These Tarotscopes are written by Patricia at Simply Tarot.
Hello to you all. Those of you that know me are aware that July was a very sad month for me and my family. My lovely sister died. She had been poorly for a long time and extremely so in the last couple of years. I truly believe her Spirit survives but, on a personal level, processing the loss of her from my life, our lives, of course, is hard. My heart aches for her husband, daughters and their spouses, and her grandchildren. So whilst it with a heavy heart I write these Tarotscopes, part of that processing is about focusing on life, as it continues for all of us, with all its successes and challenges. I will miss her so much, but I can truly feel her Spirit telling me that she is now healed and free from the horrible disease that took her.
What keeps me going is knowing that we will meet again………May you play, and love and laugh for all eternity, my wonderful Sister, Therese, you deserve to after all you have been through.
Please scroll down to find your Tarotscope, and the guidance I have sought from the Tarot for your star sign. Try to appreciate all the good things in your life, no matter how hard it sometimes is.
Patricia x
The cards used for these Tarotscopes are from The Tarot House Deck which you can buy from our SHOP

There is a good chance your faith in humankind will be restored after a gift, loan or bonus comes to you from an unexpected source. The Six of Pentacles indicates that some financial input will help you to be able to enjoy your life, after being restricted for a while through lack of money. This would be a good time to straighten out your predicament and make use of this help to stabilise your income for the future.
The Two of Wands suggests that there may well be an idea, project or hobby that is showing signs of potential, one which you should take a good look at, as it may well be an opportunity to really enhance your ability to make money. Nothing comes without effort, so if you can see its potential do all that you can to grow it. These opportunities do not arise too often.
You might find yourself, according to the Ace of Swords, leaving behind any notions or beliefs that you have previously used in your life as a tenet to live by. You could well be searching for a new approach/belief with regard to your existence which appeals to you more. This could lead you to face an issue in your life which, to date, you have been ignoring, probably because you haven’t known how to handle it. The Eight of Swords is a card that highlights this, and it advises you to deal with it head on. It would seem this issue is partly of your own making, and therefore you do have part of the responsibility to make things right. Avoiding this issue will only make it worse. Perhaps, with your new approach, and with a little money at your back, you will feel confident enough to tackle it, this month. It will certainly be easier to sort this now, rather than later, so it doesn’t get more and more difficult to deal with.

If your love-life has taken a bit of a nose dive, the Four of Cups suggests that you take a look at your own mindset. The chances are that you are focusing only on the negatives of this relationship and you really can make the effort to change this. Look for, and at, all the good things this relationship brings and by nurturing this attitude you could find things turn around very quickly. Relationships require input and nurturing from both sides if they are going to work, you can’t expect the other person to bring everything to the table – you are required to contribute too.
The Eight of Swords does indicate that there might be an issue (possibly with regard to your relationship, but not necessarily) that you have been avoiding. This is not going to help. Any issue that has arisen could be partly of your making, and therefore it is important that you take some responsibility helping clear it up. The situation will only get worse if you let it stagnate, so, with a gentle approach, try to get this issue sorted, it will be worth it.
On a home, or income, aspect the Two of Pentacles indicates that there could be an offer of help, such as a partnership or working arrangement which could help clear up a financial difficulty. You don’t need to manage this difficulty alone, so don’t be afraid to accept any help you can get. If this offer can be a springboard to extra income then grab it with both hands.
Perhaps The Chariot is endorsing all that has just been said. This card represents you not being in ‘control’ of you own life. If you feel that your life is just a series of being pulled in one direction, then another, by other people then it is time to make some decisions. The Chariot is a card which says that you need to steer the vehicle of your life in the direction of your choice, and not allow other influences to dictate the path you follow.

