Welcome to the Tarotscopes for December 2023!
Season’s Greetings to you all and thank you for reading these Tarotscopes. Hopefully they can give you a little insight as you head into the holiday season. Just scroll down to find your zodiac/star sign and if you are Sagittarian you get an extra (birthday) card! Take a look now!
As above, I wish you peace, love and joy above all else and lots of fun if possible – enjoy!
Patricia x
Each of the cards in this reading are pretty high in numerical terms. This means that you are close to completing a particular phase (or phases) in your life and they could indicate that, on some level, you feel a lack of motivation, or energy around, them. You might not feel particularly ready for festivities, perhaps?
Your projects, such as making sure the holiday celebrations work well, or the business you are working on, could result in you being pretty busy and feeling like things will never get done, or finished, on time. The Eight of Wands suggests that the things that have been stopping you from progressing with this work will be removed and you’ll feel more creative and ready to do all that is needed – indeed you’ll be extremely productive and should feel very pleased with the result. The Nine of Wands suggests that this could also make you feel tired and somewhat overwhelmed – the advice with this card is that you are so close to success it would be a shame to stop because you feel exhausted with it all. Keep going – you will feel amazing when everything is done and you can have a well earned rest.
In the middle of this, and not surprisingly, your love life might come under the spotlight because of the amount of work you need to do. The Knight of Cups might represent your partner, and the Eight of Cups could represent the absence of some nurturing in that relationship. It is worth noting as you head into December that, to keep everything on an even keel, it would be wise to remember to treat your loved one to a bit of loving attention – even a bit of recognition can go a very long way in keeping people happy. These cards are really just giving you the heads up that to ignore the needs of your loved one(s) because you are too busy might create situations that really don’t need to happen.
So, whilst things might be busy and tiring, if you can just summon up the energy to do what needs to be done you are likely to complete this phase with a massive feeling of great achievement – you’ll enjoy that.
These are pretty encouraging cards to get in a reading – especially over the festive period.
Most people need to be a Magician at this time of year with all the tasks that need to be completed. The Magician’s message to you is that he has no doubt you’ll succeed because you have all the skills you need to make this time a huge success! Just follow your instincts and trust yourself to get everything right.
The Ten of Cups is a really positive card around relationships (of all types) and you are likely to feel very happy and contented in this respect – you are likely to have your love returned in abundance too, so enjoy every minute of it – you deserve it.
The King of Pentacles and the Ace of Pentacles are both very positive cards on the financial front too. The King indicates that you are very capable of controlling your finances and, because of this, you should be able to command a few luxuries over the coming month without over-stretching yourself – which really is an achievement at the moment. The Ace indicates that a new opportunity, in terms of an income or your home security, could help your financial position become much safer and more established- so make the most of this opportunity to make this the case for you – and don’t forget that money can make money if you work with it properly. Enjoy!
As a Geminian myself, I did not feel disturbed about the Death card at the beginning of this reading. In fact I feel some relief, because this card means that a situation which no longer is serving me is about to end. There are times in life where things can get difficult and become harder and harder to bear, or get through. When this happens the Death card comes as a release. Perhaps something is coming to an end which has caused you stress and upset – and this is likely to be a good thing. Be ready for some new opportunities as there will now be space for them to come to you.
With this reprieve you might feel more energised, and the Knight of Swords suggests you might feel ready to charge into a situation to ‘sort things out’. The message with this card is to think very carefully about doing so – this Knight charges into battle mostly not knowing why he’s fighting and he wastes his energy, and resources, in doing so – don’t feel you have sort every difficult circumstance out – sometimes it is better to sit this one out and conserve your energies for more productive pastimes. Think first and act later.
The two Pentacles cards suggests that your financial situation might take an upturn for the better. The Ace and the Two of Pentacles suggests that a new opportunity is likely to come along with a potential partnership which, combined, could help you to manage your resources and increase your income in some way. This is good news, obviously, but it would be really clever if you could make the absolute most of this situation to ensure that your financial situation is set to improve in the long term and not end up as a quick fix. Be clever with what you are given – money can make money – enjoy!
