Happy New Year!!
Hey. Things don’t change overnight. But what can change is our attitude and ability to get things right.
We hope the Tarotscopes for January 2018 will help you to understand that ‘life is what you make it’, and knowing this, we can make the most out what comes our way throughout this brand New Year.
There are always choices to be made in any situation. Your actions will determine whether you improve it, or or make it worse. Any tarot reading outcome will be flexible depending on how we have approached a given situation, so let us all hope that we get our act right and get the outcomes we desire.
Just scroll down this page to find your star/zodiac sign and see what the tarot cards have indicated might come your way this month. If you enjoy them and, feel you know someone can benefit from them, then please do share them. Also it would be lovely for you to join us on Facebook, if you haven’t already, where you can be kept up to date with current happenings at Simply Tarot. And we are after some help from you in our fabulous Competition (the prizes are amazing!) which closes on 8 January, which is a very straightforward survey.
Bring it on 2018! We’re ready!
Love from Patricia and Jenny at Simply Tarot x

Current situation: Nine of Pentacles
What you want: Two of Pentacles
Card’s advice: The Star
Outcome: Eight of Wands
You’re not doing too badly on a material front Aries. The Nine of Pentacles shows some kind of real accomplishment in financial, or material, terms so maybe a bonus, promotion, a new home or car has manifested. It’s also a very independent card, one that shows that these rewards and accomplishments are derived from your hard work and efforts. You should feel proud of yourself for what you’ve achieved and make sure you enjoy this period of your life.
You seem intent on making sure you continue to utilise and manage your money and investments well. You could be looking for the right opportunity or investment to make even more of what you have. Given all that you’ve achieved to date, you might be in a position, or willing, to take a punt on something a bit riskier but with the potential for even greater rewards and future security.
The card’s advice on this matter is not to rush into anything too quickly. This may take a little longer than you’d like and you may be tempted to counter the card’s advice. You’ll need to tread carefully, assessing each opportunity that comes up, and ensure you look for the details that are hidden from view. Don’t enter into anything without the full facts. Good opportunities will come along, but it’s down to you to correctly identify the good from the bad, and act accordingly.
Towards the end of the month you’ll break through any delays you’ve experienced and you’ll be surrounded with opportunity to move forward. The buzz around you will be contagious and you’ll soon be busy throwing yourself down the rabbit hole. The Eight of Wands indicates a change from the norm too so, perhaps, you’ll change course and develop some new skill that throws you into a whole new way of life.

Current situation: Page of Cups
What you want: Nine of Cups
Card’s advice: Three of Pentacles
Outcome: Six of Swords
The Page of Cups is the card of sensitivity. Your emotions are easily stirred at the moment – they lie just beneath the surface ready to burst forth at any time. You could be seeking some kind of emotional exchange, or connection, with someone but it’s not forthcoming at the moment. This leaves you feeling vulnerable, open and unsure of yourself.
Your wants seem to centre round a relationship, or relationships, of real importance to you. Perhaps you’re hoping for a reunion with someone you used to know or be close with? You have all kinds of expectations around the joy and happiness that the relationship could bring back into your life now.
The cards ask you to take note of what you’ve achieved elsewhere in your life. You’ve established something very real and secure on a financial and material level. That puts you in a much stronger situation than before. There’s more where that came from, and you should continue to commit yourself in this way. If you can, there’s even greater rewards further down the line.
It might not always feel that way in the short term though. By the end of this month, you will have gained a better understanding as to why this reunion or relationship remains unavailable to you in the way that you want it. You’re not going to be happy about that, but you are going to be able to accept what you are offered and carry on as you are, for the time being.

