Here are the Tarotscopes for December – scroll down to find your star/zodiac sign and see what the tarot advises for the month ahead. There is also an extra card for those born under Sagittarius!
Special greetings and loving vibes sent to you all in this month of goodwill and celebrations. It’s been a tough year for so many people and sadly, deadly, for many. Please keep yourselves safe and well, and I hope you are able to enjoy the Season’s celebrations in whichever way you can.
It’s been a pretty eye-popping, jaw dropping kinda year but we’ve got this! Keep going 🙂
Patricia x

It is not surprising that in terms of the Lockdown and current restrictions for Covid 19 the Eight of Swords has appeared. This card can indicate a separation particularly with regard to relationships which could feel painful. In other ways, this card can indicate a situation that can’t be resolved the way you want it and nothing can be done other than to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and carry on as best you can. Bearing in mind we are approaching a Season where celebrating with friends and family is often the main objective, it is likely to exacerbate feelings of upset and hurt. However, if you can get through it this year then next year will be special – this situation won’t last forever.
The Six of Swords acknowledges that you can accept any situation with calm and serenity, however, which is an admirable thing. Of course it is not ideal, but you have the capacity to get through this without really causing yourself any real problems. No doubt you understand perfectly well why it is important to keep safe for your own protection as well as those you love.
The Seven of Pentacles suggests that you might be faced with a decision with regard to your current income – perhaps a change of job, whether to take a promotion or something which is likely to change your status financially – and there may be some worry about taking the chance on offer. Of course there is a possibility of things not working out, but it might be hugely successful also. Research as much as you can around this decision – try and work through all the ramifications of gains and losses – try and identify your priorities and review your previous experiences in order to reach the best conclusion as to what is right for you.
The Ace of Wands however, indicates a new venture, adventure, project or even perhaps a business opportunity coming your way. This means there will be a lot of energy available to use to get any projects underway and it is only by working on it that you will be able to discern whether it has real potential. So if something grabs your interest in December take a look at it and do some research – it might help with any decisions you have to make around your finances.

The Nine of Pentacles is a lovely card which indicates established stability on a material/financial level. In other words you are doing well in terms of your home life and income. It does acknowledge all the hard work and the obstacles that have been overcome to finally get that security and is a nod to your perseverance and efforts, so well done! You should be in a position to afford all the comforts you need to make this a happy month without having to worry.
The Wheel of Fortune is a card which suggests that one cycle is about to end and another is likely to begin. This can come, it feels, from out of nowhere but the key message of this card is how you utilise any opportunities that come your way – so be alert to offers of work, new ideas or suggestions, or even random interests that grab your attention. Sometimes we can let these chances pass without making use of them – it will be down to you to clock them and grab them while you can.
The Five of Cups is a card which, in terms of relationships, can mean a separation of some sort – in the current pandemic and the restrictions around it, this won’t come as a surprise. However, it might take some of the fun out of any seasonal celebrations this year, but do try and remember this is likely to only be for this one year. Next year, hopefully, things will be much better and there will be much to look forward to and enjoy.
If, recently, in terms of work or business, you have felt stuck in your progress, then the Eight of Wands indicates any hurdles and obstacles will fall away and open the pathway to get things moving again. This means that having felt stagnated and frustrated, you are likely to be full of energy and creativity. Things could move so fast that you are likely to be very busy but incredibly productive too. So this card is indicating significant progress towards completing your goal, which is excellent news.