December could be real turning point for you if you make the most of the advice from these cards.
The Magician is an excellent card to start with. This card suggests a new direction for you in some way and the message with this card is that you have all the skills you need to make a huge success of it. So, whatever you might be considering, or have been offered, then work at it because this could be your new path to incredible achievement!
This may put you in a position where you have to consider whether current relationships can still prosper – you might have to look at the different options available and choose which is best for you. Once you do decide, if you really wish to succeed on your path, you will need to stick with your decision or you could find yourself getting nowhere in the end. Perhaps the Ace of Swords is suggesting that you need to take a very different approach to love, and life, than you have so far. Things may be changing and you might need to make an adjustment to your own attitude too – perhaps it is time for things to move in a big way for you and you might have to acknowledge that your needs are as important as anyone else’s at this time.
The Nine of Pentacles is a very positive card to get in a reading, it’s one which suggests that your finances are doing pretty well and are quite established. Be confident and feel worthy of this situation because it is only because of your hard work, and efforts, that you are starting to reap the rewards you deserve – keep up the effort and enjoy!
The Empress and The Sun indicate that you are about to step into a rather lovely phase in the coming month. The Empress suggests that either you will be in complete command of your situation, or it is possible that someone around you will certainly helping you to make the most of your life/situation at the moment. You should feel capable, and fully resourced, to take on any task in December. The Sun is a very positive card too which suggests that you should find everything goes swimmingly as you progress through December. Anything you are tasked with is likely to be managed with ease and surprising success and, since The Sun is shining its nurturing energy on you, this would be the perfect time to tackle any outstanding issues you’ve had difficulty with recently – this is the very best time to sort everything out and with astonishing ease!
The Four and Five of Wands represent the successful growing of particular projects or work/business opportunities. The Four suggests you are likely to see real signs of success from the work you have already put into these projects. The Five suggests that, as is usual in life, you may find the odd hurdle or obstacle in your way as you progress but all you need to do is to scrutinise the obstacle from every angle and you’ll soon find the way to overcome them. Keep up the hard work and effort – you are well on the way to great achievements! Enjoy!
Whatever you are planning for the coming month it looks as though it will be a massive success!
Whilst the Nine of Wands suggests that initially you might feel exhausted and ready to give up, the message is to not do that – you are SO nearly at the completion of your tasks. Summon up the last vestiges of your energy to get over the finish line and you’ll feel the benefit of all your hard work – as the other cards will show.
The Ace of Cups indicates the possibility of a new relationship – this could be romantic or otherwise – which could bring a lot of good stuff to your table. This is a very positive card and suggests lots of fun and happiness – regardless of what type of relationship this is. More importantly this relationship could bring you the happiness and friendship you may have desired for a while, as well as helpful contributions that you might have been longing for recently, so make the most of what they can offer to do for you.
The Queen and King of Wands endorse the success you are likely to achieve. The Queen of Wands will take on any task – even ones she has no experience in – and do it (and learn about it) to the best of her ability. She can turn her hand to anything and make it a huge success. The King of Wands is extremely experienced, and knowledgeable about most things and has successfully made his own life one big achievement – things have not just fallen into his lap, he has worked hard to learn new skills and try new approaches and applications – it is his passion and drive that helps him achieve all the wonderful things he particularly desires. The Queen and King of Wands know you can do the same.
It seems from these cards that you might need to assert your own needs to those around you in the coming month. There are two Seven numbered cards in the middle of this reading which represent options or choices, and being alert to your own situation. Sometimes the Seven of Swords can refer to some sort of manipulation (not necessarily in a nasty way) and the Seven of Wands often represents the choice you have to make to improve your own situation (which you might have lost enthusiasm and/or motivation for). Either way you should be alert to your own, and other peoples’, behaviour to try and recognise how you are being treated (for want of a better word), and whether there needs to be some change of attitude from people around you – otherwise your existence could become a easy way for others to meet their own needs at the expense of yours.
The Knight of Cups could represent a young adult who might be part of this situation, so it would make sense to really ‘note’ the behaviour of this person, and how they deal with you – you might see how their behaviour could be impacting you and your own needs, and how you need to address it.
