Tarotscopes for February 2018 – The Power of Love. Naturally, a lot of people will be affected by Valentines Day this coming month. Possibly because this day makes them aware they are alone, or neglected or unhappy in their relationship/s. Some will be desperate for something to happen as a validation that they are loved. Some won’t give a damn because they do not want anyone in their life on a romantic level.
These tarotscopes will not be focusing on romantic love. They will be focusing on the Power of Love. Love for self, for others and the world in general. We need to generate love for Self, the most important love, so that our love exudes from us to others because we are happy with ourselves. We need to send out the Power of Love much more often and widely if we wish to change the world into a happier place.
February’s tarotscopes are made up of a four card tarot reading based on your star sign. The first card will focus on your root/base chakra, the second on your heart chakra, the third on your third eye chakra (these are the chakras which I feel will be most relevant in terms of love), the fourth card is a key card – a wildcard if you like – for some extra information/clarity.
There is love all around us – our families, our friends, our co-workers – which shouldn’t be overlooked.
Let’s see what these chakra energy points and the tarot cards can tell us………scroll down to read your February Tarotscope from Simply Tarot!
Wishing you a loving February
Patricia x
P.S. If you’d like to receive your Tarotscopes hot off the press then please sign up to our Newsletter using the form in our website footer. We always sends the Tarotscopes to our mailing list members first.

Root Chakra: Knight of Wands
Heart Chakra: Wheel of Fortune
3rd Eye Chakra: Eight of Cups
Key Card: Four of Swords
The Knight of Wands in your root chakra suggests that either you might like to be rescued by a knight in shining armour or that you are desperate for your current situation to change for something more exciting/something you can feel passionate about. The Wheel of Fortune could indicate that you are wishing for some good fortune to befall you, as you feel your situation is less than ideal at the moment. The Eight of Cups in the 3rd eye chakra could represent that you intuitively feel that, in terms of love, you have lost all hope that your relationship/s will ever be satisfactory to you (maybe not in all relationships but certain ones). The overall indication of these cards is that you are not generally satisfied with the way current relationships are going. It might be that you are taking a very passive approach to this rather than a proactive one, which might be part of the problem.
The key card, the Four of Swords, might represent a need to pull away from all your dissatisfaction and give yourself time to recover from past hurts to start with. Take time to pamper yourself, take time to discover who you really are and what you really want for yourself. Start with the task of learning to love yourself first ~ despite any mistakes, or any unfair treatment, that you may have had in the past ~ and allow yourself to shed the pain and the worry and learn to bloom again. You and all the people in your life will benefit from this.

Root Chakra: The Moon
Heart Chakra: Eight of Wands
3rd Eye Chakra: Page of Swords
Key Card: Five of Wands
The root chakra is represented for you by the The Moon card. This would suggest that you are confused about certain relationships in your life because you just cannot see what is going wrong just now. In your heart you feel you are doing your very best and putting every effort into them with all the passion you can. The Page of Swords in the 3rd eye might be indicating that you feel you can’t believe fully, in what certain people are saying to you, or that you yourself are not being clear about what you are trying to say/do. These cards would suggest that you might be feeling at a loss as how to make certain relationships work, or whether or not you are being strung along and not being told everything.
The key card for you, Taurus, is the Five of Wands which suggests that there might well be hurdles or obstacles to overcome. And you are more than capable of getting over them with the right mindset and attitude. We are never able to change other people, and we will never be able to make them do what we want them to do. The only thing you really have any control over is yourself and your own attitude. Maybe it’s time to consider what you are happy to put up with, those things you can deal with. But perhaps it’s time to take a stand if you think you are being taken for a ride. The more confident you are the stronger your love will shine.

Root Chakra: Eight of Pentacles
Heart Chakra: The Hierophant
3rd Eye Chakra: Five of Swords
Key Card: King of Cups
The Eight of Pentacles in the root chakra suggests the foundations of all the relationships in your life are strong and successful and you feel good about them in the main. The heart chakra card is The Hierophant which could indicate that you are on a learning curve and sometimes feel out of your depth or that you might benefit by speaking to someone about any current niggles, however you probably still feel confident within yourself. The 3rd eye chakra card, the Five of Swords indicates a worry that, either you are aware that a current issue is contentious, or that you feel that something might soon come to a head and need dealing with.
Your key card is the King of Cups. This card would suggest that you should trust in your experience of relationships, loving or not, and that any advice you give is likely to be the right kind. On the other hand you may be afraid in some respects to dive in and take part in engaging with certain people in case you get hurt. Really the best thing to do is to trust your instincts, and follow your heart. Even if something does go wrong your ability to communicate, and to be kind in your approach, should help people see that it is only done in love. If they love you, they will accept what you say and respect the way you feel.

