Welcome to the tarotscopes for April
There are three tenets I have learned to trust and live by in my life:
You will know what to do when you need to
Have gratitude for what you have – there’s more than you think
Don’t despair – keep doing what you are doing
I have written these Tarotscopes with the intent to help you with your well-being. I hope they can.
I want to thank everyone for their efforts. Those who are saving lives through working in medics, for staying at home, or providing what we need to survive this crisis. I am sending you all love.
Keep safe and well,
Patricia x

First of all, the Queen of Wands is letting you know that you are so capable of turning your hands to all sorts of tasks and doing them very well. Whether at work, or at home, this could be the ideal time to try something new, discover new talents or to rise above what you have already achieved. This Queen is not only ready to ‘have a go’ but will fully apply herself to tackling what needs to be done – this could be you, and whilst this is a very trying time in many respects, you are likely to surprise yourself at your own success.
The High Priestess wishes to let you know that, in the background, things are forming for a new destiny for you – this period of time might engender a new way of thinking, or living, indicating that you could have a different approach living your life in the future and very likely for the better. The Universe is assisting in arranging that reality for you, it will happen in time, but, for now, just trust that things will happen in the way that is right for you at the right time. Use your intuition to its full capacity right now.
The Magician wants you to know that though things are very different and, in many respects, the future seems a bit scary, you have all the skills you need to get you through – this is a new experience which will need your own kind of magic to get through – so embrace The Magician within and start spreading your magick around! It’s now or never.
Making the best of your financial assets is important right now too, the Three of Pentacles is giving you a heads up to ensure you use what money you have right now to its full capacity – in many respects this situation could have its own benefits too, if you keep alert to opportunities that might present themselves – whether it is help with food, money or some physical support, you might find this month could help you get to a good position in terms of your home and money. Make it worthwhile.
Your Birthday Card: Happy Birthday to those born under the Aries star sign – read on!

Your birthday card is the Six of Pentacles, a very positive card in terms of finances. Usually this card indicates a gift or a bonus, in terms of money, or it could also mean a lot of help on a practical level which eases your financial burden somewhat. The help you are likely to receive will restore your faith in humankind and remind you that there are some very loving people around you who care. Whatever abundance you receive, do make the most of it to set you up for the future in whichever way you can. And although your birthday celebrations might be restricted this year, remember that people really do care for and love you, so even if you have to celebrate your birthday in a pretty moderate way, find a way to celebrate the light that shines from within you – you have an important role in this world, whether you feel it or not.

The Seven of Wands is saying ‘of course you are going to get fed up with this situation!’. There will be times when you will lack motivation and certainly enthusiasm, but being forewarned is forearmed. Acknowledge there are going to be bad days and perhaps have a short list available which can remind you of your goals and aims, add some advice on what brings you out of the doldrums, and include prompts to try new things to divert your attention. Getting into a downward spiral, whether you are a key worker or having to stay at home will not help you, nor anyone around you, so be prepared for this to happen and make yourself tackle it head on when it happens – remember the war effort mantra ‘Keep calm and carry on!’
Through this coming month, the Ace of Swords indicates there will be a complete change of attitude/approach to life emerging from you. You will see things differently and your perception of what was right and wrong are likely to change dramatically. A new approach, or attitude, could mean that your opinions might change drastically and have some impact on those around you – remember to be patient with them, and try to help them understand why you feel the way you do now.
Whether at work or at home, Judgement, is letting you know that you will be under some scrutiny from those around you – so make sure your behaviours are those you can justify, or to be personally proud of, because eventually you are likely to find out how they have affected others – hopefully it will mean that people will say they are very happy with your attitude.
The Fool is indicating that this period will lead you to a new path which has opened up for you. This can be very exciting and could bring some much needed change, and as you set off on this journey, don’t allow your excitement to blind you to pitfalls along the way – keep alert to new experiences and make sure you don’t make the same mistakes you made in the past. This path could lead to you some very interesting places indeed.

