How to Handle the Holidays!
For the Tarotscopes, this December, I was guided to use the tarot cards for advice on how to approach the month’s overload of tasks, celebrations and expectations. Whether you will be involved with many people, or none, this time of year can be painful, poignant and pressured, until it is all finished and done with, and, hopefully with the Tarot’s help, hugely successful.
When my children were young, one year I worked so hard to get everything done (I had a job too, and we had visitors) that I fell asleep at 2pm on Christmas Day (after lunch) and didn’t wake up till midnight – I had a drink, a mince pie, and went back to sleep! Let’s hope you don’t miss out on the very day you are planning for, or the people you aim to please, like I did. This Season is to celebrate, and treat yourself well for a few days.
I have a hugely varied audience for these tarotscopes so I have not referred to any particular event, as I know there are many at this time, but I wish all of you the most important things this December – Love, Happiness and peace. Enjoy, and scroll down to read your tarotscope now.
Patricia x
PS You can buy my tarot deck HERE
PPS For your information I’m on Facebook and Twitter

Positions 1: Expectations 2: Home 3: Family 4: YOU!
Expectations: Ace of Swords. Perhaps you have decided to take a different approach to the organisation of the Christmas/Holiday events this year already? Maybe you have given yourself guidelines as to what will work well, and what won’t. Perhaps you have placed limits in certain areas, or it could be that you’ve decided that ‘anything goes’ this year as you just want to have fun. In terms of Expectations, whilst you might know what you want – other people will have different expectations, and these are really beyond your control, so try to just be happy with what you have achieved without focusing too much on the responses. Some people really can’t respond the way others think they should, and this can cause disappointment – it is not intended to hurt.
Home: The Chariot. So, here we have a card advising that there really should be someone in control of the proceedings. If that’s you, then you could have different people pulling you in different directions, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time. This card is likely to be advising you to stick to a particular plan so that things don’t get chaotic, out of hand, or unreasonable – keep things clear and measured and on track. This way there is more chance of achieving the results you would like.
Family: Queen of Wands. You will be the one who everyone sees as having everything covered, and in control. This card represents someone who can turn their hand to anything and do it well. Of course you can – but to protect yourself from exhaustion, do be prepared to delegate tasks to others (no, they won’t do it as well as you do – lol) but let them get involved to ease some of the pressure – and I think you’ll be surprised how good that will feel. And it will mean everyone is included and probably more appreciative.
YOU!: Knight of Pentacles. You are either prone to checking every little detail with regard to EVERYTHING, or this is something you should do. This card advises the need to undertake all tasks with extra care and attention. So, perhaps you will need to make lists and check them twice. This will help clear your head of ‘not to be forgotten’ tasks and enjoy the month ahead. Take some time to set out all you need to do (in the calm) and make sure you keep on top of it, right until the last minute. Hopefully, then, there won’t be any ‘oh no!’ moments. Have a wonderful time, regardless, this time should be a time of togetherness and happiness not just about all the chores that need to be done.

Positions 1: Expectations 2: Home 3: Family 4: YOU!
Expectations: Five of Wands. This card indicates that you could be pretty focused on everything you consider will be a hurdle or obstacle this coming month. Whatever the issues, for you, are – whether it is money, visitors or managing events – half the battle is understanding that you do not need to worry in advance. Clearly with money, it is a practical issue – perhaps you don’t have enough money, or you have plenty – be honest about what you can afford and what you expect (if anything). Other obstacles can also be handled by being proactive, so, if you need company for example, make sure you get involved with people now and don’t leave it to the last minute. Any events you are involved with will run much more smoothly if they are well organised, and you can act with speed, if all the details are easy to find, should anything go awry.
Home: The Hanged Man. This card could indicate that whilst you feel ready to get going there is some sort of hold-up. This can be frustrating, so whilst there are certain tasks you can’t get to grips with just now, there will be other jobs that can be done. Don’t let the frustration hamper you – get creative and think about what else you can deal with so that you don’t waste your valuable time and resources.
Family: Six of Pentacles. Some sort of financial or physical help could be on offer this month. Probably, from family or those you consider as close as family. Don’t turn away help of any kind – this is the season of goodwill and people want to help. This could give you a real boost for the coming Holidays and will certainly make everything a lot more enjoyable. This card could be suggesting that there is help available if you ask – don’t be afraid – it’s what they want to do.
YOU!: King of Wands. Whether there are obstacles or not, whether you have a low key event in the Holidays, or a large robust one, this card is saying that you have all the abilities required to make it great. Your passion and enthusiasm will count for more than any material possession – your efforts will be greatly appreciated. Your time and attention is your greatest gift to anyone – and don’t neglect yourself either – put some effort into organising things that make you feel good, too.

