I have just emerged from a week in which my daughter got married, had lots of visitors, helped to look after my grandchildren (and a kitten), all in the midst of several birthdays happening at the same time. It has certainly been a busy week (or two, actually) and this is the first, and only, day I have been able to turn my attention to the ever popular Tarotscopes from Simply Tarot!
I have to wait for the muse.
Sometimes I start and things do not seem right – the Universe tells me, usually by blurring my photos, that this is not what is wanted, so I have to start again! This time, being under pressure, the Universe was kind and I only had two false starts, which was a blessing. On the third attempt it became clear that I was required to focus on four aspects of our lives ~ 1 What we are at the moment 2 What we need right now 3 What we should do about it and 4 What will come about as a result of our action, as we journey through August 2016. I hope your Tarotscope not only resonates with you, but also helps clarify which are the best steps to take.
I give you these ‘Scopes with love and light, and hope that you will let me know whether they have helped or inspired you. I am so excited to hear from you.
Please scroll down to find your star sign and your tarot reading, oh, and shares would be SO much appreciated 🙂
Patricia x

1 What I am – The Hierophant
2 What I need – The World
3 Action I will take – Judgement
4 Outcome – The Sun
WOW! Strong forces and feelings are at work the coming month of August. It seems you are looking for major transformations at this stage in your life.
Starting with the The Hierophant you may be searching for, or have just found, a belief system which can help you to make sense of your life and what happens around you; to help you find what your purpose in life is. You might be in need of a spiritual vehicle to help you to be the best person you can be. You may need to seek out someone who can advise you, maybe just someone who is strong in their own belief, or it could be that you may need to do some research which will help you find comfort and solace through, perhaps, a religious belief, or maybe, even, an holistic (such as crystals, herbs and such like) way of dealing with the difficulties of life and the people around you.
You are ready to be making the most of your life (The World); you want to feel secure, loved and able to afford the things that you want, and to just be enjoying life in general. In order to achieve this, you may need to look at yourself inside and out (indicated by the Judgement card), how your behaviours affect the way you feel inside ~ are you happy with yourself and the way you behave? How do you feel you impact on the people around you? Be honest with yourself, and if some changes need to be made, for example by being more tolerant and understanding of others, or to be more accepting of, and truly loving, yourself then you will find that The Sun will shine on you and bring great happiness, love and satisfaction.

1 What I am – Four of Swords
2 What I need – Seven of Swords
3 Action I will take – Six of Swords
4 Outcome – Ten of Wands
August looks set to be a month of analysing and working out what is best for you and the way your life is heading, and by using your intellect, rather than your emotions, it is a good time to get a grasp on what it is you require, and setting the intent to make changes for the better in respect of yourself.
The Four of Swords would indicate that you have been through a hard time just recently and that your key task is to take some rest and make efforts to find ways of healing the traumas or difficulties you have been through. You must take this opportunity to stop and give yourself the time and attention needed to get you back on track. You will need, also, to try and understand that some dishonesty is at play at the moment (Seven of Swords) either on your own part, or from someone around you, which is muddying the waters for you. If it is coming from you, it might be time to consider whether these little white lies are necessary or justified. It may be time to face the truth whether it is difficult or not, avoiding truths or disguising them to ease the situation is unlikely to solve any current issues.
Despite the anger, hurt and upset, and no matter how hard your situation, by dealing with the issues, and the other people involved, with dignity and a calm intellectual approach you will see better results in the long run (Six of Swords). You may find this really difficult to do, but you will find, eventually, that your dignity through this difficult time will be rewarded. No one will be able to criticise you for your behaviour and you will have a real sense of pride in having handled yourself so beautifully. Try to hand over some tasks to other people, and accept help from those who are able to support you, so that you do not become overwhelmed by the intensity of your situation (Ten of Wands).

