Hello and welcome to the Tarotscopes for August 2020. You will find them further down the page, after a short word from me, Patricia. I am the Principle Tarot Reader for Simply Tarot and readings from me can be purchased from the Shop on this website.
For those of us that believe in any of the myriad forces of the Universe – religion, nature, tarot, astrology, or spirituality to name a few – we understand that there is a common theme of growth for each individual. I’ve been reading in my own sphere that there is a shift or transmission we are going through at the moment and, well, it can be painful. This year has been the Mother of All Years, so far, and it looks from these tarot cards that many of us are still being challenged. I hope this transmission/shift takes us to a more kindly and tolerant world, and that those who live their life to maximise their own interests and gains will be in the minority. Let’s just say to anyone who is suffering during this period of growth please believe you are not alone, there are many people hurting and struggling right now. Tarot cards can help guide the way and this is what these Tarotscopes are about. I can’t deny there will be challenges but perhaps these ‘Scopes will show that everyone is challenged to reach their own potential, and we can make it easier or harder on ourselves. Reach out to people if you need to, ask for help – there are many wonderful human beings in the world. But I think the message of this special tarot card will mean something to everyone this month – The Star – everything you are doing is worth the effort, keep your eyes on the beauty of the Star and believe things will get better eventually. Don’t give up now………….you’ve worked so hard.

Short tarot meaning for The Star:
No matter how dark things seems to be, hope will help you through this pain, sorrow or loss. It may not be clear where you are going, when or how, but you aren’t supposed to know the outcome at this moment. Instead, have faith and wait to see how things develop.
Scroll down the page, now, to find your star/zodiac sign and to read what the four tarot cards have to say to you. Feel free to share this with your friends and family.
Stay safe

Looking at these four cards, as a whole, they seem to shout ‘I need to get going, to get control, clear out completely, but I don’t know how, or where, to start!’.
This suggests an overwhelming frustration on, I suspect, many levels. This could be due to the restrictions and worries we are all facing at the moment on a global level, but it’s likely there will be some very personal ones too.
The Knight of Swords represents the ‘I want to get going’ and sort things out; The Chariot not being in ‘control’; The Tower a massive ‘clearout’ breaking down established routines/customs; and the Eight of Swords ‘I don’t know how, or where, to start’. It’s like looking at a huge task that you just can’t imagine ever completing never mind knowing how to start tackling it.
People talk about looking at the bigger picture, well now is not the time for that. Think of a jigsaw and choose the pieces you can recognise and work with in order to build the ‘bigger picture’. You also need to remember you are not solely responsible for everything that happens personally, or globally. Try not to look at everything, that worries you, as a whole – break things down into smaller parts. Try to deal with the things you are actually able to deal with right now and take one issue at time. By doing this you will feel less overwhelmed and start to feel more productive
The Knight of Swords would advise not charging in without the necessary knowledge or a relevant ’cause’ to engage with certain contentious issues. The Chariot would advise having a clear vision of what you want to achieve and focusing fully on that instead of being diverted by other issues/people. The Tower would advise to go back to basics and starting building your world piece by piece making it more enduring and stable for the future, and the Eight of Swords says you can feel trapped by not acting to resolve this situation, so now is the time to start. Accepting this and focusing on what you can do is the key. Be kind to yourself – just try to achieve one thing each day so that you know you can succeed, and very soon you will feel much more in control.

The first card and the last card of this reading, the Two of Swords and the Eight of Swords, seem to represent an issue that might need tackling sooner rather than later. It is possibly something that you have been avoiding because you think it might create problems within your relationships (which currently seem to be amazingly happy and rewarding as represented by the Ten of Cups).
In the midst of these cards stands The Emperor. This is a card which represents power, or even dominance. The Emperor could represent a person as a fantastic ally, but also someone who is a formidable foe. However, in the context of this reading, and this spread, The Emperor could be representing how you might tackle any issue you are involved in. Firstly, I think this card represents the importance of your input, and impact, with regard to this issue (and this is worth remembering); secondly this card could help you navigate the issue by looking at how you handle it. The Emperor has unlimited ability and power over his domain, therefore he can ‘over-rule’ and dominate and be the overwhelming force that no-one can challenge successfully. The Emperor can also demonstrate the power, and influence, to protect his people from harm and treats them with respect and understanding. The people who depend on The Emperor will either see him as their foe or their friend. The choice is yours as to whether any issues are tackled aggressively or kindly, but if you wish for relationships to prosper, between you, it will be better to opt to be the more kindly Emperor when using your power and influence in this situation – remember your impact is likely to be the most dominant in this particular issue.
Be reassured by the Ten of Cups, however, that, so far, your relationships have always been enduring and successful, so trust in your ability to do this well.