There are a lot of ‘people’ cards and two Major Arcana cards in this month’s reading which is quite interesting. You might find that people around you could have substantial influence, or needs, in your life and it looks like it might be mostly in terms of emotion and relationships.
The Fool indicates a new opportunity or ‘journey’ is about to start for you. This should be an exciting month, therefore, which might get you ‘buzzing’ for possibilities for the future. Just a little heads up with this card – try not to get so carried away with excitement that you fail to notice the pitfalls and traps that could trip you up – stay alert to avoid the mistakes you made last time. That way you will make the most of this opportunity whilst you have it. Keep your eyes peeled and your wits around you whilst taking the first strides into this new adventure.
However, you should be safe in the knowledge that, just like the King of Wands, technically there is no task or undertaking that you can’t handle. If you apply yourself fully there is nothing you can’t achieve, so keep that attitude and approach for anything you are tasked with. Your previous experience will also come in handy, so, again, turn to successes in your past for ideas that worked well for you.
The Page of Cups is probably asking you to have a little time of reflection regarding any lingering pain (in terms of relationships) from the past which could possibly be holding you back in the now. To open yourself fully to love, and any new relationship you are hoping to find, it will be necessary to face those issues, accept them, put them away somewhere and believe in yourself once again. In fact this card would advise you to start to love yourself fully before you are likely to be able to commit to any relationship. So, perhaps there is a little work to be done on that front.
Temperance is the second Major Arcana card in this reading to appear. There are a number of ways this card can advise, but the key one is about putting more love and emotion into situations this coming month. If there is an issue you are dealing with, then this card would be advising going with your heart and emotional intelligence, rather than ruling with your head and logic. Temperance might also advise to take some time to stop and consider all that you’ve achieved so far. She might also suggest that you need some sort of balance in your life where things might have tilted too heavily on one side than the other. This month will be a time to stop and reflect on a few things and find a middle ground so that you can continue to progress in the right way for you.

The Queen of Pentacles is a lovely card to come out for this seasonal month of celebrations. Whilst there may be restrictions in many ways due to the current situation with Covid 19, you will still have the financial wherewithal to make yourself and those around you comfortable in all aspects. You should be in a good enough position to enjoy the holiday season despite everything and you’ll get a warm glow just for being able to afford what you need.
The Two of Pentacles, also a good card, indicates that there may be a possible partnership, or some sort of extra help, available to you on a financial level. When this kind of opportunity occurs it is best to grab it with both hand and utilise any offers that come your way to get yourself even more comfortably established in a material way – you can create a platform on which to build further. Don’t let this opportunity go to waste – these are few and far between.
The Eight of Wands suggests that after a period of hurdles and set backs, you will now be in a position to get moving again in terms of work, business or any projects you are involved in. This card indicates a period of creativity and renewed energy – it could indicate that you are likely to have a very busy but also a very productive month ahead and in a good way. It should help your progress no end.
What you may also be learning from recent experiences is that hurdles and obstacles put in front of you (Five of Wands) can be overcome despite them seeming insurmountable. If you find yourself stuck with an issue, try looking at things from a different perspective, and try different approaches, and you are likely to find you can overcome them more easily than you could possibly have imagined. It looks as though you are likely to have a positive month ahead.

The Ten of Swords is quite a dramatic card to get in a reading, but there is a certain relief in that it suggests a painful situation will be coming to an end. Of course, this can bring an element of pain or disappointment depending on what the particular situation is, however it does mean that a new cycle can begin and this is the best way to accept what has happened. The pain that this card represents is not able to hurt you any more – but you will need to look to the future with the hope and belief that the next phase in your life will be much happier and, of course, an opportunity to do things much better.
This new phase is represented by the Knight of Wands who suggests that you should be ready to get on your charger and head off on a new adventure. He will be advising that the best approach, as this new cycle begins, is to get out there and be proactive. Don’t just settle for things as they are but to really make it a quest to search for what is best for you. This life is not a rehearsal, it is happening now, and now is the time to go and get it.
The Eight of Pentacles might be advising that some sort of training, or a course, will help develop your current skill set and might just be what is needed to get you earning more money, and establishing a really secure and stable way of life. It doesn’t have to be any heavy educational task, just something that enhances what you are already good at – because it will bring some good opportunities to your door.
You might find that, with the advancement of this new phase, your perspective on life might change, and it is possible that you may not be able to express your needs in the right way. The Page of Swords is a card which indicates that your words or actions could be taken out of context and this could cause upset and hurt at times. This can be avoided by not speaking haphazardly about a subject you are not sure about, so take care with your words, and be sure that what you are saying is not only the truth, but as clear as day, so that there is no chance that your words can be misunderstood, or misinterpreted.

