Welcome to the August Tarotscopes! Scroll down to read yours.
If you don’t feel ready for August, perhaps these tarotscopes can help you. Being alert to possible scenarios might mean you can hit the ground running and that has got to be a good thing.
Do you like the idea of being able to read tarot for yourself? You can buy our tarot deck HERE and learn to read the cards simply with the short meanings in the leaflet that comes with the deck – there’s plenty of additional help on this website as you get inspired to read more deeply – so take a look around HERE.
And don’t forget to have an awesome August!
Best wishes

Relationships could be the focus for the first and second part of the month ahead, though it may be that your emotions could just be overwhelming your thinking and confusing your path.
Generally, the Six of Cups is a card which represents regret around a past relationship that went awry and, perhaps, wishing that it could be reconciled. If this is the case for you, then try to remember that unless both parties have ‘grown’ and learned how to fix the mistakes that were made, then it is unlikely a reconciliation will work out. In terms of ’emotions’, this card could represent a feeling that you could have done something better in the past and wishing that you could go back and re-do it (possibly related to specific people). Unfortunately we can’t change history. However you could resolve that, in the future, you will not make the same mistakes again – and that, in itself, is the whole reason why we have these experiences. However, try also to remember that these ’emotional’ times will come and go so don’t let them get the better of your common sense.
If, as the Five of Cups suggests, your relationship is struggling at the moment the message from this card is to try and turn things around by focusing on all the positives this relationship brings to you, rather than all the negatives. There is absolutely a chance that things could get better. On an ’emotional’ level perhaps this card represents a feeling of loneliness, or sadness around you. Once again try to get yourself into a more positive frame of mind – reading empowering, or inspirational, authors certainly can help in these situations. At the very least, focus on something that needs your attention right now and you will find the distraction welcome.
Strength seems to endorse that these emotions are probably pretty strong. This card would stress, again, the importance of understanding your feelings/needs and channeling them in the right direction. Demanding attention, or pushing for recognition (because you have an element of power) is what you might consider your ‘strength’, the Strength card, however, advises that quiet and gentle persuasion is the best way to get results.

Early in August you may have to be very clear in your communications. The Page of Swords is a card which represents the misinterpretation/misunderstanding of what is said/heard. It may be that you have a new viewpoint in life which people around you might not understand, thus resulting in conflict. Just be very clear, and knowledgeable, about how you feel and why – when people ‘speculate’ about your words or actions you can imagine that things can be blown out of all proportion and create all sorts of friction.
In the middle of the month you may feel that a situation in your life is not ‘ideal’ – this could be anything from a difficult relationship, to a situation at work or feeling trapped in some other way. The Six of Swords suggests that although this situation cannot be sorted as yet, it can be……….in the future. You have the capacity to be patient, and understanding, at this moment in time and this is what will see you through. In the meantime look into ways of resolving this situation in the best way for you – the time will come when you will need to know how to act and what needs to be done. Stay calm and serene for now.
The Moon suggests that there may be some facts or information that you are not aware of currently; eventually this information will come to you, but, towards the end of the month, it is probably best to not make any important decisions as you might not have all the knowledge you need – decisions will be easier to make once all this becomes available to you. Be patient in the meantime, it will probably be worth the wait.

The Ten of Pentacles suggests a very good start to August, in terms of your home life and financial situation. What you have is established and secure, which is great news. Hopefully you can maintain this situation for yourself and remember that money can make money, so don’t fritter any surplus funds away. You are likely to be able to afford whatever you need to make you comfortable but this card bodes well for a very happy home life, too, as you head into August. Enjoy
The Ace of Wands represents a lot of energy around a possible new project or undertaking. It is early days yet, but the success of this project depends on the effort you put into it. Your passion and drive can help it succeed, and you may need to keep yourself motivated enough to develop this project into something more tangible and with lots of potential. If you find yourself being drawn towards an idea, or if something grabs your attention, this could be the Ace of Wands heralding an exciting new venture. It will be up to you whether you pursue it or not, or to grab the chance to create something quite amazing.
There could also be a new direction for your journey as represented by The Magician. It’s always exciting when the Magician appears because he suggests a little bit of magic coming into your life somehow. The Magician can’t tell you which direction to take, though, and he cannot tell you what you’ll find at the end of the journey, but what The Magician can tell you is that you have all the skills required to make a huge success of this next phase in your life. He also wants you to fully believe in your own ‘magic’ and abilities and to head into this next new phase with determination and confidence. He knows you can do this amazingly well and wants you to believe that too!