You know, right, that you are capable of turning your hand to anything and do it well, don’t you? Well, if not, this is what the Queen of Wands is telling you. This Queen is advising that whatever needs to be done is easily within your capability. She would just add that nothing drops into your lap without effort. It will require hard work, but you will see the rewards start to come. However, you might not have to do this alone, anyway, since the Two of Pentacles indicates that there might be help at hand. This card represents a partnership with someone who can bring money or a working arrangement to your table which could help lift you out of any financial restrictions you are facing right now. Money can make money but it will be down to you to put some work in and take up valuable offers of help. An opportunity like this won’t appear very often so make the most the it.
The Seven of Swords represents some sort of manipulation at hand. Perhaps some white lies are being told – maybe someone around you is doing this, or it might even be you. Either way be alert to this happening, and if it is you, then remember that sometimes even a little white lie is not justifiable.
The Wheel of Fortune is about to spin again, bringing change to your life. Hopefully, when the Wheel turns it can end a particularly painful time and bring the start of a good phase. The advice this card brings to you is to be ready to grasp new opportunities that will be on offer once the Wheel starts to spin – make sure you hold tightly onto it so that it can take it to where you want to be.

The Four of Pentacles suggests that there could be some fears regarding your financial situation if you are faced with any risks in terms of either your income or home security. You must look to your past experiences to help you make any decisions for the future, so that any past mistakes are not repeated.
The Seven of Cups represents key issues in a particular relationship that give you different options you could choose with regard to it. Again, past experiences should help you make the right choices and once you have made that decision, it is important that you stick with it.
Both of these cards seem to indicate that any choices you make could bring significant change to your life.
The Six of Pentacles, however, suggests that there could be a gift or bonus coming to you from an unexpected source which might restore your faith in humankind. This could also help you rectify your restricted financial situation. Money can make money, but only by making the most of this offer will you make its potential a reality. Nothing is going to fall into your lap without some effort and application, so whatever is coming your way, this is an opportunity to make things better for yourself.
The Five of Swords would indicate that there is a possibility of conflict somehow this month – this might be following on from the previous three cards and the choices you will be faced with. This card would advise that you need not fight every battle you encounter, and that sometimes, with rational consideration, it might be sensible to let this one go, whether or not you feel justified in fighting to the end.

If your mind is constantly telling you that you are not worthy of the good things in life, either because of an addiction to something, or shameful thoughts about past behaviour, then you need to take some action. The Devil appears when you are shackled to your own shame, but this card also advises that it doesn’t have to be like this. You are being held hostage to your own mind and only you can free yourself. The choice is yours to make. You can break free from addiction. If you feel bad about previous behaviours, or attitudes, you can forgive yourself (truly), then commit to being different and you will start a new way of life free from these dark thoughts.
The Three of Wands indicates a real achievement in some area – perhaps a hobby, project or business which is showing real potential. Whilst it is good to pat yourself on the back, don’t take the pressure off just yet because it is still early days and further effort is required for it to yield fruit. This might be a good area to focus on right now to distract your worrisome mindset
Yet again, the Nine of Swords is indicating some personal suffering through grief or guilt about behaviours you have used, and you feel you should punish yourself for the mistakes you have made. The reality is not as bad as you imagine and if you can just adapt your mindset to a more positive, and understanding, one this will help you move forward. Don’t allow yourself to wallow in self-pity and regret. Only action on your part can make the difference to your current outlook on life.
The Eight of Cups will often represent a separation in a relationship. You might feel it’s hopeless and out of your hands to repair the damage. Try to understand that, regardless of how painful it feels right now, there is only one solution and that is to accept that this has happened. There is little point in chastising yourself, and since life is not a rehearsal, it is very important that you face reality, embrace the pain and look to the future ………then you will be ready to heal and move on much more quickly.