Positions 1: Expectations 2: Home 3: Family 4: YOU!
Expectations: Page of Swords. Perhaps you are worried that someone – maybe even yourself – could say something which could create a conflict over the coming Holiday events. There is little point in worrying ahead, just try to enjoy your relationships as much as you can. However, this card could suggest that you are confused as to what to expect at all, and this is something you can fix. Perhaps just having an awareness of tensions could help lower your expectations and avoid disappointment – we can only control our own actions – however, understanding peoples’ individual issues, along with some care and attention to what is being said, is likely to help you keep any trouble at bay.
Home: The Empress. You are likely to feel that you are the one to oversee, and make the rules, about the Holiday season in your house. It’s the nurturing aspect of this card that feeds this approach. You want everything to be ‘right’ and you have plenty of experience. However there is a big difference between being capable of ensuring all is well, and being a demanding Matriarch who declares it shall be done ‘my way or the highway’. You don’t have to take charge, you can advise, contribute and deliver – everyone knows your capability and everyone wants you involved. Let that lovely, fun, approachable Matriarch join in the festivities, and not resort to the Matriarch who is prone to acting like an Empress.
Family: Four of Swords. It seems that there might have been some trauma in the recent past with regard to family which has left you feeling really upset. This month is a time which could exacerbate emotions or help soothe them, the choice is yours. Obviously, the coming Holidays could be a reminder of loved ones that are missed and, with that, feel some pain, but they could give you the rest and recuperation you need, time to build new relationships, and to try and come to terms with some of the issues which have hurt you. Soak in the beauty of bright lights and lovely colours of the Season, indulge in some treats, embrace the love and laughter which will help ease the pain. These are the things you need right now, more than any gift.
YOU!: Four of Pentacles. Perhaps this card is advising letting yourself ‘go’ a little this month. Sometimes avoiding risk is the sensible thing to do, but you can miss out on wonderful opportunities by not trying something new. Just try and be open to a new experience to try and discover the ‘you’ that is hiding deep inside – whether that’s having a dance in public, finally having a go on the karaoke, or trying a cocktail – who knows, but you’ll find out something new – and hopefully something that will bring a lot of fun and laughter. It is likely, after recent traumas, you feel a bit restricted just now, and are a bit afraid, but this might just be the right time to try out your wings again.

