Welcome to you all! And welcome to the Tarotscopes for August 2021!
I hope these Tarotscopes will help you navigate through August and make the most of the opportunities coming your way.
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Happy August to you all!

Earlier in the month The Hermit suggests taking some time out to try and discover what you really need from life. The Hermit finds a place, and the time, to delve deep within to find the answers to his own questions and to find the direction he needs to take, he suggests you do the same. With the other cards in the reading suggesting there will be opportunities and decisions to be made, it looks as though the tarot wants you to be clear in your own mind about what you need so you can make the best out of any potential that might emerge soon. Just find some time, and quiet, to examine how far you have come and whether your current situation is what you were originally hoping for. Have your goals changed? What would you want to do now if you had the chance? Sometimes meditation works, or going to sleep with those questions on your mind could help your thoughts assemble during slumber.
The Three of Pentacles indicates that, in terms of your income/work, there should be some signs of success and that, potentially, your efforts could bring much bigger rewards. So, keep up the effort and hard work in your job, business or projects, because this card indicates that, with further work, it is possible there will be more substantial and permanent rewards.
With regard to relationships, the Seven of Cups indicates that you could have a few different options to consider in your current situation. If you are in a relationship you may have issues that need resolving somehow and there may be several ways of handling them. If you don’t have one, perhaps you might feel it is time. Whichever of these is relevant to you, you should take the option that you feel you can engage with the best, because this card advises that, once you decide, you should commit wholeheartedly to it, for it to have the best outcome for you.
The Ace of Wands might help you with this decision making, in that, it suggests that there is a lot of energy around a new venture, or even adventure. In other words, a project, a business idea, the chance to travel or even a move of home could be a possibility. If you feel drawn towards something ‘new’ then this is what this card represents. The Wands cards are ones of ‘movement’ and so this suggests that whatever this new ‘venture’ is – even though it is still in its embryonic stage – it could take you out of your normal routine, and it might be a good idea to be prepared for this if you want to embrace any new opportunities. This is why The Hermit needs you to be clear in aims and objectives so that you will have clarity when it comes to making decisions.

The first two cards of this reading indicate that you are likely to be heading in a different direction at some point soon.
The Knight of Pentacles indicates a new adventure is possible for you – and this is likely to be work related. This Knight could be indicating that there are great possibilities, for you, should you be prepared to move out of your comfort zone and put yourself ‘out there’. The Knight of Pentacles is the epitome of a hard working, loyal and dependable person – and one that, because of his efforts, is hugely successful. This card is likely to have appeared to encourage you to get on your horse and go and seek your fortune – that is, don’t wait for opportunities to fall in your lap, you need to be proactive and put a lot of effort into everything you turn your hand to because this is what will bring success.
The High Priestess indicates that your current way of life could change, since this card advises that a new destiny is unfolding in the background for you – you won’t understand, or see, in what way just yet, and you won’t have any clues as to what it will be, but these two cards indicate you could be drawn towards something totally different. Trust that the Universe is aligning everything to happen at the right time and the right place………but you have to show willing by moving out of your comfort zone and starting to get yourself noticed, if this is what you want.
According to the Two of Cups it is possible, also, that your feelings of attraction to a person around you could blossom into a proper partnership. This card undoubtedly represents a commitment to someone and this could bring a lot of happiness and joy into your life. Of course it is early days with regard to the success of this relationship, however with enough nurture from both parties, it has the potential to grow into something truly lovely – enjoy.
Life, however, will always bring challenges and conflicts to keep us on our toes and to make sure we get wiser every day. The Five of Swords is the harbinger of such challenges. This card suggests that in some way you are likely to be faced with a conflict. One of the lessons we need to learn is to start to understand which battles to fight and which to walk away from. The Five of Swords asks you to consider whether it is worth the effort, and the fall out, of engaging in a conflict – regardless of whether you win or lose – is it really going to be worth it? Save your energy and resources for the battles worth fighting – there is no shame in walking away if it serves your purpose.

