The Tarotscopes for December 2018 are written by Patricia at Simply Tarot using The Tarot House Deck.
Well, we’ve reached the final month of 2018. What a year it has been! It’s a bit hard for me to take off my bah-humbug hat and don a merry and bright one, I must admit. It has been a struggle this year on many fronts, unfortunately. I do feel, though, that there has been a shift in the Universal Energy which will bring brighter days, and excellent results – and there is still a month to see whether we will have any completion to the issues that have been dogging us this year. I certainly hope so – not just for me, but for everyone.
Our sister company Magickal Quest is growing rapidly (like my grandchildren) and both have taken quite a lot of our time. We’ve attended several excellent events at which our magickal goodies have been making a name for themselves. If we get any free time soon we’ll be adding some exciting new additions to our shop (if they don’t get sold this Saturday at our next event).
The coming month’s tarotscopes featured Pentacles cards, quite heavily, for some reason, in almost all of the tarotscopes. Maybe bonuses are due in, or hard work is paying off at last. Let’s see shall we…………….
Loving wishes for the best of everything sent to you this December, and we hope that, if you get the chance, you will enjoy the celebrations with your loved ones and have a little rest and fun time.
It feels strange to say, but you’ll hear from me again next year!!
Patricia x
Scroll down to find your star/zodiac sign and read your tarotscope for December:

Six of Cups, Queen of Pentacles, The Sun, Page of Cups
Relationships, past and present, may bring some pleasant memories and thoughts in December. Considering it is the Season of goodwill, and possibly the time many people reflect on their relationships, this isn’t surprising. But alongside the Queen of Pentacles and The Sun, the Six of Cups indicates that the coming month will bring lots of love and attention your way and a validation of all the efforts you put into the relationships around you.
These cards also suggest that everything you plan, and turn your hand to, in December will go extremely well indeed. The Queen represents someone who is more than able to provide everything that is needed for their loved ones, and someone who has all the assets necessary to host wonderful events. The Sun, also, highlights how well things will go, but it would also prompt you to acknowledge all the wonderful things you have. What is more, it will continue to shine its light on you throughout December.
The Page of Cups is also a reference to love, perhaps the desire for a new romance, or the need to take some time to reflect on your own needs, which you might find time for, over the coming month. Whilst you can clearly fulfil the needs of others (as indicated by the previous cards), this Page suggests there is perhaps a little vacuum in your own personal needs. It is so important to be clear within yourself that you are worthy of love, that you can love yourself for who and what you are, but also that believing in yourself is the first step of attracting your soulmate to you.

Strength, the Knight of Wands, The Fool, Three of Swords
December could bring a strong desire to do something different with your life. You feel ready and capable to start a new adventure. This could be inspired from some heartache you have been struggling with (Three of Swords) and perhaps you are ready to leave that pain well and truly behind.
Perhaps there is a very strong energy running within you which needs to be channelled, maybe hurt or anger. You may feel ready to fight the ‘foe’, and whilst this is perhaps something you need to do, the Strength card suggests you analyse what energy it is that is firing you up, and to channel that energy into a more self serving way. For instance you can opt for assertiveness over aggression, to not be too pushy or demanding, or perhaps persuasiveness over pride. In other words, be clever with your new found fire in the way you approach any forthcoming situations. The Knight of Wands and The Fool do, indeed, suggest new adventures, or journeys, and this is extremely exciting. Just remember that from the ‘get go’ it would make sense to ensure you avoid the pitfalls and to make the most of any new opportunities, rather than letting them go to waste. What you have learned along the way must surely help you decide what is right, and what is wrong for you, going forward in your life, so that you don’t have to suffer the pain you have experienced before. Safe journey! Enjoy!

King of Pentacles, Seven of Swords, Eight of Pentacles, The Empress
The tarotscope for December seems to indicate that you are involved in establishing some sort of financial venture. The King of Pentacles defines this and the Eight of Pentacles does show there is real opportunity through this venture. Between these two cards, the Seven of Swords might be advising some caution with regard to it, however. Perhaps you, or someone around you, is manipulating the situation – perhaps deliberately, perhaps not – so it is important to ensure there is clarity to all aspects of the finances and the approach in dealing with this opportunity. The King and the Eight would also suggest seeking out advice from someone experienced in this field, and perhaps gaining some skill or training on the matter to help grow this project.
The Empress would represent a mother/child dynamic is key in this endeavour, which on one hand is good as The Empress is the epitome of nurturing and ‘growing’ something, on the other, when this card appears, it is important to remember to not let your temper get the better of you. The Empress can sometimes be guilty of approaching situations with the attitude of ‘its my way or the highway’. Overall, with high impact cards such as The Empress, the King of Pentacles and the Eight of Pentacles, it is likely to be a success, so enjoy the experience along the way.

