Welcome to the Tarotscopes for February. Scroll down to read yours.
Hello and welcome once again! I am so happy you are here to read your tarotscope – I hope you like them as they were created with love and very best wishes for a FABULOUS February!
Don’t forget to check your Card of the Day EVERY DAY as you can get some punchy advice for the day ahead too.
Patricia x

The Magician suggests an exciting new direction for you at the start of February and a chance to do things differently and, hopefully, in a much better way. This card is about choosing your next path – The Magician cannot tell you where this path will take you or, in fact, which is the best path to choose. However, he believes that your own magic (the knowledge, skills and experience you have acquired to date) will help you make this a truly successful journey. He knows you can make the most of this opportunity by using those skills to make the best decisions, and complete your goals, resulting in great achievements. Go for it! And believe in yourself.
In terms of finances, the Four of Pentacles advises you to not dismiss a new opportunity outright. Whilst it is very wise to be careful about decisions around money and income, we cannot let fear stop us from ever moving out of our comfort zone. Make sure you weigh up the pros and cons of this new opportunity and, consider whether it could be the chance of a lifetime. Sticking to the old adage ‘better the devil you know, than the devil you don’t‘ means you might miss out on a grand opportunity to improve your situation.
The Seven of Pentacles seems to endorse the above. This card is about having to make a decision around your work or your income in some way. The Four of Pentacles suggests that a fear of losing your financial security could mean you miss out on a great opportunity to improve it. The Seven of Pentacles is about making that decision/choice, and how looking closely at what you have managed with/without in the past, and prioritising what your needs are now, can help you make that decision. Any decision around your finances should be made with the knowledge and experience you have gained from past situations, and if you have a back up plan if things do not work out, you will be able to justify why you decided to take the risk.

Initially, come February, you could find yourself in a situation which you do not feel is good for you (this may have carried over from January). The Six of Swords represents this difficult situation around you, however, this card also knows you can deal with it, for now, with an element of calm and serenity. This attitude will serve you well for the short time you are unable to change the issues you are dealing with. But the following cards bring some lovely insight for the end of the month.
The Sun is one of the most positive tarot cards in a tarot deck. This card represents a time when, with the nurturing energies of The Sun shining upon you, all things are likely to go the way you want them to. This is a wonderful time when everything you turn your hand to will bring success and happiness. It is a wonderful time to tackle outstanding problems that you’ve struggled with because they can be resolved with ease. It is a time when you are likely to feel that all is well with you and you are likely to feel incredibly grateful for all the lovely things happening for you. Make the most of this fabulous energy around you – it should help you get to where you need to be in your life if you make the best use of it.
In addition, the Nine of Pentacles suggests that in terms of your home life, or your financial situation, you may finally feel secure at last. It may have taken a lot of time and effort to get to this point but this card is a celebratory card about reaping the rewards you deserve. The Nine of Pentacles is such a positive card for you – it suggests you should feel full of pride and worthy of the rewards that should be coming your way. It brings the message that you should be full of self confidence, that you can finally breath a sigh of relief for having navigated yourself through stormy waters to this place of calm. Be proud of your achievements! Well done!

Don’t let anything faze you – you’ve got this! The King of Wands has appeared to let you know that there is nothing you can’t handle. Whatever you are presented with this coming month should be approached as nothing more than a new adventure or a new project which you can handle/manage with ease. The King of Wands knows exactly what to do when faced with a new venture – he relishes the challenge and makes himself knowledgeable about the details. He is full of drive and passion to deliver the outcomes he desires and he’s appeared to let you know that you can do the same. He never doubts his abilities and neither should you. Whatever you are required to do, you will do it well if you approach it with the same passion and drive as this King.
The Two of Swords indicates that there may be a situation coming to a head again which you might have been avoiding, and not being able to face it fully because it makes you unhappy. This card (like the King of Wands) suggests that you will be better able to deal with it if you gain some understanding/knowledge about how this conflict arose in the first place. Once you have a better understanding of it you are likely to be able to resolve it more easily than you could possibly have hoped for. Try not to leave it festering for it to get worse, but get it out in the open so that it can heal in the way it should.
Patience will be needed initially, according to the Six of Swords, even if you do start to tackle this issue. This card indicates that, although the situation is not ideal for you, you can manage it with a calm and serene attitude which is absolutely the best option for you right now. Whilst there may be little you can do to hurry things along just now, staying patient and calm will stop things from escalating and help in the long run. In this rather slow paced phase you can take the time to think things through and make plans for enjoying a pleasing outcome when the right time comes along and everything will get sorted.

