Scroll down to read the Tarotscopes for August!
I have created a slightly different spread for the Tarotscopes this month. The three cards at the top of each Tarotscope should indicate the possible themes coming up this month – the single card at the bottom of the spread is a card which should help clarify the reading and, perhaps act as a general pointer or endorsement for each message – I have called this the ‘underlying’ card since it should clarify or confirm what the cards are trying to say.
It would be amazing if you would share these Tarotscopes with your friends and family, they are a regular and free service from Simply Tarot and are written with care, and I’d love them to help as many people as possible through the month ahead. We also have our fantastic automated ‘Card of the Day’ page HERE which you can visit every day for some punchy, common sense guidance.
I hope you enjoy reading these Tarotscopes – perhaps if you come back and reread them later in the month you’ll see whether they have been of some help.
Wishing you all an amazing August in the meantime!

Projects that you are working on are likely to get a huge boost this month since the Eight of Wands is a card which represents obstacles and hurdles finally being overcome. This gives you the ability to be creative and proactive with all that you are working on. In turn this means you are likely to be having a pretty lively, and busy, month with the added bonus of it being hugely productive too – which is a good thing.
A mother/child relationship is likely to come to the fore in August, according to The Empress – this could be the relationship between you, your mother, a child of yours or maybe even a relationship of yours in which the attitude of the other person could be interpreted as being immature or childish – whichever it is, this relationship needs some particular attention or nurturing. However, this card can also represent a pregnancy – either personally or via someone around you – and, as this card is directly beside the Three of Cups, it is more likely to mean there will be some good news around babies.
The Three of Cups is a celebratory card which usually heralds the conception, or birth, of a child; it can represent the commitment to an engagement, or a marriage, but whichever of these things this card refers to there is likely to be a very happy celebration around you, or for you, this coming month. Enjoy!
The three top cards are all pretty positive cards in the main. Relationships are clearly the main area that need your focus this coming month. The Five of Cups (the underlying card) suggests that, no matter how well things are going, there are likely to still be issues, somehow, in the relationship(s) around you, this is normal. Every relationship has to have challenges in order for it to grow and develop (as represented by the pregnant Empress), it’s a necessary part of life. In the meantime enjoy the celebrations – these things are sent for a bit of joyous relief (Three of Cups) and ensure you make good use of the surge forward, in terms of your projects, that will be coming your way in August despite it being hard work (Eight of Wands).

We start with The High Priestess, who’s message is that a new destiny is unfolding, unseen, in the Universe – you are not meant to know exactly what, just yet, but it is exciting to know that energy forces are aligning to get this happening in the right place at the right time. Even though you will have to wait, it will be a good thing to pay attention to anything that grabs your interest – look into ideas or thoughts, do some research – it is possible that the seeds are being sown. Learn to notice, and follow, your gut instincts because there is a real spirituality around The High Priestess, and it is worth watching how these forces work in terms of synchronicity, coincidence and unforeseen events and how these eventually impact your life.
A new start in terms of business, projects or ventures could also be presented to you in the coming month. The Ace of Wands represents an energy around the seeds of an idea or thought which could blossom into something worthwhile – possibly even a money making venture. Once again it will be important to notice any proposals, or ideas, that pop up and do some research into them, since this might be the opportunity on offer to you. Without your efforts it could just as easily dwindle into nothing.
Communications around you this coming month might not be as clear as they could be. The Page of Swords represents words (in particular), or actions, being misunderstood, and even being relayed to others in a different way than to what was intended. This, in turn, could lead to conflict. So, ensure you know what you are talking about, and make things clear, should you need to explain anything regarding your own intentions and involvement (whatever it is). This way any misunderstandings could be avoided.
Underlying all the above cards sits The Devil card. This card is likely to have appeared to get you to sort your own thoughts/mindset from the outset. It might be that you don’t feel confident about taking on a new project, or you don’t feel worthy of receiving good things for some reason. The Devil card is one which represents being stagnant, or held back, because of one’s own thoughts – feeling shameful about a particular behaviour, or for making mistakes in the past. It is important that you free yourself from these self-denigrating thoughts – it is unlikely any one else even thinks about you in this way. Clear your mind and forgive yourself, and believe that you are good enough to receive great things; be ready to take on new ideas and to make your life better in any way that you can. Leave the past in the past and stop holding yourself back.