Ten of Pentacles, The Chariot, The Fool, Temperance
A good strong month ahead looks likely, for Cancerians, starting with the Ten of Pentacles which suggests an excellent completion of a cycle of effort, in terms of work, or home. The Ten brings a level of security and stability on a material level, so it looks like the hard work will be paying off, at last.
This being said, it is now time to ensure that the path forward is the one you wish to pursue. The Chariot suggests that control will be needed in terms of which way you wish to go, as there are chances you could be pushed and pulled by outside forces. The Fool indicates that you have set off on a new journey that fills you with excitement! Make sure that all of your previous experience comes into play so that you can avoid the pitfalls ahead and make the most of this opportunity. Keep a strong hand on the reins and your eyes, and mind, alert to avoid making any mistakes you made in the past.
There will be significant headway made this month which is wonderful news. Temperance will just remind you to keep some balance between head and heart, however, since it can be very easy to fall into a frame of mind which relies solely on logic and mental attitude. There is much more to what you are working on, and this card suggests that love and emotion should be a big part of it. In other words, don’t let your head rule your heart. Find a balance between the two and you’ll find your journey much smoother and easier to traverse.

Six of Wands, Seven of Pentacles, The Hermit, Queen of Pentacles
The Six of Wands suggests there is real evidence of success in whatever ventures or work you have a hand in, and this is a great achievement. According to the Seven of Pentacles, however, you may be faced with a decision to do with work, or a business, which could affect your stability and security in terms of finance.
It might be that the path you intended to follow has disappeared, or changed its route completely, and it is not what you expected. The Hermit indicates a period of time in which to reflect on your current needs because there is something you want which is not going to be accessible to you. These cards suggests that you might find it necessary to take some time, in the quiet, when you can look for the solutions to this quandary. There is often another, and sometimes better solution, if you open yourself to it.
It is likely that a female in your vicinity could help you out. This person has full control of their ability to provide for those around her, especially those she really cares for (the Queen of Pentacles). On the other hand, this Queen could be indicating that you rely heavily on someone else, in terms of your own success, in which case perhaps it is time to think about how you can regain some control over your own material standards. It is important to be able to make your own decisions about what you want in your life.

The Hermit, Justice, Ten of Pentacles, King of Swords
This is an interesting set of cards for December for you.
It would seem that after a period of time of not getting something you wanted or needed (The Hermit) and a period of reflection, it is likely that, in the coming month, Justice is about to be served. It might be a legal dispute which is about to be decided, or, maybe another situation, which has upset you, could be exposed in all its truth and light resulting in some sort financial gain. The Ten of Pentacles often indicates the completion of effort and hard work, over a period of time, finally paying off. Hopefully, this coming month will help you settle into a period of security on a material level. You’ve probably waited a long time for this so congratulations.
The King of Swords would now advise to keep your head clear about this situation. Make sure you are able to maintain the security by ensuring you are alert to possible issues, for example keeping a close eye on your finances, and not let them get out of hand. It might mean that you should look out for other opportunities to make the most of your money by being a bit more savvy, and making the most of, or taking up, interesting financial opportunities. In other words be a little less emotional in terms of your finances and ensure you approach your them in a logical and sensible way. That way you will make your money work much better for you.

Two of Pentacles, Seven of Pentacles, Five of Pentacles, Eight of Wands
It’s mostly about finances this December, Librans. Clearly, there are decisions, and risks, that you might have to make, or take, as we head towards the New Year.
The Two of Pentacles suggests that a partnership, in terms of finance or work, could be on offer. It could be that someone is willing to help you out by offering their physical help or possibly actual money. If this does occur don’t waste this opportunity. Never dismiss any offer of help on a financial level, these opportunities rarely happen and it is worth remembering that money can make money.
But, in addition, there is also a possibility that you will have to make a decision in terms of your income – perhaps a job offer, or something similar might surface – however, this could prompt you to consider your current work status and income, and you’ll need to weigh up your priorities in terms of any changes in your lifestyle this new offer might bring. I feel like the Five of Pentacles represents a current concern that your present commitment to your actual work/business might be causing you to consider what is right for yourself, and those around you. Bearing in mind that opportunities might be coming your way, which could possibly change the current status quo, it would certainly make sense to wait and see exactly what offers, and opportunities, are presented to you. So don’t jump into any new offers immediately. The Eight of Wands is a card of success so it is highly likely that whatever you decide to do is likely to suit you very well indeed.

Eight of Pentacles, Eight of Swords, Page of Pentacles, The Moon
The Eight of Swords cards sitting in the middle of the Eight of Pentacles and the Page of Pentacles suggests to me that you are trapped in a situation which you could free yourself from, but perhaps you are afraid to do so. The Eight of Swords represents avoiding sorting an issue which is partly of your own making, and although it is hard to break the cycle , it is likely to be less painful if you do it sooner rather than later. The Pentacles cards on either side suggest that gaining some training or skill will ultimately help to get yourself out of this problem. It could be that you feel like you are trapped because you don’t know what options are out there for you – maybe you just need to do some research or get some expert advice.
The Moon suggests that things are not really clear to you, or for you, at the moment, which won’t be helping, and there could be more information to come out, that will help you understand what you need to pursue. Perhaps the time is right to start considering what alternatives you have and what you need to do to embrace them. But The Moon would suggest it is not the right time to make major decisions just yet. It is highly likely that, when the time is right, you will be given the information you need to guide you on your journey, but until then take a look at your possible options.

