different job, or whether you are investing in some sort of a project. The Four of Pentacles advises that whilst being careful with money is a good thing, it is also worth considering that you could miss out on something very worthwhile by not taking new opportunities.
The Four of Swords indicates that you might be feeling a bit ‘tender’ after some recent trauma, or difficult situation, and this might be what is causing you to hesitate about opting for something new. The Nine of Pentacles suggests that, very soon, you will be reaping the rewards of all your efforts and that you should be full of confidence with regards your abilities and most certainly to believe you are worthy of success. There is only one person you can trust on this decision – YOU! So don’t let anybody else divert you from something you are eminently capable of achieving!

The Hanged Man, Justice, Two of Swords, Six of Pentacles
The Hanged Man in this reading suggests that there has been a period of time where you have not been able to be proactive about a situation. That you have had to stand back and let things happen, and it’s very likely you have been feeling quite useless and helpless. But Justice is about to make an appearance, which suggests that soon you will be seen to have been ‘right’ about something and that you will be vindicated for the way you dealt with it.
The Two of Swords also indicates that the time is coming to deal with any conflicts head on. This card suggests that the avoidance of any outstanding problem is because you might not be sure of the facts. It seems that the solution can be found by getting all the information you can, about the issue at hand, so that you can start to face this problem, get it dealt with, and out of your hair.
The Six of Pentacles indicates that some good will come out of the situation, if you do come to grips with it, because this card usually indicates an unexpected gift, or bonus. This should bring much needed relief and will restore your faith in humankind, so it could be that this outstanding issue might be blocking the flow of the financial help you really could use right now.

Ten of Swords, The Lovers, Six of Cups, Three of Wands
The Ten of Swords indicates a painful cycle to coming to an end. Despite the fact it has been difficult in many ways and even thought there might be an element of relief that it is over, it is still a time of some pain and regret. However, as each cycle ends another can begin. The Lovers card would agree. This card indicates you will now have the chance the make decisions about what you want out of life. It could be with regards to particular relationships, of course, but it might be about how you wish to approach personal relationships in the future.
The Six of Cups is also a relationship card, one which represents feelings of regret about past relationships, and a yearning for how they might ‘have been’. It is always the same with hindsight. There are always possibilities to mend relationships, providing both parties are willing and ready, and if the issues can be fixed, but it is also worth remembering how easy things can look whilst wearing rose-coloured spectacles and the harsh truth can be spectacularly dimmed.
The Three of Wands might be indicating that you are already on a journey that is showing signs of success, so perhaps it is best to keep your eyes on the future rather than looking back on the ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’. It’s what you want to achieve in the coming years that is of key importance now, and any decisions you make, according to the Three of Wands, have every chance of working out beautifully.

Queen of Pentacles, Three of Swords, Two of Wands, The Magician
On a monetary level, the Queen of Pentacles would indicate that you are in a very good position and you are able to provide all your loved ones with what they need both physically and financially. The Three of Swords, however, could be indicating that there is still something which you making you unhappy. It could be that a person that has, or is, letting you down, or maybe a situation which you thought would work out well, might be causing some issues.
The Two of Wands represents ideas or projects that do indeed have some substance. All that is needed is for you to look closely at your current options and focus your ability and enthusiasm on this project. Not only will it distract you from any current disappointments, it will bring the success you have been searching for. However, this project is still in its infancy, so some more hard work, and effort, is still needed to bring it to fruition.
The Magician advises you that you have all the abilities you need to make it work. He know you have the power to work your own magic and he urges you to trust in yourself. You might be at a Crossroads right now, but only you can make your journey ahead interesting, and worthwhile – the opportunity is there……………………. you just need to pull it out of the bag.

Ten of Wands, Ten of Cups, Eight of Swords, Three of Wands
In April, the Ten of Wands advises that a cycle of something is likely to come to an end. This will leave you feeling exhausted and overburdened, perhaps even burnt out. So leave anything which is not necessarily your job to do, and focus on what is going to bring some relief to you. Do delegate any tasks to people you know can help you and get rid of any dead wood you are lugging around with you – it just adds to your burden.
In other ways, the Ten of Cups suggests a very pleasing time for you – especially in terms of your relationships, and home life, and this should bring some happiness and feeling of contentment after all your hard work. The Ten of Cups is one of the happiest and fortunate tarot cards in a deck, so hopefully this is heralding a great time harmony and love for you.
The Eight of Swords suggests that any particular conflict you are dealing with is best tackled with rather than avoided. Perhaps by doing so you will find some relief from all the pressures weighing down on you. Imagine that cutting away all the dead wood and sorting these problems is freeing you and making everything light and manageable.
The Three of Wands suggest that April will bring some signs of success on a particular project you have been working on, so keep focused on your work and the things you need to tackle right now and very soon, you’ll find the validation you deserve is just around the corner.

Page of Wands, Ten of Pentacles, Knight of Wands, Eight of Swords
You might get some news about a project you are working on right now (Page of Wands). This project is still in its early days but things might start to move apace pretty soon. Just make sure you don’t rush into anything too quickly, though, as this Page advises that caution and knowledge will help your case. The Ten of Pentacles suggests that you are likely to find yourself in a very pleasing place, in terms of finances or home, as it is the ultimate card in terms of stability and security with regard to finances. So keep your eyes on your target and keep putting in the effort.
At the same time the Knight of Wands indicates that you’re raring to go in terms of your next adventure. You’ll have lots of strength, passion and enthusiasm as your armoury. Your demon in the adventure is represented by the Eight of Swords – this is an issue hanging over you, and one which is making you feel trapped because you are avoiding the hurt that might ensue if you try to tackle it. Avoiding this issue will only make it worse. Face the issue, admit your own part in the making of this problem, and fight to resolve it in the best way you can. You’ll find this frees you up to follow your quest and enjoy the rewards that the Ten of Pentacles promises.
End of Tarotscopes
not only does tarot work but it has changed my life
Thank you Frank. A good tarot reading should give honest and sensible advice – sounds like that is what has happened with you 🙂 May it continue to help you 🙂 Best wishes, Patricia