Hello to you and Hello to April!! It’s Tarotscopes time again.
I hope that you enjoy reading them – that’s what they are here for – and, more importantly, that they help you during the month. I hope they do.
I am looking forward to the coming month and the prospect of some lovely warm weather and beautiful flowers – it is my favourite time of year and I reckon it’s what we all need right now.
So here’s to a fresh month and perhaps a fresh start. Stay safe.

Looking at these cards altogether it would seem there will be quite a lot of action this coming month. This is because the ‘action’ cards are dead centre of the reading. Some of it will come from you (Knight of Wands) because you are ready to ride off on a new venture and some of it will come from outside sources (The Tower), in that circumstances around you will contribute to your decisions to move forward and upward.
In terms of the action with regard to you and your needs, it would seem that you might feel ready to make some choices about your love life, or your relationships in general (Five of Cups). It might be that you feel somewhat stifled at the moment and yearn to get out and about – meet new people and do new things – and if you are not currently in a romantic relationship perhaps you feel ready to set off on your charger to try and find ‘the one’ (King of Cups). However, you might just be feeling the need to spring clean, and spruce up, your life in general.
With regard to outside influences, The Tower could be suggesting that an unexpected occurrence might galvanise you to make some long overdue changes to the way things are. You may have known for a while that there needs to be some changes, but have not had the opportunity, or the motivation, to get things going. The Tower is likely to bring a chance to start from scratch and build your new tower (your life) to much better specifications and so that it has the endurance to stand through any storm, trial or tribulation because you can make it the strongest ever! Things you have learned from past experiences will come in useful in designing, and maintaining, a new way of living and you won’t make the same mistakes in the future.
Read more for Aries as this is the Birthday star sign month!
Your extra card is The Lovers!

This card is likely to have appeared to celebrate the love in you. Whether it is for people, work or life you have so much love to give and it is appreciated by everyone around you. The love you contribute to the world is very significant and worthy of recognition. When conflicts and difficulties arise, you are the person that people will turn to, to talk it out and make it right; and so this card is returning that love, to you, through its message! Enjoy your special birthday month and embrace the love that people have for you for a change – you deserve it. This card could also represent a new love entering your life! Whatever happens – keep the love flowing both ways. Happy Birthday!

You might be starting the coming month a little bit despondent and feeling like your life is not getting anywhere – you could be bored with the repetitive tasks that you undertake each day and yearn for more exciting and better times (The Star). Well, The Sun card indicates that at some point during the month things will start to come together for you. You are likely to feel happy and grateful for everything you have in your life and, because the Sun has a powerful nurturing aspect, everything you touch could be blessed with success. This would mean that your outlook on life could be infinitely better than how it seemed at the start of the month, so keep hope in your heart and your eyes on the bright Star showing you the way – be patient things will come soon.
It is likely that other people might bring a little sharpness into your life as the Seven and the Knight of Swords indicate that there will be influences who could bring some conflict to your door – however, it is hardly likely to even scrape the surface of the well-being you will hopefully be receiving from the energy of the Sun. In other words you will be able to take everything in your stride in April.
All you will need to do is to keep focused on your life, make sure you know where you want to go and how to get there. Allow others to make conflict their way of life but don’t allow yourself to slip into their aggravated lifestyle – life is too short and it is not a rehearsal, this is the real thing. It doesn’t matter what they say, or how much they want you to get involved with their issues – you have the right to stay happy and contented and say no to conflict.
Enjoy some well deserved nurturing, warmth, happiness and luck from the lovely Sun energy, and take this opportunity to try out anything that grabs your interest in April because it is lucky when The Sun is shining on you.