Despite these cards looking pretty dour, the overall feel of them is ultimate success.
The Four of Cups indicates that relationships (not necessarily romantic ones) could be at the hub of your current focus. The Four of Cups indicates a boredom with regard to these (this) relationships, and a perception of getting nothing out of them or not getting ‘anywhere’ with them either. This could be draining your desire to engage fully. However, your input to these relationships is pretty important, and, without your nurture, or engagement, they could well wither and die. This card indicates that there is still potential for them to work, but perhaps a change in your own attitude or mindset could be the solution. A more positive approach might be all that is needed.
The Eight of Swords suggests that you have avoided tackling a particular conflict you are concerned with – this could be related to the current relationship(s) alluded to by the Cups card. By avoiding this issue you could be making the situation worse, and you could find, in time, that it is much more difficult to handle. It is likely that you have had a part to play in this situation and therefore you should accept that you have a responsibility to help to resolve it.
The Death card represents the end of a situation or a particular phase. Things aren’t meant to stay the same forever; we need to grow, and we can only grow through overcoming challenges; letting go of something familiar to us can be painful but is a necessary part of life. Being able to accept that something can’t be done ‘our’ way, or even that someone we love can’t be ours, is key to setting ourselves free to move on. Death can bring an end to many things but it can never stop the sun from rising the next day, and that is where we need to go – to where the nurturing and life-giving sun shines bright.
The Empress sitting right next to the Death card shouts of re-birth. Out of the darkness, and just like a miracle, something amazing is about to come to fruition, because The Empress is about to become a mother – and your new life is about to be born. The Empress embodies nurture, empathy, strength and wisdom. Out of any dark or difficult time she can bring something beautiful, wholesome, pure and loving to life – and this is what is in store for you now. Walk calmly and confidently into your future as The Empress would, knowing that all will be well, because she represents you and what you are capable of.

The Six of Swords is a card which represents keeping your calm, and staying serene, despite being in a situation which is not ideal for you. This is the right attitude to take, if you are in this kind of a situation, since your understanding of it is what enables you to go with the flow for the moment. But it is only a matter of time before things will have to change, so this won’t last forever – being patient is what is right for this situation just now.
The Four of Cups indicates a level of boredom, or lack of motivation, in terms of a relationship close to you and this card advises that part of the problem could be that you are focusing on all the negative aspects of the relationship, or the person involved. If you wish to make this relationship work then a change of mindset might be all that is needed – try to focus on the positive things they bring and look for the good in them and you’ll be surprised at how this could change the situation.
The Magician appears to let you know that you have reached a crossroads in your life and, now, you will have to decide which road to take (this is the next part of your journey in life). He does not tell you which is the best road to take or where it will take you. What he does tell you is that you have all the skills you need to successfully traverse any road you take and that you have the power to make that journey exciting, fun, and successful regardless of where it takes you – that is your magic and he wants you to use it.
The King of Cups suggests that maybe you don’t really allow yourself to fully engage, in terms of love, for fear of getting hurt – this is what the King of Cups does, he avoids it. Love and relationships are a key part of life, and you can choose to engage or not, of course. Love can bring its own problems, but only if you stay with someone who is not right for you, but if you choose to not engage at all you will not experience the tremendous wonders of it and the happiness it can bring. It would seem that you may get the chance to have a relationship, though it is your choice as to whether you embrace it fully, or approach it half heartedly. Ultimately, if this relationship does not suit you it can be ended, but you might well benefit from some joyful interaction with someone who cares for you – it would be a shame to miss out on this.