The World, The Lovers, Knight of Pentacles, Page of Swords
The World card at the start of this reading suggests a very successful month coming up for you. This card indicates that all things are working well in your in life, and that you have all the necessary skills you need to get through any situation. It should be a very happy month in terms of your home, and work, life so enjoy.
The Lovers card does indicate being put into a position of having to make a choice around a relationship. The Knight of Pentacles suggests that this person is likely to be a hard working, predictable, dutiful, perhaps (in some respects) even boring person. If this person is not your partner then The Lovers would be indicating the choice of a new relationship. If it is someone you are already involved with, then it might be a decision about the future of your relationship, with them, that is in question. Whatever you decide, it is important to consider everyone’s feelings with regard to this situation, all the while being true to yourself, and equally considering your own needs.
The choice you will be asked to make might well be subjected to some sort of misinterpretation, however, in that whatever is said about this matter could be blown completely out of proportion, so it is going to need careful delivery, whatever the decision is. The Page of Swords is a card which advises to watch how words are delivered, because the particular mindset you are in might not be understood fully by the other person. It is also possible, though, that this Page indicates an immaturity, which could apply to yourself, or anyone else involved in this scenario. Therefore clarity of intention, of all concerned, is something that needs to be fully established before you decide on, or commit to, anything.

Seven of Swords, Eight of Pentacles, Five of Pentacles, The Chariot
It is possible that manipulative behaviour, or untruths, could have some sort of an impact on your material situation this coming month.
The Seven of Swords would advise to be alert to the actions, and words, of those around you, or even your yourself, in terms of your work or business, because there is a real risk of it having a direct hit on your income. It is possible that some training, or skills, course could be the focus of this manipulation (Eight of Pentacles) and that would be worth bearing this mind. The Five of Pentacles could be indicating a serious knock-on effect, of this manipulation, for your own finances, as a result. However, it might just be the fear of losing income that could promote a lack of confidence in yourself, which will not help.
The Chariot of course, would suggest that you don’t allow yourself to be pushed or pulled around at someone else’s whim. As ever, The Chariot would suggest that you take control of the situation, for better or for worse, to steer yourself to the place of your own choice. This will take some determination and strength to overcome the strong outside influences. The good news is that The Chariot indicates that this is something you are more than able to do.

The Emperor, Six of Cups, Ten of Pentacles, The Lovers
A father figure, or authoritative person, in your life seems likely to bring some positive results for you in the coming month.
The Emperor is quite a dominant force by any standards. As an enemy he is to be feared, but as an ally he can provide formidable protection. The impact of this person is likely to affect both your personal life and emotions, as well as your financial situation – helping you to greater heights, and the completion of a task which has taken a lot of work and emotion. Whilst the Six of Cups would generally represent regret over a romantic relationship that has gone awry, in this case it could indicate a certain strain in your relationship with this person in recent times. If both of you have been able to grow, and to learn how to deal with the mistakes and misunderstandings between you there is every chance the relationship will continue to work well. That is one aspect of the influence they have, the other is that this person is very likely to help you succeed in terms of your material security and stability (Ten of Pentacles). It would make sense to trust this person even if it ‘feels’ difficult at times.
The Lovers brings an opportunity in terms of romantic love or relationships. This may indicate a prospective partner coming into your orbit, or perhaps a little temptation to do something a bit ‘different’ to the norm. This could even just going ‘out’ somewhere, where there is life, merriment and the company of people you might really enjoy being with. Perhaps it is just time to let your hair down and have some fun.

Five of Wands, Nine of Wands, The Emperor, Four of Wands
It would seem that there could be a particular project which you are working on which is bringing you some problems.
The Five of Wands represents obstacles and hurdles in your path, and the Nine of Wands represents exhaustion caused by extreme hard work, and having to push yourself to the limit. It also looks like there is a pretty dominant person around you (possibly male, or at least with some very masculine energies around them) who could be pushing you to the edge regarding this project.
You may well feel at the end of your tether with all of this. However, each hurdle and obstacle can be overcome, and the Nine of Wands suggests that indeed you probably have managed them well, though it has taken its toll on your motivation and physical energy at this point. However, don’t give up now. It is likely that the pressure that’s been put upon you is likely to produce some real success.
The Four of Wands indicates that, whatever it is you have been working on, is likely to show signs, this month, that it is not only a feasible project, but that it is set on great foundations. Pat yourself on the back, and take a little time to enjoy the good news for a little while, because, if it is to grow, then you’ll need to get back to putting all your efforts in, once again, to get it to the next stage. The Four of Wands is also an indication that you now have all the tools and skills you need to keep succeeding, which is really good news. Well done.
End of tarotscopes.
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