Root Chakra: Four of Pentacles
Heart Chakra: Queen of Pentacles
3rd Eye Chakra: The World
Key Card: Nine of Pentacles
The Four of Pentacles in the root chakra position suggests that there is a solid and stable feeling that all is right in terms of home and lifestyle, even though there is always room for improvement. The heart chakra card reveals the Queen of Pentacles who would indicate that you feel you are able to give your loved ones pretty much everything, on a material level, that they could wish for, and in that sense you feel confident. The 3rd eye chakra card, The World, suggests that you desire much, much, more than you currently have. Whatever this desire is, it is a huge facet of your life right now. These cards indicate that in terms of home and income you are very happy but there is one outstanding wish that is consuming your mind and soul.
The key card is the Nine of Pentacles. This is a very positive card and suggests that there is much more to come for you. As the vine on the card suggests, it will be important to nurture and nourish yourself in whichever way you can, so that the ‘vine’ of your life can continue to grow and bear the fruit you wish for. Taking time for yourself and to be clear about what you want, and to strive for it, is what you must do to succeed. But giving out love to all is what will make your energies vibrate faster.

Root Chakra: Knight of Pentacles
Heart Chakra: Justice
3rd Eye Chakra: Ten of Swords
Key Card: The Magician
The Knight of Pentacles in the root chakra might indicate that you find relationships (or some relationships) a bit of a chore for you. You might find the daily grind, and the needs of people around you, stop you from being able to freely go off and enjoy yourself. The heart chakra card is revealed as Justice, and in this position, it might suggest that you feel justified in being able to want to do those things. Intuitively, you know, from the Ten of Swords in the 3rd eye chakra, that in doing what you feel you want to do will cause conflict with those around you.
The Magician has appeared in the Key card position, and suggests that the way you feel now is as a result of having chosen to follow this path by (your own) choice, without, maybe, considering where it was going to lead. Unfortunately, it is hard to wipe out the past actions which have brought you to this point. However, as always, a new road is always ahead. With the knowledge and experience of the past, and with careful consideration, any new path/road could bring more satisfaction and understanding. But it is worth remembering that each of your actions is likely to get a reaction from those you are dealing with, and that you are the architect of your own life.

Root Chakra: Two of Pentacles
Heart Chakra: Knight of Swords
3rd Eye Chakra: The Tower
Key Card: Knight of Pentacles
You are totally engaged with new encounters you have experienced just recently, and it fills your whole being. The Two of Pentacles suggests a new phase in your life that includes new people who affect the foundations of your being. The Knight of Swords could represent you feeling very protective of these relationships and how you would be ready to charge into any situation to defend them. The Tower in the 3rd eye position suggests an innate fear of it all being destroyed and taken away from you.
The Knight of Pentacles in the Key card position suggests that you just need to knuckle down to the day to day duties to keep your mind from worrying about something that might never happen. The Knight suggests that by focusing on what you need to do each day to nurture your relationships will ensure the safest route to success. What you put into your relationships, even though at times it may be tedious, is actually setting the foundations for solid relationships with those you love and it is important to deal with this rather than worrying about the ‘what ifs’.

Root Chakra: The Hanged Man
Heart Chakra: Two of Pentacles
3rd Eye Chakra: Page of Cups
Key Card: Page of Pentacles
In the root chakra position The Hanged Man could represent a feeling that you don’t consider yourself to be moving on at all and that could be causing frustration. You may not know in which way things are not moving at the pace you want them to, but you feel you may be stagnating. The heart chakra card revealed is the Two of Pentacles which could indicate your desire to get to the next stage with something, that you need to see changes happening that would make you feel better. The 3rd eye reveal is the Page of Cups which could indicate a fairly immature attitude to how you see your current relationships, or it might be that you feel you should be getting much more out of them.
Your Key card is the Page of Pentacles. This card would suggest to find some quiet, and look for ways to improve your knowledge (and maybe your handling) of your relationships and perhaps to take a leaf out of someone else’s book to help you make some headway. The Page suggests that there may be ways to learn from other people, or perhaps from books/research facilities. The loving relationships in our lives sometimes need the same analysing and fixing as any other tasks we face, and the truth is they are more important.

Root Chakra: Two of Cups
Heart Chakra: The Empress
3rd Eye Chakra: The Devil
Key Card: Four of Cups
The Two of Cups sits in the root chakra position, which suggests your root need is companionship of some sort, or maybe the initial emotional boost a new relationship gives. The heart chakra card is revealed as The Empress which would indicate that your heart is filled with the need to nurture somene ~ this could be yourself ~ but it is a very strong card. The 3rd eye chakra card is The Devil. These cards overall could indicate that although your greatest desire is to love and be loved, you might in fact be blocking the release of this into your life because you have an inherent belief that you are not worthy (The Devil) or that you cannot be suited for love because of some feelings of shame about something.
The Key card is the Four of Cups, which could mean that your mindset is more than likely to be affecting this situation. Perhaps you feel you cannot be passionate enough, determined enough or that you don’t deserve to be loved. These thoughts can be changed. If you let the past stay in the past, and start anew, if you can shed the shame and start believing in yourself, then you can free yourself from the chains that are, metaphorically speaking, holding you down. Things can be different, but they can only start from within you ~ you are the architect of your own life, no-one else can make those changes.