Current situation: Ace of Wands
What you want: The Moon
Card’s advice: King of Cups
Outcome: Queen of Pentacles
You’re working on a key project, idea or venture that has caught your attention recently. This project shows real promise for the future and huge amounts of potential to play with. As a result, there’s a lot of excitement and optimism about what the future holds and the adventures you’ll have along the way. You haven’t quite got the clear vision and plan that you need to take things on to the next level as yet.
Despite the positivity shown with the Ace of Wands, it looks like you’d like a little more clarity and direction. You may feel confused, or uncertain, about the way a situation should be handled and fear you’re just drifting without any meaningful progress towards a goal or destination. You may feel as if you’re lacking key information and that may hinder your confidence in driving your new venture forward.
The cards advise that there is a key man in your life who you can turn to for help. He will respond in a loving and supportive way if you can articulate your situation and emotions effectively to him. He may also be able to provide the solutions and guidance you need to feel confident enough to move your endeavours forward.
It looks like you’ll end the month on a high note Gemini. Unusually for January, it looks like a good month on a financial front and by the time the month is out you won’t want for much at all. You’ll have the opportunity to relax, pamper and indulge yourself a little bit – maybe taking some of your nearest and dearest on the ride with you.

Current situation: Seven of Cups
What you want: Three of Swords
Card’s advice: Four of Pentacles
Outcome: Page of Swords
You start the year with your relationships being a bit up in the air. There may be numerous options or ways for you to move forward with these relationships. It’s probably time to start deciphering what the outcome you want is, so you can commit yourself to achieving it.
What you’d like is for the pain or upset your feeling to subside or be healed, or for a specific situation to stop causing you pain. Whatever the situation is, it is making you feel that you can’t get on with your life and attend to the things you want to.
The cards encourage you to think about your home/lifestyle/set-up more closely. Yes, you may have doubts and fears about what’s immediately ahead, but there’s no point in focusing more on the risks than the opportunities. What have you got to lose by focussing on the best you want out of life?
You may find that things you have heard, or may have been said, could have been misinterpreted. This might be a valuable insight as to why the relationships in your life have been a little bit out of kilter. By making sure your understanding of what you, or other people, say or do is absolutely clear, you’ll find you’ll have more control and influence than previously. Don’t be afraid to speak out your needs.

Current situation: Seven of Cups
What you want: Three of Wands
Card’s advice: Ace of Wands
Outcome: Knight of Cups
The Seven of Cups shows that you’re playing out different relationship scenarios in your mind but you’re unclear as to what you want or how best for it to come to fruition. Your hopes and daydreams will not become a reality until you make a decision and take some form of action. The decisions you need to make now should be based on truth and not assumptions – be wary of what you think you know.
You’re looking for validation for your hard work and everything you’ve managed to achieve over these past few months. What you really want is for this success to allow you to follow your adventurous side.
It would seem that new adventures are in fact a possibility, there is certainly energy around a new project. If it hasn’t come to pass yet, keep your eyes peeled in January. It’s just a seed at the moment and will need nourishment and nurturing to bring about any real potential.
The final card represents a young man, acting rather emotionally and immaturely. This may be important to consider in the context of the first card drawn, because whilst the Knight of Cups is easy to love and admire, he’s not someone you can really rely on in the long term. This card could represent you and this may or may not matter, regarding any relationship you are considering, but if you recognise these as traits of your own, then you may need to think through how you’re handling key relationships, or treating people close to you, at this moment.

Current situation: Nine of Wands
What you want: Two of Wands
Card’s advice: Queen of Swords
Outcome: King of Cups
Your current situation is likely to be pushing you to your limits, Virgo, and you may feel as if you’re carrying too much. The journey has been long and extremely hard work at times. You’re probably tempted to give up but you should keep trucking on for now. Your end goal is closer than you may think and you have what it takes to get there. Think of this as the final sprint to the finish line – you can do it!
You’re longing for things to feel like less of a burden and more of a joy. You want to feel the passion, energy and drive you get at the outset of some new dream or adventure – the thrill of the rush that spurs you on and motivates you to achieve bigger and better things which can be hard to maintain over time. When read with the first card drawn, it could be that something which was once a source of excitement and energy has become a cumbersome burden that leaves you feeling despondent.
The cards advice surrounds a key woman in this situation. Someone who is smart and knows how to get things done. The issues you face now won’t be resolved with brawn and hard work alone, it’s more complex than that. So if you’re just rolling up your sleeves and trying to get every job done alone, you may need to rethink your approach. The situation needs to be analysed objectively and unemotionally to find a sustainable solution.
In the outcome position we see a key man in your life stepping into the spotlight. It may be that there’s help available from, or through, this man if you need it. He can only help though, if you’re clear on what the issues are and the help you need. If you’ve had your nose to the grindstone all this time you might not be able to articulate your needs so well – a bit like not seeing the wood for the trees. If you can take some time now, to step back and strategically analyse what needs to happen, you’ll be able to make much better use of this help when it arrives.

