February – the month of love and Valentines. Hopefully, you all have some sort of love in your life whether it is on the romantic front, or not. Having someone love you, platonically, is in some ways more rewarding since the sexual chemistry is not the driver and they love you totally because you’re YOU – how wonderful is that? So Happy Valentine’s Day to you all, celebrating the love in your life, wherever it comes from.
And, of course, it is also an unusual month because we have an extra day on 29th – this year is a leap year. I don’t know whether having an extra day is going to be helpful or not, for you, but it will be my granddaughter’s 2nd birthday (though really she’s 8) because it is her true birth date – still waters run deep with this one, and sometimes we don’t know quite what she’s thinking as she steadily gazes at us, but she’s the cutest Leapling I’ve ever met :), so there’s a few of us here enjoying the extra special day.
The Tarotscopes, as usual, will be focusing on the ups and downs we’ll be faced with in February, and, really, how we handle these will be the cause and effect of success in every part of our life – including being loved – and that’s what we need to work on, right?
So, tell yourself ‘I love you’ (whether anyone else says it to you or not) and scroll down for some great guidance from the tarot. Please do share these Tarotscopes, people are beginning to search for them now 🙂 and feel free to join us on Facebook HERE for some regular interaction by liking our Page.
Have a great February everyone.
Patricia x

Have you been wondering how you will EVER achieve a comfortable status in terms of income or your home? I think the tarot cards are suggesting that this is so……..and what needs to be done about it.
It is all too easy to just keep getting up everyday bouncing from one samey task to another and not getting anywhere. Sometimes we get subsumed by the workings of life and just keep reacting to what it brings instead of us leading the way.
The Hermit advises to actually take some time – a few hours, perhaps a day or two – to really go deep into your psyche and ask some searching questions. Am I happy with what I am doing? Do I really have the things I need? What is it that I want out of life? And much more importantly, what am I going to do about it? (A personal tarot reading might be helpful to nail down some questions or answers).
The Ace of Swords indicates that if you do this you could come out with a new approach to life and a plan to get your life back on track. This card is telling you that you can find a way to make a difference to the way your life is going and indeed to steer yourself in the direction you wish to go. This new proactive approach to life is likely to bring the rewards you seek, since the King and Queen of Pentacles are cards which indicate mastery over finances and a secure, and comfortable, home life/style. So, be like The Hermit and take some time out to search for the answers to your questions and come out with the solution(s) you need.

These cards seem to suggest that you are in the middle of some sort of mental battle. The Two of Swords represents an avoidance of dealing with a problem, and yet the last card, the Ten of Swords, indicates that this phase could possibly be ending soon. However, the Two Queens that have appeared in the middle of this reading could be suggesting what is required to get from A to B successfully if you do wish the situation to be resolved.
The Queen of Cups could be indicating that your heart and/or emotions are fully engaged with regard to the situation (and maybe that is why it feels painful), whereas the Queen of Pentacles might be suggesting that you are staying away from this conflict because you don’t feel your contribution will have any worth. What these two Queens have in common is the ability to be quite ruthless, and maybe this is what should be considered. The Queen of Cups rarely has to put any effort in with regards to people, or relationships, because of her natural beauty, approachability and nurturing character. However, this Queen will use her beauty and attraction as a wily way to get precisely what she wants, if she deems it necessary. The Queen of Pentacles has no worries about her income or the comforts of her home and/or lifestyle BUT she will only provide help for those who she truly loves – if she is displeased there will be no help from her whatsoever. So what are they trying to tell you?
Perhaps you need to stop giving of yourself all the time, and maybe it is necessary for you to make a stand and say ‘This is what I need’ or ‘This is what I want to happen.’ Your desires are as important as anyone else’s. Of course, making a stand could cause a rift of some sort, and this is a risk you might have to take (and deal with the aftermath). On the other hand you might just be heard, understood and life can go on. You have to make the call and be prepared for whatever happens, but the alternative to avoiding the conflict will mean the cycle will continue and you will not get the resolution to the problem. The Queens are perhaps suggesting that it is time for you to take command of the situation.