Your thoughts during this coming month might wander towards guilt, fear or grief, and this could happen to those out working on the front line as well as those who are confined to the home. This situation is going have the same impact on many people, you are not alone. It is natural, and each person’s feelings are valid and huge to them regardless of what their personal situations are, and need to be recognised as such. The Nine of Swords is about the mind overthinking, and often running away with, itself making things seem much worse than they probably are and these thoughts can be very destructive. Temperance advises you try not to analyse everthing and to listen to your heart sometimes. If you can think of all the bad things that are happening or have happened, it is also true that the mind can think of all the good things things we can be grateful for. Temperance advises some balance and to treat yourself with kindness and love. Remember this.
This crisis is forcing us all to tread a path we are fearful of – a new journey that will take us to goodness know where. The Fool advises us to keep alert to what is happening around us, to notice things and not go along heedlessly. Wherever this path takes you, use your eyes, your ears, your mind and your senses to take in what is around you – how you can use the opportunities available, and to avoid making mistakes you made in the past. In other words you could be setting off on a life changing journey – make it a good one!!
The Six of Wands says keep watch for the successes to come your way, because your aptitude, attitude and approach to what befalls you could bring out talents and skills you never knew you had! Effort and enthusiasm will bring rewards in areas you had no concept of before this challenging crisis. You are about to see your own capabilities make something out of nothing – keep your eyes peeled and enjoy!

The Nine of Cups is asking you, during the coming month, to understand that what you have in terms of relationships is enough for you right now, regardless of what ‘hopes’ you might have. There is much to be happy about (it might not be perfect) and things will be absolutely fine throughout April. It is the same with respect to your financial and home situation, the Nine of Pentacles is reassuring you that you have all that you need in terms of home, and the finances will keep it running. It is important to recognise that, in reality, your needs are few and to accept that this is so for the time being, though don’t forget there could be financial help for those that really need it. Don’t look for excesses just now, be happy that you are existing as you are.
However, the Page of Cups could be advising you to take a good look at your own needs, and to give yourself some time to reflect on what is important to you right now and maybe into the future, as well, to some extent. Learn about yourself, learn to love your qualities and your flaws. Find peace and love your SELF – this is the only person who can help you right now….YOU. So make a plan for yourself and set some goals.
If you are finding this situation pretty traumatic, or you are facing trauma daily, the Four of Swords reminds you to take some time to heal your wounds, pour balm on the hurts, to rest and to recuperate. Nothing else is as important as healing yourself and the time to do it is now. You are as important as anyone else. You are needed and loved, so keep yourself safe and keep yourself well – who knows what will be needed from you as we work through this crisis.

The Ace of Pentacles is a new energy around some aspect of finances, or home. The subsequent cards appear to refer to home and relationships in the main, in which case it would seem that these should have priority with regard to well-being this month. At this time of crisis, the home is our safe haven, and our family our support, through the good and the bad. This is what endurance looks like and it is times like these where we need to step up to the mark.
The World has appeared to remind you that you have everything you can possibly need to make you happy right now, and this reminder is important because it is easy to take so much for granted. In addition, The Sun has appeared to show you that you have access to all you need to get through this crisis, but the most important thing to remember, of all, is to be grateful for everything you have. You should, perhaps, take a good look at the world right now, and the people around you, to appreciate how rich you truly are, and how very different things could be.
The Knight of Cups has appeared to perhaps remind you that a dreamy attitude to what you have at home is not a failsafe to keep it. Nothing is guaranteed, so perhaps this Knight is asking you to acknowledge what you have and to treat those in your life with care, love, appreciation and gratitude. The Knight is not often satisfied with what he’s got – he’s always searching for something ‘better’ – don’t be the Knight.

You will need to utilise some significant energy around your emotions, or relationships, this coming month, according to the Ace of Cups. Depending on your situation, you may have to focus on the relationships around you and nurture them with all you’ve got. If you are alone, you might find yourself feeling very emotional in the next few weeks and this is understandable, but keep checking on your thought patterns. The Nine of Swords is a card which indicates some self destructive thoughts that will not help you – you might be punishing yourself as your feelings emerge – fear, guilt or even grief – over things that have happened in the past or happening now. Allow your heart to love YOU – with all your qualities, and all your flaws. You are not weak, you are not wrong, You are Human. You do what you do when you can, with the best of intentions and with the knowledge you have at the time. Have a little shout at times, or a cry if you need to and let off some steam, but don’t allow your thoughts to tell you that you are not worthy.
Focus on your strengths which have appeared as the King of Pentacles. This card shows you that you have achieved an awful lot in terms of your home, security, and finances – you are certainly able and skilful. The King of Pentacles is very capable of spotting opportunities and works to maximise their impact – he is saying that you can do the same. So if you start to feel overwhelmed in terms of emotions, or thoughts, do something practical to improve your mood or to enhance your surroundings. It will make you feel so much better than dwelling on the ‘what if’s and ‘if only…….’s.
In addition to emulating the King of Pentacles, the Page of Wands advises you to take some time to have some fun. Get youthful, get playful – do things that make you happy (what did you like to do as a kid?), find things that make you laugh or happy. Try something new, you could well find you have talents you thought you could only dream of.