The Chariot is also about making a choice and/or decision around your own life. The Chariot, as you will see from the image, is pulled by two horses which are complete opposites, and they wish to go in opposite directions. It is the Charioteer (the driver) who needs to be strong enough to steer the horses in the direction HE wants to go – not where they take him. In other words you need to be alert to how you might be being pushed and pulled in different directions by people or events around you. Perhaps it is time to drive YOUR chariot in the direction you want to go and not the place where other people or events divert you. Try to not be too subservient to other people at the cost of your own desires.
As we head into December it is no surprise that the Ten of Wands appears. This can be an overwhelming and busy time of year with the onset of the festivity expected in December. This can be mundane chores that need to be done, the feeling that things will not go to plan, that people will be disappointed with your efforts or even, for some, that the festive period just exacerbates loneliness, or anxiety for a variety of reasons. The message with this card is to recognise what your own limitations are and work to them. Try not to have very high expectations of yourself (or other people for that matter). Acknowledge when you need help – seek assistance if you have to. Pamper yourself too, if you can. Keep things as simple as you can. If you have low expectations you are likely to find you will exceed them and that will make you feel happy and proud.
You may be worried about money, or the situation you are in, if you should be offered an opportunity in terms of work or a promotion (Four of Pentacles). This may pose a risk for you, but try not to reject it out of hand. Consider carefully whether you could manage such a change – it might work out to your advantage and significantly improve your situation.
The Wheel of Fortune, however, as a card in your reading, suggests that change could be on its way anyway. No-one can make the the Wheel move but, when it does, it can pull you out of any rut you have been in. When the Wheel turns it can take you to new places with lots of new opportunities and fresh starts, so be alert to new options, ideas, suggestions or offers – this could be the great new opportunity the Wheel has brought you to.
The Six of Swords knows that you are very capable of putting up with situations which are not ideal and whilst things might not actually get moving in December as such, you will have the patience to get through which is a wonderful attitude to have. Keep the faith, keep putting one foot in front of the other because things are likely to get better just into the New Year.
These are rather nice cards for the month of December! There are two Pentacle cards which suggest that things could be really improving on a financial level for you. The Two of Pentacles indicates there could be some sort of partnership on offer which could help you in terms of your finances. It could be something like a loan or a gift to help you out of a difficult situation, it might be someone who can help you to get better, or different, working hours to help with your finances. Whichever of these it might be, make the most of this help – money can make money. The Ten of Pentacles endorses this since this card indicates a financially secure and established position to be in, with regard to money and your lifestyle, so this is really nice news.
The Ace of Cups might indicate that this partnership could be the start of a new relationship on other levels too. This card is a very positive card in terms of new relationships, and gives vibes of fun, love and laughter which you’ll enjoy. Whether it will develop into anything more serious is likely to be dependent on how involved you want to get, or not. It will be up to you to pursue it if you want it.
It may have been a difficult time for you in many respects over recent times, so the Four of Swords reminds you to really take some time out for yourself. Treat yourself to peace and quiet, favourite chocs or whatever you fancy. Take a breather and recharge your batteries so you can face the New Year with lots of renewed energy and healing. It’s what you deserve and, more importantly what you need right now.
Read on Sagittarians, because Sagittarius is the birthday star sign which means you get an extra card! Happy Birthday for whenever it falls. Here is your extra ‘birthday’ card:
The Eight of Pentacles for your birthday card is a pleasant card which suggests that financially you are well on your way to an established and secure position. It shows that your hard work and dedication has paid off to some extent. This Eight card, though, knows what potential you have to make your situation even better. Some very slight addition to your experience, or knowledge around your work, could bring much better rewards than you imagine. This card says that although you are doing very well as you are, the capacity to earn more is very real – if you just add a little more to your skill-set. A short course or some extra practical experience (in-work training for instance) is the kind of thing that will really get you noticed! It would be worth considering doing this, because, really, there is so much more you can achieve and there would be a lot more on offer for you.