So what really is holding you back? Are you feeling trapped with no escape? The Devil card is one which asks you to face any unhealthy obsessions, or practices, that make you feel ashamed and guilty. These behaviours can, in turn, can make us feel unworthy, helpless and unlovable – and this feeds the perception of feeling trapped. The Devil asks you to face the truth about what is stopping you from moving, from progressing – perhaps it is physical addictions of some type, or perhaps feeling ashamed of past behaviours, or even believing that you’ve made irreparable mistakes. To be human is to err. Everyone makes mistakes – it is easy to look back and say I should done this, that or something else. We can’t change the past but we can learn from past mistakes. If we have unhealthy obsessions they can be overcome with effort. However, the person in charge of your mind, and your life, is not The Devil it is you – only you can make the changes. Perhaps there is something that needs to be tackled before you can start to attain your goals.
Identifying the issues that hold you back are also highlighted by the Page of Cups. This card suggests that pain from past relationships could be preventing you from achieving a successful relationship in the now. This card asks you to try and address any pain, accept that it is past, and put it away. Learn to love yourself as you are because this is the way you are likely to attract the love you want.
The third card is the Ace of Swords which is a card which brings energy around a new way at looking at, or approaching, life. Perhaps this energy will fuel a desire to make some changes to way you currently believe you should live your life. Perhaps you feel you should find an alternative to the rules or tenets you have always been encouraged to believe, or follow, but make sure you don’t turn to the first thing that appeals and follow it blindly – do research into it, and seek both pros and cons to get the full picture.
Finally, The Chariot card suggests that you could be pushed and pulled in different directions by people or events. This could be stopping you from getting where you really want to be. This card advises you to decide on what you want out of life, and then to stick to your goal come what may, and steer yourself in the direction YOU want to go. This way you will not be diverted by other peoples’ own desires and distracting actions. You need to be in control of your own journey.

The Seven of Swords is a card which highlights a situation where dishonesty or manipulation might be at play. It might not necessarily be someone else; it is possible that it could be you who considers not being quite honest with the truth – for what might seem to be a good motive – like a white lie for instance. Whilst this might be done with good intentions, and we have all done it ourselves, there are times when this is absolutely not the thing to do. The advice from this card is to be careful about how you are approaching something and whether you are manipulating reality to work things in your favour. So save face by not being tempted to twist the truth for something that probably won’t work anyway.
The Six of Wands is a more positive card which indicates there will be significant success with regard to something you have been working on. This success will show even those who doubted you and your abilities that you were more than capable of delivering what you promised. This will be very rewarding and pleasing for you – so well done! Give yourself a pat on the back and keep up the good work.
This month may be a period of time when little progress can be made with regard to a particular issue. No amount of prodding or nudging things along is going to help and the best approach is to accept that things will start happening, when the time is right, and everything will fall into place then. Just submit yourself to patience since the only one who will suffer is you if you rage against the situation. Relax into it and you’ll find that you will come out of this with a new perspective, and understanding, and it will become clear why you had to wait.
The Four of Cups is a little heads up about finding yourself in a bored, and unenthusiastic, frame of mind regarding your relationships. It is easy to get into the habit at noticing all the faults instead of clocking all the lovely interludes that happen between you and your loved ones. Try to remember to appreciate the good aspects of your partnerships and this will help you avoid getting into an unnecessary ‘funk’ about unimportant things.

