Scroll down to read your Tarotscopes for December!

Hello! Wishing you all love and peace as we finish the year!
I hope you enjoy this month’s tarotscopes and you find them helpful. Please feel free to share them with friends and family. Enjoy the upcoming celebrations as we head towards the New Year!
Stay happy and healthy 🤍
Patricia x

Three Major Arcana cards indicate there could be some significant happenings for you this coming month.
Initially, you may feel that something is not progressing as you would hope with regard to a particular situation and you might feel you want to push to make something happen. The Hanged Man is a card which advises submitting to it, as, the more you push for a result, more issues might arise for you. Let it be, for now, and allow the Universe to line things up so that the outcome works best for you at the right time for you. Occupy yourself with the myriad other things you can be sorting in the meantime. Before you know it all will be completed and you’ll be ready to roll!
This is endorsed by The Sun card since this is a very positive card and so, it would seem, that everything should fall in to place nicely. You could find yourself feeling very happy and contented with life in general – remember to show your gratitude for all the good things that come your way – and enjoy this time. It is also considered to be a lucky time, so, whilst The Sun is shining its nourishing light on you, it might be a good time to try out new ideas that you’ve had, to have a go at a new hobby, or just get creative, as there is a high likelihood of any endeavour you undertake being successful. This card indicates a lovely time, for you, in December.
The Emperor is a strong card in that it suggests that there is someone very influential around you who could help in some way, or it could represent you and the excellent achievements, assets or abilities that you possess. If you need help in any way – don’t be afraid to ask for it. The Emperor should appear in the form of a father-figure, a manager or supervisor or any successful person you feel you can turn to and trust. If The Emperor represents you then make the most of this time to utilise your ability to get something important finalised, or do what you can for someone that turns to you for help. Either way, it is only likely to be short time that The Emperor’s influence can be used – so don’t miss this out on this opportunity.
In addition, the Queen of Wands has appeared to remind you of your own very apt ability to take on new tasks and do them well – this Queen is the ultimate ‘hands-on’ success story – there is nothing she won’t try and she always succeeds. This card would suggest you approach the coming month with a strong ‘can do’ attitude. You may be surprised at what you can achieve if you just have a go at it! Everything is set for you to be given a lot of excellent energies, so don’t waste them.

These are very positive cards for December. Very early into the month you should see that you have gained a significant achievement in some way. You might get signs of success in a particular project, or with regard to your work/business, it might be that you make significant headway in plans for the future, or something which could involve ‘movement’ of some kind (like moving house or travel). Whatever it is you will be delighted at this significant development – and you should be proud because even the people who doubted your ability to do this will see how far you have come.
To reach higher scales of income, or standard of living, the Eight of Pentacles advises adding to your skill-set – this doesn’t have to be a full-blown qualification (though you might be ready to do this) you might just need to learn something new relevant to your current work, or even just update your knowledge, by doing so you are likely to open the door to the next level of progression – by making the effort to learn something new you are helping to kickstart the upward trajectory of more success.
The Moon is a card which indicates that, in another matter, all is not clear just yet – there is information you need before you can be sure of the right direction to take. Since The Moon suggests there is still more information to come, this card advises you to not make any big decisions around this particular situation just yet – there is likely to be more that needs to be taken into account for the best result for you. This will become clear in time when everything is aligned to bring you the best outcome, so be patient and keep your own counsel for the time being.
The Sun is one of the most positive cards in a tarot deck, and a lovely card to get in a tarot reading. It indicates a wonderful time for you when all things should go incredibly well. You’ll feel happy and contented with life, and it will be important to show your gratitude for the wonderful things you have to attract more of the same excellent energy. It will also be a good time to try out new ideas and skills, as The Sun, with its nourishing light, will bless everything you try your hand at. Enjoy and use this amazing energy whilst it is around you!