There are quite a lot of ‘people’ cards in this Tarotscope for August, which will represent the influencers in your life. The Emperor, as the first card, suggests that this is probably the most influential person. This is would be a person of authority – it could be a family member – likely to be older, or a supervisor or someone who gives you advice and guidance. Since this card sits next to the Ten of Pentacles (which represents home and financial security) it would seem this person has a direct impact on you, at home – the Ten of Pentacles suggests they do this in a very positive way. It might be that you will need their input and advice, which you can easily depend on and trust.
The King of Wands, again, could represent someone around you but it is more likely to represent you since it sits in the middle of the reading. This card indicates that you are very successful (or are likely to be) since this King is driven, motivated, passionate about his work and cherishes taking on projects and ventures. Again, sitting next to the Ten of Pentacles, this suggests that in August you may find yourself receiving the rewards of all your efforts and hard work. So continue to work hard and take on new projects but relish reaping the rewards as they come.
The last card, the Page of Swords, could represent a younger person in your life, or a slightly immature attitude of your own, which could cause some sort of misunderstanding, or miscommunication, in the coming month. Generally this card represents a recent change of viewpoint and sometimes this creates situations where words can be taken the wrong way and blown out of all proportion. Be careful to speak and listen carefully so this doesn’t happen, and so things don’t get out of hand.

The Seven of Swords generally represents some sort of manipulation or even dishonesty – it could be someone around you, or it could even be you that is considering not being totally honest. It is important to be alert to this and if it is yourself who is considering bending the truth, it would be wise to consider whether it is worth the consequences. Everyone is capable of the odd little lie but sometimes it is not justifiable and this might be one of those times, so try to avoid getting yourself in a fix.
The Page of Wands suggests a new project could be underway for you and you could be very excited about it and its prospects. It is still in its infancy and there is a long way to go before it is firmly established – make sure you don’t rush into something concerned with this project until you are better informed of its stability and endurance. There is still knowledge you need to have before pushing it further and be prepared to listen to advice.
Currently, according to the Queen of Pentacles, you are in a pretty good situation – with this card appearing after the two mentioned above, she could be suggesting that you may be tempted to try something new at the moment but in fact you are better off doing what you are doing right now rather than taking a leap of faith for something that is not demonstrably secure, just now. Perhaps she is advising to not make any unnecessary changes to your current situation – things might not get better than they are now.
This may put you in a difficult situation because you might be feeling (justifiably) you are ready to move on and you might find that people are pushing you to do so (pandering to your pride). But the Strength card suggests that you shouldn’t steam ahead and you may need to channel this energy and passion for the time being. If you can stand strong and avoid being pushed into something just now, it will work out in the best way for you. It might be frustrating, but it will be worth all the patience, and effort, to wait for things to fall into place at a time when it will serve you better.

The Page of Swords and the Page of Pentacles could indicate there are youngsters around you who might have some impact on you in the coming month. On the other hand these two Pages could represent a not quite ‘mature’ attitude in terms of your communication skills, and approach to your current tasks. The Page of Swords represents mis-speaking around a current new viewpoint and saying something which can be misunderstood – and this could lead to conflict, so make sure you are well informed about a subject before you speak about it. The Page of Pentacles indicates that perhaps there is something you need to learn or to get some constructive advice for a new project. If it is youngsters around you that these cards refer to, then it might be that you need to listen more carefully to what they are asking, or telling, you – they may not be able to articulate themselves fully – they might need your advice.
The Ten of Cups indicates that relationships around you and/or family are going very well. This is a really positive card in terms of your relationships and suggests that though things may have been tough, at times, there is now much appreciation and gratitude for the happy times you have with them.
However, just like life, relationships and emotions are constantly asked to evolve and grow, so the Seven of Cups could be indicating that now is the time to make some choices in key relationships as to how to proceed from here. Often when a plateau of contentment is reached we start looking for the next climb to greater heights. The fact that this card sits next to the Ten of Cups is likely to suggest that having come this far and having been successful, it looks like things can only get better.
Leo is the Birthday sign this month, so read on for your extra birthday tarot card!
Happy Birthday! You have the Six of Wands!

The Six of Wands is a very positive card. It suggests that you are good at building projects up and embracing new concepts and ideas and working well with them. This card often represents a very happy time when your efforts, and hard work, are showing the signs of success to such an extent that it could be time to celebrate! You should understand that many a project, many an attempt to succeed in anything, can fail, so this card coming out as your birthday card, perhaps, is to reassure you that, as you work with such passion, drive, application and effort, it is time for you to be recognised for it. Well done! Enjoy this time of achievement and validation.