These cards seem to be indicating very good vibes for you this coming month. There is a lot of ‘growth’ in these cards and gaining mastery over certain skills, new doors opening in terms of projects, and current undertakings are likely to show some real signs of success!
Your approach to the work you do is measured, confident and trustworthy (The Empress), and this is becoming part of your nature and is now how you are seen by other people. The way you deal with issues at hand instil reassurance and confidence to those who work/live with you – they trust you. You could also be entering a phase of new ideas and opportunities as represented by the Ace of Pentacles which suggests there is an energy around a new business, or work opportunity. Tackle this new opportunity with the same approach as The Empress and watch it grow into something with a lot of potential.
In terms of current projects you are likely to see real signs of success (Six of Wands) and this will be pleasing validation of the efforts, work, passion and drive you’ve put into any venture you have been working on. The King of Wands indicates that you have mastered the many skills needed to bring projects to life and, what is more, he is here to remind you that there is no reason to stop now – there is plenty more do and there is nothing to stop you from making everything you touch into a masterpiece!

The two Cups cards in the centre of this reading could be indicating a impression of being ‘lost’ in a relationship and not being sure how to go forward with any romantic ones this coming month (Four and Five of Cups). They seem to ‘oooze’ the feeling of boredom and frustration with all that’s happening with you in terms of relationships – and see how stark these cards are next to the two vibrant Major Arcana cards flanking them. They suggest you may have to seriously consider whether this romance is going to bring anything ‘vibrant’ into your life or whether continue to wallow in a no-man’s land.
The two cards either side tell a very different story and are full of life colour and vivacity – and demonstrate the possibilities and wonderful energies that are on offer to you if you are ready to take a look.
Judgement is a card which represents your behaviours and actions over recent times. It represents what people see in you and what they think of you – it is a card full of consideration about your affect on people, and self analysis, which can help you understand what you get right (and wrong) and what you can bring to people – and yet the Cups card could be manifesting how little return you get from others despite all the efforts you make. Perhaps it is time to reconsider your relationships and bend your mind, and efforts, to people who will bring much more fun to you.
The World card indicates that there is so much of life to be had and it is ready and waiting for you but……….you may have to leave some things behind to free you up to enjoy a rich, and much more rewarding World that has so much to offer you.
Which two cards are you more drawn to? The drab lifeless relationship cards or the vibrant Major Arcana cards? Perhaps you can see how life/people can hold you back from the wonders of The World simply by looking at these four cards. But, as ever, the choice is yours.

There is a lot of nature in the cards in this reading – and all of them outdoors. It would seem that being outside and getting the sun shining on you is exactly what you need right now.
The Sun indicates that you have much to be happy about and that April will be a good month for getting things done. It is a card of nurturing, success and gratitude for all the good things in your life, so make sure you don’t take anything for granted.
Whilst The Hanged Man and the Six of Swords indicate an hiatus in certain areas of your life – and there is nothing much you can do about this at the moment – this shouldn’t really overshadow the evident happiness you have around you and perhaps these cards are suggesting you just submit to enjoying your family and relationship (The Sun and the Nine of Cups) for now, whilst the Universal Energies work to resolve outstanding issues.
These cards are likely to be calling you to prioritise what is most important to your own happiness – the nurturing of family and relationships around you over and above anything else. Even though there may be plenty of work and life issues around you, the cards seem to want you to know that focusing on your family is what should be paramount right now.
The Hanged Man and the Six of Swords are both cards which represent staying calm and serene despite difficulties in your life – and that the less you push against the obstacles and hurdles, the easier it will be in the long run. And the next best thing, for you right now, is to turn your attention to the things that need your attention most – your relationships.

These cards indicate a busy but positive month ahead. There is a lot of movement depicted in the cards from interaction with regard to relationships (Queen of Cups), being pushed and pulled in different directions – either at work or at home – as demonstrated by The Chariot, maintaining your home and income source as per the Nine of Pentacles, to decision making in terms of the projects you have undertaken – the Seven of Wands. These cards pretty much cover the scope of all aspects of life. However the cards seem to demonstrate that you have a natural ability to make everything work no matter how hectic things become, and your success is clearly shown in the Nine of Pentacles and the Queen of Cups.
But what is the message for April?
A bit of direction is needed, and the choices you make will help you achieve significant headway in your journey. You might need to decide in which direction you want to go – want you want to achieve, and by when. Once you have this plan mapped out, don’t allow other people, or events, divert you from this path and you will soon see that you are no longer going round in Circles.
You don’t need to worry about other things in your life suffering from this approach – in fact quite the opposite will happen – you will be surprised just how productive you will be, and the spare time you will have, once your plan is in place; this is because having control over your life will stop you ricocheting from one task to another, and dealing with crisis after crisis which would normally leave you too tired to manage the next task. You can say no to certain people and certain tasks that you know in your heart of hearts you just can’t realistically take on – this is what taking control of your life is about, and it is ok do to so.