1 What I am – Five of Wands
2 What I need – Nine of Swords
3 Action I will take – Eight of Pentacles
4 Outcome – Judgement
Having come to a bit of a standstill and feeling like you are held back from achieving what you want (Five of Wands) you may be struggling to see how to overcome what you perceive to be insurmountable obstacles. The chances are that this is not the case and that it just needs a change in your mental attitude towards managing this situation.
The Nine of Swords also confirms that it is a state of mind, and attitude, rather than actual fact that you are unable to move on and start progressing again. Free your mind of all those thoughts that keep you in the same circular thought pattern, that make you feel you don’t deserve something, or that you are inadequate – write them down and get them out of your head; if necessary, take a new sheet of paper and think differently about your issues. How would you advise someone else in the same situation? You are more likely to look at things more objectively in this way and start to see things as much more simple than you currently do.
Add to that, perhaps, a little learning or advancement in your subject and it is likely that you will not only feel more confident, but you might well start to see some growth in your ideas and the potential to make money from them (Eight of Pentacles). Keep your eyes fixed on your goals rather than the obstacles in your way. If you do, you are likely to start reaping the rewards of all your efforts. The Judgement card suggests that whatever your attitude or efforts have been in the past these will be reflected soon. So, if you have worked hard, been pleasant to people, and given more than you have taken, then the time is nigh when you will receive it back in kind.

1 What I am – Two of Cups
2 What I need – Eight of Swords
3 Action I will take – Page of Pentacles
4 Outcome – The Empress
You may be feeling good about a new relationship, or partnership, which is beginning to form into something really enjoyable. The Two of Cups is a very positive card in terms of relationships and it bodes well for the future. And whilst this is a very exciting prospect for you, the Eight of Swords is indicating that you need to start facing an issue which requires you to make a decision. This is something that you are not very comfortable with because you are afraid of the consequences, and of hurting someone around you. This can be daunting, of course, but it might be that things could get worse if this issue is not tackled now.
Perhaps there is confusion about how it should be managed and you are not clear about what is the right path to take. The Page of Pentacles represents occasions when we need to educate ourselves rather than floundering around in the dark, and he might be suggesting you need to either, research into the truth, get some facts that you can justify your actions with, or you might benefit from talking to someone who has been in a similar situation and learn from how they managed it.
The Empress would suggest that you will find life much better, that you might have discovered new way of dealing with things, once this situation is dealt with. She could be indicating that you need to find time to nurture yourself with healthy food, and some pampering, so that you can feel much better about yourself, and boost your self-confidence and inner beauty. The Empress card could even indicate a new child coming into your life. Whichever it is, it looks like there will be some development in terms of a mothering/nurturing dynamic.

1 What I am – King of Pentacles
2 What I need – King of Wands
3 Action I will take – Three of Cups
4 Outcome – Six of Cups
The King of Pentacles would indicate that you feel you are in a good place on a material level. That you have reached a certain standard of living that you are more than happy with, and, more importantly, that you feel it is sustainable, and that really is good news. The likelihood of being able to continue in this way is almost certain, since you have mastered the way of earning money, and how to use it wisely, to the enjoyment of you and your family.
The King of Wands suggests that your next step is to master managing new projects, or passions, that come your way. Perhaps this is more about how you wish to expand your personal ambitions, accepting new adventures, or how to approach new aspects of life you haven’t truly explored yet. These cards suggest that you are ready to move onwards, perhaps on a very different trajectory.
The Three of Cups would represent your need to celebrate the relationships in your life, to focus on them and enjoy being with those you love. This card represents you rejoicing in good news to do with your relationships. It may even suggest an engagement, the conception of a child or a ceremony of some sort. This could lead to healing rifts that you may be dealing with right now (Six of Cups) because with hindsight and understanding of what went wrong you can help to make the future much more rosy, happy and fulfilling.

1 What I am – Five of Wands
2 What I need – Eight of Wands
3 Action I will take – Page of Swords
4 Outcome – The Sun
You are likely to be feeling stuck right now, and feel that there are insurmountable hurdles ahead of you which you can’t possibly get over (Five of Wands). This is much more likely to be a frame of mind rather than reality. The truth is, you have the ability to get over the obstacle by changing your current thought pattern, which is likely to be the cause of the stagnation. There are different ways of dealing with obstacles; sometimes it is necessary to be strong and sort things out head on and personally, and sometimes it is a matter of looking at the problem from a different (often simpler) angle which could highlight ways of overcoming it, that hadn’t been obvious before.
The Eight of Wands suggests that by focusing on your goals, rather than the obstacles in your way, you are far more likely to find a solution, because the Eight of Wands is a card which represents creativity, enthusiasm and application. By focusing on your goal, you may not get too tangled in the obstacle in your hurry to get over it.
It might be that part of the issue at hand has stemmed from a misinterpretation either on your part, or from someone around you (Page of Swords). In order to move onwards with your current issues, you will either need to be more straightforward with your words to those around you, or you may have to ensure that what you are hearing from others is really the truth or not; you may have to delve more deeply into things than you have previously. Once these hurdles and issues have been overcome, The Sun card indicates a time of great happiness, appreciation and rewards for all the hard work you have put in. Enjoy.