It looks as though a new project or idea is well worth taking a look at in more depth. The Two of Wands indicates that something has developed to the point where it could have potential for income or provide solutions to a current issue that needs sorting. The Three of Pentacles sitting next to this card endorses that, indeed, this opportunity, or idea, will soon show how it can benefit you on a material level. This Three card is a celebratory one about signs of success, and yet it urges you to continue to working at it, because the more you do the more potential it will have.
Justice, a Major Arcana card, suggests that there may be a resolution/decision finalised regarding an issue (possibly legal) which has been in limbo for a while. Hopefully is will be in your favour. But this card could also mean that the outcome of this situation (if not resolved this month) could be affected by your attitude/approach. Therefore, try to think and act rationally, and with awareness this month because, as this situation is in the last strait of being finalised, it might be your actions that positively, or negatively, affect the ultimate outcome.
The Ten of Wands has appeared to give you a heads up that, if you take on too much, you could find yourself overwhelmed with tasks and priorities that you just can’t handle. Only take on what you feel you can honestly and realistically finish. You can’t do everything for everybody and if you are upfront and only take on what you can handle there won’t be the stress build up for you, or having to feel the disappointment of people that have been let down. It is alright for you to say no to people, or to admit that you feel you will be unable to finish a task, whereas it will be much harder for you to justify, at a later date, why you were not able to complete all that you agreed to take on.

Starting with the Nine of Swords it looks as though feelings of fear, guilt or grief could be making you punish yourself for the choices that you’ve made. You might feel you should have done things differently or better and these thoughts could make you lose confidence and faith in yourself. This tarot card says that these thoughts are not helpful and things might seem much worse in your head than they are in reality. You did what you did at the time, with the knowledge you had at the time, and you could not foresee the consequences. Mistakes can be forgiven. Forgive yourself and adopt a more positive mindset about your past, you have learned a valuable lesson from mistakes and that’s what you should focus on.
The Wheel of Fortune might well be bringing you the change that you need. Nobody can make the Wheel turn when they feel stuck in a particular situation, but you can make the most of the new opportunities that The Wheel can bring, when it decides to spin. Be alert to new ideas, chances on offer, or even adopt a new attitude, or approach, if you get the urge – that will be The Wheel turning. Generally, if things have felt pretty bad then, when the Wheel turns, a new and happier cycle is about to begin.
As in the introduction to these Tarotscopes, The Star has an important message this coming month. Stay positive, keep hope in your heart, look for the good in life and believe that every individual second of your work, and effort, is having an impact somehow, somewhere, though you may not see it just yet. Keep doing what you are doing – your input has value in so many ways to so many people. Keep your eyes on The Star and believe that better things are on the way.
It may help this coming month to trust your head over your heart with some key issues. The King of Swords is acute, alert and intelligent. He can grasp knotty issues and deal with them using logic and information. However, be careful that you don’t overrule your emotions too much because, whilst this King is extremely capable, he can hurt peoples’ feelings with his communications – he doesn’t flower up his words and can come across as very harsh.

The Two of Swords suggests that there may be an issue which you have been avoiding and which should be dealt with sooner rather than later. You may be avoiding it because you are not sure what to do about it. This card indicates that you could find out what the truth of the matter is, and when you understand the ins and outs of it all you will be more confident about how to deal with it.
The next card out is the Three of Pentacles which indicates signs of success with regard to a particular project/venture which should be very pleasing for you. This is a celebratory card and it is good that you should be congratulated on your success, but the Three number of the card indicates that this project is still in its infancy, and so it is important to keep up the effort, application and hard work if you wish it to reach the potential it is showing.
This is endorsed by the Six of Wands which is also a celebratory card that signs of success in a venture are beginning to appear. This card shows that you will see, clearly, the signs of just how established this project has become and how strong the foundations are to build on. This really is a substantial achievement, and it will be important to keep your motivation, drive and enthusiasm energised to grow it further.
The Magician is a card which indicates you will be faced with a cross roads or a choice of some sort, where you will have to decide which way to go. The Magician cannot give you any information on which road is best to take or where it will lead to. What he can tell you is that you have all the skills you need to make a success of this new journey. It is an exciting opportunity and one that you are well equipped to take up. Don’t let fear or doubt stop you from heading down this new road.

