Tarotscopes are written by Patricia using Simply Tarot’s own tarot deck The Tarot House Deck
Hello to You!
I hope that August’s tarotscopes will give you a heads up for the coming month and will help you navigate life in the best way possible.
I lit a violet candle (available from our other website Magickal Quest and are amazing!) for my Crown Chakra to help me access a more spiritual place for these tarotscopes, as I have been immersed in everyday toil, and struggling with the recent heat, and I was feeling particularly heavy and a little too ‘grounded’. It has already lifted my spirit.
This month’s reading will focus mainly on your particular situation, and if there is an outcome, or key card, it will be the last of the four cards drawn. Please do share these with your friends and feel free to comment.
Please scroll down to find your star/zodiac sign to read your tarotscope for August 2018
With love
Patricia x

These cards indicate that it is likely you will need to find some balance between your work (this would include work in the home) and your lovelife/relationships. Temperance usually shows up when we need to stop and take stock of how far we’ve come and to look at what needs to be done to successfully progress on our journey. Temperance also indicates the need to bring more love/emotion into a situation to overcome any difficulties. The King of Wands suggests that you might be working at a high level – whether that’s a project you are working on, a business endeavour, or general efforts you have to put in to keep things running smoothly. The Eight of Cups is usually a card of separation – often physically – within relationships, so these cards suggest that maybe too much time is being spent on the daily grind of house, or work, to the exclusion of those around you who are, perhaps, missing your input. It might be that you are indeed, away from them, physically, at the moment, but the point is they need you.
Taking even a short time to ensure your loved ones are recognised, and reassured by you that you care, will be so important in the coming month. In fact, try and allot some real quality time with them, so that you can all enjoy the love between you before the relationships get strained and difficult to heal. Should you do this, The World card suggests that August could well give you everything you feel you could possibly want, and despite taking some time out of work, all good things will come to you. Temperance and The World are both Major Arcana cards, and indicate that cause and effect are far more important than putting aside daily chores for a while, to concentrate on matters which are just as, or even more, important.

In August it would seem that love and relationships need looking at, dear Taurus, by you. Whether your desire is to find and create a loving family, or whether you are trying to save an existing one, it is clear that all you really want is love and happiness (Ten of Cups) and this is your goal. You may find that a young person (Page of Wands) may, during a bit of a difficult period (Five of Cups), be the catalyst for finding your true love (King of Cups). Perhaps, you will meet them somewhere that young people meet for fun, so keep alert for signs that someone is interested in you.
It could be that someone new comes on the scene and that you may have to be careful to not rush into things with this person until you are absolutely certain that it is heading the right way. You might find yourself in a really lovely relationship from which you are suddenly separated, but it is likely to be only for a short time.
The cards seem to be saying to me that whatever the situation, keep your focus on what you expect ideal love to be, and to not be discouraged by what might seem to be difficulties, because if you truly focus and keep faith in what you want, it looks like it will come to you. When it does come, enjoy it and take your time to appreciate it, make sure that all the signs indicate it is true love before committing.

Generally, life is good and you have all that you need (The World), but the month of August might bring you a short period of conflict, probably in your relationship(s), but don’t worry because it seems everything will work out.
The World is probably the best and most positive card in a tarot deck, so this card indicates success in practically every aspect of life – home, love, income etc – but as with everyone else, sometimes a little rain has to fall in order for us to learn and grow. The Eight of Swords suggests there may be a problem which you are avoiding in order to not rock the boat, however, the longer a problem is left to fester, the worse it can get. The Four of Cups suggests this problem might be with regard to a key relationship. The Four generally represents lack of enthusiasm and a level of boredom within it. Just ignoring the issue will not make it disappear. This month you will be required to understand that some analysis of your own behaviour is needed, and for you to face any issues that you are concerned about. These are probably not as bad as you think they are, and once it is out in the open, then the healing and mending can begin.
Take a deep breath and bring the issues out for sorting. The second best card in the tarot deck is probably The Sun, so trust that all will be well once you face this issue and get it sorted, because it looks as though by doing so, the Sun will shine on you and everything you do!

You might feel you are facing insurmountable obstacles come August. They might loom large in your psyche and create some worries for you. The Five of Wands represent the hurdles you face, but this card also indicates that you have the skills to overcome any of the issues you face. Sometimes it is necessary to look at issues from different angles before the solution comes. The Nine of Swords and the Eight of Swords are clues, I feel, with regard to what the real issues are.
The Nine of Swords suggests that your thoughts are part of the problem, self-destructive thoughts that are making you doubt yourself. If you feel that you have made mistakes in your past, that have brought you to this place, then dwelling on that, and feeling guilty about it, is stopping your progress. What is done is done. Use it only as a stepping stone to avoid similar mistakes in the future, not as stone shackled to your leg, impeding your progress. Everyone makes mistakes, don’t feel ashamed. The Eight of Swords indicates that there is an issue which needs to be addressed. Avoiding it will not bring the solutions. It would seem that the cards are indicating that you tend to keep your thoughts to yourself and don’t air them. The obstacle to you moving onwards, and upwards, seems immovable because you are not allowing yourself to think clearly, or indeed, to say out loud how you feel and what you want. Speak out – it really won’t be as bad as you think. And if you do, and you bring your worries into the open then it looks like a new road and new opportunities will present themselves to you (The Magician) and you wouldn’t want to miss out on the next exciting phase of your life would you?