The top three cards are very strongly patriarchal/matriarchal. They could well represent a diverse set of power in, or around, your own energy force, and may even represent some confusion around how you should act in terms of your life and with the people around you.
The King of Pentacles is a very confident person who handles his money superbly and with the ability to increase its revenue – he makes careful decisions around his investments and income. He may represent your ability to watch over your pennies successfully – making things work to your best advantage, and to keep up the good work. It could, however, also be suggesting that a better situation is coming your way in terms of your work, or standard of living, at home. Perhaps all your efforts are starting to pay off at last.
The King of Swords is a very clever and astute person. He knows his ‘stuff’ and makes sure that nobody can outwit him. He is very logical and a clear communicator. However, he generally makes his decisions using his head only – he won’t let his emotions cloud his judgement about anything. However, he can also hurt peoples’ feelings as he will speak the truth but won’t soften the message at all – he may be alerting you to this trait and advising you to avoid it. It is more likely that he is suggesting that you should allow your heart to help make any decisions, and to not just rely on facts and logic.
The Empress is also a very strong character. She is actually very approachable and nurturing. She sometimes represents a pregnancy, but more often represents a relationship which has a mother/child dynamic. So, she might represent your parent/child relationship (upwards or downwards), or a romantic relationship in which one partner does the nurturing and the other is more interested in being nurtured. Whichever it is, The Empress is likely to represent you as someone they can turn to for help. Her message to you might be ‘To advise is wise’, but ensure you do not insist that ‘it’s your way or the highway’ – since this can be her attitude sometimes.
Looking at the underlying card, which is the Seven of Pentacles, it looks as though you may be faced with issues, or decisions, from someone around you and you are not sure which approach to use. All of the cards above indicate that you are more than capable of making the right decision. You are master of managing anything in terms of money and home (King of Pentacles); you are likely to be clear headed and logical enough to take the information you are given and use it wisely (King of Swords); and you have the ability to nurture people or situations to ensure they grow and prosper (the growth is represented by the developing baby), through being caring, approachable, realistic and, yes, powerful. So, don’t be afraid use all of these skills when needed – trust yourself.

If you are avoiding an issue at the moment, as represented by the Two of Swords, it might be because you do not fully understand why this problem has come about – and this could mean you feel unable to embrace it or resolve it easily.
This is endorsed by the next two cards. The Moon indicates that, with regard to this issue, all is not clear to you just yet. There may be more information that will come out, or it might be that you need to look more closely at the issue since, from your viewpoint, you might not be able to really see the truth of the matter at the moment.
The King of Cups is a card which represents being able to talk about issues (particularly with regard to relationships), and yet being afraid to embrace relationships. This King knows his subject (emotions) and can give solid advice, but he tends to avoid engaging fully with relationships for fear of being hurt himself – this could mean you are avoiding getting into a relationship for some reason. However, this card may have appeared as representing a new relationship coming into your life, but only you will know which of these is relevant.
If we look at the underlying card, which is the Three of Wands – this is a card which indicates signs of success, so it is likely to be advising that, if there is a situation, or person/people, making you unhappy (Two of Swords), then you need to give it some attention – you can help make this better. You will need to start understanding the ‘why’ this conflict has come about, or understanding more about the person/people involved to try to uncover the truth (The Moon). Ask questions, be prepared to listen and try to understand others’ viewpoints (regardless of how that will make you feel); don’t be afraid to embrace the situation, and talk about how this makes you feel too (King of Cups). Avoiding the difficulties will not help – you should try to engage, without fear of being hurt, because it is likely you will learn so much from this particular situation and the resolution of it, that it will be an experience which could serve you very well in the future.

All seems well with regard to your financial position. You can’t get a much better card than the King of Pentacles in respect of finances. This King suggests you have a tight grasp on your money and that you could, in fact, make it grow with ease with the right knowledge.
If we jump straight to the Three of Pentacles – the third card in the top line – there may even be another project, or idea, that you are involved with, in terms of work, that will shortly show signs of success, which will be very pleasing. This means that you (if you continue to work at it in the same way) are likely to benefit financially from it soon, too. So, in terms of your income you seem set to prosper.
However, the middle card, the Seven of Cups, seems to indicate that there could be a lot going on in your current relationship. This card would, with its inherent meaning, be suggesting that you are considering various options around how to proceed with this relationship. So, whilst things look pretty good on the money front, you might not feel too happy around a particular relationship.
The card underlying these three cards is the Nine of Cups. This card would suggest that your desire might be to try and make it through any difficult times with your current relationship until things work out. However, the Nine of Cups could be highlighting that this relationship problem might have potential to impact the happiness of your wider network of family and/or friends, since this card sits directly below the Seven of Cups. Perhaps one of the options you should consider is how this is impacting other aspects of your life – your income – which is strongly represented by the Pentacles cards. Or, it could be that this relationship is not being given enough attention since the focus in the top three cards is more towards financial security and maybe this is causing some of the problem. The Nine of Cups would absolutely recommend that relationships should come first. Balance in both aspects is what you should be working towards and should you decide to commit to your relationship and make it work then you will need to make every effort to succeed in that (Seven of Cups).
In addition to all this, it is your birthday month and you get to have an extra card! So, read on……