The Seven of Pentacles could be referring to a decision that has to be made around your finances, however, in the current crisis it might mean that your mindset is a bit fearful of the consequences of this situation – in terms of your home life (and maybe security/finances). This might set you off on a tangent worrying about all sorts of things – it is likely that pretty much everyone is worried about what will come about because of this current situation, however, you just need to know that worrying is not going to help anything. So what do you do?
The Four of Swords suggests that there might have been a recent trauma which you have had difficulty with, and if this is the case, this card suggests you double down on healing your wounds. Take time to find out what hurts and how to make it better, take time so that you can to rest (this is important for healing) and take any opportunity you can to recuperate. Get back the strength you once had, look for the positives, have hope and allow yourself to become a warrior once again, it won’t take long.
Try not to let your relationships suffer with the needs you are struggling with personally, just have a loving, helpful attitude even if you can’t muster much enthusiasm and gusto – keep things sane and happy in terms of those around you, but take time for you when you can. The gusto will return when you find your strength again.
Of course this situation is difficult and, in some respects, ‘unreal’ and it is likely to remain so for a while. But the Six of Swords has cropped up to remind you that you can do this. It will be necessary to stay as serene as you can be, to apply yourself to the situation as you would in any crisis – it just feels harder because we are faced with a lengthy process. It is not an ideal situation for anyone to be in, but there is no doubt that this card has come up in your reading because if anyone can see it through, and remain sane, it is you.

The Ace of Pentacles suggests there will be a lot of energy around your home life, or work, this coming month. This means you will have an opportunity to try something which could develop into something of interest to you, and even though it might not feel it, there are still things that could emerge as viable chances to improve your financial standing. Whatever it is that crops up for you, the following four cards could be indicating the best way to maximise this opportunity, so that you will gain something from it one way or another.
As you can see, the three cards are all Swords suit cards, this is the suit of mental alacrity, challenges and attitudes, and each of these can make the situation work for you, or not, as you choose. The first is the Two of Swords: this card is about avoiding an issue that really could do with being sorted out – because it is not going away. Whether this is at home, or at work, you will need to get your head round it and try to find a way to resolve it – it is likely that you need a better understanding of what the issue really is, and once you have this you should be able to deal with it adequately. This will open further doors for you which have been inaccessible till now.
The Eight of Swords is about a decision you are having to make but which you are avoiding. Whether it is with regard to work or a relationship, only you will know, but it will be important to recognise that you had a part in this issue emerging, and therefore it will need your input to help to be resolved. It will take some strength of mind, and character, but once you have made your decision things can get moving again for you. Delaying it could well make the situation worse.
You are going to need to control your attitude, or approach, to the events of April, because the situation, as you are aware, is not ideal. The Six of Swords is an encouraging card, though, in that it is indicating that you have the ability to go with the flow in a fairly serene manner, even though the situation is beyond bizarre. That’s quite a talent, and one you should utilise this month. April is one of the short months, but it does looks like one which could kickstart improvements for the future if you handle it well – which you know you can.

Well, it looks like, to navigate through the coming month, you will need to get hold of the reins and steer your way with all the strength you have got. The Chariot has appeared to let you know that you could be subjected to being pushed and pulled in different directions. It will help you to be strong in your attitude with regard to what is acceptable to you, or not. At times it is important to stand up for yourself, otherwise you might find yourself way off track due to the demands of forces and people around you.
The current situation we’re all in is not ideal (Six of Swords) of course, but one of your talents is being able to see it through with admirable sangfroid and even serenity but you must hold fast to this ability though you might need to seek respite to recharge your batteries (as it were) on occasions. Don’t worry though, you can see this through.
However, it will not come as surprise that your outlook on life could well take a different turn (Ace of Swords). Your perceptions, which you accepted as the norm, might not sit well with you anymore, and you might be seeking a new way of living your life. Bit by bit your thinking could take a new twists and turns and you could find yourself looking for alternatives to ways of helping you to understand what is happening and why. Accept this and allow new ideas to flow to you – don’t dismiss them outright, nor accept them without question. This is a good time to really experiment with your own mindset, but do the research too.
The Two of Wands advises that a practical project could give your mind a rest, there’s one ready and waiting for your attention. By taking on, or trying, new tasks and ventures you will develop skills you never thought you were capable of, and what is interesting is that it could bring some lucrative opportunities – well worth a dabble for someone as creative as you!