These two Knight cards starting off the reading couldn’t be more opposite each other. The Knight of Swords charges into action without learning about the issue at hand – he fights first and asks questions later and often finds himself looking foolish having used useful resources and energy for no reason. He is impulsive and combative. The Knight of Pentacles approaches everything with knowledge and pays full attention to the minute details – even to the point of being boring. He is however, loyal, dependable and very successful! It is possible that these two Knights could represent your differing approaches to certain situations and that in some areas it might be good to avoid being feisty like the Knight of Swords – especially in December. The fact that the Knight of Pentacles is so successful, by paying attention to the detail, could be endorsing that any particular situation needs to be handled carefully, establishing what is the truth and understanding every detail of the matter. So, if any difficult situations arise in December take a deep breath and listen to what is being said carefully, take time to think out the pros and cons and be able to justify why you took any specific actions to deal with it. However, these two Knights might just be indicating a lot of ‘movement’ in December and could be suggesting that you might have to act quickly (Knight of Swords) but carefully (Knight of Pentacles) with regard to any important situations or events – by doing so you should successfully emerge from the month with the best outcome possible.
The Lovers is a card which suggests there are choices, or decisions, to be made with respect to the love in your life. This may be with regard to a romantic relationship in your life, but it might also be with regard to any strong relationships you are emotionally involved in. The main message of this card is to consider everyone involved in the situation, and try to make decisions that minimises the hurt that others might feel. Life can be tough, sometimes, and decisions do have to be made – however, people are more understanding when they know why you have made this decision and why it was important to you to make this choice. Try not to make it a ‘blame’ game but more that you are having to do what is right for you at this time.
The Four of Pentacles indicates that in terms of money you are doing alright. You might not have reached your goal yet and you may have some worries about the future (at times). However, the main message of this card is to not to cling to what you think is a ‘safe’ option in terms of money. It is right to be careful and cautious with money, of course, however it is also important to occasionally take a risk…… the chance to make a significant improvement in your financial situation could pass you by. Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone to see what amazing adventures you can have, and it’s possible that making a bold move could kickstart the chance to get some bold rewards.

Initially, in December, there may be a conflict that needs to be dealt with. You may not want to face this head on and might try to avoid dealing with it, however, the Two of Swords advises that, if you just get more information/knowledge on the matter you will find a way to deal with it more easily. It will be much better to get this sorted earlier, rather than later. Once you have a good look at this issue you will feel more confident and you’ll get it sorted much more easily than you thought.
If you have been feeling an attraction to someone just recently it could possibly cement into a proper relationship this coming month. The Two of Cups represents the first level of commitment of two people. This should be a pleasant time, full of excitement for a budding relationship and lots of fun just in time for the partying season. Don’t forget that a relationship needs to be nurtured by both partners if it is to flourish – it is still early days – but do enjoy the amazing feeling that a new relationship can bring. Enjoy. The Two of Cups is a very positive and happy card.
At sometime during December the Wheel of Fortune may turn and take you by surprise. This can be an exciting thing to happen – especially if you have found yourself in a rut, or not enjoying life at the moment – because the Wheel of Fortune can bring about wonderful new opportunities for you. As ever, though, the opportunities might be laid at your feet…..but it will be up to you to recognise them as such and, more importantly, to act on them. These chances can be whisked off as quickly as they are presented to you, so stay alert and be ready to grab them – look for signs and clues, and if anything grabs your attention then go ahead and explore it – if you don’t, you might well miss out something amazing. Be ready to act.
The Eight of Swords can be a sombre card in many ways, in that it usually represents a situation in which you feel trapped – and that you can’t face making the decision that will free you up. In terms of this reading I feel this card represents more heading towards the ‘end’ of a cycle. Just as we are nearly at the end of the year, you could be approaching the ‘end’ of a difficult or painful time. This should actually make you feel better – in that when one ‘phase’ ends another can begin – and there’s a great chance that a new phase could be amazing. If this situation has been holding you back it needs to be cleared away if you want a bright new future and remember to keep your eyes on your future not the past.

You may get some indication that a new job, or business venture, is going very well and that it could have great potential, financially, in the future. Whilst this is pleasing for you, it will be important to continue to work at it because it is still in its infancy and has a way to go. If you stop applying yourself to this venture now it could easily wither on the vine – the message of this card (Three of Pentacles) is to keep up the good work so that it can continue to grow and make that potential a reality – it is down to you.
The Three of Wands is also a card which suggests there will be signs of success with regard to a particular venture or project (again this could be work or business related). This card is advising that the structure and foundation you have laid so far certainly looks strong enough to continue building on. To have both these cards come first in the reading, side by side, indicates that whatever you are working on should be given your full attention, because the financial implication is very positive indeed.
The King of Cups may have appeared to alert you to your love life. Often when the King of Cups appears the message is that, whilst you may feel you are handling things very well, and that you are confident and committed, unfortunately others might not feel that that is necessarily so. In other words, whilst you may feel you are engaging very well in your relationships, in truth you might be slightly missing the mark and might not be committing to it the way your partner hopes you will. It is not what you are saying/thinking that is important, but more to how you are acting – the King of Cups avoids engaging in relationships for fear of getting hurt again and so this might be something that needs your consideration.
The Hermit card suggests that you might need some time for ‘yourself’ to figure some things out. Often we can lose sight of our aims and goals with the distraction of humdrum life, and the people/events that need our attention. There are times when we need to delve deep within ourselves to find our own light that has dimmed, to reignite it and bring it out for all to see. The Hermit represents a beacon of light for lost wanderers to help them get back on the right path. This is about finding the ‘one’ thing that makes you tick – and to find out where you want to go and why – it’s just allowing yourself some time to find out for yourself again.