The Two of Wands suggests that you should take a closer look at an idea or opportunity that has arisen. It could provide solutions to a current issue which needs resolving and help progress the situation to a better place. This card indicates that the idea/opportunity is quite new and has only just developed as a possible answer to a problem, so it might not have been totally obvious, to you, until now.
The Emperor could represent someone that can help you out this month. It is likely to be an older person, a father figure or perhaps even a supervisor who you can trust to give you the guidance and advice you need right now. Or it may be that you will need to adopt some of his traits with regard to a particular circumstance – just remember that this card advises assertiveness over aggression, confidence over arrogance (because The Emperor has the power to be a protective ally or a formidable foe) and it could make all the difference.
The Queen of Wands has appeared to remind you that you have many talents. You can turn your hands to most things and do them so well. It may be that you are losing faith in your abilities just now, but she wants you to know that you haven’t changed and there’s nothing you can’t achieve if you want it.
The Three of Pentacles is a positive card around home/income which indicates you’ll have some very welcome signs of success with a new opportunity in terms of money. Whatever this venture is, whether a project or investment, it has great potential providing you continue working at it. Like anything else, if it is not nurtured it can disappear, so keep up the effort.

The Two of Swords, this August, might indicate that there is an issue which really could do with being sorted but which you might have been avoiding. The reason for this is probably because you are not feeling confident enough to deal with it. The answer is to find out more about the issue itself and this will help you understand the problem and how to fix it. Should you do this, it will save you a lot of extra bother in the future. The Nine of Wands next to this card indicates that you may be feeling exhausted with all the effort and hard work you are undertaking. This could be adding to the issue. The Nine of Wands, however, encourages you to summon up the last vestiges of strength to clear this last hurdle, and informs you that you are very near to completing your goal – it would be a shame to give in, and give up, in the last few yards of the home stretch, so give it one last burst of energy.
The King of Cups might have appeared to suggest that talking knowledgeably about love and relationships is no substitute for allowing yourself to experience the wonderful aspects of love. It is very easy to avoid getting ‘involved’ so you don’t get to feel the pain. The point is you could be missing out on some much needed affection and attention by keeping yourself away from love, through fear of being hurt. This is what the King of Cups tends to do.
Part of the problem might be that in many respects you are feeling pushed and pulled in different directions by people or other sources. If you allow others to distract you from where you really want to go, you can easily end up getting nowhere at all. This card advises you to make a decision about what your goals are, what you want to do and how to achieve that. Once you have clear visions of where you want to head then grab the reins of your Chariot (your own journey) and steer it clearly in the direction you wish to go – don’t let others divert you from your path.

The Eight of Swords could indicate that you need to make a decision but you can’t because you fear the consequences. This could be making you feel trapped and helpless with regard to this situation. Delaying it further is likely to exacerbate the situation and there is no need to do that. This situation is partly of your own making and therefore it is likely that it is in your hands to help bring resolution to this problem.
In addition, the Seven of Wands indicates that you may have lost your enthusiasm or motivation with regard to a project you have undertaken and it is difficult for you to stay focused and committed to your goal. It may help spark a revitalisation of your drive to succeed if you remember why it was important to start this project, and why it filled you with excitement at the outset.
The Ace of Swords might be suggesting a different approach/attitude is developing towards something that you have always stuck by in the past. This can be unnerving but exciting at the same time, but this could well bring some conflict in terms of challenging what, till now, has been considered the ‘norm’. If you are clear as to why you are embracing this new viewpoint for yourself, you will find it easier to explain it to others and help them see why you have made these changes. In other words be confident in your reasoning so that people can understand better.
The Ten of Pentacles, however, brings some very welcome relief in that it indicates huge achievement, and financial security, in terms of your home life and/or income. This card suggests that this month you are likely to see excellent results of all your hard work, and not only this, you’ll find that what you have worked on has become an established and secure material benefit you can rely on. Well done.

The Eight of Wands is a card which indicates that after a difficult period of hurdles and obstacles blocking your progress, you will finally overcome them and be ready to forge ahead. Your creativity will be renewed and this will induce a busy and challenging, but hugely productive time. Make the most of this freedom from restriction, and time of extra creativity, to take your project to the next level.
The Nine of Cups is a very positive card in terms of relationships. Again, these have been nurtured through difficult times but at last, you feel as if all your wishes have come true. Your relationships are rewarding, and thriving beautifully. These good times are a validation of your commitment so enjoy!
However, there may be one particular relationship that you are finding hard to maintain because of boredom, perhaps. Maybe this prevents you from nurturing the relationship as you would normally, right now. However, the problem could partly be due to your own mindset – perhaps you are focusing on all of the negative aspects of this relationship at the moment, whereas a shift to focusing on what it can, and does, bring to your life might give you the boost you need to maintain it, and nurture it once more. All relationships are important, especially ones that can bring some happiness and love into your life, whether platonic or romantic, but you have to decide whether you are benefitting from it enough to fix the issues you feel it has.
The Ace of Wands heralds a new venture or maybe even a new adventure. It could represent moving home, going on a journey or getting involved in a new project. Whatever this is, there is a lot of energy around this new opportunity – make the most of it whilst it is around and enjoy the excitement.
End of Tarotscopes.
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