The Star often represents a time you might feel that nothing is going right, and maybe even some despair. If this is where you find yourself in August, then The Star will be advising you to keep hope in your heart that everything will work out. You may feel that nothing you do has any impact, or any importance, but it does, and it is important you keep functioning. However, sometimes we’re asked to keep the faith without any sort of recognition or validation of our efforts. You may find a time of separation is required but it is likely to be only temporary (Five of Cups) and this is because there is much that is unclear around you at the moment (The Moon), which is causing some stagnation.
Perhaps, it is necessary to take a break, for a while, for time for yourself, or to simply wait for things to become clear again so that you are able to see where you are heading and what you need to do to succeed.
The Ace of Cups would indicate that there is one key relationship that needs all your focus at the moment, perhaps this indicates what the issue is that you are dealing with, right now. The Ace brings a lot of energy and a lot of emotion, so you will need to tread carefully around this particular relationship. The Star and The Moon indicate to me that you need to hang in there for the while, and keep faith in what you desire until there is more information which will help you to know how to act going forward.
There is a lot of emphasis on the element ‘water’ in all of these cards, so perhaps that is an indication that you need this water to douse some of your own star sign element of ‘fire’ – swim, drink it, bathe in it – perhaps you need to chill out a bit, this coming month, if you wish your relationships to succeed.

The High Priestess suggests that a new destiny is unfolding in the background for you this coming month. This card can indicate things moving upwards/onwards for you but unfortunately there is much you can’t see until all things are in the right place, at the right time. This could make things somewhat uncomfortable for you for a time. It looks very much like this is regarding your home life or financial situation.
Perhaps, something is coming to an end (Three of Swords), like a job, or a situation that has provided some stability and security for you – perhaps where you are living? You may not feel ready for this, and you may feel that your financial situation could be at risk (Seven of Pentacles). However, the Ace of Pentacles suggests a lot of energy around a new opportunity which is forming for you and this is quite exciting. Perhaps you like where you are at the moment and it will cause a bit of pain to leave, but the Ace and the Seven of Pentacles suggest that you will need to make a decision about this new opportunity. Don’t be scared of the risk, but make sure you remember the mistakes you made in the past so that you won’t go down the same path in the future. Your experience will help you to do the right thing, and to make the right choices, if you let it. Sometimes the first step is the most painful on a journey that could take you to great places, so have faith in yourself.

In terms of any projects or endeavours you are working on at the moment, the Eight of Wands card suggests that there is substantial success, and clearly it is being established in a sturdy and enduring way. This could be at work, or in terms of something to do with hobbies, or your actual home. It would seem that there is a solid foundation to work on and that things are going really well.
You may be faced with a decision in August with regard to your income that may make you feel you are taking a risk (Seven of Pentacles) however, trust that your experiences from the past will help you make the right decision, because we all learn from past mistakes, and that is why taking stock and remembering what you’ve learned along the way will enhance its chances of success.
The Queen of Cups suggests that it is time you gave yourself some attention, to remember the real you that might be buried under all the hard work and effort that’s required from you. Take a break from the day to day toil, and allow yourself to have some good old-fashioned fun. Take some long baths, pamper yourself and treat yourself well. Remember to let the loving, sensuous and emotional side of you emerge from the gloom, so that your beauty will shine brightly once again. A retreat will give you an insight in what you need to do in terms of work/income and any decisions you have to make, and once you get back to the slog, it might be worth considering some extra training (Page of Pentacles) because that might take you to the next level.

August might bring a time when you need to take stock of where life has brought you, and whether you want to change the way things are for you. And if you do, you could well be looking for some advice on how to make the change (The Hierophant) because you might be struggling to know how to do it.
The cards indicate that you have lost your enthusiasm and passion for the things you are involved in right now (Seven of Wands) and you might even be thinking of packing it all in in terms of work, and maybe even relationships (Eight of Cups). These cards clearly indicate that you have lost your way – that things are really not what you were expecting or, indeed, hoped for. You might benefit from seeking help – find someone that can advise you, whether it’s about your personal religious/spiritual beliefs, or whether it’s about coming away from what you are doing, or who you are close to, right now.
The Four of Swords suggests that you need some recuperation and healing after a difficult time and it is important that you find some support, and someone you can talk to, because you do need to know what options you have, before you make any decisions. You also need time to find out where you are heading and why you have lost your mojo. Try and think back to how you got into what you are doing right now, and what you hoped to get out of it. It might be that you are able to rekindle the fire, and get going again, but don’t be afraid to talk to someone who could really help, because without knowing what else you can do, or where you can go for help, you might not be able to do what’s right for you.