The Page of Wands might be heralding some news with regard to a project or endeavour you are undertaking right now. Coupled with the King of Wands it might be that this news will take you to a place where some leadership or decisions will need to be made. The King of Wands is a dynamic and passionate leader who has mastered how to utilise all his skills in moving things forward and this is what you might be tasked with. Obviously no-one ever knows what the future holds or whether any choices made, at any one time, are the right ones. But it is through research and learning from past experiences, or taking advice from experts in the field, that is going to help with this decision-making.
The Chariot is endorsing that some decisions are going to have to be made, and this card indicates those choices will be significant in the long run. The Chariot represents a situation when, in order to be in control of your ‘destination’, it will be necessary to ‘grab the reins’ and steer in the direction you wish to go, rather than being pushed and pulled in different directions by outside forces. In other words you have to make your decision and commit to it fully regardless of the outcome. It is by doing this that you increase the chances of obtaining your goal.
The Seven of Swords might be referring to yourself, or an outside influence, but the message in this card is to be aware of manipulation of the truth. There are times when a little white lie might be acceptable but at others it is not justifiable. Just be alert to your own words, as well as those around you, just to make sure that you are not exposing yourself to this manipulation.

Three Wands suit cards clearly indicate that August will focus your thoughts on the effort needed to carry out all your duties with regards to endeavours in your life.
The Knight of Wands could represent either an immature person around you who tends to always be looking for the next adventure rather than focusing on the needs at hand, or it could represent you as chafing at the bit to get things done as soon as possible. Either way, perhaps both are not helping the situation at hand. Because there needs to be a mature approach to all that’s outstanding bearing in mind the next two cards.
The Nine of Wands represents how you are finding everything around you exhausting, and the Ten of Wands represents how overburdened you are. These two cards are advising that you are, actually, very close to achieving your goal and to insist that you must not give up yet, but also to recognise you cannot continue as you are without some help. It is time to make a list of your priorities in order to shelve some, delegate others and ensure the most pressing of these gets your full attention so that it is done properly, then you can move on to the next phase which should be easier.
The Page of Cups is likely to be suggesting that a time of self-reflection, in terms of what you need from a relationship, would be a good thing. If there is any past pain to be resolved from previous relationships, it is time to leave it in the past to make way for a better love. It is necessary for you to accept who, and what you are, right now, because recognising and loving your ‘self’ will attract the love you need from the right people.

The Page of Swords advises care as to what you have said, or whether you have misinterpreted something which was said to you. This card represents some immaturity in terms of communications, so, it is advising that you be meticulous about how you put things into words, ensuring clarity for those you are speaking to, and to certainly check out the truth of anything that is communicated to you, so you can avoid misinterpretation and possible conflict.
The Tower indicates a complete change with regards to something in your life, something that has always been familiar and/or comforting – this is likely to already have brought an element of pain to your door. The Tower however, is also the harbinger of a new aspect of life which the Universe knows you are ready for, and the new Tower of your life is ready to be built on sturdier foundations which will be more enduring and able to withstand external damage in the future.
The Queen of Wands is reassuring you that there is nothing you can’t handle, you have all the capabilities already to enable you to take on each and every task, and ensure its success.
The Magician has appeared to let you know that there is an exciting new path you can take and, again, he wants to reassure you that you have all the skills, qualities and abilities (your own special magic) to undertake this new journey and make it a very successful one. Keep looking forward to the joys ahead.

The Emperor could be representing a figure of authority who is having a significant effect on your life, or he could be indicating that you will be required to don his mantle because it is leadership that is required right now. Either way, you should understand that whatever is being said, or done, is having a significant impact and care is needed right now.
The Page of Swords endorses this, as its message advises that communications could be subject to misunderstanding, or misinterpretation. This could either be on your part or by the people around you. Immaturity and naivety in a particular situation could be the cause of this (again the Page of Swords), and no real harm is meant, however these things can often cause unnecessary conflict and can easily be avoided by being careful.
Strength is advising an attitude which, again, could impact a given situation. You might find yourself feeling quite self-important, or someone ‘who knows best’ and this could easily come across to other people as arrogance or aggression, so this card advises adopting a much more understanding approach, using gentle strength, rather than using your ‘authority’ at this time.
The Four of Pentacles suggests that you might be faced with a decision about your own financial security as opposed to taking a ‘risk’ with the assets that you have. Whilst it is important to assess risk and be careful with what you already have, it is also wise to understand that sometimes excellent opportunities for greater income could pass you by. You might have to consider whether now is the time for adventure, or to stay put with what you already have.