The two Aces indicate a lot of energy around finances (Ace of Pentacles) and emotion or love (Ace of Cups). This means that there is likely to be a new opportunity around a job, promotion or business idea that could have a lot of potential for the future if you take it up and work on it. In terms of love/emotion usually this card is very positive – it might be a new romance catching your interest or just the beginning of a happy time for an emotional reason. Both cards suggest things could be on the change for you – in the nicest possible way.
Now, watch out for your own attitude……….because it may mean you talk yourself out of having anything pleasant happening to you. The Devil is a card which represents your mindset holding you prisoner. Thoughts of guilt, unworthiness or shame (because of addictions or similar) can hold you down. In this frame of mind it is easier to convince yourself its not worth going for promotions or trying new ideas because of lack of worthiness, or confidence. Also, negative thoughts can attract negative energy and so you might get stuck in a never ending cycle. Whatever you consider to be your flaws or fault are the same things most people will feel at some point. Guilt for past mistakes or wrong decisions are common. Addictions can be brought under control. You can forgive yourself and allow yourself to enjoy life again having learned lessons from past mistakes – just don’t let them spoil your future too. Change your mindset, and attitude, and have a go at breaking the cycle. Go for promotion, go get that job – go and enjoy some romance. It is not the Devil holding you prisoner it is your own mind and your own ego – you can change that any moment of any day.
The Page of Swords has the message to be careful in communications you give out or, in fact, receive. Sometimes things can be mis-said or misinterpreted and it is only because of naivety, or incomplete knowledge, and not through bad intent. Be clear that people understand your true meanings in communications this coming month and, if you are not fully sure of what somebody has said to you, then don’t be afraid to ask them to clarify the facts for you – it will make life very much easier.

The Four of Wands is a card which suggests that you will see that your dedication and hard work is starting to pay off. You can take a moment to relax and appreciate your successes before forging ahead again. You have created a firm foundation in your ventures and you have all the support and tools you need to keep succeeding. If you continue to apply yourself in the future in the way you have so far, the way forward is likely to be easier than of late – most of the really difficult work has been done – it is just a matter of building on that now.
The King of Swords is likely to represent the ‘attitude’ needed in the coming month – keep your mind clear and alert – think things through carefully and don’t allow emotion to cloud your judgement. This King uses his clever mind and knowledge to navigate through life and he is very successful. However, because he doesn’t ‘do’ emotion very well he can often come across as harsh and uncaring – this is not a good look. So, whilst it is important to work logically and carefully, try not to lose your heart totally when dealing with others – understanding and empathy go a long way. However, this card could represent someone around you who could be represented by this card. The same message applies – they might bring sense and knowledge to a situation but the delivery might not be as considerate as you might hope.
You are likely to be standing at a crossroads (metaphorically speaking). A new direction is on the cards for you, as represented by The Magician. He does not tell you where the new road will take you and you will have to deal with whatever you encounter on the road you choose to take. The Magician’s message is to be confident in your abilities, though, because he is letting you know that you have all the skills you need to make a success of this new path. Take you past experiences with you so that you don’t make the same mistakes, be kind along the way, make good use of your money and apply yourself as you always have done to this new journey. Who knows where it will take you but it is an exciting new adventure.
There will be a lot of energy around a new opportunity around home or finances this coming month. The Ace of Pentacles usually represents a new source of finance being made available – it could be a new job, a hobby that has earning potential, a promotion or anything which might give you the chance to make your finances work so much better for you. It is not often that these opportunities arrive, so ensure that you grab it with both hands and work it to its full potential. Enjoy.

