Welcome to the Tarotscopes for December 2017!
This is my opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas/Yuletide or any festive celebration you enjoy!
It’s hard to believe we are coming to the end of another year. It has been a strange year, on so many levels, for me. Some very sad stuff and some fantastic developments on a different front. No doubt you have all had a mixed bag of events this year too, but as ever, it makes sense to evaluate our experiences and get the best out of them that we can.
That’s where the Tarot works well, for me. It’s a wonderful tool to use to understand how, and why, some things happen to us or don’t, as the case may be.
Of course, you won’t know till December is through whether the taroscopes are accurate or not, but you might be interested in checking out whether a) last month’s were and b) to see whether the coming month’s follow on from where you were – Click Here to read November’s Tarotscopes. These tarotscopes, which are based on your star sign, and with four randomly chosen tarot cards, will represent 1 Your current situation 2 What you would like to happen this coming month 3 What you need to do to manifest this and 4 The outcome. I hope that you enjoy reading them, and if so, perhaps you will share with your friends, and please do like our page on Facebook so you can join in the chat and see my posts.
May you have a loving and joyous time this December.
Scroll down to find your star sign and tarotscope.

1 Current situation: Five of Cups
2 What you would like: King of Swords
3 What you need to do: The Fool
4 The outcome: Two of Cups
You may be struggling with a relationship at the moment, and be feeling that things will never be the same (Five of Cups). Perhaps you are feeling that things can’t be repaired, and that the relationship will be tarnished forever and there’s no way of getting over this. This may not be a romantic relationship either. It could be someone you know at home or at work, but, whichever it is, you mustn’t despair. Whilst things may seem bad, the chances are that you will feel very differently in the near future.
The King of Swords card suggests you would like to get your ‘head’ round what happened, and why. Perhaps you cannot understand what has caused this friction and you may be going round in circles (mentally speaking) trying to make sense of it all. Sometimes there is no rational answer. Sometimes people say and do extraordinary things for no apparent reason (maybe because of a build up of unrelated upsets) and we have to open our hearts to their mistakes and just forgive them (if it’s a one-off). You might not get a rational answer to the relationship issue in your case. So, what can you do?
The clue is in The Fool tarot card. Start anew. Start afresh and try to look at things in a more positive light. You must ensure that what has happened is not a recurring theme, because it is unlikely things will change in the future, if that’s the case. However, if this issue is a bolt from the blue you can afford to put it down to experience, and note it as a pitfall for future reference. Meanwhile, try and get back to the fun and excitement you felt at the start of this relationship and give it another go with full commitment.
If you do, the Two of Cups suggests a cementing of this relationship, and an indication that things will go well for you. Even though you feel hurt, this relationship is something that you need in your life, and you would miss it if you couldn’t repair it, so keep the faith and enjoy the love.

1 Current situation: Three of Swords
2 What you would like: The Empress
3 What you need to do: Six of Pentacles
4 The outcome: Eight of Pentacles
The Three of Swords suggests you may be pretty heart-broken about something at the moment. You may be feeling that the world is an awful place to be in at this moment in time. It takes a massive effort to pull ourselves out from these dark places, and it is certainly not a place you should be hanging around in. Whatever has happened may be the key to a wonderful new chapter in your life, however, so let’s look forward not back, right now.
The Empress may represent yourself as needing some nurturing, quite understandably, or it could be that you are longing for a relationship in respect to a mother/child dynamic. This is a Major Arcana tarot card which suggests that whatever you are feeling, it is hitting you with some significance. So, take a deep breath and allow yourself to find a way out of this debilitating situation………..
Perhaps it will help to look at the other things in your life which appear to be going well – the Six of Pentacles. The loss of a relationship, or something which you loved desperately, overwhelms all the other lovely things in your life that normally would have you singing. Life will certainly test us in hard ways, but if we manage these challenges in a good way, in the best way we can, we are unlikely to keep being tested in the same way. This card also suggests you will receive some sort of gift or bonus which will give you a boost and restore your faith in mankind a little. Try to focus on the positives just now, it will help time pass and give you the chance to recover.
If you can do this, the Eight of Pentacles would represent you getting into a very positive endeavour which is likely to bring more income/money into your life. It could be that the upsetting situation you have found yourself in might just be the key to the Door of Success, so keep your head above water, and your spirits high, so you can open this Door very soon!