December will bring some sort of decision or outcome with regard to a situation, and one which you have been waiting for. Justice can often represent a legal decision but can also be a decision with regard to work applications, assessments, or something in a way that you will be found (hopefully) to have been ‘right’, or to have behaved in the appropriate way. This decision, if it should come about, is likely to take a weight of your shoulders and, if it finds in your favour, it is likely to make you feel very good indeed.
The Eight of Cups – especially at this time of year – could represent a sadness around someone (or people) that aren’t around you any more. This could be a member of the family, a friend or a romantic partner. This could make you feel emotional but, if you can, try to engage yourself with useful tasks, and optimistic thoughts, because in reality there is little you can do to change this situation and you’ll find it easier to be happier sooner.
There should be visible signs of success around a venture or a project this coming month, according to the Three of Pentacles. It is still early days, of course, but the success you have achieved so far will be very pleasing and will, hopefully, motivate you to put the same amount of effort in to help grow your project further. Give yourself a pat on the back, give yourself a little treat, but keep working at it if you really want it to get much, much better.
The Hierophant card suggests that you might be questioning what the purpose of life is. You might feel drawn to a spiritual way of thinking. It might be that you could do with some advice from someone who you feel could mentor you as you progress into your life. If you do turn to someone for advice, do make sure they are genuine and honest before you decide to follow their lead. At the very least you may benefit from reading, or researching, information on the aspects of life you feel you need some explanation about.
A new venture or project looks set to come your way in December, according to the Ace of Wands. This is an exciting time where you can use the energy around a new idea and help it to grow. The more effort you put into it the greater the potential it will have. It should become clear what this idea is if you pay attention to what is grabbing your interest.
Endorsing this is the King of Wands who never turns down the chance to have a new adventure or to get involved in exciting projects. From the Ace to the King of Wands is a clear indication that this venture could grow very quickly because you have the ability and the skills to make it so – this is really quite an exciting and strong message from these cards.
With regard to your own mindset, however, The Devil card has appeared to remind you to not put yourself down or hold yourself back with regard to this project. Perhaps you do not feel you are worthy to have such an opportunity, or even that you don’t believe you can bring this to a successful conclusion. The Devil is telling you to free yourself from the thoughts that you ‘can’t’ do this – because you can!
December will be a month where you will need to be strong enough to steer yourself in the direction YOU want to go. Don’t allow other people or events divert you from this path. The Chariot is about making a choice regarding what you know you need to do and you need to stick to that decision to make sure you succeed – don’t let others pull you off that path.
If you are seeking funding or resources to grow your project, doing some research should help you see that there is the right type of help available. But the Page of Pentacles also reminds you that it is not just investment financially that will make it grow. It will be important to learn about the work you are doing and/or gain a qualification in it since the two together is what will really manifest the potential of the project – it will be well worth the effort.
The Two of Swords suggests that you may be avoiding a particular conflict in your life – it is likely that you could resolve this issue with a better understanding of why it has occurred. Once you understand the detail (and it may be up to you to find out this information) the solution should appear quickly. Avoiding it could only make it harder to sort out – if you deal with it now it will be much easier to resolve than you imagine.
If this does happen, The World card suggests that everything will be wonderful again. This card is a very positive card which indicates you have all the skills necessary to find your way easily through life, and that December will be a lovely time to enjoy everything you have worked at, including positive relationships, reasonable finances, and exciting things to work and play at – so enjoy a very happy time over the festive period. It’s not often we can sit back and say things are perfect but it should feel like that for you.
The Seven of Cups might dip your feet back into cold reality with your emotional state, however, but it is likely to just be a blip. It is a card which suggests you might have to decide on path of action regarding your key relationships – all you need to remember is to choose wisely and then commit fully to your decision if you wish this to work out the way you want it to. Perhaps having the energy of The World around you will really help, and perhaps this is the right time to make some important decisions.
If you love the deck used in these Tarotscopes you can buy it in our shop HERE – it is great value for money as it comes with a beautiful brocade bag and you can choose the colour you like most. You can teach yourself to read the tarot with the instruction leaflet included with the deck and loads of further help here on our website – go on, treat yourself! You’ll be surprised how interesting and effective reading the tarot can be.
Season’s Greetings and peace, love and happiness to you all ❤️
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