Positions 1: Expectations 2: Home 3: Family 4: YOU!
Expectations: The Devil. Your mindset could be trapped in a cycle of self-limiting or self-destructive thoughts which could leave you thinking that December is going to be hell. There may be good cause for you to think this way; however, this opinion is really only likely to have a negative impact on you. Perhaps it is worth trying to shake off this thought pattern and shift the balance. Free your mind from the past, to embrace the new that is likely to be coming into your life, and allow yourself to be more optimistic. There is no need to hold yourself prisoner to negative thoughts – soak up the bright lights, the cheery music and general excitable Energy around the Holiday period. You could open a new world for yourself – and make December rock!
Home: Queen of Wands. You know what you like, you know what makes you happy and you know you can turn your hand to anything and do it well. So this card is likely to be saying ‘get to it’ – brighten up your home, bring it to the standard that will please you and welcome you back every time you come home. Your home is your haven, your place of nurture and rest, and is full of the things that you love. Perhaps making it sparkle this month, in whichever creative way you like, will help you overcome any dispiritedness you might be feeling.
Family: King of Cups. For the coming month the King of Cups could be representing a partner you can turn to for help and assistance. If you don’t have a partner then this card could be offering you the advice that, for once, you can treat yourself like a King, and focus on yourself. Whichever it is, you will find that embracing the advice will help you to feel happy, loved and worthy, and that is more important than any material gift you could receive. Focus on self love, or the love within your partnership, for the upcoming Holidays and perhaps you’ll experience the true magick of the Season.
YOU!: The Empress. So, this card is reiterating that you need to have real focus on yourself. You need to nurture the adult you have become as well as your inner child. It might be that you discover you are having a baby of your own. Whichever applies you will need to take care of yourself, the control you have on your life is key, and that is what matters. With the Empress card, there is always a chance the controlling and demanding Matriarch, can emerge, so, this card could be saying just be wary of your temper if things sometimes don’t go your way. It is more likely, though, that this card is reminding you, that regardless of relationships, nurturing yourself, and the need to love and respect yourself, are massively important. Keep that focus and it will help you heal.

Positions 1: Expectations 2: Home 3: Family 4: YOU!
Expectations: Ace of Cups. From this card we could derive that your expectations – of other people – are really quite high (although it is a low numbered card in tarot, it does have a very high energy). In other words, you might expect someone else to make the Holidays a smooth event for you. The advice, then, might be to get ready for disappointment. The only actions you can control are your own. You cannot expect other people to understand, or be able to achieve, what you desire, because they simply might not be able to. OR, it could help to recognise that your own efforts will help bring the Seasonal celebrations to the standards you would like, if that’s what you need.
Home: The Chariot. Home life could be a little chaotic. Perhaps if there isn’t a common goal, or plan for all to work to, you could feel that things are pushed and pulled in different directions, creating tension. The easy solution is to come to an agreement about what is needed at home, to bring love and happiness, and all work to the same goal. Once the plan is in place this card would advise you to stick to it, otherwise you could find that things will come off track.
Family: Queen of Wands. This card could represent someone you to turn to for help because this person is reliable, able to make things happen and is incredibly capable. But, of course, it could also be the way people look at you, and have these expectations of you. Either way, this card suggests that some effort and application will be needed for a successful outcome for family gatherings. Hard work and contributing to any event doesn’t have to be a chore, it can be fun and enjoyable, as well as being an excellent time to bond. In other words what you, or anyone, can bring to the table to make this month a joyous one is invaluable and should be hugely appreciated.
YOU!: Seven of Pentacles. You could be worried about the cost of all the events over the Holiday period and wonder if it poses a risk to your financial situation. This is probably a situation that a lot of people face at this time of year. However, it will all be down to you, and the people around you, to be able to create a happy atmosphere even without money. Children and family are likely to be happier with some time, love, attention and fun with you, than material gifts and peripheral trimmings. It is the love that is important, not the cost. The smallest gift is a true expression of love but it is the nature of that gift that makes it magickal – even if that gift is your time and love and nothing else.