1 Current situation: Ace of Cups
2 What you would like: Two of Pentacles
3 What you need to do: Seven of Cups
4 The outcome: King of Cups
There may be one key relationship at the moment that has the capacity to grow in some way, positively, for you this coming month, as represented by the Ace of Cups. This may not necessarily be on a romantic level (though it may well be, of course). The Ace of Cups is a lovely and uplifting card which often bodes well for new interactions with somebody that can help you in some way.
The Two of Pentacles suggests that you would like this relationship to help you in terms of money/income or to have some impact on your home life, in a material way. So, you may well be looking for a business partner or to be working with someone who can bring what you need to improve your standard of living.
In order to make a success of this relationship, and to bring out the best in it, the Seven of Cups suggests making conscious decisions about where, and in what way, to take it. In other words, you can’t just expect the other person to carry it without you contributing. It will be a two-way street and you need to be aware of what you can bring to the table so that it is a joint effort.
By actively, nurturing and working things out with this other person, the King of Cups suggests that you will be mastering the art of relationships, and suggests that it will bring some successes. But you must put your words into actions, otherwise this card could represent talking the talk, but not walking the walk. Let’s hope it will be the former not the latter, because there could be SO much to be gained from this.

1 Current situation: King of Wands
2 What you would like: Six of Wands
3 What you need to do: Seven of Pentacles
4 The outcome: Three of Wands
The coming month seems to indicate a time for really getting down to a project you are interested in. The King of Wands suggests that you are really mastering something that you have currently turned your hand to and you are managing it well, which is great news!
On from this, the Six of Wands indicates that you would like to see this project move onto the next phase, indeed, you would like to see some positive acclaim for your efforts so far. You have come pretty far with it to date, and you might well be wondering how to take it to the next and somewhat more exciting stage. As ever, in life, success does not come easy and won’t come at all without continued input and effort. Perhaps you just need to know what you need to do to make this transition, right now.
The Tarot has given you the card the Seven of Pentacles. This card represents insecurities and doubt about your abilities, and to some extent, disbelief that you could make money out of this. It may be that you are reluctant to spend more money, time and effort on this project because you do not believe it is worth it? Well, the result will not come at all unless you make sure it does – and that means keep working at it.
The Three of Wands suggests that if you believe in yourself, and carry on working towards your goal, then you will start to reap the rewards of your efforts. Indeed the Three of Wands indicates that there is substance in what you are creating – it would be a shame to see your hard work go to waste because you are afraid. In other words, keep at it and you will start to see some really splendid results!

1 Current situation: Nine of Wands
2 What you would like: Ten of Swords
3 What you need to do: Seven of Wands
4 The outcome: Three of Pentacles
Exhaustion seems to be the prevalent tone of your current situation, and the problem with this is that you could be tempted to give up just as you are about to cross the finish line. There is no success without effort and the harder you are pushed, it is hoped, the better the final outcome. So, you’re ready to drop physically perhaps, but what about mentally?
The Ten of Swords would represent a desire for all conflict to just end, right here, right now, because you have had enough and it is getting too much for you to handle. It would be understandable if you felt like running away. Life gets like that sometimes, but being stretched is a sure-fire way to test your boundaries and to see whether you have the tenacity to outlast the issues. Once last effort might be all that is needed before everything falls neatly into place. Hang on in there and let’s see if the Tarot can give you a clue as to what to do next.
Well, the Seven of Wands would indicate that there is a decision you need to make. Are you going to give up (on all that effort and hard work?) and give in? Or are you going to gird your loins like a gladiator and make the effort to turn it all around? You might do this by remembering how this all started – how excited and happy you were at the beginning. What was your original goal? The chances are you’ve already achieved that and much much, more. In other words, try to find your mojo again. Stop focusing on all the wrongs and look at how much has actually gone right.
If you can do this, the Three of Pentacles indicates that you will indeed see everything fall neatly into place, and you know what, it will be bigger and better than even you thought it could be. But that choice is in your hands…….use it or lose it. I think you’ll know what is the best decision to make.

1 Current situation: The Hanged Man
2 What you would like: The Star
3 What you need to do: The Fool
4 The outcome: The Empress
Although you may feel rather stuck in a rut at the moment (The Hanged Man), this would appear to be ending quite soon according to these tarot cards. Unusually, they are all Major Arcana cards which suggest significant things happening for you in December. From feeling like you are at a dead stop, you will find yourself forging ahead, in no uncertain terms.
At the moment you would like to think that all the tedium of your situation is somehow going to develop into something wondrous, and indeed it would seem like it might. The Star indicates that you are focusing more on the future than the right now, and whilst it makes sense in some respects, it might be that you need to be enjoying each little precious moment right now.
The Fool would indicate that you should, perhaps, energise yourself to get things moving for yourself rather than being passive now, whereas The Hanged Man would have previously advised you to just submit to your situation as it is. So, now is the time to push for what you want. Start putting plans into action and make things happen.
If you do, you will find much love and enjoyment in your mother/child relationships and you can step up to the mark in terms of that which you always wanted….perhaps that was be a Mother/Carer, a nurturer, and to play a significant role in your own life as well as in others’. This coming month should give you everything you’ve been waiting for if you get yourself going.