The Eight of Wands suggests that, at last, a fast paced progression is on the cards for you at the beginning of February. This card is about hurdles/obstacles being removed that have held you back recently, causing a fairly high level of frustration. These hurdles will no longer be in your way and you should be able to forge ahead with your projects/ventures with lots of vigour and creativity. You are likely to be extremely busy, tired even, but feeling very happy at how productive you are – and with productivity and effort come rewards and success, so keep working and use that drive and creativity to the best of your ability.
When The Wheel of Fortune decides to turn it will take you out of any rut you might be stuck in. This is great news if you feel you haven’t been getting anywhere just recently. Even if you are in a good place right now The Wheel can bring new opportunities to your doorstep but whether you make use of them is entirely up to you. The Wheel only turns when fate decides to take a hand and you will need to be alert to these changes so that you don’t miss out on something fantastic. Be aware of new thoughts, new ideas and new people that may come into your environment – whatever they might be. Always research and educate yourself about new tasks you are given because this might be The Wheel in motion and the start of something wonderful.
The Five of Pentacles’ message should help you to keep your balance at this time, especially when new opportunities arise, since this card is about knowing exactly what you can manage with/without in terms of finances. It is about prioritising what makes you happy and not necessarily what will give you ‘status’ and financial standing. It is about making the most of what you already have and, if necessary, offloading expensive ‘costs’ which you feel you ‘should’ have, or should be doing right now, because of ‘what will people think?’. Your life is not about how other people see you – it is about your own needs.

Things might well be on the change for you soon. However, starting with The High Priestess, it is unlikely that you will be given any information just yet about what that change will be. This card is about a new destiny forming for you in the background, but what that destiny will be The High Priestess does not indicate. Just know that, soon, you may be on a very different (and possibly more enjoyable) trajectory. Be patient for now, but look out for signs and clues (in the shape of new ideas or things that grab your attention) and do some research into them – that way you might hit the ground running when things fall into place.
The Page of Wands endorses that learning and seeking advice/help from someone with experience in a particular interest is exactly what you need to bring this destiny to life. The Page of Wands feels he wants to ‘get going’ before he even knows what this new venture is really about – he is very eager to get started and is too naive to understand that he will not be successful unless he listens to some good advice. So, whilst your new destiny is forming out of sight, ensure you educate yourself around new interests and be ready to listen to advice from people who ‘know’ about this stuff.
The Lovers card suggests that changes within a relationship might also be necessary at this time. You may feel there are various options around a current relationship – perhaps there is an element of boredom and you feel tempted towards ‘something different’. Perhaps you feel that things could be better and you would like to improve the situation with the person involved. Perhaps you’ve realised this relationship is absolutely not for you. You may even be considering embarking on a brand new relationship. The message with this card is to remember that the other person has strong feelings too, and that it will be important to handle the situation will a loving heart, and with careful consideration of their emotional state. In other words, be gentle and kind – talk to them if necessary and tell them how you feel; try to understand their feelings/vulnerabilities too. Whatever choices you make, you should understand that the impact on others will be long lasting: you will need to consider the possible outcomes for everyone involved, including yourself, before you make any decisions. Approach it from a point of love.

The Lovers card is about ‘options’ around a particular relationship. You may be tempted by another relationship outside your current one. You may feel your current relationship has no future. You may even be considering embarking on a brand new relationship and have some worries around doing so. The message with this card is to deal with the people in your life from a point of love and to be very careful about the resulting impact on everyone involved in terms of the decision you may make. Try to view this situation from the point of view of the other person too, and the implications of your decision in the long term. Be patient, honest and understanding. Be gentle.
You could be feeling that you need some advice or mentorship in some way too, according to The Hierophant. Whether this is with regard to the above mentioned relationship, or something else completely, only you will know. The Hierophant’s message is to seek the advice you need from someone who can be wholly trusted. Don’t follow blindly anyone or anything without checking the source of their ability, experience and knowledge. The last thing you need right now is to be led down the wrong path.
The Knight of Wands suggests that you might be keen to gallop off to a new adventure. Perhaps things have got a bit stale and you think that ‘better’ things are out ‘there’ in the wild blue yonder. This Knight never stays in one place because he gets bored very easily, he never sees anything through from beginning to end. It is important for you to understand that this Knight never gets to experience the feeling of achievement of working through challenges. He never experiences the real joy of having succeeded in his quest. So, think carefully about running away from something because you don’t feel particlarly happy just now – this may be the crux of your quest and you might want to see it through to its successful completion.