Positions 1: Expectations 2: Home 3: Family 4: YOU!
Expectations: Nine of Wands. This card clearly demonstrates that your expectations are that you’ll be exhausted and overwhelmed with the tasks ahead to make this month a success. If this really is the way you feel then this month is not going to be filled with joy but distress. It doesn’t have to be this way. Take some time to scale down your plans, or to delegate some of the tasks to other people around you. If you are trying to live up to other peoples’ expectations you are likely to fall short – so be honest with yourself, and them, and set out from the beginning that there is only so much you can do – either in terms of money, or of the effort expected from you. That way, the disappointment and exhaustion is tempered. Communication is the key – nobody will think any worse of you for being honest about what you can provide, and if they do, they probably have the real problem, not you.
Home: Two of Cups. This card seems to indicate that relationships in the home are what will make things magickal, or not. Perhaps you will need to ask for help rather than hoping, secretly, that your loved ones will volunteer, because even though they totally love you, they still can’t read your mind and probably won’t have a clue what needs doing around the house unless you say. A relationship is a two way street if it is successful, so speak out if you need anything done – some people are just not good at second-guessing their partner’s/family’s inner thoughts and needs.
Family: The Lovers. This card is really about having choices or making decisions about love. Perhaps this card is asking you to draw some distinct lines around what you do, and who you spend time with, this Holiday, in terms of your family. In other words you can’t be all things to all people, so perhaps this card is advising setting out a plan for who you spend time with, in what way and when. On the other hand, this card could be advising you need to choose between the larger family demands on your time, or to devote some very special time with the person you love – in whichever way you think best.
YOU!: Four of Cups. Taking too much on, that you can’t really cope with, will only cause you to be dispirited and demotivated about your personal relationship, and this will bring added pressure. The Holidays should be a time of love, thanksgiving, fun and goodwill – and rest for all of you too! – it shouldn’t be such a chore that it drains all the fun out of it. Keep it simple, keep it loving and keep it joyous. This is in your hands to do. Your loved ones want special time with you being happy, not overworked, not overwhelmed, tired and bored. Perhaps just take some time to prioritise your own needs before you commit to the demands of the Season and other people, because the effect of being ‘all things to all people’ will only really impact on you. And you are as important as anyone else.

Positions 1: Expectations 2: Home 3: Family 4: YOU!
Expectations: King of Cups. I would say that because the King is the highest card in the Suits, your expectations are probably very high – impossibly high? – because there is no higher card to go to. Also, because the card is the King of Cups, it could be interpreted that the highest expectations will be of the people around you (Cups is the suit of emotions and relationships). Obviously, lowering your expectations could help, since the only thing you can really control is your own reaction to events, and no-one else’s. If someone wakes up grumpy, or isn’t showing the level of delight or joy you believe your gifts, and effort, should bring, it will only result in one thing – upsetting you. So don’t expect too much from people, sometimes they just can’t do things the way you might, and you will probably find things work out much better than you thought they would.
Home: Nine of Cups. This card however, in terms of home (and lifestyle) indicates that all will be happy and smooth-running in terms of the way your house looks and feels, and that the overall atmosphere of the Holiday will be extremely good. This card, being a 9, would suggest that the massive effort you put in will actually be really appreciated. So just allow your efforts to ‘be’. It might be that you probably do a lot of this for your own expectations, and if you’re happy with what you’ve done then you should be proud of yourself and tell yourself ‘well done!’. Make no mistake, though, this card indicates a very happy homestead!
Family: The Devil. This card suggests to me that any adverse effects of the Holidays could come, simply, from the different way the people around you ‘think’. Everybody has their own worries, anxieties and, indeed, expectations, so if you have a mix of people around you, try to understand that you can’t please all of the people all of the time. If each of them, at some point, feels treasured and loved, have had some laughter and eaten well, then this is a huge achievement. So keep things simple. Focus on the fun and the laughter, and allow people to relax and feel safe, rather than to be perfect. And don’t be surprised if you ‘think’ some grumpy thoughts of your own, either – but you wouldn’t want that to overshadow an otherwise lovely time would you? This is your family’s safe space – that’s why they can be honest with you.
YOU!: Knight of Swords. This card couldn’t be clearer. You see yourself on your charger doing all the work, all the effort and being the driver. This Knight will often charge into a situation without listening to advice or gaining the knowledge he needs, so I think this card is advising that you should ask for, or accept, offers of help; to involve others’ needs and desires in your plans, and to communicate openly about what you want, too. It would seem that the stage is already set for a lovely December with Nine of Cups, so you don’t need to go to great lengths or unnecessary effort (and exhaust yourself with battle of it all) which could actually disrupt what is set to be a success already. Don’t forget this is a time of love, happiness, laughter and goodwill, and should be a very healing time for you all.