With a Seven and two Six numbered cards starting the reading it would seem that you might be at a mid-point of life where enthusiasm can wane, and you might feel that things are not working out. This is not unusual in any aspect – from work to romantic relationships, to life itself in general – it happens, but what do you do?
Starting with the Seven of Wands, this is a card which suggests a lack of motivation in a situation in life (such as current employment, business or possibly, even, a relationship). The advice of this card is to recognise that something must be done to either reignite the original passion/excitement, or to choose to walk away. Regardless of what the situation is, the Seven of Wands advises that to leave it, without some sort of action, might result in things being more difficult to work out in the long run. So, if you don’t want things to get to that state, you might need to revisit your initial excitement of your job or the project you’re working on, or try to inject more fun into your relationships if you would rather not walk away at this point. Your efforts will make a difference.
However, the Six of Swords indicates that you feel your situation is not ideal at all at the moment and you might feel quite distressed – yet you are managing to stay calm and serene. Perhaps this is a temporary blip and staying cool for a while might be what is needed till this phase passes. If you feel that things really are too difficult, and unlikely to improve, at some point you will have to work to make some changes but just give it a little time – things may change for the better.
The Six of Cups is a card which represents some sort of regret that a previous relationship is now over. Sometimes we can convince ourselves that a recent relationship was pretty good, and be looking back at it through rose tinted spectacles…….. and forgetting the real reasons why it came to an end. If there is any real chance of reparation and reconciliation in that particular relationship, it will only be if both parts of the partnership have grown, and learned through the mistakes they have made, and are willing to do things better, that it will stand a chance – if not, then it is unlikely to work. If yours is a current relationship and you wish it was ‘like it was in the beginning’ there is a chance to get it back there – however, both parties will need to put the nurture in that is needed, and be willing to learn about each other’s needs – but if you start putting in the effort first then that might be all that is needed to get it going again.
The King of Wands represents a certain mastery over any projects or work endeavours, which indicates that you are likely to have gained the skills required to bring projects to a successful completion. This is a great achievement and one you can be proud of. So, this card could be advising that, with continued effort, you are not far off achieving what you hoped to achieve – keep up the good work!
Now read on – because Leo is the Birthday star sign and you have an extra card!
Happy Birthday! Your extra card is:

The Hierophant has appeared for your birthday to tell you that people may view you as a mentor they can turn to or look up to. You have an important role as representing learning and knowledge to those around you.
You may also have a desire to embrace some sort of spiritual tenet to live your life by, because things might not be making sense to you at the moment, and this is something that might only just be emerging. You may be experiencing signs that there is ‘something’ beyond the hum drum way of life that you may be finding it more and more difficult to ignore. The influence you have over others, that look to you for guidance, could be having a profound effect on how you now act or behave……… and challenging what you previously believed was the ‘right way’ to do things. You might not feel so sure of that now, and find yourself looking for an alternative.
It will be good to embrace new ideas, but, if there is something that you don’t understand, or want to know, then make the effort to research about it as much as you can – you need to know the actual truth and the facts and not just take what you discover at face value. It would seem that this could be an important turning point in your life – ensure it is right for you, and for those around you who trust you.

Pentacles cards dominate this reading and are likely to represent your situation in respect of your income, material standing in life, and home comfort/security.
The Five of this suit suggests that there might be an issue affecting your feelings of stability and security on a financial level – perhaps regarding a decision around your work or income situation – and this might cause you some concern if you measure your ‘worth’ by your standard of living. In other words if you feel that success is only measured by the size of your income, or how big your house is, then your fear of losing of it might be overwhelming. However, if you understand that, providing you have people who love you, a roof over your head and some money in your pocket is enough to keep you happy, then you will lose that fear whilst making any decisions. If things are tough on a financial level then making some adjustments to your actual needs could help – prioritise what you need to be comfortable and secure, and consider ways to make your money work for you. Discarding things you don’t really need could open better opportunities for you somewhere down the line. Don’t be afraid of change – just be ready to adapt.
However, the Ten of Pentacles is a card which indicates that on a financial level you are probably in a position that others can only dream of – regardless of what it is. This is a hugely positive card which does indicate that, whatever happens, you will be fine in terms of your finances and security – probably as a result of the effort and hard work you put in to your livelihood.
The Queen of Pentacles also represents a financial standing of considerable ease – this Queen has all the resources she needs to keep herself, and those she loves, in comfort and security. She may well have appeared to remind you to not focus on what you could lose, but how you can focus on changing things a little to make your money work better for you. So, it’s possible these Pentacles cards, combined, are reassuring you that, with a little adjustment here and there could pave the way for an even better financial future.
The Six of Wands is a celebratory card which indicates success on some front such as a business or a project you are working on, so, as if to just confirm all that is written above, you might get some signs that more successes are coming your way. Overall, the message of these cards seem to be ‘don’t be afraid to lose some of your assets in order make way for new ones’ – providing, that is, that you continue to work hard and use the more than adequate skills you possess.