In terms of relationships the Ten of Cups suggests a very happy, and loving, contentment will be around you this coming month. This card is a hugely positive card and, to some extent, a very lucky one, so make the most of this energy around you in February. You should feel truly appreciated and loved by those around you – you should feel secure and incredibly happy. It may have taken a lot of effort to have got to this place but the rewards should come to you in huge quantities – enjoy!
The Three of Pentacles is also a very positive card. This card represents signs of success in terms of work or particular ventures or projects. It is likely that you will get real returns for your efforts in this area and it looks increasingly likely that it could be very fruitful in terms of your finances in the future. It is still early days as yet, but if you keep up the effort, and drive, that you have been putting in to date then it is likely this project will really flourish and bring the income you have been hoping for.
The last card, the Nine of Swords, may feel a bit of a come down after the first two cards. The Nine of Swords is about feelings of fear, guilt or grief over a particular situation and the decisions you have made around it. You may feel that you could have, should have, done better. However, the message with this card is that the way you feel is likely to be worse than the way things are in reality. Try not to punish yourself too much for this. What happened is history. Perhaps, in the future, you will do things differently, perhaps you can make things right now, but there is no need to have such low esteem about yourself – everyone learns from mistakes, and that is what is really important. This card as the number 9 is close to completion for this phase anyway – perhaps things will all work out for the best in the end. Don’t beat yourself up in the meantime it serves no purpose other than to make you unhappy.

The Nine of Swords is a card which represents punishing oneself over past behaviours, or choices, in a particular situation. The message with this card is that your feelings (guilt or grief) are probably worse than the reality. Everyone can make mistakes, or behave in a way that is less than admirable, and that is part of life and learning. Things really are not as bad as you think and there is no purpose served in chastising yourself to this extent – it is likely that everyone else has pretty much forgotten about a lot of the situation. You can make things better if you wish. If you can’t, then you are likely to have learned to do things differently next time – and that is good. Don’t waste your time punishing yourself – the only person it hurts is you – it is ok to admit you made a mistake and allow yourself to get on with what you need to do right now.
The Star has some excellent advice going forward. This card is about feeling rather worthless and feeling that the things that you do (day in and day out) are not getting you anywhere, or even appreciated by others. When in the middle of any phase in life (or work for that matter) it is easy to get demotivated for not being recognised for what we are doing. The Star reminds you that there is a bigger picture that you can’t see – that what you do is important. It asks you to focus on the beauty of The Star (look to the future and have faith) and to keep doing what you do. Be patient and work hard because soon you will see exactly what your efforts have contributed to and your impact on something really worthwhile – so have faith, and keep hope in your heart – keep your eyes on the beauty of The Star till good things come to pass.
In fact, by the end of February the Four of Wands suggests that you will, indeed, see some of the fruits of your labour. This is a celebratory card which represents your hard work and efforts beginning to pay off. This will bring you much relief, and more importantly it suggests that your hard work has set really strong foundations for you to build upon. This is really good news and you should feel delighted. It is still relatively early days but, if you continue to work as hard as you have done, then your efforts will surely yield more rewards. Well done!

Early February might be a good time to reflect on how you feel about romantic relationships. The Page of Cups is a card which suggests that whilst you may feel ready to start a new relationship, the reality is that you are not really. The message with this card is that there is likely to be pain still lingering deep within from a previous relationship which hurt you. Whilst this pain remains even a small part of your psyche you will not be able to fully open up to a successful relationship. Take some time to reflect on past hurts. Acknowledge them, accept them and file them in the past where they belong. The past cannot be changed but you don’t have to allow that hurt to feature in your future.
In terms of finances there may be an offer of some kind which could help with your income. This offer could come in the form of a gift, a loan or an offer of practical help which could allow you to progress in terms of your finances. The Two of Pentacles represents something which could improve your financial standing – these opportunities rarely come about, so it will be important to put this offer to the best use. Money can make money if you are careful and know how to make the best use of it.
The King of Swords is a strong character who, though appearing to be rather harsh in his communications, speaks with a lot of knowledge and experience and could represent someone who can really help you get to grips with a tricky situation. You won’t get soft fluffy emotional inspiration – you’ll get cold facts, and hard truths probably but don’t get offended to the extent you can’t hear what this person has got to say, because you could miss out on some really valuable advice. If this is not the case for you, then you might be being asked to emulate the King of Swords – try not to let emotions cloud your judgement. Having said that, try not to be as insensitive as this King is and balance your approach with a modicum of love – it will certainly go a long way.