The Tower can bring changes which, at times, can be shocking in their impact and leave us reeling. Sometimes The Tower is like a reset button which is less harsh and quite often much needed in order to make a fresh start. However, the main message with this card is that, despite any changes it brings, The Tower can be seen as a catalyst for better things. Regardless of what those changes are – whether it is the end of a romance, having to move house, being given a different job – The Tower reassures you that this is a new chance and this time you can make things so much better and much more enduring for the future. It is a chance to get things right.
The Strength card’s message is to be aware of your own feelings – particularly anger or upset – and being ready to channel those high energies into more controlled methods of dealing with them. In other words you can demand and shout out your needs and be aggressive about getting what you want – this card says this king of behaviour will not get you anywhere. To succeed in getting your needs addressed (no matter what they are) a more gentle, persistent approach will work much better.
The Nine of Pentacles is a very positive card in terms of your finances, or your material situation at home. This card represents having all that you need to be comfortable and to provide for yourself and those that depend on you. You are likely to have reached a pretty enviable state in terms of your income, and what you can afford to get out of life. This is great news and, of course, the message is to continue to look after your money – because money can make money…….but it is also pretty easy to fritter it all away…….which, of course, you won’t do. The Nine of Pentacles does suggest that this isn’t just a temporary phase though – it looks as though your situation is established and should continue for the foreseeable future.
A new adventure – or new venture of some kind – could be about to begin. The Ace of Wands is a card which brings a lot of energy around projects, business ventures, hobbies, house moves or even trips abroad. It is suggesting that a new project is a possibility though it is likely to just be a thought or an idea right now. Pay attention to what grabs your attention in December because it might be this new venture – and, with a little endeavour, research and application it could bring a whole new dynamic to your life.

The Two and Three of Pentacles indicate a slight increase in your income, hopefully, in December. The Two of Pentacles represents some sort of partnership on offer to you with regard to work or finances – this could be someone offering financial assistance in some way, or a joint effort that will increase your chances of money coming in. The Three of Pentacles would represent the progression upward in terms of this new project. Bit by bit things are improving on the financial front for you. It is still early days for full financial independence but if you continue in the way you have been doing, and you keep up the effort then you should really start to see things develop further. Keep it up.
The Knight of Swords represents a conflict which you may feel you should ‘charge’ in and sort out. This Knight, however, does so each time without finding out about the issues, or understanding what is needed in each particular conflict. Before you decide to engage with this challenge it really would be worth checking out the situation first and whether, in fact, it will be a waste of your time, and effort, if you engage with it. Walk away if you can – if you can’t then make sure you know what you are dealing with and approach it gently and confidently.
The Ten of Swords heralds the end of a difficult and possible painful phase for you. This is likely to bring a lot of relief in many ways, since it is likely to have taken a lot out of you. Perhaps this phase has left you weakened, bruised and scarred but now you should be able to move forward and take each day as it comes to build up your strength and resilience again. You must take time to heal, to feel more comfortable, and hopefully you’ll soon start looking forward to a much better stage in life for you.
Sagittarius is the birthday sign this month, so read on ……….because you have another card for your birthday. Birthday Blessings to you all – regardless of whether your birthday has already been and gone or whether you have it to look forward to!
Your extra ‘Birthday’ card is:

The Empress is a wonderful card for your birthday because it simply validates your amazing existence. This is the ultimate card of nurturing and love. This card would indicate that you are caring, approachable, more than capable, lovable and powerful. See how, in the image, The Empress has laid her sceptre on the ground to embrace nature – power is useful to her but she is loving and kind to all things and she doesn’t need to always use her ‘power’. She is carrying a baby – this may indicate a pregnancy for you, but if this is not possible then her situation could indicate that new beginnings are likely to happen for you soon. The Empress is serene, calm and fully in control of her life and she is balanced. This card wants you to know that there is nothing you can’t attempt, you are likely to have an energy so strong, and nurturing, that everyone can see it except you and perhaps you need to realise how important you are to others. The Empress represents you and your qualities – may your year ahead bring all the things in life an Empress would expect and deserve – because you are indeed worth it!

The Emperor represents a strong character with influence and power. Sometimes The Emperor can represent a powerful father figure or person of authority in your life – sometimes they are incredibly helpful and useful but sometimes they might be somewhat overwhelming or demanding. If this is someone around you, and they are your ally, they may be able to help you in some way during the coming month – but don’t delay in asking for their help since they may not be in a position to do so in the future. If this card represents someone who is more of a foe than a friend then ensure that you find a way to avoid contact in the coming month if you can. However, The Emperor could also have appeared to represent you – in which case, you might be asked to help someone – hopefully your influence will have a good impact.
You may find yourself feeling a little rueful about your relationships (Six of Cups) – you may think that in times past things were so different – and maybe so much better. However, relationships will work, or not, as the case may be – looking back through rose-tinted spectacles makes things look so much better than they were in reality. As a relationship grows things must always move on, often with some difficulties along the way. These difficulties play a crucial part in a partnership and can make, or break, them but if it lasts will make them incredibly strong and enduring. Relationships are rarely a continuous journey of joy and plain sailing. In other words, nothing stays the same – relationships will change and grow but trying to recreate ‘what it was like’ is probably unrealistic. Don’t look backwards – always look forwards.
You maybe starting a new journey, actually, and this may bring some much needed change to give you a boost, according to the Ace of Wands. Whether this is a new project, an actual journey or a move of some sort, a new start is always exciting and fun. You’ll have lots of energy to work at this and if you apply yourself to it fully you should reap the rewards of your efforts soon. Enjoy this exciting next adventure – it might just be what you need.
At the same time the Four of Swords advises you take some time to recuperate and recover from recent difficulties. Sometimes, either because of difficult/painful situations, or even just because you are struggling from the day to day tasks of life or work, you might need some time out – this card suggests you pander to your own needs for a while so that you will be ready to forge ahead at full strength come the New Year!