The Queen Swords represents a need to be alert and ready to utilise your mental alacrity. This is not the time to allow your emotions to cloud the issues that need sorting out – only clarity and honesty will help you navigate through whatever comes your way in August. However, this Queen is one which is often considered aloof and unapproachable, and this can affect her relationships so, whilst you need to use your head mostly this coming month, don’t completely withdraw your heart and affections either. By all means use your head to make decisions but allow your heart to soften the impact of how you deliver your decisions, or solutions to those around you.
The Death card indicates that a particular phase of life might be ending. Nothing can stay the same for ever, there are times that we have to accept that some things are not meant for us anymore and we need room to grow and develop. The key message of the Death card is acceptance. Accepting that there is something we can’t have anymore is the first step towards better opportunities – if we hang on to the Past because it feels ‘familiar’ we won’t move forward. In August, should you find there is something ending, or there is something you can’t have, don’t get stuck in hurt and anger. Learn to accept it and head straight to where the sun is shining because whilst Death can take many things from us, it can never stop the sun from rising, and a new day starting – and that’s where you need to be, in the glorious sunshine.
You might also feel a bit ‘overwhelmed’ with all the things on your mind or tasks you feel you must tackle. You are so close to achieving what you set out to achieve, so don’t give up just yet. The number ten is a completion number – so the Ten of Wands indicates that you are almost there. However, the price of achieving great things is often the numerous tasks and burdens that are associated with successful projects – and, possibly, a feeling that you have bitten off more than you can chew. Now you must step back and look at your situation as objectively as you can. You will need to prioritise a lot of these tasks and offload others elsewhere, if you can. Perhaps you might need to be able to say ‘no’ to new requests, and learn to take on only the things you know you can handle. So, if you wish to get over this last leg of the journey then let go of some of the things that are weighing you down. In doing so, you should be able to reach the finish line even though you feel too tired to think straight…….once you are at the finish line you’ll feel amazing! Keep going.
Again, this last part of the journey means you might not find your current situation ideal – and there’ll be a time of waiting for things to work out. The Six of Swords reassures you that keeping serene and calm and just ‘going with the flow’ is not only what you are good at but is the right approach to take. You understand that there is no point in objecting, kicking or screaming about it because it won’t make anything happen any sooner. So, yes, grit your teeth just for little longer, and conserve your energy for that last part of the journey, the finish line is not far off.

The Knight of Pentacles advises, to start off with, that you should ‘give your all’ to any tasks you are handed this August. This Knight is the most loyal and dependable of all the Knights, and his efforts to do everything to the best of his ability is the secret to his success. No matter what you are tasked with, it seems you will benefit from paying attention to every little detail – dotting all the ‘i’s and crossing all the ‘t’s – no matter how pedantic or boring it makes you look. Without that effort the results won’t be as good, and it is in your hands to to make the difference between a good job done and an amazing success – and with it possible rewards.
The Ten of Swords indicates that a painful situation is near completion, and there may be hurt feelings for you to tackle and maybe unspent emotion building up inside. The first step to healing from any difficult time is to accept that there is little you can do to change things, or make it right in any way. Your choice, now, is to hang on to the upset and hurt, or to walk towards a brighter future no matter how difficult that might be. Hanging on to the past is how we stagnate and grow bitter – by acceptance and movement we create new opportunities and new phases for ourselves – and this is the best thing you can do right now.
The Hermit recognises that you might need some direction at this point, and he would advise that you take some time to go deep within yourself – not to ask why this has happened to you, but to ask yourself what you want to do now and where you want to go from here – he advises you to find your light that has been buried under the pain for so long – bring it out and shine it as a beacon to everyone around you. Now you can be an inspiration to others who have lost their way too. Now you can show that, by losing something, or someone, you can learn to keep walking, keep searching and more importantly keep living; for every loss leaves a space for new opportunities to come into your life.
You will now need to consider which battles to fight and which to walk away from. If there is still conflict around you then the Five of Swords asks you to consider whether engaging in further conflicts is worth the fall out – which is the loss of your energy, your resources, your time and your effort and the chance to be getting on with your life. Whatever this situation is, it is time for you to choose between just fighting for the sake of it or fighting to live the way you want to.