Current situation: King of Cups
What you want: Six of Pentacles
Card’s advice: Two of Swords
Outcome: Queen of Swords
You’re currently looking to a key man in your life for something. This person is mature, someone you look up to but they’re also emotional, and don’t always handle those emotions very well. Generally a kind person with a sympathetic ear who can talk you round to feeling good about yourself no matter your situation.
The cards suggest you hope to receive some kind of loan, bonus or gift from the gentleman identified in the first card drawn. Again, there’s an emphasis on kindness and generosity when the Six of Pentacles appears, reinforcement of the nature of the man. This man, you feel, could restore your faith in people with his treatment of you.
Whilst all seems harmonious in this relationship at present, the cards are warning that some conflict or difference of opinion could be being overlooked. The cards advise that the sooner you deal with this issue, the easier it will be. This is clearly an important relationship to you and so you should try to address any potential problems sooner rather than later.
By the end of the month you may be distancing yourself emotionally from this man, or you may be putting the defensive barriers up. Depending on your particular situation, that could be quite a difficult situation for you both to contend with. It appears as if the man is, generally, very supportive of you, and you’re grateful for that. Give some thought as to why you feel you should keep your distance, because sorting the issues should be manageable between you. It might help you to find solutions for the relationship going forward.

Current situation: Two of Wands
What you want: Queen of Pentacles
Card’s advice: Queen of Wands
Outcome: Five of Pentacles
What an exciting time Scorpio – a new year, a new venture of some description that’s got you feeling all excited and raring to go. This could be an exciting trip, a new job, course or business venture. You’ve managed to take some real steps forward and there’s definitely cause for celebration but remember not all is cut and dried as yet.
The cards show that you want to reach a place of real financial stability and real wealth if you can. You want to be able to enjoy the finer things in life and take care of the key people around you. It could be that you’re pinning your hopes on this new venture providing you with that financial freedom and ability.
The cards advise, though, that you’ll first have to embody the Queen of Wands before you reach the dizzy material heights of the Queen of Pentacles. There’s two main points to make here. The first being that the Queen of Wands shows you might have to really apply yourself, and having to work hard, to bring this new venture to real fruition. The second being that the Queen of Wands is no less aspirational than the Queen of Pentacles. Both command equal amounts of respect for drive, tenacity and sheer all round capability. Don’t undervalue these qualities within yourself, they are admirable. Just because you don’t have the streams of cash you’d like to have, doesn’t mean you don’t have something fabulous to offer.
Applying yourself to the task at hand is key to unlocking the potential.
The last card indicates that should you approach this venture ready to work, and to tackle each task as it comes, the rewards will be there for the taking.

Current situation: Three of Swords
What you want: Knight of Wands
Card’s advice: The Lovers
Outcome: Nine of Swords
You’ve got a bit of an upsetting situation on your hands at the moment. You might have had an argument with someone close to you, or you feel let down or even betrayed by them. This conflict may have been building for some time, but at least it has been brought to a head. Painful as the experience has been, you may now have the platform you need to move forward.
What you want could be one of two things now. Either you’re being charmed or tempted by a young or immature (perhaps a selfish) man. Whilst this figure can be hugely persuasive, you’re right to be cautious of trusting him. It’s all a bit fly-by-night with this guy. Or it could be that you may be feeling rebellious. You may be harbouring desires to push back on your responsibilities, and the expectations people have of you, in order to prioritise yourself, your own life and to have more of your own adventures.
By presenting you with The Lovers, the cards show that you have a fairly big decision to make. It’s a decision you keep putting off because you know the consequences are far reaching but it’s absolutely essential to your happiness. You’re scared because you can’t carve out a vision of a future beyond the decision being made and you fear making the wrong call at the wrong time.
There’s never going to be a perfect time, or a perfect way. As long as your decision is fair, considers and respects everyone involved, then you’ve done as much as you can. If you do not take the cards advice to make a decision about what you want to do, you’ll simply remain stuck in this scenario, the choice is yours, as always.