1 What I am – Three of Swords
2 What I need – Four of Pentacles
3 Action I will take – Seven of Pentacles
4 Outcome – The Moon
Everyone, at times, comes across a situation when they are let down by someone. The Three of Swords would indicate that someone has behaved in a way that has truly disappointed you. Whilst it is very sad, it is worth remembering that something good almost always comes from something sad. The feeling you have will only be temporary and very shortly things will improve – just keep focused on the future.
The Four of Pentacles suggests that you desire a secure situation in terms of your material life, and you may find yourself worrying about the future and how you are to sustain the income you need to keep the current standards you enjoy. Sometimes we need to be ready to take a risk in order to invest in our future, rather than just hanging on to what we already have, and already know. By looking at different opportunities and considering making changes in your financial situation (Seven of Pentacles) you may feel you have too much to lose when faced with a decision you feel you might need to make, right now. Providing you weigh up your priorities carefully, and take into consideration what you have learned in the past, you should be able to make a decision with confidence. On the other hand, with The Moon appearing in this spread, it might be worth giving yourself a little more time before you go ahead with any major decisions, as The Moon would indicate that all is not clear just yet, and by waiting for a while, you might be given some further information which will shed light on what is the best thing to do.

1 What I am – Seven of Wands
2 What I need – Five of Wands
3 Action I will take – Strength
4 Outcome – The Fool
Things happening around you might be making you feel de-motivated at the moment and you could have lost some enthusiasm for your current work, or projects (Seven of Wands). It may be that it is caused by an outside factor over which you feel you have no control. The Five of Wands would suggest that, to you, it has become a difficult and, perhaps, overwhelming obstacle but which, with a different mindset and attitude, could actually be easily overcome. If you approach this hurdle from a completely different angle, or talk it out with someone who has experienced something similar, or consider what you would advise someone else to do if they were in this situation, you might find that your passion could be reignited and you remember where you were heading and why.
It is possible that personal attitudes/behaviours might need looking at, in terms of whether you are seeing things from your angle alone, rather than from the perspectives of everybody involved. The Strength card nudges you to look at your own behaviours, which might be blocking the trajectory of your project. It is easy to become immersed in something so deeply that we cannot see ourselves objectively, but we need, from time to time, to check whether we are being assertive not aggressive, confident but not bullish, and managing our attitudes/behaviours as we progress can help things flow smoothly once again. Situations and people can change and we need to adapt our behaviours to suit. Should this happen, The Fool card would indicate a new journey, a new and exciting road to explore and new beginnings, with all sorts of possibilities.

1 What I am – Seven of Swords
2 What I need – The Hierophant
3 Action I will take – The Hanged Man
4 Outcome – Temperance
There is likely to be some sort of dishonesty at play right now, in your life. This may be with respect to something you are doing yourself, or someone around you is not being quite truthful. Sometimes a little ‘white lie’ might be considered appropriate in certain situations but at others it is really not justifiable. It might be time for you to be honest with yourself and consider what it is you really need for your own happiness right now, as well as those around you.
The Hierophant would suggest that you need to take stock of what your current beliefs are in terms of what you think is right and ‘moral’. It could be that your attitude to this is changing, you may no longer believe in what you did before, and this is causing some major consternation. The Hanged Man would suggest that you are ready to submit to the will of other forces, you are not going to struggle against it, and may be this is right for you, just now, because struggling against the situation might only make it feel worse for you. On the other hand, this card is reiterating that things are really not ‘quite right’ and you are sacrificing a lot to make it work. Whilst you are biding your time it is likely that your thoughts are going to be taking you to places where you perhaps want to be saying ‘And what about me? What about my needs?’. The Temperance card advises putting more emotion and love into the situation as being perceived as ‘cold’, unresponsive or ‘unemotional’ might cause some issues. Temperance is all about balance, Yin and Yang, male and female aspects, balancing out a top-heavy situation with one which is fairer to all. Perhaps this is a time to be considering whether your current situation is the right one for everyone concerned or whether there needs to be some changes.