In terms of relationships around you all should be well and happy. You have worked hard to build your own family network to a state of happiness and contentment with what you have. The Nine of Cups is a card which congratulates you on your efforts as well as to encourage you to sit back and just enjoy the joy of the people you love around you. Things may have been tough on the journey, to this point, but now you can be proud of your efforts and commitment. Those around you love you and appreciate you – so just take some time to enjoy that.
You may find that something happens in December which represents a great achievement by you! The Six of Wands is a good news card, bringing vindication for everything you have been doing, and even the most sceptical people around you will now have to agree that, as a result of this news, you have been able to do what you set out to do – regardless of how impossible it seemed at the start. You should be proud of this achievement and hopefully it will help you to have more confidence in yourself and your abilities. Things might get a little easier now since most of the really hard work is done!
The King of Swords could represent the need to adopt a clear headed/logical approach to any situation you are dealing with – this might not be the time for emotion, but honesty and clarity – this King successfully navigates issues by using his head, not his heart, in decision making, or negotiations, of any kind. However, it is also worth remembering that this King – because of his matter-of-fact honesty – can hurt peoples’ feelings by not softening the truth, he belts it out hard and it can hurt. Be clear and communicate the truth, but allow there to be a little softening of what needs to be said for the best outcome for all. Alternatively, this King could represent someone around you who might be able to bring some much needed advice or information – be aware that it could be delivered in a harsh way to you too, but you may well gain a lot from this person’s help.
A very difficult, and possibly painful, phase of your life could be about to end. This should bring some much needed relief and balm to your soul – however, you may feel bruised and battered by the whole experience. It is not surprising that the Ten of Swords (completion) card has appeared just as this year approaches its own end – perhaps it is just time to set forth on your next phase knowing that you have left the worst behind you. No matter how you feel, there will be much to look forward to, so get your strength back, you’ve learned some lessons and you won’t make the same mistakes again – there’s everything to play for now!!

So, The Devil and the last card the Five of Cups both represent a current mindset which might not be doing you any favours. The Devil archetype card is about feelings or behaviours that make you feel you are less than worthy of good things. This could be related to an addiction which holds you back from getting work or income; it could be feeling ashamed of how you’ve behaved for some reason in the past, or it could be feelings of guilt about mistakes you’ve made, or decisions you might now think were the wrong ones. There is no Devil controlling your life – you are not trapped. This card advises that you can make changes to the way you do things. You might need to forgive yourself for past mistakes and bad decisions, or for anything you now think was wrong. Everyone has made mistakes, but not everyone allows it to hold them back – but the message from this card is that only you can change your own attitude to this. You can make changes, you can accept that things have gone wrong but you can also start to realise that the future might hold wonderful things for you if change your attitude to yourself. You are the one in charge of your mindset and your approach to life.
There are two Kings in the next part of this reading – the King of Swords and the King of Cups – these cards would indicate that you are very capable of making things work both on a practical and emotional level.
The King of Swords uses his intellect, knowledge and logic to work through any situation he encounters – he is clever and honest with himself and others. Perhaps you just need to be reminded that you have these qualities too, and that you have much to offer this world.
The King of Cups is also knowledgeable about love and relationships, but he is afraid of engaging in a relationship in case he gets hurt again. Perhaps this card is reminding you that there is still much to love in life and if you embrace a new relationship it may bring a joy you would never have thought you could experience.
The last card is also a relationship card and as I mentioned earlier a ‘mindset’ card too. The Five of Cups represents feelings of upset and hurt/failure in a relationship, but the main message of this card is that if you change your mindset to look for all the positives of a relationship then you’ll find any negativity is likely to disappear. All in all these cards seem to represent a need to really consider what your ego/mind is telling you – indeed those thoughts and attitudes could well be holding you back from enjoying an amazing life. Perhaps your New Year resolution could simply be to leave the past behind and embrace a new adventure. You deserve to enjoy your life, so why not?
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