1 Current situation: King of Cups
2 What you would like: The Devil
3 What you need to do: Eight of Wands
4 The outcome: Queen of Pentacles
The King of Cups could be suggesting that your life is in a good place at the moment and that you have overcome some obstacles in love with serious application and discussion. This is good news but remember it is easy to talk the talk but not walk the walk. It will be important to stick to what decisions you have made to ensure good progress in your relationships.
You might, however, be wanting to get rid of some feelings of guilt or shame that are swirling round your head and which, you suspect, are stopping you from truly enjoying your current relationships. The Devil card represents feelings of shame or guilt regarding, perhaps, addictions, unsuitable behaviour whether past or ongoing. The only way to deal with this situation is to face the demon inside. It is not healthy to be worrying about something which is over and done with. If it is continuing and you want it to stop, it is down to you to stop. Only you are causing this stagnation, there are no chains holding you, you can free yourself if you wish.
Perhaps the best way to deal with this issue is to look at what you have achieved over and above what you feel you have failed in. Keep focused on the amazing qualities you have, and how far you have come recently (Eight of Wands) compared to when you were younger, and understand that life is a growing experience. You are learning day to day. You don’t have to live in the past or keep punishing yourself for your mistakes. Make the changes, and the next card will show you how you’ll benefit.
By sorting out these issues and forgiving yourself for past mistakes, you’ll find yourself in the enviable position of being able to provide everything for those that you love around you. Instead of beating yourself up you will feel competent and worthy, and as comfortable as the Queen of Pentacles, which represents the Queen who can provide absolutely everything to those that she cares for. That’s a great place to be!

1 Current situation: Queen of Pentacles
2 What you would like: Three of Wands
3 What you need to do: Ace of Wands
4 The outcome: Knight of Wands
You may well be pretty happy with your current situation right now, in terms of your home life on a material level. The Tarot card the Queen of Pentacles suggests that there is little you need to improve your lifestyle and needs, which is an enviable position to be in, indeed.
However, it may be that you would like to have something to occupy you now in terms of a project or endeavour which may have caught your interest (Three of Wands). Or it could be that you would like to find something interesting to get your teeth into. If you currently have a project on the go then it looks like it certainly has the potential to do well. If you are looking for something right now then it’s important that you are proactive in trying something out.
It would seem, according to the Ace of Wands, that there is plenty of energy around for starting or working on a project (it could be a home move, a business idea, a creative skill, or even a trip), so, now would be a great time to knuckle down, because all your skills, passion and experience are screaming to be used in something practical, new and exciting.
Getting stuck into something which will occupy your hands, and your mind, will give you a sense of excitement and adventure and take you to places you’ve never been before (metaphorically speaking), as suggested by the Knight of Wands. It’s time you had some fun and made good use of your excellent abilities, and you never know what wonderful aspects of yourself you’ll discover.

1 Current situation: Knight of Swords
2 What you would like: Nine of Wands
3 What you need to do: King of Swords
4 The outcome: Five of Wands
You may feel that you are constantly battling at the moment, whether it’s people or situations. The Knight of Swords, in tarot, represents the feeling or need to ride into battle to sort things out. However, he sometimes charges in without always considering the information at hand. So it might be that you are fighting unnecessarily at times.
The Nine of Wands suggests that you no longer want to feel exhausted with everything that’s going on; you are tired of the aggravation and lacking in the energy that’s needed to sort these things out. The Wands card might be suggesting that, maybe, you are adding fuel to the fire (the natural element for the Wands suit is Fire), and that whatever the situation, these passions and feelings are fanning the flames and adding to the problem as well as adding to your exhaustion.
Well, what to do about this? The Tarot card, the King of Swords, might be suggesting a change of tack. This might mean you would benefit by being a lot more logical about situations rather than looking at them emotionally. Clearly stepping away from the passion in these issues and by taking a clear and objective view might just be the answer. This king card could also be suggesting that there is someone else you could turn to who might be more able to handle this situation without getting too emotionally involved, and that might be a relief to you. Either way, taking a new look at the situation with clarity is likely to be the answer.
The Five of Wands indicates that this might not stop issues arising altogether, but what you will find is that the obstacles and hurdles you face can be overcome with far more ease and less angst. Hopefully, this will mean that the full blown battle stance will be replaced with a cool and calm response……just in time for the seasonal festive fun.