You may find, at the beginning of August, that you receive some sort of financial help, a gift or a bonus, according to the Six of Pentacles. This is likely to be as a result of someone else’s generosity. This is lovely, when it happens, because not only will it help on a financial level (and if you are careful it can put you on a very different financial path), it will also restore your faith in humankind. You should find yourself in a very pleasing place as a result of this help (no matter what form it takes) and have a wonderful feeling of gratitude that someone cares so much about you. Enjoy.
The Six of Cups is, generally, about feeling regret about a past relationship, and perhaps even hoping it can be restored and fixed enough to restart it. However, it is easy to look back on something and see it in a softer light because some of the actual pain you experienced does not affect you now in the same way it did in the past. Unless both parties in this relationship have developed an understanding of what went wrong and why and how to fix it, it is unlikely that it will succeed another time round. Try to be honest with yourself about why it didn’t work out, and whether you really and truly want to give it another go (assuming that that is a possibility with regard to the other person), or whether it is better to accept the lessons you learned from it and move on to a much better suited relationship.
Towards the end of the month you might find yourself feeling that you need to ‘sort out’ a situation. The Knight of Swords is a character who charges into a fight without knowing what the problem is, or, even why he is involved. He is impetuous and rash – he often finds himself embarrassed at the loss of his energy and resources because he wasn’t knowledgeable about the situation. Before you go charging into a conflict make sure you know all the information that’s needed to have a good understanding of the issue. Think about whether taking this conflict on is worth your energy, effort and resources. You might find it a wiser decision to walk away from this one.

The Seven of Pentacles indicates you may face a decision, probably to do with work or a business venture, which could, potentially, affect your financial security and stability. Reflect on your past to know what you need for the future and weigh up your priorities carefully. In these situations if you do not have a knee-jerk reaction to this situation, and think things through carefully, you will at least be able to justify your decision, should you need to, in the future. Sometimes it is necessary to admit that there are things you can manage without to help you make the best of a situation – weighing up your priorities and deciding on what you will need to have will also help you make the right decision.
The Six of Swords could indicate that you find yourself in a situation which is not ideal for you – this may be with regard to a relationship around you (not necessarily romantic), or a situation at work – but there may be little you can do about it right now. The Six of Swords brings the message that you have the ability to be patient about this, and can stay serene and calm about it for the moment. This is exactly what you need to do at this point. When the time is right everything will fall into place for you and the situation will be resolved for the best outcome for you. So, as the saying goes ‘Keep calm and carry on’ and you should be fine in the long run.
Toward the end of the month a bit of good news should come your way with regard to your financial situation. The Three of Pentacles suggests that some sort of success will come from a project or investment you have worked on – it would seem this project does have the capacity to grow in potential and now you should start seeing the results of it work in your favour. Keep putting in the effort and don’t let things slip – it is early days for this venture and plenty of work is still needed. However, things look good on this front, so make sure you make the most of this opportunity and continue to nurture it.
Read on now, Leo, because yours is the birthday star sign! Here is your extra card……

Happy Birthday whenever your birthday falls! This is what the Queen of Swords would like you to know:
She represents a highly capable person, someone with a high level of mental alacrity, great use of logic, the ability to resolve complex situations and make the most of any opportunities. She is always alert and ready to tackle any task; she relishes success, and has high expectations. She wants you to know that you have the same abilities and can have the same successes as this Queen if you use your excellent critical thinking skills. It would seem she has appeared at this time to assure you that you’ve got this – whatever ‘this’ might be. Just remember, though, that her one flaw is hiding her emotions to avoid vulnerability and pain and, so, sometimes she can appear aloof – this can isolate her and leave her feeling a little lonely. Her message is to remember to balance out the qualities that you undoubtedly have with love and understanding to maximise your success.