Positions 1: Expectations 2: Home 3: Family 4: YOU!
Expectations: Justice. This card would suggest that, for every penneth of effort you put in, you feel you should be recognised somehow. Therefore, it is quite likely that your expectations for the coming month are pretty high. The problem is, that when our expectations are high we are likely to be let down, because other people might not be able reach the levels we’ve set. If you are participating in any events over the Holidays which cost you money, time or effort, then try to lower what you expect back from people. They may have issues, they might be delighted but, for some reason, just can’t show you in the way you expect. The point is, do what you do because you love the people around you, and because you want to – and if you don’t expect huge praise for it, you’ll be happy with the love and thanks returned in the way they can give it, even if it is just an offer to wash up after dinner, or a happy little smile on their face.
HOME: The Lovers. This card is really about choices or decisions – particularly within a specific relationship. So perhaps this card is advising that you can avoid conflict, during the key events of December, by taking some time to come to an agreed plan to please you both, to decided which decisions are rigid, and which are more flexible. It might even be a good idea to write this down so that you can both see what was agreed between you (it is so easy to forget things anyway, without all the added pressure that December brings). For example, if you agree to buy each other two presents, don’t buy a third (because you thought it would be nice) because this puts your partner on the defensive and undermines their position (and vice versa) – this is a set up for a fail, so there is an absolute need to understand that certain things should be adhered to.
FAMILY: Three of Cups. This is a lovely card in terms of the family in December, because it represents a celebration of something lovely like a pregnancy, birth, engagement or marriage. It is some sign of solid commitment in terms of a relationship, of course it might not be directly linked to you but could involve someone very close to you, but it should still be something worth celebrating and a very enjoyable time.
YOU!: Ten of Cups. This card is one of the most positive cards in a tarot deck. It is a card which represents a committed and loving family, wonderful happiness, and would credit you with the tremendous effort needed to keep things together for those around you. So this card would suggest that for YOU, this coming month will bring you much love and happiness, and you should be proud of yourself. Remember that it is the feelings and emotions, that any event brings, that tend to create the memories rather than particular gifts. So, that warm and happy feeling of a secure family around you will bring much comfort at crucial times in the future – keep your focus on the love and you will see just how rich you really are.
SAGITTARIUS: Comes with extra card as it is the Birthday sign.

Positions 1: Expectations 2: Home 3: Family 4: YOU!
Expectations: The Magician. This card would suggest that you don’t know what to expect for the coming month! This is probably a good thing, as when we set our expectations too high we are likely to come a cropper in some way. You might be excited or interested in the coming month due to some change in your direction. The Magician would advise you to trust in the skills you have acquired in your journey so far, and he says you have every thing you need to succeed, but do use these skills – gained from past experiences – to guide your way through the coming month.
Home: Knight of Cups. This Knight could be indicating that a particular relationship in the home could have an influence on your home-life/lifestyle this December. It is likely to be an influence which has some immaturity, so perhaps you should understand that this influence is not necessarily fully informed, or correct, about any input they feel they deserve to have – of course they have a right to be heard, but this card represents a dreamy sort of concept rather than reality. Just be gentle with them if they can’t have their way, and they might need some guidance on what you feel is the most important thing to focus on this month. It is your experience and knowledge which will set the scene for these Holidays – as The Magician has already stated.
Family: Ten of Cups. This card is one of the most positive cards in a tarot deck, and suggests that in terms of Family all will be well. In fact, there is likely to be a real gratitude for the efforts to get you all where you are today. Hopefully, relationships will be strong, established and loving. This card suggests that this December, even with all its pressures, will bring validation to you for all your love, hard work and patience through difficult times, from those around you that love you. A happy atmosphere should prevail regardless of whether things go perfectly, or slightly awry. Enjoy – it is well deserved.
YOU!: Eight of Wands. December should also bring you a wonderful and creative time. Obstacles that have held you back until recently will be removed and you will have the passion, enthusiasm and motivation to charge full steam ahead with your own plans. This card is an indication of success and of establishing the kind of life you wanted – though there is still a way to go. But the fetters are now off – it’s time to go and get what you want. It will be hard work, in some aspects, but your efforts will be very productive and, what is more, thoroughly enjoyable!
Happy Birthday to Sagittarians – here is your Birthday Card:

The Star is telling you that your patience and efforts will be rewarded soon. You might not see it yet, but every little thing you do it part of the whole picture. When things seem tedious, and unproductive, don’t give up. Always have hope that good things will come your way. You have the patience and determination to see things through, you may even be a Star to the people around you – an inspiration, and beautiful and bright. So keep your eyes on The Star because it reflects right out of your eyes and shines on the people you love; you are a beacon to those around you. Have a wonderful birthday!

Positions 1: Expectations 2: Home 3: Family 4: YOU!
Expectations: The Hermit. You might just want to run and hide at the prospect of December, and the events it brings. Perhaps your expectations are really very low. Perhaps the best advice from this card is to take some time to set out a very simple plan for the basic needs for December, or any celebrations, and gift giving, with regard to your family/friends. There is no need to worry about the gifts (if any at all) you give, because love is the greatest and most healing gift of all. Perhaps this is what you need to focus on – just love, and happiness, rest and recuperation, and maybe you won’t feel so overwhelmed. If you can communicate this to your loved ones they will understand and help you to through this coming month.
Home: Ten of Pentacles. This is probably one of the best tarot cards you can get in terms of your home life or financial situation. Perhaps this card is advising that you can already provide what you and your family need right now. This card indicates that no matter how you feel, your situation is actually pretty good – even though it might not seem to be enough. Perhaps this card is telling you that the coming month might bring something that will make you feel happier about your financial situation. Whichever it is, December is not likely to have a negative impact on your home/lifestyle/financial situation and this is good news.
Family: Death. Events throughout the year – not just those in December – are likely to bring a certain amount of pain with regard to the family. Missing a family member is almost certainly going to be one of them, and, of course, there will be sadness. Perhaps, this year, there is a reason for you to be even sadder that something, or someone, is lost to you. However, I feel that this card could also represent a change to your family dynamic – past ways are gone, there is a new road to be travelled with those that you love. All is not lost. There will be a sunrise, a new day, there will be love and happiness and certainly new adventures. Acknowledge what hurts you, but allow that hurt to help you make decisions for a bright new future shaped by you, for you (and yours), and really, perhaps, this is the road you have been asked to take, for reasons you might not understand as yet.
YOU!: Page of Swords. Don’t believe all you hear. It will be important throughout December to be crystal clear about what you are hearing (double check what people are trying to say – it might have just been said in the wrong way) and make sure your needs are also clearly communicated – don’t suffer in silence. Perhaps people can’t give you what you need because they can’t really hear (understand) what you are saying. Don’t over complicate communications and you’ll find that things become much easier to deal with. Perhaps this card, since it is a youthful Page, is suggesting you shed some of the serious adult-ness of life and to revert to having some innocent fun and games – this might be a way of clearing the mind and bringing some much needed laughter and relief.