A very Happy Birthday to you on whichever day it falls. Your birthday card is the Two of Cups which suggests that you tend to get on well with people, particularly when in a one to one situation. You are likely to make friends very easily and enjoy socialising. The Two of Cups is a very happy card which generally represents the exciting time at the beginning of relationships when it is really enjoyable learning about each other and having lots of fun. This card may have come out for you in your birthday month as a little reminder of your own qualities and that you are engaging and loved. It could represent, possibly, your own need to be accepted and loved – you may be ready for a new and serious relationship. However, it is more likely to be reflecting the important contribution of your impact on other people in a happy and fulfilling way. Let’s just say this is a very happy, positive card for your birthday and it is more than likely to mean that you should enjoy yourself, and be happy to spend lots of time having fun with other people. Have a great time!

It might be time to tackle an issue that you have been avoiding – the Eight of Swords sitting next to The Tower card could be interpreted as a feeling of being trapped in a situation that you feel is difficult to get out of. However, these cards indicate that now is probably the right time to try and resolve it in order for you to free yourself.
The Tower card is one that depicts the ‘old’ way of life disappearing completely from a totally unexpected quarter. So, whilst it looks like things are likely to change anyway, it is important for you (first) to be ready to embrace the change – as this might just set the energies in motion. Your life could get a total reset but it is important for you to be ready and willing.
The Eight of Wands is a very positive card. One which suggests that any hurdles that have been holding you back are likely to be removed and then you can surge forward and become more creative and productive in every way.
So, using the Seven of Pentacles (the underlying card below the top three), we can look at the Eight of Swords as a card which represents you feeling ‘trapped’ in a situation because of the fear of the impact of any decision you may take. However, the Eight of Swords also bears the message that the longer you avoid tackling this the more difficult things could become and so, it is important for you to decide to resolve this situation – to accept the outcome regardless – if you want to move onwards and upwards.
In doing this, you will kickstart the energies that can bring the changes you need (The Tower) – even though you can’t see how it could happen. Allow yourself to be ready and willing for change. Take the plunge – make the decision – and regardless of what happens afterwards know that there will be a great outcome for you (Eight of Wands) – because moving freely, regardless of challenges ahead, is likely to be much more bearable for you than being stuck in a situation that brings you no joy whatsoever. You can do this.

Decisions, decisions. It looks as though both with regard to work and your relationships a decision might be required from you this coming month.
With regard to any decisions concerning your income, the Seven of Pentacles suggests that despite your fears of what might happen, if you make that decision based on your experiences of the past, and setting new current priorities, you are unlikely to get it wrong. In other words, if you have a new job or promotion offer, or if you are facing a drop in income, it will help to work through the impact by prioritising what you will need right now. By also looking through your past experiences you can remember what steps you took and how they worked out for you which will help – or by learning from the mistakes that were made. By taking these things into account your decision will come more easily to you and, which is just as important, your reasoning will help you justify your decisions should you need to do so in the future.
The decision required regarding a relationship, as depicted by the Seven of Cups, might not be arrived at so logically. Emotionally, the impact of any decision can have a huge knock on effect on many other people and, so, this needs to be taken into account and you should consider things very carefully. You may have various options with regard to this relationship – not least removing it from your life, or deciding to work things through. The message from this card is that, whatever you decide, you must commit yourself fully to that decision. Half hearted efforts will only keep this issue resurfacing.
The Queen of Pentacles is a very positive card in both the income and relationship aspects, since this card clearly shows that you are capable of managing your finances without anyone’s help – and this Queen is also very certain about who she is prepared to support – it is those people who love her and deserve her affection. She is ruthless enough to disregard anyone who is not able to bring anything to her table.
The Five of Cups, as the underlying card, will reinforce some of the messages above. In terms of the Seven of Pentacles, and the financial decision, this card suggests that there will be more to gain than you will be able to see at decision time, but a lot will be determined by your own attitude to any changes when they come (such as approaching things from a positive viewpoint rather than a negative one). With regard to relationships it suggests that it can be much easier to work out issues than you might believe – specifically changing the mindset to focus on all the positives this relationship brings to you as opposed to the negatives. And in terms of your lifestyle and ability to provide – careful management and focusing on what you actually need to spend money on is absolutely down to your own judgement, and being sensible about how to use your money.