The Seven of Pentacles suggests that you may have to make a decision which could have an impact on your financial situation – this may cause you to wonder what is the best thing to do. This card advises to call on your experience to weigh up what has worked in the past and what didn’t; also review your priorities – what can you manage with/without and what you can’t. This should help you make an informed decision with regard to this issue and help you to justify this decision in the future, which is always a good thing.
The Ace of Swords indicates that you could be looking for a different way to live your life or make sense of it . Perhaps the tenets you’ve always lived by don’t really work for you anymore and you need something to help you navigate your way through this phase of your life. If your interest is awakened by a particular belief (religious or otherwise) then make sure you get as much truthful information on it as possible. A new way of thinking, or approach to life, could cause some conflict within current relationships as partners might not understand why you think or behave differently to the way you did before. You will have to know your stuff to adequately explain the way you feel and for them to understand this new you.
The Two of Pentacles is an interesting card which indicates that an offer of help might be available soon – either in terms of money or practical help. These opportunities don’t often arise and, particularly if you are struggling right now, any help should be grabbed with both hands. This would be a great opportunity to really start to get your finances under control.
Things might not feel ideal for you right now, whether it is to do with money or relationships, or even just your general situation. The Six of Swords shows that you are able to cope extremely well and stay calm and serene which is a truly admirable quality. Stay this way and you’ll find that soon enough things could be on the change, and by keeping your cool you are actually preventing things getting worse – which is really the best way to manage things right now.

It’s possible you will be given a monetary boost in some way – perhaps a loan or a gift which could really help your finances. This not only restores your faith in humankind but should really make a significant difference in terms of the way your material/home can be managed – a relief to you all round. Make the most of this opportunity because they don’t come around often!
Temperance is asking you to stop for a while – get off the treadmill – and try to find some balance. Often this card refers to bringing more emotion/love to a situation rather than dealing with something in a truly logical manner. Perhaps just now you need to give yourself (or someone around you) a little love. Balance between work and home, spirit and real life, head and heart is needed to help you stay grounded and focused. Take some time out to pamper yourself – think, also, about all you have managed to do so far, how many things you got right and recognise your own hard work and sacrifices. You deserve to give yourself a pat on the back, and try to accept that your input to this world is valued and important.
The last two cards in the reading are both Kings. The Kings represent a certain level of mastery or understanding in their particular suits. The King of Cups could be suggesting that you’ve got a handle on your current relationships, however, it might be worth thinking about opening your heart a little to the chances of new love or new relationships. The King of Pentacles is advising you are more than capable of managing your finances and providing for those you love. This King would advise that if you do get a gift or loan as mentioned above then you should be able to maximise its value and make it really work for you. He knows you won’t waste it – but he is advising that managed carefully it could set you up for the future.
Now read on, because Sagittarius is the birthday sign and you get an extra card with some extra tarot info!
Happy Birthday! Here is your Birthday Tarot Card:

It’s the King of Pentacles again! What does he want to tell you now? Well, he would say well done for holding it all together at work and at home. He knows you can make your money grow. He would say you are extremely capable, wise, enterprising and a very hard worker. Anyone with the skills of the King of Pentacles will get things right. They learn from their experiences and will look for ways to make their money go further. They will also be successful in any work they do, or projects they undertake. They can also cut through the distractions and emotions in life to keep things real and on track. This card says that you’ve got it sussed and things will only get better because you have the know-how. Well done! You don’t need luck – you will make it with your own fair hands.

Work-wise, or in terms of any projects you have in hand, it seems you will get signs that things are going really well. The Four of Wands is a card which indicates that all your effort and hard work is starting to pay off. Whatever you have been working on is established and now has firm foundations that are ready to build on. This is a very positive card and it suggests you give yourself a pat on the back. Whilst you can enjoy this success for a little while you should remember to get back to it pretty soon so that you can continue to succeed. Don’t stop working on it altogether.
In terms of finances, the Seven of Pentacles suggests you may be faced with a decision which you feel could impact your current situation. This happens from time to time, but to help with this decision look back on your previous life/work experience for examples of what worked well for you and what didn’t. Also, it will be important to get the priorities in order – what are the most important things that must be protected, what can you manage with/without, so that any decision will be the best one and can be justified in the future.
The Queen of Cups has appeared to remind you of your emotional capabilities. Sometimes, situations need clarity of mind, knowledge and logic to be navigated successfully, but this Queen suggests that, at least for this coming month, love and emotion will be the best recourse. She might also be advising to take some time out to treat yourself and give yourself a little bit of love and attention.
The Six of Swords indicates that, in one area of your life, things are a bit difficult. However, this card suggests that you are coping with it really well because you are able to keep calm and carry on with day-to-day issues and keep things rolling. Perhaps this situation will not be cleared up this coming month, but this tarot card is likely to be encouraging you to keep it this way as there is not much else you can do about it right now. In staying calm you are preventing the situation from getting worse and that is a good thing. It will sort itself out in time.