The Three of Swords to start the month of August, suggests that any controversy around you, if inflamed, could get much worse depending on your reaction to it. You don’t need aggravation, or pain, so try not to feel betrayed or let down by someone’s behaviour towards you – you are in control of your life not someone else. If this person hasn’t played their part the way they should have, try and accept that not everyone can achieve what they set out to do – and, sadly, that is their loss – this does not mean that you have done anything wrong. It is better for you to let this go and look after your own needs right now. The future will be holding bright things for you when you move forward from this.
For the middle of the month ahead, the Queen of Wands makes an appearance. The message with this card is positive – you can achieve anything you want to. This Queen will approach any task with passion and drive and she will learn what she needs to in order to complete it with great skill and confidence. She knows you can do the same. If you are facing a task, project or venture of any kind she knows you can make a huge success of it. Don’t be afraid to learn more about the project, and don’t doubt your own abilities – you’ve got this!
Towards the end of August, finances might be under the spotlight – the Seven of Pentacles might be suggesting that you’ll have to make some choices around how you spend your money. Weigh up your priorities carefully to avoid unnecessary waste, and aim to end the month with a little money to spare – this will make the next month a lot easier to manage, and will ensure your have better choices going forward.

Well, it appears that August could be an emotional month for you Librans. However, all of these Cups cards have a positive spin which is great news.
To start with, August should bring a complete sense of happiness and contentment around your relationships – romantic or otherwise. You may have worked hard to ensure your network of people feel loved and valued, and now you should find that you will feel the same. The Ten of Cups is a very happy and positive card which indicates that family life is established and secure – that after a time of possible worry and upset, things have settled and you can now sit back and celebrate the success of pulling all this together. Bask in the love directed towards you, now. You deserve it.
The Ace of Cups is another positive card. Generally it heralds the start of a new relationship full of joy and excitement, however it might just be a surge of energy around your emotions at the moment. This card coming straight after the Ten of Cups could represent your cup of love ‘overflowing’ – this should bring you much needed vindication, and validation, for all your hard work over the recent past. Let the love continue to flow and you’ll continue to reap the rewards for all your efforts.
The Six of Cups is generally a card which represents a ‘desire’ to reconcile a past relationship. However this card, in conjunction with the other two Cups cards, could represent a longing to repair relationships beyond your immediate family – perhaps the feelings of love the previous cards represent, suggest you can help spread the love way beyond your immediate circle. It may just represent a particular relationship that you would like to see repaired. Perhaps if both parties have learned from mistakes and are ready to fix things, it might be possible to do so.

It is possible, according to the Justice card, that you will receive a ‘decision’ of some sort with regard to an outstanding issue. This may a legal situation, a work situation or even something which will vindicate your actions in the past. This card usually means that any decision on this situation will be a positive one for you, which is really good news. Hopefully, this means you can now get on with your life and a weight can be lifted from your shoulders.
The Hierophant could indicate you need some advice – perhaps in a spiritual way, but not necessarily – because this card represents a trusted and knowledgeable, person who you can turn to for help. If you are struggling with anything – be it finances, work, personal or relationships – it is likely to really benefit you if you can find someone with with the necessary skills, or an advisory service, that can help you with your issue. It is always better to seek help than struggle alone – there is likely to be help you are not even aware of. However, if you seek this help online, make sure the information you are getting is from an honest and reputable source – it is easy to believe in anything you see on the internet these days – check out the sources behind it to ensure you are not being led down the wrong path.
The Nine of Cups is a lovely card to end this reading. It is a card which suggests that your relationships are all thriving and established. You are likely to feel that all your dreams are coming true and that you have found the commitment you wanted, above all else. This is a very positive card which validates that your hard work and love has really paid off and you will feel very happy and contented as the end of August arrives. Enjoy!

The Eight of Cups is a card which might indicate that a relationship of yours is not really working out. However, the message with this card is that there will be a much brighter future for you if you can just accept this, and start to work to heal yourself and embrace the good things to come. There is no point in trying to hold onto the past, the best thing you can do is pick yourself up and walk away from it. There are better people and things, for you, ahead. Don’t wallow in the past – it is only you that will hurt if you do so. Get moving to the new and exciting place you need to be.
If you flow with this new approach you might find it ruffles some feathers, so to speak, however, if you are very clear (and knowledgeable) about what you feel, and what you are striving for, then you are likely to avoid conflict. The Page of Swords is a card which highlights misinterpretation, or misunderstandings, that can be blown all out of proportion, so make sure everyone understands what you are trying to do and why – they will soon get used to the new you.
The Star indicates you may feel that your efforts are getting you nowhere. In the image the person is pouring water into a river – this seems a pointless thing to do. This card is about working hard and putting in a lot of effort without any gratitude or movement towards your goals. The Star in the image is about keeping your focus on what is to come – which means that regardless of how mundane your life might feel at the moment please keep working at it and hoping that you are, indeed, making a difference in some way. In other words have faith and hope – believe that what you are doing is very valuable with regard to the bigger picture – and believe that you will be validated for all that you do……and you will see the rewards when the time is right.