Three Major Arcana cards in this reading indicate some significant impact on you this coming month which might mean a change for the better if you can utilise the energy.
The Emperor is a strong character. He is very powerful and influential; indeed he can be pretty overpowering or dominant. This makes him either a powerful ally or a formidable foe. Using the underlying card (The High Priestess – on the bottom line) it could be interpreted that this is someone who could help you start on a brand new path and/or career. If you have someone around you that fits this description, be brave and ask for their help now so you don’t miss a great opportunity – it’s always possible they’ll move on to something else before you act.
The Lovers card could indicate that you might find yourself being tempted to do something ‘different’ to they way things have been for you – taking The High Priestess (again) into account puts another slant on the cards, in that you may feel the ‘pull’ towards something, but it might not be anything really tangible this coming month – but take note of anything that might grab your interest. The Lovers indicates you are certainly ready for a change or a ‘choice’ of some sort, and, with The High Priestess card directly below it, this indicates that you could be drawn to a more ‘people’, or relationship, kind of work.
The Four of Wands, on the other hand, is a card which validates all the effort you put into any projects, work, or plans that you are undertaking at the moment. Perhaps this card is one to remind you that you are eminently capable, and to boost your confidence, since it is a very positive card and one that represents success or an achievement of some sort. The High Priestess card would add that you could, indeed, soon be on a rewarding upward trajectory at some point – but only when everything is in the right place at the right time.
These cards, all in all, seem to show a movement towards new and interesting chances. However, although some of your destiny is unseen, and unknown, just now it looks as though the Universe wants you to be ready by seeking the help you need (by approaching The Emperor around you), as well as to be open to new opportunities (The Lovers) and to be confident in yourself (Four of Wands) – with these things in place there will be more alignment towards your new destiny.

For August it seems that Wands (projects, ideas, travel or moves) appear to be the focus.
In some aspect of your life you may have been hampered by obstacles in some way. However, the Eight of Wands suggests that these will be removed and this will set you moving forward at a great pace, at last. You could find yourself very busy as a result, but you will also find yourself being hugely productive too, which will make you very happy. The underlying card, the Ace of Wands, will add a surge of new energy to help you through and could even take you to a new opportunity waiting to be worked on.
The Queen of Wands usually appears when a task needs doing. She is the Queen who can turn her hand to anything and do it well, so this card (with the added energy of the Ace of Wands) indicates that you will be tasked with something which could seem a bit of a challenge, but the Queen of Wands suggests you are more than capable and her message would be to embrace this new task and approach it with your usual aplomb. Success is high likely if your efforts are as good as they normally are.
Our second Queen is the Queen of Cups. This Queen is likely to be trying to remind you of your close relationships – to keep your love flowing regardless of how busy you get – she could also be asking you to take good care of yourself, and give yourself some treats and pampering every now and then. Don’t forget with all the humdrum duties of life it is easy to neglect one’s own needs and this Queen wants you to pay yourself the attention that you need.
The Ace of Wands as the underlying card suggests that with all of the above you are likely to be heading towards an exciting new venture/adventure – there is a lot of exciting new energy around you this coming month and if you rise to the challenge, and make use of this amazing energy, who knows where your next adventure will take you?

The top three cards indicate that you might be torn between some dark thoughts about yourself and yet you are likely to be a very clear headed logical kind of person at the same time.
The Devil is a card which represents a kind of mindset in which you might be feeling a little ashamed either about decisions/mistakes made in the past or a certain behaviour (possibly an addiction to something that you feel you can’t stop). If this is the case, this mindset could stop you from really achieving what you want to achieve. The Devil card represents a feeling of being trapped by your own opinion of yourself. Whether you feel sorry for some things you may have done, or if you feel you can’t change some of your behaviours, you should recognise that this mindset is only hurting/affecting you. You can make some changes, you can forgive yourself and move forward – leaving the past behind. It is down to you to make those changes, however, no-one else can do it for you.
The Eight of Wands is a card which suggests that some of the obstacles that have held you back recently – in terms of your projects and endeavours – will be removed and you will find yourself hugely creative and have a surge of energy to help you start motoring again. Although you are likely to be extremely busy you should find the coming month extremely productive too, which is great news.
The Queen of Swords is a very logical, alert and clear minded character. She approaches every task with precision, clarity and knowledge. She is however prone to hiding her emotions to protect herself from hurt – and this means she sometimes appears to be aloof and uncaring. She may have appeared to remind you that knowledge and logicality are truly important in life, however, to include some emotion (love and understanding) is the grease which helps everything work smoothly. In other words, don’t just use your head this month, allow your heart to have a say, and try to be a little sensitive to other peoples’ needs or attitudes.
The underlying card in this reading is the King of Swords. He is likely to endorse the message that you need to eject ‘The Devil’ mindset, and adopt a better belief in yourself. He will be validating the message in the Eight of Wands – that your projects will prosper with more hard work. His message will outweigh that of the Queen of Swords regarding being logic-centric, in that, although he speaks the truth he can be very harsh in his delivery and this could have an adverse affect on what you are trying to do. He would absolutely be endorsing the message that some balance is needed between your head and your heart when you have a decision to make, because emotions are real, and necessary, in life. There is a middle ground you can find.