Root Chakra: Four of Cups
Heart Chakra: Nine of Swords
3rd Eye Chakra: Two of Pentacles
Key Card: Ten of Cups
At the base of your being, the card in the root chakra position indicates a real feeling of boredom with some relationships within your sphere. In the heart chakra the Nine of Swords indicates a high level of unhappiness around conflicts or attitudes in these relationships, or a profound worry about them. The Two of Pentacles in the 3rd eye suggests that you might be seeking a new way of life which is less distressing for you.
The Key card has revealed the Ten of Cups. This card suggests that there is much good in your relationships in reality. You have people that you love, and who love you. Sometimes it is easy to focus, and get hooked on, all the difficulties within relationships, so much so that we can fail to see the beauty of them. Part of the problem might be that your view of current relationships might just need to be shifted to look for the good and act in a proactive way to smoothing the road, rather than just passively reacting to the events as they unfold. In other words – praise the good, shrug off the bad as much as you can, without losing your own ethics in the process.

Root Chakra: Eight of Cups
Heart Chakra: The Hermit
3rd Eye Chakra: The World
Key Card: Five of Pentacles
There may be a fundamental deep down disappointment in terms of a relationship for you at the moment, as represented by the Eight of Cups in the root chakra position. The heart chakra reveals through The Hermit card that you just feel like hiding away at the moment, and maybe that you feel no-one would even notice, or care. The 3rd eye chakra reveals The World which could mean that these feelings are unusual for you because generally, and you know this, you feel that you have everything you could possibly need. So these cards sit uneasily with each other.
The Five of Pentacles in the Key card position might indicate that you are currently feeling the fragility of relationships, and possibly even life, right now, because of a separation or unhappiness within a relationship. This may well have rocked you off keel. This is likely to be a temporary emotion…..it is a hackneyed saying, but time will help, and bit by bit you’ll get back to where you were ~ on top of the World.

Root Chakra: Four of Cups
Heart Chakra: Nine of Cups
3rd Eye Chakra: Four of Pentacles
Key Card: Six of Swords
The Four of Cups in the root chakra position suggests that you have little enthusiasm for your relationships at the moment, and that is likely to be weighing heavily on you. Your heart chakra card is the Nine of Cups which suggests that your heart is ready and willing to love and be loved. The 3rd eye card reveals a real worry about your current financial, or material, situation. These cards indicate that whilst on the one hand you desire happy relationships, on the other there may be a fundamental disbelief that there is such a thing. What’s more, you’re unlikely to want to take the risk.
Your Key card has revealed the Six of Swords. You may have accepted this situation, or at least you are managing to go with the flow for now. The Six of Swords might also be suggesting you have no fight left in you. But the Swords cards are all about mental clarity and alacrity, all about the mind and the mindset and yours might just causing stagnation. Perhaps opening your heart and giving out love is a huge risk for you, but what if it allowed in the Power of love to heal and bring happiness? It might just be worth the risk.

Root Chakra: Five of Cups
Heart Chakra: Ten of Cups
3rd Eye Chakra: Ace of Pentacles
Key Card: The Hermit
There’s an underlying, fundamental disappointment in the root chakra area, as represented by the Five of Cups. This could be as a result of separation from loved ones which still weighs heavily. The heart chakra reveals the Ten of Cups which shows that your heart believes there can still be love which would fill the void. In the 3rd eye chakra we see the Ace of Pentacles which indicates some intuitive belief that you can get to a place where this disappointment fades and you can start to rebuild your life.
The Key card reveals The Hermit. This card indicates that your best option, to bring about what you want in your life, is to find some time and a quiet place where you can rediscover yourself. Where you can find your inner light which will illuminate the way for you. When you take the time to be clear within your own heart and mind about who you are and what you want, you will be creating a focal point for what you are ready to receive and what you are not. You will soon start to recognise the people in your life who are valued contributors and those who are not. You will then be able to nurture the best, or new, relationships and avoid those relationships that take up too much of your time and energy. Surely it is better for you to invite more love in your life than to expend energy on relationships that cannot bring it to you any longer.
End of Tarotscopes
If you love the tarot cards I have used you can buy them here.
If, in future, you’d like to receive your Tarotscope as soon as it’s published, please sign up to our Newsletter using the form provided in our website footer. We always send the Monthly Tarotscopes to our mailing list members first.
Perfect for me being a piscean guys! Many thanks.
Glad you think so Caron. Best wishes, Patricia x