1 What I am – The Star
2 What I need – The Fool
3 Action I will take – Three of Swords
4 Outcome – Eight of Pentacles
Are you feeling a little down at the moment? Do you feel that your existence doesn’t seem to be having an effect on anything/anyone? The Star card represents a lonely and dispiriting time when you feel you are getting very little for all the effort you put in. However, this card represents that to ‘hang on in there’ through the dark times, and keeping the hope in your heart that things will change soon, will truly help you until you come out of this despair and into the light. Every single little thing you do DOES matter, and you will get to see and understand this.
The Fool card would indicate that you are hoping that a new journey, chance or opportunity is going to really make the difference to the way things have been for you, it is an exciting time and you are ready for your next adventure, you are raring to go. It may be that you must overcome some disappointment first before you are ready for the next phase in your life (Three of Swords). This could make you feel frustrated and even very upset, but it must happen so that you can benefit from an opportunity which, with some application and pushing the boundaries a little, will open a stunning opportunity to bring success and happiness (Eight of Pentacles). So keep your eyes on The Star, don’t give up or give in, so that you are ready to benefit from what the Universe is ready to give you.

1 What I am – Four of Wands
2 What I need – Ten of Cups
3 Action I will take – Six of Wands
4 Outcome – King of Wands
You are actually at a stage where all your hard work over the years is really starting to pay off (Four of Wands). Take a moment to stop and take stock of all that you have achieved and the successes that you have brought about, before heading off on the next phase. What you have created is really becoming tangible and is built on solid foundations. Congratulations really are in order for what you have achieved so far.
Your most desperate need at the moment is a happy, contented and loving commitment from those that you love (Ten of Cups) and it seems that this is the most important thing to focus on, right now, because without it you feel that everything else is not a good enough substitute. The Six of Wands would indicate that now is the time to recognise your own abilities and have total confidence in yourself, because even those who have doubted your abilities can now see what you are capable of. You also now need to believe those things about yourself, that other people can see in you, and you should face the world with your chin held high. This way you will gain more respect from those around you who take you for granted. If you do this you will understand that you have achieved mastery over all the skills you need to bring about success (Kind of Wands). Your enthusiasm, passion and love of action are the things that ensure you achieve what you want. The same goes for your relationships. You are master of your own destiny. Believe in yourself, because the things you turn your hands and mind to really do grow into wonderful achievements.

1 What I am – The Devil
2 What I need – Page of Cups
3 Action I will take – Three of Pentacles
4 Outcome – Two of Wands
You may be feeling ashamed of yourself for some reason. You feel there are things about you, or some things that you do, that make you feel inadequate and that you are not able to be in control of your own life. The Devil card represents feelings or habits that are holding you back. You feel trapped and helpless to make the necessary changes. But this is just what it is – a feeling, a thought – nothing, in truth, in your mind can actually keep you trapped; it is within your power to make any changes that you want to. It takes guts, and effort, yes. But only you can free yourself from this self-inflicted torment. You are able to start anew and leave the past behind you. You can set yourself free from anything that is holding you back.
You may be in need of a relationship right now (Page of Cups), but until you lose the debilitating thoughts you harbour about yourself you will not be open to attracting the right person into your life. Start by learning to love yourself. Lose the unhappiness about your ‘self’ and believe that you are very lovely and lovable. Believe that you ‘deserve’ a lover and the Universe will provide.
You have already proven your capability on a material level, that you can provide for yourself and can maintain a good standard of living (Three of Pentacles). Focus more on what you are excellent at, and not on what you feel lets you down. Build up confidence in yourself. Stop living in the past and look out for excellent opportunities which are open to you – new projects, offers of adventures or new ways of living your life (Two of Wands). This is not a rehearsal, you need to start living your life the way you want to ~ the way you are entitled to ~ and the way to do it is to stop beating yourself up and make the necessary changes.
End of Tarotscopes
Tarot Cards used are from The Tarot House Deck by Patricia House
Hi, I check your blog like every week. Your writing style is awesome, keep it up!
Thank you so much. I really needed it.
And thank you for finding time to do so.
You are so very welcome and I am so glad it helped. Thank you for leaving such a lovely comment. Love and Light, Patricia x