Wow what fantastic cards on the top row for you this month!!
The World and The Sun are the two supremely positive tarot cards in a tarot deck!! This means that good things should come, in abundance, to you this month of August. The King of Pentacles is also a very positive card and I will go into the ‘underlying’ card the Seven of Wands a bit later in the reading.
The World card is a celebratory card of having achieved what you want in life – this card usually indicates the position of having attained and being able to use all the skills and abilities necessary on the road to success. You’ll have been learning and gaining experiences along the way and have probably faced many challenges – this card suggests that, come the future, things should be a lot easier for you to handle with your new found attributes. The energy around this card is amazing and the month ahead should be hugely satisfying in every way.
The King of Pentacles represents being in a position of financial security and stability – this King has it in abundance, and he knows how to make his money work for him, and how to grow it. This card indicates your financial position is likely to be improving (with any luck you’ll get signs this coming month). His message would be that, as and when this happens, it will be important to make the money work for you and to ensure you do not fritter it away. He suggests that you could find yourself in a very enviable position of being able to take care of all your monetary, and material, needs independently, if you are careful.
The Sun is the card which blesses you with a nurturing energy to help you succeed at everything you turn your hand to – with this energy everything should turn out beautifully with ease and grace regardless of what you are undertaking. If there is anything tricky, outstanding, that you need to resolve, do it this month with this fantastic energy available on tap for you. Don’t waste it!
The underlying card, the Seven of Wands touches each of the other cards in different ways. This card is about loss of motivation, boredom, lack of drive and a general disinterest in your work, so it seems an odd card to come out under all the amazing other ones. This card is a reminder that all your efforts, the learning, the drive to keep going through the hardest of times, the choices and the strife are all part of achieving the success you deserve. And, whilst you may have a month of outstanding achievement, it is worth remembering that it all could have disappeared without your your drive and commitment. It has appeared to remind you to not to drift into wonderland, but to keep your feet firmly on the ground – there are still many paths for you to tread. Enjoy your success – well done!

In this reading I’ll go through the top three cards and use the one on the bottom line (the underlying card) to help clarify the messages that want to come through the cards for this coming month.
Firstly, The Hermit highlights that you will need to find some time for yourself in August. The Hermit finds a quiet place where he can go to ‘find’ himself or work out the solutions to his problems, or find answers to his questions; to learn and think about things in general. The Hermit also – in his isolated place – has a lantern which he shines to guide those who have strayed off their path and are lost. His message might be that you need to find your personal light once more – the one that is buried and dimmed under all the worries, strains and efforts of everyday life. Once you find it you can shine as brightly as you ever did.
The Nine of Swords could be indicating that you are feeling very unhappy about your own actions/feelings of late – these could be any of fear, grief or guilt for any reason. It will feel like you should punish yourself for the choices you made that didn’t work out well. This is just a mindset, however, that you can change – nobody else is likely to feel about you the way you do – it is probably worse in your head than in reality. So, let it go – forgive yourself, and allow yourself to move forward in the way that you should – and leave the past where it belongs………..way behind you.
Perhaps it is time for an adventure – to get yourself out and about and meet new people, to do new things. Perhaps, instead of punishing and remonstrating with yourself about the past, it is time to head into the future and take up an interest you can pursue (and get your thoughts on a happier trajectory). The Knight of Swords is always ready and up for the most difficult challenge – are you ready?
The underlying card, the Eight of Cups, sheds an interesting perspective on these three cards. Firstly, the Eight of Cups is a card which often represents some sort of separation – which is exactly what The Hermit does, so, it seems to endorse the message to get away and allow yourself to explore your own needs. The Nine of Swords is a debilitating mindset which, when looked at with the Eight of Cups, could be suggesting that you might be pushing people away – or avoiding relationships – because of the way you are feeling. Lastly, the Eight of Cups alongside the Knight of Swords would also advise getting away – or out and about – to follow some new pursuits. These cards want you to allow yourself to feel happy again and be eager for an exciting future, but they need you to take the first steps before the right energies can form to help you along the way.
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