To start the month ahead you are likely to see signs of success in a particular project, or venture, you have undertaken, according to the Six of Wands. These signs should indicate that your project is going very well and should continue to do so if you keep up the hard work. Even people who doubted you could do this are likely to now agree that you can make a success of this, so carry on! You should feel very pleased with yourself and give yourself a pat on the back.
Even though, at times, your hard work doesn’t seem to be really getting you anywhere, you should not give up. The Star is a card which asks you to have faith in your success even though you can’t see beyond the daily grind and drudgery. Everything you are doing is of real value with regard to the ‘bigger picture’ – the picture is far too big for you to see, just yet, but have faith that, if you carry on as you are, you will at some point be shown the value of your efforts. Keep your eyes on the beauty of The Star, work hard and soon you’ll see results.
The focus, towards the end of the month is likely to be around finances. The Five of Pentacles is a card which represents the possibility of a financial change which could alter parts of your way of life. Sometimes life brings about changes that challenge us. If this should happen in August, the message from this card is to rethink your values of what you see as ‘important’ in your life. Acquiring possessions is nice but to be able to forgo them if you need to, is a valuable trait to have. In other words, some adjustment to what you consider vital in your life, to help you manage financially, will only be painful if you see them as a status symbol and that by losing them you lose ‘face’. If you have to adjust some things around you then don’t give a hoot about what other people ‘think’ – it’s more important that you can manage.

It looks as though you may be coming to the end of a particularly difficult phase for you. The Ten of Swords tends to be associated with a ‘painful ending’ – often with regard to a particular relationship. And this might be the case for you. However, my interpretation of this card is the ending of the pain – whether it is about a relationship or about a situation which has been particularly difficult for you. This should, actually, bring you a lot of relief. It is time for good things to happen. It is time to leave the pain in the past. A new cycle begins – make sure you don’t make the same mistakes and ensure that you make the most of this new phase. Put a smile on your face and make it work.
The Eight of Wands endorses this as once this painful era is over and obstacles in your path are removed, you will forge forward free of restraints. This means you are likely to have a very busy time – perhaps an even tiring time – but the great news is that you will be hugely productive too! Make the most of this passion, drive and energy around you – it could get you much further than you could possibly have hoped for!
In terms of love and relationships you might feel a bit bored, or perhaps demotivated, and not be interested in romance at all. That’s fine if you are not interested in having someone in your life, but if you are then you’ll need to wake up and start to think about how to make it a reality for you. Nothing comes without effort and if you want to be loved, you’ll need to start showing some interest for the energy to start flowing.

The Seven of Pentacles is a card which could indicate that you may have a decision to make with regard to your work, business or income. Whatever the options are, it will help you to make that decision if you understand your actual current needs and recognise your priorities, right now, which may have changed from recent times. Look to your past to examine what you have managed with, or without, and what is necessary now. You will be able to make a more informed decision, and it will be one that you should be able to justify in the future should you need to.
The Strength card, representing the middle of the month, is really about your ‘approach’ to a particular need. For instance if you feel you need some recognition for something you’ve done, or you feel you deserve a pay rise, or a promotion, then your approach to getting this resolved will be the key to success. This is about having ‘power’ and ‘strength’ in a particular way. It suggests that you can demand the outcome you desire, however, the best way to get the result you want is from gentle, but firm, persuasion. If you want a good outcome it is better to demonstrate why you deserve it, rather than pushing to have it handed to you on a plate. Be assertive not aggressive.
Relationships might be the focal point toward the end of the coming month. This is represented by the Five of Cups which is a card which suggests you feel that relationship issues can’t be resolved. This card would advise that this is not necessarily the case. If you stop focusing on all the negative aspects of the relationship, and attend to the healing that is needed, you are likely to be able to reconcile – there is still hope if you can find the love to treat the wound.

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