The Four of Pentacles represents a situation where taking a chance, or considering a change in circumstances creates a fear/worry of ‘what will happen’ in terms of your standard of living. Whilst it is good to be careful with money, hanging on to ‘things as they are’ as a comfort blanket might mean you miss out on the chance of something truly exciting and enabling. In other words, fear of change could stop you from experiencing something even better. This card advises you to consider an opportunity that comes your way rather than just rejecting it out of fear of the unknown. You should believe in your ability to adapt to any situation come what may.
Judgement suggests that your behaviours/actions might be under the spotlight in some way. This could be other people making judgements about you, or you might finding yourself analysing your own recent behaviours in an effort to decide whether you have done the right thing or not. Either way, be prepared for what that Judgement might be – hopefully if you have done your best, and with the right intentions, your actions will be vindicated and you will feel happy that you were considerate of all concerned and be proud of how you have managed everything. It will bring balm to your soul.
The Four of Swords represents a quiet phase after some sort of trauma or difficult time. This card advises using this time to heal – take time to do things that will make you feel good and allow yourself to rest. Pamper yourself a little…. even if that means all you can afford is to meditate for a while, or have a good sleep or have a little treat of what you like to eat. What you need to do, right now, is to look after you. This will restore your strength and get you back on track.
In terms of relationships, the Eight of Cups suggests you might find, for some reason, that you are apart for a while – perhaps this is what you need right now, perhaps, with this space, you can learn to be honest and objective about what is right for you. Sometimes it is not until we are alone that we learn to live for ourselves and to be happy in our own skin, doing what we want and when we want to. So, if you find yourself in this position do look closely at your own needs, and whether your relationship recognises those needs, and, if they are not, then this might be the opportunity to make sure they are a priority going forward.

The Ace of Pentacles suggests there might be a new opportunity to either grow your income or improve your material situation in life (ie your home or lifestyle). Opportunities like this come rarely, and it is easy to let them pass by without even recognising them, so be alert for new interests, or offers, that come your way. It is possible that this might be a chance to set you up for the future in some way – it is early days yet so this might even just appear to be an ‘idea’ – but don’t let it slip away without giving it close consideration.
The Three of Cups is a celebratory card. It can represent a marriage, an engagement or even the birth of a baby. This is a joyful card and will bring some much needed happiness and excitement. So, whatever the lovely occasion is, enjoy it to the full. Life can be a hard toil at times and it is important to fully embrace, enjoy and appreciate the fun and happy times with family. The never ending striving for money to make life more comfortable can sometimes be a paramount concern, but it is the relationships in our lives that make all that effort truly worthwhile.
When The Devil card appears it can intimate that something in your life could be making you feel a little shameful or even slightly worried. More often than not it represents addictions that use your resources or restrict you from living your life the way you feel you want to. Sometimes it is a behaviour that makes you feel trapped, or some past mistakes or bad choices that make you feel that you are unworthy and don’t ‘deserve’ the good things in life. The Devil card is about a mindset and being ‘stuck’ with a feeling or habit that you don’t really like. You are not, in fact, trapped – nothing is holding you prisoner – any addictions could be tackled, you can free yourself from unhealthy behaviours and you can choose to forgive yourself for past mistakes. Things can be different if you choose to break free – but only you will know what needs to be done and only you can do it.
There are times in life when we think we are due some recognition or attention. The Strength card represents a time when we have an energy within us which is ‘all about me’ – sometimes it might be called pride. You might be in some kind of position of ‘power’ and you can use that power to get what you want – or you can just choose to demand loudly and push to get what you want. Strength is the card which advises us to not be pushy and demanding, but to temper or channel this energy into a more gentle way of getting what we want. It is about gentle persuasion and it is a little reminder that ‘pride comes before a fall’.