Current situation: Knight of Cups
What you want: The Magician
Card’s advice: Seven of Cups
Outcome: The Chariot
The cards draw your attention to a situation involving a young man, who appears as a potential suitor or lover. You may need to be a little cautious of this fellow as his emotions will drive him to say and do things that may not transpire in the long term.
That may be important as the cards also show that you want to make some big decision, or commit to some new path in some way. If you’ve got a big decision to make about your life and this young man is influencing that decision in some way, at least think twice about it – and objectively – if you can.
There are clearly a number of ways in which this situation can progress. The card’s advice is to consider all the options very carefully as to what is honestly feasible for you, then commit to implementing that decision wholeheartedly. Only you know what will make you happy, and what your expectations of life and love are.
The Chariot endorses this, as your life could be taken onto a completely different path if you don’t make the decision to grab the reins and steer yourself onto the right path for you. The alternative is likely to result in your being pushed and pulled in different directions by forces outside of your control.

Current situation: The Hanged Man
What you want: Ten of Cups
Card’s advice: Five of Wands
Outcome: Seven of Pentacles
Sadly, it looks like you’re starting the year feeling as if you’ve totally lost any influence or control in a key situation. You’ll be left feeling rather useless and probably frustrated at the way things have turned out so far. Try not to be too disheartened if you can. This is a necessary step on your journey which was never going to be an easy one. For now, don’t waste your valuable energy trying to fight this situation any more and instead just allow it to run its course.
That may prove difficult when all you really want is for things to be resolved and for your home life to be happy, content and secure. You’ll no doubt be fighting the urge to get involved, fight the outcome, force events along, pry to find out the truth or some other similar activity – none of which will lead to any good for you, or the others involved in this situation.
The advice card indicates you should, instead, turn your attention to addressing some particular challenge or issue in your life. This challenge will be some kind of material, or physical, limitation you’re facing. The cards suggest you have the abilities to overcome this challenge, however, if you apply yourself to thinking outside the box.
You’ll ultimately need to weigh up some options regarding money matters toward the end of January. You may not be feeling very confident about your current financial standing and may fear having to make compromises you’re not happy with. You need to think carefully about what you want for your future. You then need to analyse your options carefully, and as objectively as possible, to see which is most likely to get you where you want to be.

Current situation: Eight of Cups
What you want: The Hermit
Card’s advice: Ace of Swords
Outcome: Page of Wands
It looks like you’ve lost all hope of mending a relationship or making reparations with someone you were once very close with. This is not a happy feeling for you and you’re left feeling rather heartbroken. It’s not a nice way to start the year at all but at least things can only get better from here.
What you want most is to isolate yourself and hide away from the rest of the world. It’s a natural reaction when hurt or left bereft in someway, and it’s not always an activity to be discouraged. When The Hermit appears, the lesson it brings is one of solitude and wisdom. Take time out to process how what’s happened and how you’re feeling, build up the courage and strength to be ready to come out of your cave when the time is right.
The cards ask you to reflect on where you may have developed a new attitude or mindset to something. They might be trying to tell you that, whilst you didn’t realise it, you’d already started to outgrow your old situation and it was holding you back. When you’re able to stand back from the situation a bit more, you’ll see more clearly where it went wrong for you. This will not only help you move forward, but will also help you understanding something about what you want for your new future.
This in turn will be the key to unlocking a whole bunch of activity, energy and excitement in your life. With the Page of Wands, this card shows that by the end of the month you won’t be feeling so much like your Hermit self, and will be ready and willing to face the world again. The world will respond with glee, rewarding you with opportunities and good times ahead.
End of Tarotscopes
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