Early in February it looks as though, according to the Six of Wands, you should get a boost of confidence around any projects you are working on. This card is a celebratory card which indicates that you should see real evidence that your project is succeeding – which is great news. It should yield a significant achievement – not just something indicating that it is doing well, but something which will show even those people who doubted you that your project really does have the ability to provide what you need. Well done! But do keep up the effort – there is still plenty more to get out of it.
You might find that in some aspect of your life you could do with some good advice on a matter which you feel is important. It could be anything from religion/spirituality to mentorship in your work or just something you feel worried about. You are likely to need advice from someone like The Hierophant – that is someone with a lot of knowledge and experience in the field you have an interest in. Check that this person is a trusted, and honest, person – don’t just blindly accept what they say and do without checking out the veracity of their advice. The last thing you need right now is for an untrustworthy person to lead you down the wrong path.
The Moon is quite a significant tarot card. There is likely to be something which you feel needs tackling and you may feel ready to do so. However, The Moon card suggests that things are not really quite how they seem – there is likely to be more information to come out which could put things in a new and much clearer light. Try not to make any major decisions at this time, as this card suggests you do not have all the facts you need. Perhaps it will be better to wait until March before you manage this situation when, hopefully, you’ll be in a much better ‘informed’ place to make the right decision around it.

To start the month of February the Four of Pentacles suggests that you fear for your financial security and you might reject out of hand an opportunity to make more money. The message from this card is to understand that, although it is right to be careful with money, it is not always a good decision to not take up an opportunity which could help you financially (because of fear of what might happen). You could miss out on an amazing chance to really improve your financial standing. You will need to consider things carefully, of course, but don’t dismiss it without giving it due consideration – it might be just what you need right now.
The Two of Cups suggests that in a relatively new relationship you could take things to the next level. This card is about making a commitment to a person and moving it on from a casual relationship. This is a lovely card full of hope that this relationship could really work out for you, since a commitment indicates a serious need to take things further. As in any relationship, it is important to nurture it carefully and to give as much as you take (relationships are a two-way street) and both partners need to demonstrate their desire to do this if it is to succeed. However, it should still be a very enjoyable time for you.
The World card is the most positive card in the tarot deck. This card is not just saying that luck is on your side but that you have gathered the experience and skills you need to be really successful in all aspects of life from work to romance, and everything in between. You are likely to feel that you have got to a wonderful place in your life and, more importantly, that you deserve to be there having worked incredibly hard to achieve everything you have. With The World’s energy around you February should be a truly joyous and successful month for you! Enjoy!
But read on Aquarians because February is the birthday star sign and you get an extra card! Here it is…..

First of all, Happy Birthday! for whenever your birthday falls. Your extra card is The Hanged Man. This might not feel particularly joyous to you as a birthday card but it does have an interesting and useful message. This card’s message is one that advises you to stop trying to push for a resolution to a particular issue. It asks you to submit yourself to the task at hand with patience and endurance because this is what will bring you success. The Hanged Man is not forced into this position – he is not being punished for something but it represents being able to allow things to flow in the way that they should. This card demonstrates an occasion when pushing for a solution for a problem will only result in hurting yourself; that patience and submission is the best way to work through a frustrating time, so that you don’t waste your precious time and energy. Allow yourself to get through the month by not struggling against the situation but to use this opportunity to gather your thoughts and conserve your energy for when it is needed the most. Be patient for now – the things you want will come in time and you’ll be better prepared than you thought possible.

The Strength card to start the month ahead would advise you to carefully control your approach to a particular situation. This card tends to come out when you feel you need some recognition of some sort – whether at home or at work. You do have the power to demand rewards or recognition, but this card says that the best way to get what you want is through gentle persuasion. Use assertiveness not aggression, persuasion not bullying. You could shout and scream all you like but it will not bring the results you want – whereas gentle persistence and persuasion will. Keep calm and demonstrate why you feel your requests are valid and what you hope to achieve from this situation. This is likely to be the best way to get what you want.
Should you follow this advice, the Three of Pentacles seems to indicate that you will get your just rewards. This card is about early signs of success around a particular project (possibly related to your income) and you should be able to reap some harvest from all your efforts. It is still early days but, if you continue to work in the way that you have, then it is highly likely this project will yield continuous and permanent rewards to you – so keep at it.
The Death card suggests that something is about to end, whether it is a job, a relationship or even just a painful situation, it is going to be something which is now not serving its purpose for you any more. Nothing can stay the same – we all have to accept change to grow. When something does end, it leaves a space for something new – probably something much better, with more opportunities for you. It is important to acknowledge this ending and accept it, because then you will be ready to move on to the next important phase in your life. Keep your eyes looking forward to a new day – even Death can’t stop a new day dawning – don’t hang on to the past, you can’t change it. You can, however, stride towards a much brighter future with endless possibilities.

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