1 Current situation: Eight of Swords
2 What you would like: The Moon
3 What you need to do: The World
4 The outcome: Five of Wands
In the current situation the Eight of Swords suggests that you might be trapped in a situation which might mean you have to chose one person over another, and that someone will feel the pain. This could be playing on your mind and, at the very least, causing you to be a little afraid of confronting this head on.
The Moon in the ‘What you would like’ position suggests that you wish things could be clearer and much more obvious than it currently is and this might be part of the problem right now. It is hard working in the dark, so to speak, and it might be time to wait for the dawn to shed some light on the matter, before doing anything else, since you really cannot get to the nitty gritty at the moment. It would not be a good time to make any serious decisions.
However, The World, in the ‘What you need to do’ position suggests you focus, at least for a while, on what you know you are good at and what you are working on in your own reality. Things are going so well for you in this aspect that it might bring some relief to your state of mind. There is so much that is real and worthy in your life that you will really find balm for your soul. Know that your soul is on the right track and working well for you. It’s time for some self-nurturing.
Perhaps by backing away for a while you will be able to see clearly what the hurdles and obstacles are before you and this could help you to overcome them more easily. With all your experience at hand you know that confusion does not sit well with making the right decisions or help you see with clarity, therefore step out of the picture for a while so that you can see the painting properly.

1 Current situation: Page of Cups
2 What you would like: The Emperor
3 What you need to do: Three of Pentacles
4 The outcome: Nine of Pentacles
It is time for some reflection about yourself and your situation, especially in terms of relationships. Perhaps you think you are ready for a new relationship, but in reality you are not quite comfortable with, or about, yourself yet. Make sure you think carefully about who and what you want from a relationship, and most importantly be clear about your own needs first. Love yourself for what you are, first and foremost, then when you do, you will be ready.
You may feel you need someone strong to turn to, or it might be that you are happy in your own strength of mind. The Emperor represents an authority figure, and has appeared in the ‘What you would like’ position. This could be you, taking on the mantle, which you are more than capable of doing, but if not, only go to a really trusted source for any help or advice. This should be someone who’s loyalty has been tried and tested.
Having said that, the Three of Pentacles in the ‘What you need to do’ position, suggests that whatever you are currently working on is showing real signs of success, and indicates that you will shortly see some positive signs that your hard work is paying off. Maybe that will validate your own abilities and skills, and could be all that is needed to unlock the stalemate position you perceive yourself to be in. And very shortly you will recognise The Emperor within you, or you will find someone you will be able to accept as The Emperor in your life. In the meantime, pat yourself on the back and celebrate!
The Nine of Pentacles couldn’t be clearer in stating that what you are working on is very likely to bring rich rewards. This is really wonderful news, but make sure you keep putting that work in if you wish to see it manifest! It looks as though December will be a fantastic month for you.

1 Current situation: The Hanged Man
2 What you would like: Six of Pentacles
3 What you need to do: Two of Pentacles
4 The outcome: Five of Pentacles
Perhaps your patience during a recent stagnant time is going to pay off, shortly. Things may have been very slow for you just lately and you might have struggled somewhat whilst waiting it out. The best way to handle these times is to calmly submit to the situation instead of fighting it – and this is what The Hanged Man tarot card represents. The less you struggle, and the more you contemplate, the better the outcome.
What you might be looking for now is some sort of gift or bonus to restore your faith in life and mankind itself (Six of Pentacles). If this is what you need right now, you will need to kickstart the process rather than passively waiting – that time is almost over…..but clearly you need some validation of your efforts, and an improvement in your circumstances. So, what should you do?
The Two of Pentacles suggests that there could be an offer or a partnership of some sort to get you started on this road. You would be surprised to learn that many people miss out on opportunities because they just don’t see them. This, hopefully, will not happen to you. You will need to be alert for people giving you the chance of financial help, or even on a practical level that could easily set you up for an opportunity which will bring in an income. So, watch and listen carefully to people around you in the coming month.
You could find that the opportunity creates a certain amount of fear, because sometimes we are asked to take a risk and we worry about possible failure the most. But sometimes the biggest hurdle, to achieving success, is just being afraid of the unknown and not having the confidence in yourself to attain your goal. These cards seem to be saying you have a lot to gain if you keep alert, and, more importantly, if you believe in your own abilities and skills. The coming month could bring excellent opportunities for you, but you will need to be ready and willing.
End of Tarotscopes
Best wishes and Love
Patricia x
PS Our tarot deck ~ The Tarot House Deck ~ would make a lovely gift for someone . You can buy it here – please bear in mind (for countries outside the UK) it will take longer than the usual shipping time over the festive season, and it cannot be guaranteed to arrive in time for Christmas.
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