Words are going to be important in the coming month. Whether it is something you hear from someone else, or whether it is something you say yourself, words might be misconstrued, misunderstood or just taken the wrong way. No malice is intended, so, if you find yourself in a situation where you are advising someone – or they are giving information to you – double check whether what was said was meant in the way it was delivered. This will help you avoid unnecessary conflict.
The Nine of Wands indicates a rather hectic lifestyle in the month ahead, but this card (being the Nine) suggests all the hard work will lead to some good results, so don’t give up and keep your eyes on the prize when you feel a bit disheartened: trust that it is worth all the effort.
The Five of Wands does indicate that you might find an obstacle in your path, but don’t let it faze you. Think of all the different ways you can go under, round, or over it and the solution will appear. Once this hurdle is cleared, it would seem that life can get going once again.
There may be significant input from an authoritative figure in terms of relationships or your emotions. This person may bring some interesting information to help you understand any predicaments in your love life, however this King could also represent you yourself. If the latter is the case then the King might be suggesting that you are avoiding a relationship so that you don’t get hurt again. Just have a think about your personal situation in terms of love and romance because, whilst you can avoid getting hurt by not engaging in a romantic relationship, you might miss out on all the wonderful warmth, exitement and happiness it could bring. Be careful not to shut yourself off to love.

It looks like an interesting month ahead according to these tarot cards; two Major Arcana Cards – Judgement and Temperance – would indicate some significant moments occurring for you in February.
You are likely to be in the spotlight – in terms of your behaviours and/or actions – as the Judgement card comes out when someone is under scrutiny. This might be at your workplace, though it could be at home, since this card sits next to a Pentacles card; generally this would mean that you about to learn whether you are considered to be a help or a hindrance, and it is your behaviours/actions, of the recent past, which will provide the evidence. However, the King of Pentacles suggests that the outcome is likely to be very good, since this is the highest suit card in terms of finance and security. Maybe you will be offered a promotion or a pay rise, based on all the hard work and patience you’ve displayed? I hope so.
Temperance, is asking you to take stock of how you are approaching your life, in general, at the moment though. She urges some balance between the head and the heart. She would like you to allow more emotion and love to flow, instead of approaching your life, and making decisions, purely on a logical level. Soften your attitude a little towards yourself, and those around you, to benefit from all you have achieved to this point. Temperance also suggests that this is a good time to see how far you have come, and how well you have done, so give yourself a pat on the back and realise that your successes number more than your ‘failures’.
The last card in the reading is the Seven of Swords. This card suggests some manipulation or dishonesty is at play. Whether this is happening to you, or you are the one who is not being totally up front with the truth, only you will know. But honesty is the best policy, really. Just be alert to the consequences of manipulation wherever it is coming from and avoid it like the plague.

A new adventure is a possibility, in your life, come February – the start of a new project, work or maybe even a journey of some sort is the message from the Ace of Wands. There is lots of energy around this idea/project, and the time is ripe for making good use of it to make sure all the groundwork is done from the get-go – this will mean that, instead of it just being another opportunity frittered away, you can truly make some headway with this new adventure and grow it into something worthwhile and enjoyable.
Justice, is a Major Arcana card which indicates a final outcome in terms of a wrangle (legal or otherwise) and the decision is imminent. Hopefully, if you have been honest throughout this whole issue, and have done everything you should have done with integrity, and good intention, then your actions should be deemed as justifiable. Should this be the case you will enjoy a period of relief and the desire to ‘get on’ with your life – just learn some lessons from this experience, so you don’t have to go something similar ever again.
The Emperor is a powerful archetype. This card could represent you personally, or someone around you, as a figure of authority. The Emperor can be either your most powerful ally, or your fiercest foe. Look to yourself first, and ensure that you use assertiveness rather than aggression, because The Emperor is often seen as being domineering and/or downright bullish – not a good look. If this is someone around you, tread carefully since this person, as an enemy, is unforgiving. However, if they are working on side with you the experience and help they bring will be significant.
The Five of Swords indicates that there could be some conflict around you. The advice of the Five of Swords, though, is to avoid the battles you do not need to fight – you don’t always have to do battle at each confrontation, and you can choose your battles wisely………. letting one battle ‘go’ will not necessarily lose you the war, and, more importantly, you can preserve your assets and energy for a more important occasion.

Whilst there might be something going on right now which is causing you some upset and pain, the Six of Swords indicates that, though the situation is not ideal, you are able to handle it with serenity, and calm, which is a real talent. It might seem like it will never end right now, and you are likely to feel that you have no alternative but to submit to situation regardless of how much you dislike it. However, the Death card suggests that it is likely to end soon. In some respects it might feel painful, but the truth is that you will, finally, be able to get moving in your life again and start to work at bringing happiness back into your life. The Death of this situation will free you for much better things.
After this, though, there are two wonderful cards indicating just how things will change for the better for you. The first card is the Three of Cups. This three usually indicates some sort of celebration in terms of your relationships and/or the people around you, so there might be an announcement, or celebration of commitment, such as the conception of a child, an engagement or even a marriage proposal/wedding. Whatever it is it will bring much love and happiness to you. The second card to bring good news is the Nine of Pentacles. This card represents total contentment, and enjoyment, in terms of your financial situation and/or your home life/style and security. In fact you will be doing so well, that people might feel a bit envious of your lifestyle! After the pain and struggle of recent times, this is only what you deserve, but remember to enjoy it to the full with gratitude for a new, and much more peaceful phase of your life.