These four cards show an energy which is a bit dispiriting for the coming month. Perhaps it will be one of those months where everything seems to be hard work and you will be looked to for any decision-making that needs to be done. The Eight of Swords, the Five of Cups and Five of Wands represent these areas, and the cards also indicate that the issues are mostly mundane everyday tasks that need to be tackled and not major incidents.
There are always minor issues, in terms of relationships, work and projects, but it is dealing with these everyday issues that keep everything hanging together – like individual threads that hold a tapestry together. Sometimes it can get boring and may even leave you feeling like you can’t be bothered with it all anymore. You might feel like ignoring everything and heading off on some adventure and even then all that you can see are hurdles and obstacles blocking your progress (Five of Wands). Sometimes, in life, there are things we can’t influence at all, and we are subjected to the humdrum ways of getting through each day. Then there are times when Fate and Fortune decide to make a move – this is when The Wheel of Fortune starts to turn.
The Wheel of Fortune is an exciting card, though, because as it turns it sweeps us up and round with it, and offers us opportunities as it does so. It is at this time we should be alert to ideas and suggestions, job offers or promotions, anything that that grabs your interest, because The Wheel has taken us to a place of new energies and possibilities. When this happens pay attention and do something about it, because if you just hang on to The Wheel as it turns without doing so, it will land you where it will – whether you like it or not. So, if you have been in the doldrums or stuck in a rut then The Wheel can pull you right out of it and take you to fantastic new heights. So hold tight and be ready to jump off at the right place!

These cards give me an overriding sense of levelling out for the month ahead. They seem to indicate you at being at quite a significant milestone in terms of relationships, work and life-skills – this comes from the cards the Eight of Cups, Nine of Pentacles and the Eight of Swords. It looks, however, that it is your work/source of income which is developing the most, right now, and this is good. So much so, that, even as things are already going well, there may be a new opportunity about to emerge that also has lots of potential – the two cards representing this are the Nine and Ace of Pentacles. See how both these cards, in terms of colour and detail draw the eye – and also see how they both sit smack bang centre of the reading – clearly this is where your current priorities lie and, yes, it is paying off.
The two cards flanking them, however, are quite stark in contrast, which could suggest that in other aspects of your life things might well have come to a standstill – since the numbers are lower. The Eight of Cups represents your relationships and the Eight of Swords your everyday approach to life and the issues in it – perhaps, in both aspects, things are stagnating somewhat.
Whilst it is always wonderful to have money in your pocket and the ‘means’ to be comfortable enough to afford the finer things in life, you should ask yourself ‘is it important for me to have someone to enjoy it with?’ Because if if the answer is yes then these cards suggest that your relationships need some nurturing from you.
The Eight of Cups and the Eight of Swords are both cards which should make you think carefully about where to go from here – there is time to make things right but it could be getting close to difficult. It’s your choice, of course, but do make sure you are working on anything that is important to you as well focusing on the money – because your future will reflect your choices and let’s hope you make the right ones.