The Six of Pentacles represents some sort of gift or bonus coming your way. Apart from the obvious pleasure of getting some financial help, another important benefit from this gift is having your faith restored in human nature because of the generosity shown you, and it will bring balm to your soul. These opportunities are very rare, and it could give you the chance to get yourself straight on a financial level – so make the most of it – money can make money. Enjoy!
If you are doubting your ability to tackle something or being able to make a success of it, then the Queen of Wands has appeared to encourage you to remove those doubts. Whatever you are tasked with in the coming month, learn about it and embrace it with enthusiasm and passion, because this Queen could be indicating that it is important to your future and could be an integral part of what you are trying to build for yourself. This Queen can turn her hand to anything and do it well – so can you!
If you are struggling to understand why all your efforts seem to come to little, or nothing at all, do not despair and do not give in. It might be taking some time for your work to show results, but The Star is a beacon of hope that has appeared to encourage you to keep going – because it won’t be long, now, before you start to reap the rewards. The saying ‘it is always darkest before the dawn’ is apt here, because the hard slog has made you tired, and even though you might be feeling you have nothing left to give, this could be your ‘dark’ before the dawning of your success. Just keep going – The Star is telling you it will all be worth it in the end.
In terms of love and relationships, all should be well. The Nine of Cups is a lovely card which indicates a loving network around you which has endured through difficult times. This month you should feel loved and appreciated – and it is important to reciprocate this to those around you. You should have a happy and joyful time with those you care about. In addition, the Nine of Cups can be considered a very positive card in its own right. Perhaps even a lucky card. So, embrace what is necessary to do this month and believe that good things are already starting to come your way – and, if you continue to put in the effort, and luck is on your side, this could be a very interesting month indeed.

You may feel, at last, that you are free to wander off and have yourself an adventure in some way. It would not be surprising, after the Pandemic lockdown, that a desire to go places and do things is important to you in August. Whilst there may still be limitations to what you can do, the Knight of Wands indicates that to try and get out and about is the right thing to do. Even if you just go somewhere different to where you normally go, for a change, this is what your spirit needs to kickstart a new phase in your life.
It would seem that this adventurous new you might find someone who can set your heartstrings twanging, since the Ace of Cups has appeared heralding a possible new relationship for you. Even if this is not ‘the One’ or even a romantic relationship, this could be someone who brings a fresh perspective to your life in some way and that is exciting. They could bring some much needed love or they might just be your new best friend – whichever it is, enjoy the fun.
The Nine of Wands does indicate that you may be feeling overwhelmed by a lot of tasks or pressures you are burdened with at the moment, but this card also represents being close to achieving your goals and aims. The finishing line is almost in sight so don’t give up or give in. Keep going- this card is letting you know you can do it.
You might feel that your desire to do something different is ‘bad’ for some reason. The Nine of Swords is a card which represents a feeling of guilt, or a mindset which makes you feel unworthy – perhaps for past wrong decisions or mistakes you made. You might feel ‘guilty’ for wanting to do something for some reason. Our mind – even our own ego – can be our worst enemy at times because it ‘tells’ us there are things we should or shouldn’t do. The truth is, providing you are not hurting anyone or anything in the process, you should not punish yourself for these things. If you have made mistakes in the past, providing you’ve learned from them and don’t intend to repeat them, you can let them go – forgive yourself. If you feel you are not ‘worthy’ enough to enjoy life and have fun then learn to believe that you are! Everyone makes mistakes and not everyone holds themselves prisoners to their past – they take the lessons learned and move on. It’s the same for you, today is a new day – it’s ok to live your life and expect the best. So, get to it.
End of Tarotscopes.

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