Positions 1: Expectations 2: Home 3: Family 4: YOU!
Expectations: King of Cups. In terms of relationships, the King of Cups suggests that you have pretty high expectations from the people around you. Or you have very high expectations of yourself to provide everything for those you love over the December Holidays, and the events it brings. The problem with high expectations is the probability of them not being reached – not because of you, but because other people may not be able to react, respond or engage in the same way you would, people are very different. Whatever you provide this December in terms of gifts, efforts or provisions, keep your expectations low – do it simply, with love and any responses will more than you expected. In terms of the high expectations you hold yourself to, it is likely that others may not have those high expectations of you, perhaps you need to be a lot more easy on yourself. Nobody would want you to burn yourself out.
Home: Nine of Wands. Like many people it is easy to get overwhelmed with all that needs to be done. If there is help to be had, use it. If you can share the load with others in a similar situation, do it. But keep things as simple as you can – for example don’t offer to do two things if only one is needed, and make that one thing extra special. The main priority will be for you to make your home cosy and the atmosphere loving for the people in your home. It is far more likely that memories and feelings of events will stay with someone far more than any gifts they get, or the food they eat. It’s the fun, the love and the laughter that provides the magick to create the real miracles at this time of the year.
Family: Ten of Pentacles. It would seem that everything will be provided for, in material terms, with regard to your family – that is safety and security, food to eat and a lovely environment, because this is what the Ten of Pentacles represents. There should be nothing to worry about, with regard to your family, financially, especially if you manage your expectations this coming month. December is set to be good in terms of finances and lifestyle, so make the most of it and enjoy. Love and laughter do not cost a penny. So at this time of the year, or, in fact at any time of the year, you can have love and laughter in abundance, in which case perhaps you are very rich indeed.
YOU!: Eight of Wands. After a long period of problems, hurdles and obstacles to your projects and endeavours, the fetters are off and you are free to pursue life the way you want to. This freedom will fire your enthusiasm and productivity which, although tiring, will be rewarded ultimately. What you are building is becoming secure and solid, though there is a little way to go yet, but so far so good, and your new found optimism will drive you further. Remember to take this attitude into the New Year; make the most of this obstacle ‘free’-dom and soon your project will be fully established.

Positions 1: Expectations 2: Home 3: Family 4: YOU!
Expectations: Ace of Swords. This Ace could be indicating that after previous years you have changed your approach to dealing with December and the events it brings. Perhaps you have already learned that too high expectations get you disappointment, perhaps you feel that any previous events have not worked out the way you expected. So, perhaps you are in a good place in terms of what to expect and have not set the levels high. Of course, life itself is trial and error, and we all learn over time. If you have not really set any expectations of the coming month, the chances are you will not be disappointed, which is a great start to December. Hopefully, this different approach will bring some interesting developments for the future.
Home: The Magician. With regard to home life or life style, it is possible that this year things have taken a different direction and things have changed. You might even find yourself wondering where the coming month will take you. The Magician advises that you have all the skills you need to succeed at anything you turn your hand to, or to embrace whichever road you choose to take, so have faith in yourself. The Magician is an exciting card to come out – especially at this time of year, when we are weary of the same old, same old – because he offers the prospect of an interesting New Year. Things will be different on some level this coming month and, whilst you might not be sure where you are heading, The Magician has appeared to reassure you.
FAMILY: The Devil. Part of the problem with this time of year – particular events, the pressure, and the expectations – is understanding that different people have different issues. Sometimes their thought patterns are in a persistant cycle, and people can feel trapped. Some will be missing loved ones, maybe feeling guilty that they did something wrong or didn’t do enough when they were here, some may feel inadequate. This time of year can make people feel very lonely too. So, this card could be asking you try to not get upset if people seem a little down, or their responses aren’t too great with regard to your efforts. What you can provide is fun, laughter and especially love – the miracle of this is that your attitude might just alter the cycle their mindset is in, and that would be a wonderful miracle as they approach a brand New Year. Perhaps that is the magick that this Season can bring: Peace, Love and Goodwill to All, and Healing for all who are suffering, simply by loving them, being kind and understanding their pain – what an amazing Seasonal gift – to set them free from their own mind – even for a few hours!
YOU!: The Star. This beautiful card represents all that you do from day to day, through weeks and months, and even, at times, when you feel that there is little point. The truth is that everything you do, does have an effect, and does matter. Each little task is part of the whole picture. Sometimes you might not be able to see where your life is heading, but you must keep hope in your heart and your eyes on The Star, because this bright light is saying there is something ahead, soon, to validate all your efforts. You may also be looked upon as a Star yourself, by those around you, who could be inspired by your dedication, patience and hard work; so the bright light from The Star is reflected from your eyes onto other people, and you become a beacon to them. And that is an amazing gift that does not cost a penny – a miracle indeed – this is the Magick of the Universe – and you are part of that Magickal Universe. Let your light shine!
End of Tarotscopes.
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