Well, from these cards, it looks as if April could be the month in which your life takes a different turn, and, what’s more, there is plenty of adventure waiting for you!
Both The Fool card and the Ace of Wands are indicators of new starts – The Fool being a pretty significant one too! This is very exciting because, this time, you can make this new phase much more about you. The two Queens endorse this as they have appeared to represent you in this reading.
You may not have made a conscious decision to make new starts right now – but this is what life does to us. Just as we are getting settled in our rut something happens to galvanise us into action – whether we like it or not. The Fool is the herald of a change in your destiny, and the journey is about to begin. Keep alert for pitfalls and don’t make the same mistakes you did last time. Success is yours for the taking if you just keep focused and determined on what you want to achieve. There is plenty of energy around to help you too, as represented by the Ace of Wands – whatever this new opportunity is you have the ability to tackle it with aplomb and zeal – so get going!
The Queen of Cups is telling you to let your hair down, relax and be who, and what, you are – it is your time. The Queen of Swords congratulates your acumen and critical thinking skills and knows that, whilst you want to be careful with your heart, it is not always a good thing to hide your emotions totally – sometimes people do not know the pain you feel and then can’t help you.
But the real you is about to emerge for all to see! Give them something amazing to watch! You’ve got it all – allure, sensuality and you’re shrewd and acute – don’t let it go to waste. Embrace your new adventure with all you’ve got!

Relationships are key in the coming month of April. In some respects they are going very well – or specific ones are (Nine of Cups) – whereas others, not so much (Seven of Cups). Of course, the Cups cards can represent platonic relationships as well as romantic ones and you will know which of these cards apply to which of the relationships.
What is important, though, is your approach/attitude to these relationships, since The Emperor has appeared in this reading. Whilst The Emperor can the best ally to have on side, he can also be the fiercest foe. This card may be representing you in this reading, and it’s possible you could be considered one or other of the two sides of The Emperor by someone. On the other hand The Emperor could be representing an authoritative figure in your life who has a significant influence on you – and who might be part of the relationship ‘issues’ and you might find their approach difficult to understand or handle.
The Seven of Swords is a card which highlights some manipulation or untruth – you may have to analyse the motives behind this behaviour, whether it is someone else or you, yourself, because it is not justifiable or fair and needs to be checked.
It would seem that The Emperor and the Seven of Swords could have some impact on your relationships and this needs looking at carefully – but again, remember that your approach to this situation will be key in terms of whether The Emperor represents you, and if you wish to keep your relationships intact then you need to be careful since you might not be aware just how powerful your influence might be.

You are going to need to be very smart this coming month. Your acumen and communication skills are going to be key to success. There is no doubt you can handle this well since you are represented by the Queen of Swords – she is always alert and ready for action, and perhaps she has the maturity, too, to know which issues to confront, and which can be ignored for a while at least (Five of Swords), and this is what she wants you to know.
Despite this reading being top-heavy with Swords the suit of clarity, conflict and communication, which will keep you on your mental toes, the Nine of Cups indicates an excellent time in terms of relationships and happiness in general. The Four of Swords is also a card which indicates a time for healing and recuperation after a difficult time and so the last two cards in the reading indicates that certain outcomes will be a relief, and give you time to enjoy yourself, relax and recover somewhat.
These cards seem to indicate that there may still be issues to sort out, and only you can do it well, but ultimately, in the same month good things will come your way and this should help to keep you going.
The Nine of Cups is a good enough card to relieve any worry or stress around the Swords cards since it is a card of happiness, endurance and love. Even though it seems you will still be required to apply your critical thinking skills there are happier times ahead and the chance to give yourself some much needed time to recuperate.

There can be no denying that these cards indicate a wonderful and exciting month ahead for you with lots of life changing energies around you. You can make the most of them, or let them pass you by, but these cards are pretty amazing ones to get for the month ahead.
Relationships will be centre and foremost in April in the best possible way. The Ten of Cups is a happy and lucky card in many respects – not just in terms of relationships but in general – and indicates a celebratory time of happiness all round. In addition, it would seem, that a new relationship is likely to blossom if you give it a chance. This could well be a romantic relationship, if that is what you are looking for, but even if it is not this relationship will bring a lot to your table and enhance your life in some way.
New opportunities may also be coming your way (Ace of Pentacles) with an offer that could either make money or make your money work better for you, and this too will be fun and exciting. All in all these cards indicate new starts after completed cycles (represented by the Ten of Cups and The Tower). It could very well be that things will change so significantly for you that your life might well be unrecognisable to what it was by the end of the month.
If you feel you have been stuck in a rut for a while this will be great news. If you are already enjoying life and love then look for even more exciting times – get out and about and enjoy them!!
End of Tarotscopes.

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