For February, Temperance suggests that it is time to pour a lot of loving, and emotional support, into your life – yet, also, to stop and take time to think about just how far you have come in your journey. You have achieved so much and your efforts have brought you much success. However, you might have temporarily lost sight of the balance needed between a pragmatic and logical approach to life, and the enjoyment of life and family that you are striving so hard to attain.
The World suggests that, in reality, you have everything you need and your cup is overflowing with the achievements you have always worked for – but now take time to appreciate all of it and congratulate yourself on your success.
OK, so The Chariot could be saying that you find your life hugely chaotic and that you feel you are pushed, and pulled, around without you having any control over the matter, and if this is the case, the solution lies with you. The Ace of Swords is calling for a new approach to the situation – some things need to change to help you feel better and to feel that you are in control of your life. So, sit down and get some help to find ways of making this better. There is always a solution but communication is the key – find a way to either accept the situation as it is and learn to go with the flow, or grab the reins of your Chariot (your life) and make sure that you can steer it in the direction you wish it to go. In other words, find a way to make your life less chaotic – talk to those around you who might be contributing to the pulling and pushing that was referred to earlier because it is likely it is they who can make things so much easier.

Suddenly something happens and your whole world changes! It certainly looks like this might happen in February.
Firstly, Judgement suggests that something might come about which is based on your previous behaviours and actions, which, according to the following cards must have been excellent. It might be that your efforts at work have warranted a promotion or pay rise, or someone has recognised and appreciates your hard work, and follows through with some sort of reward or an opportunity which has plenty of potential.
The Fool indicates a new start/journey/job/relationship (or all of these) and the following card is The World which is the most positive and happy cards in a tarot deck. So whatever reward comes as a result of your behaviour, it seems it will trigger a whole new adventure for you, and one which will fill you with delight and excitement! This is amazing news.
The Knight of Swords also represents this new phase of your life, in that there is real forward movement, but just like The Fool, there is a little message to you to bear in mind. These chances rarely come up and it is up to you to maximise its potential. The message The Fool would give you, is to keep alert, don’t get lost and distracted in the excitement, and watch for pitfalls (look back on your previous experiences to recognise the signs) to ensure you don’t make the same mistakes as in the past. The Knight of Swords tends to rush into situations without knowing why – he is just happy to charge into the fray, regardless of what it’s about, and can end up looking foolish. He is telling you that this is the time to be proactive but get serious – do it right, find out information, make informed decisions so you don’t just scrape in, you succeed with flying colours! The World is yours for the taking with the right attitude.

It looks as though you are enjoying being the Queen of all you survey. You are able to provide for yourself and the ones you love in, pretty much, every aspect. This is a wonderful position to be in, and it looks like there is much more to look forward to.
Whatever new projects or endeavours you have been involved in, it seems, will begin to show signs that you are doing incredibly well and that success is not just a dream but is becoming a reality. The Six of Wands indicates that a significant endorsement of your efforts will be given to you, regarding your work, and, as this number is over halfway through the ten suit cards, it looks like you are well on your way to significant achievement – this will be very pleasing for you. The Four of Wands is also a very positive card, in terms of your hard work, and tells you that you can take your foot off the accelerator for a while and have a rest, because what you have created is established, secure and enduring. Just take a short break, mind, for a rest then start again with the same vigour and determination as before.
But this is just the beginning because, whilst you have plenty to do and you’re doing it well, there are other opportunities ready for the taking. These three Wands cards, especially the last one – the Ace of Wands – are indicating that your life is moving in a spectacular way and the more you do the more doors will be opened to you. Your life is free flowing and an adventure – perhaps you’ve waited a long time for this to happen? Well now it is, so enjoy it to the full and maximise the potential you clearly have available to you.