In terms of your mindset for the coming month, it would seem that, according to the Page of Cups, a period of reflection is needed to start with. It could be that you need to be clear with yourself as to where you are heading, what exactly you hope to get out of the current situation, and how you are going to achieve it with things the way they are. In other words, perhaps it is time to look at how you need to adapt to things as they now are. Justice next to the Page suggests that one of the things you might need to look at whether your attitude to people or work is justified – has it helped or not? Do you feel validated for what you do? Perhaps doing this will reassure you that you should carry on as you are or make you consider that some things might have to change.
The Knight of Pentacles is likely to be advising that particular care and attention is needed for any practical task you will undertake, perhaps this is even with regard to hygiene in this current crisis – perhaps having the mantra ‘I can’t be too careful’ will help this month. Having said that, this Knight is the one who will do it right – as will you, if you heed his advice.
In terms of relationships, it will be important to look at all the wonderful aspects of those you have around you as you progress through the month and be grateful for what they can provide. The Ten of Cups indicates there is lots of support, love and especially happiness, within your relationships this month, which is lovely. With this card appearing it would not be wrong to suggest that you could well enjoy a very happy month ahead, despite all the nastiness of this crisis.

The first two cards of this tarotscope are Pentacles, the suit of home security and income. The Ace of Pentacles advises you to utilise the energy arising around an opportunity (whether in regards to home life, or on a professional level) to maximise what is available to you right now. Making full use of this energy could be difficult – but suffice it to say that whether it is something home/house related, or income related, it will be down to you to make it work for you. This is endorsed by the Three of Pentacles which indicates that the effort you expend on this opportunity could well see signs of success pretty much as soon as you get off the mark! Your attitude is all important in this current crisis, because the situation is hugely limiting – but it doesn’t mean you can’t make it work for you………..does it?
In other respects, the things that aren’t clear to you right now (The Moon) should give you the space to focus on other things – you might want answers, or action, right now but now is not the right time. Whatever you can’t sort immediately put to one side – things will be happening in the background and will appear when they should. Until then use the energy of The Moon to hone your intuition, allow ideas to flow and to declutter yourself of what you DON’T need. Use the silver energy The Moon is sending you, it will serve you well.
Remember that things change at any minute of any day. The Wheel of Fortune can turn at will – whether you are ready for it or not. If things are stuck for you right now – this might change. More importantly when The Wheel does turn be ready to hold on to it tight so it can take you to the top! This card is giving you the heads up that it might just happen this month.

This month could be an optimum month to develop some new skills, or to increase your expertise in your chosen field. The Page of Pentacles would rather be learning than working, and during this present crisis, if this is the opportunity you have been given then make use of it. If you are still working then it is likely you will find you are developing new skills with the efforts you are putting in right now, and you will certainly benefit from them in the long run.
There may be an element of fear in terms of your current financial situation and you might even feel you have to make a decision (Seven of Pentacles) – don’t do this without some research – talk to people to find out if there is any help for you that could be available. Worrying is wasting your time – use that time to research your options, there may be some knowledge that could make any decisions so much easier for you. This is endorsed by the Three of Pentacles which suggests there is every likelihood of a gift or bonus coming your way, and, even if it turns out to be small, it could be just what you need to start a successful trajectory upwards in terms of finances.
The current situation we are all in is going to change a great many things for a great many people, and this is going to start happening for you too. You won’t know, at this point, how things will change for you but The High Priestess indicates that, in the background, things are developing for you just as they should and there may well be a new destiny forming for you. Keep the faith that things will turn out well for you, and be ready to start changing, and adapting, to this current crisis which will take you to places which will astound even you. Hold fast till the time is right for you to fly.
End of Tarotscopes

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