The Page of Cups is likely to be advising that you – or a young person around you – need some personal time and attention. The psyche can get stuck in the wrong place sometimes, and this card might be advising that some pain with regard to a particular partnership might need to be addressed, dealt with, and put away. This is so that the future is not damaged by pain from the past. A time of reflection is needed and there is a need to face some honest truths about pain and definitely a need to learn to love oneself; this is key to being able to live in peace and, if you want it – to be able to find love again.
In terms of work or business, the Three of Pentacles suggests that there will be definite signs of success which will boost your income and your confidence. There is still a way to go, but this card says there will be clear signs that things are looking up and going well. Enjoy, and keep up the hard work.
The Knight of Swords indicates that you could find yourself itching to get up and go. You might be feeling that there is so much you could be doing. You might even feel that there is an issue which you feel must be tackled and that it is your job to do it. Before you commit to any such venture, make sure you know what it is all about. Research, and get informed, because the key advice from this Knight is that he sometimes charges into situations as a knee-jerk reaction and not because he truly knows what he’s doing. He often engages in conflict and loses out because he’s spent his energy on a lost cause. Just choose your battles wisely.
The Page of Swords is a card which advises care in how you verbalise your thoughts, or opinions, as they might be taken out of context, misunderstood or misinterpreted. Be really clear about what you are saying and rephrase it if you feel you must. This card might, however, be representing someone else who is not clear in their communications with you – it could be a mistake or it could be deliberate – and the only way you can know for sure is to ask for clarification if there is anything that doesn’t feel right with you – there is nothing wrong with trying to keep things clear and honest.

What can I say about these cards? I have rarely seen such a group of positive card in one reading!
Three positive Pentacles cards indicate that money should not be a problem at all this month! The Nine of Pentacles advises that through effort and application you are likely to have got to a stage in life where you can afford the comforts of life, and a secure home for you and your loved ones. Things are going very well now and your financial situation looks stable and secure. A lovely celebratory card – congratulations.
The Six of Pentacles suggests there may be a gift or loan on its way to you which could come as a surprise. This will restore your faith in humankind and bring a warm glow to your heart. Of course this doesn’t happen very often and so it will be important to make good use of it when it arrives. It will just add to the excellent situation you are in right now and help secure your future – use it wisely.
The Two of Pentacles is also a positive card which indicates that there could be some sort of partnership, or offer of help, also presented to you. Again, these opportunities are few and far between and its use should be maximised. With this additional help – in whichever form it takes (money or some sort of practical help) – you could have another chance to really establish an enduring stability in home and income. Don’t waste it.
And, finally, this is one of the most positive cards in a tarot deck. The Ten of Cups represents established and loving relationships around you. It represents complete contentment in love and, often, is a card which is considered lucky. In other words, things are overflowing with happiness and joy all around you – and it is probably because of all the effort you have put in, and the sacrifices you have made over time, which has finally got you to this wonderful place. Congratulations, and enjoy it to the full, especially at the end of this particularly difficult year. Make sure you really do celebrate the good times.
End of Tarotscopes.
ThankYou for an insightful reading
You are very welcome Iya – thank you for letting me know you appreciate the work 🙂 Best wishes, Patricia.