Wow! New opportunities all round for you this coming month!
Starting with The Fool, you are setting off on a totally new journey/path. Of course, this is an exciting time, full of possibilities and potential for wonderful things. The Fool has appeared to gently remind you to not get lost in the excitement of it all, but to stay alert and watch out for pitfalls. Look to past experiences to recognise how easy it is to lose out on a good opportunity. Watch for signs of endorsement to back up your choices and efforts, and the signs that things might not going the way they should, as they could bring successful results much more swiftly than in the past and in a much more productive way.
This new journey is likely to bring new relationships to you (Ace of Cups) which will bring you a lot of joy. There is always lots of energy around Aces, so make the most of this time to make friends and acquaintances that will add so much to your life and work, and some may well last a lifetime.
The Ace of Wands also brings a strong energy around another new project, or opportunity, and again, if you use your passion and enthusiasm to help you learn and grow, it would seem that the possibilities are endless – it almost seems like a chain reaction. The Wands suit is full of movement and these cards certainly indicate that your life is moving along in a spectacular way.
The Five of Pentacles is just bringing a touch of reality into this bright new aspect of your life by suggesting that you could be a little worried in terms of your finances. This is likely to be transient, and a little money can go a long way, with some care. It is more important that you get through this first stage of your new journey, so you can prosper in the long term, rather than to focus on what is unavailable to you in the short term. So hang in there and box clever – you’ve got it all to play for.
AQUARIUS: The Birthday sign – you get an extra tarot card! Read on.

Starting the month of February being alert and ready to spot some manipulation would be smart (Seven of Swords). If it is you using some wiles to get where you want to be, then just take a moment to think whether it is truly justifiable, if you can’t justify it then it is not going to be worth the risk. It doesn’t look to be anything hugely significant (looking at the subsequent cards) but even a little manipulation by someone (or by using it yourself) could knock you off your stride. If you are careful and honest, as the Seven of Swords suggests, then the month is set to rocket to dizzy heights.
The Eight of Pentacles is a very positive card in terms of what you are trying to establish for your finances and home, and whilst you are well on your way, this card suggests that learning a new skill would be worth the effort, not only in order to increase your chances of success, but to enjoy yourself at the same time – what a bonus! A little extra knowledge can go a long, long way.
The Ace of Swords indicates that a new approach/attitude to your work might be the solution to all your problems, so keep trying new approaches to your work and allow your brain to forment all the information you have gathered, you can trust it to come up with some answers and probably some incredible ideas.
Your learning and efforts are very likely to pay out bigtime because your reading ends with the fabulous card The World, which is the most positive and successful card in a tarot deck. This card is an indication that you will achieve everything you set out to achieve, and what’s more, your skill set will be pretty much complete, and with it the begetting of wisdom and mastery of your work and your life skills in general. What a great start to the new year and a new decade! Well done.
Happy Birthday, too! Here is your birthday card.

Well, this card, the Four of Wands, is endorsing that all your hard work really is starting to have a significant impact. You still have a way to go, but what you have set down is established, and secure, and sturdy enough to build on. This is a massive accolade to you, after what must have seemed a huge mountain to climb. You should now take a little time to rest, and to celebrate your success, before knuckling down for the next stretch – which will need the same effort, passion and enthusiasm, so treat yourself to something nice! You deserve it! And well done!

The Fool indicates that you are off on a new adventure/journey! This is truly exciting because you will have no idea what it will bring but it could be an amazing new phase in your life. The excitement of a new start can be intoxicating, so remember to keep your wits about you – turn to past experiences to recognise the pitfalls and traps you might have fallen into previously – so that you avoid the mistakes you made in the past. This way you will be able to make the most of the fabulous energy that pervades this new opportunity.
The King of Cups has appeared to talk to you about your relationship(s), or lack thereof. Are you sure you don’t want to get involved ever again? This King avoids getting involved because his experience of love caused him pain, and he doesn’t want to go through that again. But with the excitement of The Fool starting a new journey on one side of the King, and the Ten of Cups on the other, the tarot seems to be gently nudging you to open yourself to love again and possibly a new relationship – the Ten of Cups is the most positive and loving card in the Cups suit and it talks of happiness, endurance and the comfort of having loving relationships. They are just gently reminding you that whilst the absence of pain might be attractive in some ways, you could miss out on the best time of your life.
The Nine of Wands indicates there could be a lot on your plate, though, just now, to the extent that you feel overwhelmed, but don’t give in, or give up, no matter tired you are. You are so close to finishing, and the success it will bring is so worth a final last spurt of effort, and if there are people around who can help you, please let them, but if there aren’t, just find the strength for this last stretch to the winning post, and then you’ll have everything you have been working towards for so long. It’s been a tough time for you, but things are about to change for the better……. keep going, you’re nearly there!
End of Tarotscopes.
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