You may well be feeling good about yourself right now (Queen of Cups). This Queen knows her own attractive qualities and uses them to her own advantage, so August might be a good time to consider just how you can make life better for yourself. Perhaps it is time to consider your own needs above others’ now, although there is an element of you which is a little risk-averse (Four of Pentacles) and you might not feel ready to make big changes to your home life/income. However, the Six of Swords suggests that the situation you are in is not ideal, and it does not really make you happy – this card represents being able to cope in a rather difficult situation.
You might find, though, that any decisions are taken out of your hands, because the Ten of Swords indicates the ending of a cycle, which might cause some pain and conflict. Should this happen, you need to remember that you are actually in a good place in terms of yourself, and what you are capable of doing. The Four of Pentacles shows that in terms of money, you would be able to manage, and given your abilities, this might be your opportunity to do exactly what you want, rather than being stuck in a situation over which you have no control. Whatever happens, remember you are as regal as the Queen of Cups, you are in a position to lead, and you’ll never be short of people wanting to help you out, so make sure, that if you are given the opportunity, keep your cool and use it to your advantage.

Things are looking good for you in terms of home and financial security right now (Ten of Pentacles) and really, you are reaping the rewards of working very hard. However, the next three cards indicate that there is an area in your life which needs looking at, as we enter August.
The Page of Cups might be indicating there could be a young person around you that might need your attention, or maybe that your relationship with yourself could do with some thought. It is always swings and roundabouts in life, in that, when effort is put into one area, a different one suffers. The Hermit card suggests that you need some time to go deep within your core to realign your sights, and to allow yourself to find your own light again. A retreat, perhaps, because it is not just your body that needs a break, but your soul, too; a time of rest and recuperation is needed (Four of Swords) all round.
The Hermit, combined with your star sign element, Earth, suggests your need to go deep and connect with Gaia, Mother Earth, Mother Nature to allow yourself to be recharged. We know that Capricorns work hard and feel responsible for fixing things, but, no matter how sure-footed you are, you can often feel the pain of the world and begin to feel melancholy. This will only frustrate you, because you will want to be active. If you want to keep succeeding, you can’t ignore your own needs. Look for a way to connect with nature and find some peace for a while, hopefully you’ll recognise how much you needed it, and you’ll bounce back much stronger!

The Four of Pentacles suggests there is worry about your financial security and, particularly, that you are wary of taking risks that might take you down a path of no return. But the Four of Pentacles also reminds us that without occasionally taking a risk we could well be missing out on some amazing possibilities. As we bear that in mind, and look at the next card, which is The Empress, I get the feeling that all will be well. The Empress is facing the risk card, she is strong and confident, and takes little notice as she reaches for the flower growing towards her. Whatever comes your way, all you need to do is tend the plant and nurture the situation. Believe it will grow easily, and come to you, strong and healthy, almost without effort. Enjoy the position of being a ruler, a leader, but put down your sceptre and work from your heart, as well as your mind. Just mind your temper a little if things are not done the way you expected them to be done, the method doesn’t matter as much as the results you are hoping for. Nurture will bring this to you, not by being demanding.
The Page of Wands also runs toward the risk card, eager and willing to put in passion and enthusiasm. Whatever you are working on is in its infancy, perhaps, but growing daily. It’s a mother and child dynamic and one that you are more than able to deal with. But this is not all about money and income. If you don’t allow your fears to overcome you, and you embrace and encourage new growth in all fields, then the Ten of Cups indicates there will be love, and contentment, for you in August. This card represents true happiness, and being surrounded by love and commitment. Trust yourself, and the people around you, to bring you all the happiness you could wish for.

Stop and take a look at what you’ve got this month, Pisces. Love and emotion abound! Temperance suggests that this is exactly what is needed right now. Your star sign is a ‘water’ element and we have water in the Temperance card and the two Cups cards which represent the element of Water. What these cards seem to be saying is the coming month is going to be balm to your soul.
Your star sign is an empathic one, a sensitive one which feels others’ pain; but you give so much to others that sometimes you feel you have nothing left to give, and sadly that no-one cares for you. In fact, this is not the truth. And although at times you regret not having some past relationship around you right now (Six of Cups), there are real relationships, in the now, that are ripe and ready to blossom (Two of Cups). Perhaps you are so busy caring for others that you can’t see who cares for you. So, you need to stop – take a look around and allow someone to show you that they love you.
Everything you do for others will now be under the eyes of Judgement. This means that in August you will be looked at, and judged by your behaviours. If you have been a nice person then your actions are likely to be returned in kind. You’ll be recognised for your kind heart, effort and commitment, and hopefully, this will restore your faith in human kind, possibly in someone who is ready to share their love (of you) with you. Enjoy.
End of Tarotscopes.
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