In August you might be faced with an opportunity to take a risk with your income and try to fly high, however, your fear of losing everything you currently have could be keeping you firmly tethered to the ground (Four of Pentacles). It is certainly sensible to take care of the assets you already have and to carefully assess risk, but there are times when the chance to get much more can pass you by through being too risk-averse.
The Emperor could be representative of your own abilities to create an even greater domain. The commitment, intelligence and determination of The Emperor would indicate success, should you take up such an opportunity, however, that would need the grit, the drive and the commitment The Emperor knows is required to be successful.
The Six of Swords suggests that you have the ability to keep calm and serene even in the most difficult of circumstances – especially when the reality is completely different from what you expected, but the key message here is that whatever happens you have the capability to handle it with aplomb.
A particular relationship might be causing some pain (Five of Cups), maybe even separation (forced or voluntary) could be happening, which is making you worry. This card is suggesting that it could be your own mindset that is part of the problem. If you are able to focus more on the lovely things this relationship brings to you, as opposed to focusing on the negatives, it really could have a huge impact and there is a good chance that it can be repaired, if that is what you want.

We can easily puff ourselves up, at times, with our own self-importance and pride – possibly because we feel we are doing an amazing job, and sometimes that’s fine. When the card Strength comes out in a reading it is a nudge to recognise that this is not the time to act this way. In certain circumstances this pride can display as arrogance or even aggression and this will not help the situation in any way. So this card is making you aware that adopting a different/softer attitude in a given situation is a must if you wish to progress in the right direction.
The Queen of Cups could be suggesting that you need some time to pamper yourself, and to be aware of your own needs this coming month. She could also represent you as an inspiration to others, and just reassuring you that you are easy to love. But this card is certainly suggesting that you should bring out, and love, your own inner Queen.
In August The Sun is ready to shine forth its happiness, success and good fortune on you. This should be a time when everything you touch works well and luck is on your side – so bearing in mind the cards that have come before, and work with humility, yet self belief – then you will confidently absorb what The Sun has to offer.
The Page of Swords suggests you listen carefully to what other people say, so as not to misinterpret or misunderstand what they are saying. No malice is intended by them, they might just be developing a new way of thinking, and their naivety could be impacting their approach. You are wiser and should be objective enough to see this, and consequently, this understanding could help you avoid unnecessary conflict.

The Seven of Swords is asking you to be on the alert for some manipulation or underhand play around you. It might even be from you, perhaps, to gain an advantage in a given situation. There are times when the odd white lie might be justifiable but this is not one of them. Make sure you are quite honest and above board in any negotiations. If it is someone else that this applies to, then you will need to try and find out the truth, and why they feel the need to be dishonest.
In terms of relationships, the Six of Cups might indicate that you are feeling a little nostalgic about a past one, and you might even fool yourself into thinking it was perfect. Whilst there is always a chance that an old relationship could be revived it will only succeed if both the parties involved have matured, and understand why it didn’t work in the past, and, more importantly, to be ready and able to make it work in the future.
In terms of your home or your financial security, the Three of Pentacles is an indication of some initial success with regard to a job or business you are currently employed in. It is still early days and a lot of work needs to be put in if it is to grow and yield more, with permanent rewards. The Seven of Pentacles, though, might be suggesting that you will have to make a decision as to how to further progress this work, and you could be faced with the fear of losing what security and stability you have now, to do this. Consider your past experiences to help guide you in this decision – you are wiser and more experienced than you were in the past. Just weigh up the priorities you have right now, and what you are prepared to sacrifice to build on this new opportunity – are you ready to do this if it achieves what you are hoping for?
End of Tarotscopes.
Sending much love to you Patricia
Awww thank you so much Olwen. I appreciate your love <3 x